/* See LICENSE file for license and copyright information */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/wait.h> #include <math.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <girara/session.h> #include <girara/utils.h> #include <girara/settings.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include "links.h" #include "utils.h" #include "zathura.h" #include "internal.h" #include "document.h" #include "page.h" #include "plugin.h" #include <girara/datastructures.h> #define BLOCK_SIZE 64 const char* file_get_extension(const char* path) { if (path == NULL) { return NULL; } const char* res = strrchr(path, '.'); if (res == NULL) { return NULL; } return res + 1; } bool file_valid_extension(zathura_t* zathura, const char* path) { if (zathura == NULL || path == NULL || zathura->plugins.manager == NULL) { return false; } const gchar* content_type = g_content_type_guess(path, NULL, 0, NULL); if (content_type == NULL) { return false; } zathura_plugin_t* plugin = zathura_plugin_manager_get_plugin(zathura->plugins.manager, content_type); g_free((void*)content_type); return (plugin == NULL) ? false : true; } bool execute_command(char* const argv[], char** output) { if (!output) { return false; } int p[2]; if (pipe(p)) { return -1; } pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid == -1) { // failure return false; } else if (pid == 0) { // child dup2(p[1], 1); close(p[0]); if (execvp(argv[0], argv) == -1) { return false; } } else { // parent dup2(p[0], 0); close(p[1]); /* read output */ unsigned int bc = BLOCK_SIZE; unsigned int i = 0; char* buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * bc); *output = NULL; if (!buffer) { close(p[0]); return false; } char c; while (1 == read(p[0], &c, 1)) { buffer[i++] = c; if (i == bc) { bc += BLOCK_SIZE; char* tmp = realloc(buffer, sizeof(char) * bc); if (!tmp) { free(buffer); close(p[0]); return false; } buffer = tmp; } } char* tmp = realloc(buffer, sizeof(char) * (bc + 1)); if (!tmp) { free(buffer); close(p[0]); return false; } buffer = tmp; buffer[i] = '\0'; *output = buffer; /* wait for child to terminate */ waitpid(pid, NULL, 0); close(p[0]); } return true; } void document_index_build(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreeIter* parent, girara_tree_node_t* tree) { girara_list_t* list = girara_node_get_children(tree); GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH(list, girara_tree_node_t*, iter, node) zathura_index_element_t* index_element = (zathura_index_element_t*)girara_node_get_data(node); zathura_link_type_t type = zathura_link_get_type(index_element->link); zathura_link_target_t target = zathura_link_get_target(index_element->link); gchar* description = NULL; if (type == ZATHURA_LINK_GOTO_DEST) { description = g_strdup_printf("Page %d", target.page_number + 1); } else { description = g_strdup(target.value); } GtkTreeIter tree_iter; gtk_tree_store_append(GTK_TREE_STORE(model), &tree_iter, parent); gtk_tree_store_set(GTK_TREE_STORE(model), &tree_iter, 0, index_element->title, 1, description, 2, index_element, -1); g_object_weak_ref(G_OBJECT(model), (GWeakNotify) zathura_index_element_free, index_element); g_free(description); if (girara_node_get_num_children(node) > 0) { document_index_build(model, &tree_iter, node); } GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_END(list, gchar*, iter, name); } void page_calculate_offset(zathura_t* zathura, zathura_page_t* page, page_offset_t* offset) { g_return_if_fail(page != NULL); g_return_if_fail(offset != NULL); GtkWidget* widget = zathura_page_get_widget(zathura, page); g_return_if_fail(gtk_widget_translate_coordinates(widget, zathura->ui.page_widget, 0, 0, &(offset->x), &(offset->y)) == true); } zathura_rectangle_t rotate_rectangle(zathura_rectangle_t rectangle, unsigned int degree, double height, double width) { zathura_rectangle_t tmp; switch (degree) { case 90: tmp.x1 = height - rectangle.y2; tmp.x2 = height - rectangle.y1; tmp.y1 = rectangle.x1; tmp.y2 = rectangle.x2; break; case 180: tmp.x1 = width - rectangle.x2; tmp.x2 = width - rectangle.x1; tmp.y1 = height - rectangle.y2; tmp.y2 = height - rectangle.y1; break; case 270: tmp.x1 = rectangle.y1; tmp.x2 = rectangle.y2; tmp.y1 = width - rectangle.x2; tmp.y2 = width - rectangle.x1; break; default: tmp.x1 = rectangle.x1; tmp.x2 = rectangle.x2; tmp.y1 = rectangle.y1; tmp.y2 = rectangle.y2; } return tmp; } zathura_rectangle_t recalc_rectangle(zathura_page_t* page, zathura_rectangle_t rectangle) { if (page == NULL) { goto error_ret; } zathura_document_t* document = zathura_page_get_document(page); if (document == NULL) { goto error_ret; } double page_height = zathura_page_get_height(page); double page_width = zathura_page_get_width(page); double scale = zathura_document_get_scale(document); zathura_rectangle_t tmp = rotate_rectangle(rectangle, zathura_document_get_rotation(document), page_height, page_width); tmp.x1 *= scale; tmp.x2 *= scale; tmp.y1 *= scale; tmp.y2 *= scale; return tmp; error_ret: return rectangle; } double page_calc_height_width(zathura_page_t* page, unsigned int* page_height, unsigned int* page_width, bool rotate) { g_return_val_if_fail(page != NULL && page_height != NULL && page_width != NULL, 0.0); zathura_document_t* document = zathura_page_get_document(page); if (document == NULL) { return 0.0; } double height = zathura_page_get_height(page); double width = zathura_page_get_width(page); double scale = zathura_document_get_scale(document); double real_scale; if (rotate && zathura_document_get_rotation(document) % 180) { *page_width = ceil(height * scale); *page_height = ceil(width * scale); real_scale = MAX(*page_width / height, *page_height / width); } else { *page_width = ceil(width * scale); *page_height = ceil(height * scale); real_scale = MAX(*page_width / width, *page_height / height); } return real_scale; } void zathura_get_document_size(zathura_t* zathura, unsigned int cell_height, unsigned int cell_width, unsigned int* height, unsigned int* width) { g_return_if_fail(zathura != NULL && zathura->document != NULL && height != NULL && width != NULL); unsigned int pages_per_row = 1; girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "pages-per-row", &pages_per_row); if (pages_per_row == 0) pages_per_row = 1; unsigned int first_page_column = 1; girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "first-page-column", &first_page_column); if (first_page_column < 1) first_page_column = 1; if (first_page_column > pages_per_row) first_page_column = (first_page_column - 1) % pages_per_row + 1; int padding = 1; girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "page-padding", &padding); double scale = zathura_document_get_scale(zathura->document); cell_height = ceil(cell_height * scale); cell_width = ceil(cell_width * scale); *width = pages_per_row * cell_width + (pages_per_row - 1) * padding; unsigned int effective_number_of_pages = zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document) + first_page_column - 1; unsigned int rows = effective_number_of_pages / pages_per_row + (effective_number_of_pages % pages_per_row ? 1 : 0); *height = rows * cell_height + (rows - 1) * padding; } GtkWidget* zathura_page_get_widget(zathura_t* zathura, zathura_page_t* page) { if (zathura == NULL || page == NULL || zathura->pages == NULL) { return NULL; } unsigned int page_number = zathura_page_get_index(page); return zathura->pages[page_number]; } void document_draw_search_results(zathura_t* zathura, bool value) { if (zathura == NULL || zathura->document == NULL || zathura->pages == NULL) { return; } unsigned int number_of_pages = zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document); for (unsigned int page_id = 0; page_id < number_of_pages; page_id++) { g_object_set(zathura->pages[page_id], "draw-search-results", (value == true) ? TRUE : FALSE, NULL); } } char* zathura_get_version_string(zathura_t* zathura, bool markup) { if (zathura == NULL) { return NULL; } GString* string = g_string_new(NULL); /* zathura version */ char* zathura_version = g_strdup_printf("zathura %d.%d.%d", ZATHURA_VERSION_MAJOR, ZATHURA_VERSION_MINOR, ZATHURA_VERSION_REV); g_string_append(string, zathura_version); g_free(zathura_version); char* format = (markup == true) ? "\n<i>(plugin)</i> %s (%d.%d.%d) <i>(%s)</i>" : "\n(plugin) %s (%d.%d.%d) (%s)"; /* plugin information */ girara_list_t* plugins = zathura_plugin_manager_get_plugins(zathura->plugins.manager); if (plugins != NULL) { GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH(plugins, zathura_plugin_t*, iter, plugin) char* name = zathura_plugin_get_name(plugin); zathura_plugin_version_t version = zathura_plugin_get_version(plugin); char* text = g_strdup_printf(format, (name == NULL) ? "-" : name, version.major, version.minor, version.rev, zathura_plugin_get_path(plugin) ); g_string_append(string, text); g_free(text); GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_END(plugins, zathura_plugin_t*, iter, plugin); } char* version = string->str; g_string_free(string, FALSE); return version; } char* replace_substring(const char* string, const char* old, const char* new) { if (string == NULL || old == NULL || new == NULL) { return NULL; } size_t old_len = strlen(old); size_t new_len = strlen(new); /* count occurences */ unsigned int count = 0; unsigned int i = 0; for (i = 0; string[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (strstr(&string[i], old) == &string[i]) { i += (old_len - 1); count++; } } if (count == 0) { return NULL; } char* ret = g_malloc0(sizeof(char) * (i - count * old_len + count * new_len + 1)); i = 0; /* replace */ while (*string != '\0') { if (strstr(string, old) == string) { strncpy(&ret[i], new, new_len); i += new_len; string += old_len; } else { ret[i++] = *string++; } } return ret; }