/* See LICENSE file for license and copyright information */ #include "annotations.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> struct zathura_annotation_s { zathura_annotation_type_t type; /**< Type of the annotation */ zathura_annotation_flag_t flags; /**< Flags of the annotation */ char* name; /**< Name of the annotation */ char* content; /**< Content of the annotation */ time_t modification_date; /**< Modification date */ zathura_page_t* page; /**< Zathura page */ zathura_rectangle_t position; /**< Position of the annotation */ void* user_data; /**< Custom data */ union { struct { zathura_annotation_text_icon_t icon; /**< The icon of the text annotation */ zathura_annotation_text_state_t state; /**< The state of the text annotation */ bool opened; /**< Open status of the text annotation */ } text; } data; struct { char* label; /**< Label */ char* subject; /**< Subject of the annotation */ zathura_annotation_popup_t* popup; /**< Optional popup */ time_t creation_date; /**< Creation date */ } markup; }; struct zathura_annotation_popup_s { double opacity; /**< The opacity of the popup */ zathura_rectangle_t position; /**< Position of the annotation */ bool opened; /**< true if popup is opened */ }; static char* __strdup(const char* string); zathura_annotation_t* zathura_annotation_new(zathura_annotation_type_t type) { zathura_annotation_t* annotation = calloc(1, sizeof(zathura_annotation_t)); if (annotation == NULL) { return NULL; } switch (type) { case ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT: break; default: free(annotation); return NULL; } annotation->type = type; annotation->modification_date = (time_t) -1; annotation->markup.creation_date = (time_t) -1; annotation->data.text.icon = ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_UNKNOWN; annotation->data.text.state = ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT_STATE_UNKNOWN; return annotation; } void zathura_annotation_free(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL) { return; } if (annotation->name) { free(annotation->name); } if (annotation->content) { free(annotation->content); } if (annotation->markup.label != NULL) { free(annotation->markup.label); } if (annotation->markup.subject != NULL) { free(annotation->markup.subject); } if (annotation->markup.popup != NULL) { zathura_annotation_popup_free(annotation->markup.popup); } free(annotation); } void* zathura_annotation_get_data(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL) { return NULL; } return annotation->user_data; } void zathura_annotation_set_data(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, void* data) { if (annotation == NULL) { return; } annotation->user_data = data; } zathura_annotation_type_t zathura_annotation_get_type(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL) { return ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_UNKNOWN; } return annotation->type; } bool zathura_annotation_is_markup_annotation(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL) { return false; } switch (annotation->type) { case ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT: case ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_FREE_TEXT: case ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_LINE: case ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_STAMP: case ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_POLYGON: case ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_CARET: case ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_INK: case ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_FILE_ATTACHMENT: case ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_SOUND: return true; default: return false; } } zathura_annotation_flag_t zathura_annotation_get_flags(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL) { return ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_FLAG_UNKNOWN; } return annotation->flags; } void zathura_annotation_set_flags(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, zathura_annotation_flag_t flags) { if (annotation == NULL) { return; } annotation->flags = flags; } char* zathura_annotation_get_content(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL) { return NULL; } return annotation->content; } void zathura_annotation_set_content(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, char* content) { if (annotation == NULL) { return; } if (content != NULL) { annotation->content = __strdup(content); } else { annotation->content = NULL; } } char* zathura_annotation_get_name(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL) { return NULL; } return annotation->name; } void zathura_annotation_set_name(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, const char* name) { if (annotation == NULL) { return; } if (name != NULL) { annotation->name = __strdup(name); } else { annotation->name = NULL; } } time_t zathura_annotation_get_modification_date(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL) { return (time_t) -1; } return annotation->modification_date; } void zathura_annotation_set_modification_date(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, time_t modification_date) { if (annotation == NULL) { return; } annotation->modification_date = modification_date; } zathura_page_t* zathura_annotation_get_page(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL) { return NULL; } return annotation->page; } void zathura_annotation_set_page(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, zathura_page_t* page) { if (annotation == NULL) { return; } annotation->page = page; } zathura_rectangle_t zathura_annotation_get_position(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (annotation != NULL) { rectangle.x1 = annotation->position.x1; rectangle.x2 = annotation->position.x2; rectangle.y1 = annotation->position.y1; rectangle.y2 = annotation->position.y2; } return rectangle; } void zathura_annotation_set_position(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, zathura_rectangle_t position) { if (annotation == NULL) { return; } annotation->position.x1 = position.x1; annotation->position.x2 = position.x2; annotation->position.y1 = position.y1; annotation->position.y2 = position.y2; } char* zathura_annotation_markup_get_label(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL || zathura_annotation_is_markup_annotation(annotation) == false) { return NULL; } return annotation->markup.label; } void zathura_annotation_markup_set_label(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, const char* label) { if (annotation == NULL || zathura_annotation_is_markup_annotation(annotation) == false) { return; } if (annotation->markup.label != NULL) { free(annotation->markup.label); } if (label != NULL) { annotation->markup.label = __strdup(label); } else { annotation->markup.label = NULL; } } char* zathura_annotation_markup_get_subject(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL || zathura_annotation_is_markup_annotation(annotation) == false) { return NULL; } return annotation->markup.subject; } void zathura_annotation_markup_set_subject(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, const char* subject) { if (annotation == NULL || zathura_annotation_is_markup_annotation(annotation) == false) { return; } if (annotation->markup.subject != NULL) { free(annotation->markup.subject); } if (subject != NULL) { annotation->markup.subject = __strdup(subject); } else { annotation->markup.subject = NULL; } } zathura_annotation_popup_t* zathura_annotation_markup_get_popup(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL || zathura_annotation_is_markup_annotation(annotation) == false) { return NULL; } return annotation->markup.popup; } void zathura_annotation_markup_set_popup(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, zathura_annotation_popup_t* popup) { if (annotation == NULL || zathura_annotation_is_markup_annotation(annotation) == false || popup == NULL) { return; } annotation->markup.popup = popup; } time_t zathura_annotation_markup_get_creation_date(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL || zathura_annotation_is_markup_annotation(annotation) == false) { return (time_t) -1; } return annotation->markup.creation_date; } void zathura_annotation_markup_set_creation_date(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, time_t creation_date) { if (annotation == NULL || zathura_annotation_is_markup_annotation(annotation) == false) { return; } annotation->markup.creation_date = creation_date; } zathura_annotation_text_icon_t zathura_annotation_text_get_icon(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL || annotation->type != ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT) { return ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT_ICON_UNKNOWN; } return annotation->data.text.icon; } void zathura_annotation_text_set_icon(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, zathura_annotation_text_icon_t icon) { if (annotation == NULL || annotation->type != ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT) { return; } annotation->data.text.icon = icon; } zathura_annotation_text_state_t zathura_annotation_text_get_state(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL || annotation->type != ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT) { return ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT_STATE_UNKNOWN; } return annotation->data.text.state; } void zathura_annotation_text_set_state(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, zathura_annotation_text_state_t state) { if (annotation == NULL || annotation->type != ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT) { return; } annotation->data.text.state = state; } bool zathura_annotation_text_get_open_status(zathura_annotation_t* annotation) { if (annotation == NULL || annotation->type != ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT) { return false; } return annotation->data.text.opened; } void zathura_annotation_text_set_open_status(zathura_annotation_t* annotation, bool opened) { if (annotation == NULL || annotation->type != ZATHURA_ANNOTATION_TEXT) { return; } annotation->data.text.opened = opened; } zathura_annotation_popup_t* zathura_annotation_popup_new() { zathura_annotation_popup_t* popup = calloc(1, sizeof(zathura_annotation_popup_t)); if (popup == NULL) { return NULL; } popup->opacity = 1.0; return popup; } void zathura_annotation_popup_free(zathura_annotation_popup_t* popup) { if (popup == NULL) { return; } free(popup); } zathura_rectangle_t zathura_annotation_popup_get_position(zathura_annotation_popup_t* popup) { zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; if (popup != NULL) { rectangle.x1 = popup->position.x1; rectangle.x2 = popup->position.x2; rectangle.y1 = popup->position.y1; rectangle.y2 = popup->position.y2; } return rectangle; } void zathura_annotation_popup_set_position(zathura_annotation_popup_t* popup, zathura_rectangle_t position) { if (popup == NULL) { return; } popup->position.x1 = position.x1; popup->position.x2 = position.x2; popup->position.y1 = position.y1; popup->position.y2 = position.y2; } double zathura_annotation_popup_get_opacity(zathura_annotation_popup_t* popup) { if (popup == NULL) { return 0.0; } return popup->opacity; } void zathura_annotation_popup_set_opacity(zathura_annotation_popup_t* popup, double opacity) { if (popup == NULL) { return; } if (opacity < 0) { popup->opacity = 0; } else if (opacity > 1) { popup->opacity = 1; } else { popup->opacity = opacity; } } bool zathura_annotation_popup_get_open_status(zathura_annotation_popup_t* popup) { if (popup == NULL) { return false; } return popup->opened; } void zathura_annotation_popup_set_open_status(zathura_annotation_popup_t* popup, bool opened) { if (popup == NULL) { return; } popup->opened = opened; } static char* __strdup(const char* string) { if (string == NULL) { return NULL; } size_t length = strlen(string) + 1; char* new_string = malloc(sizeof(char) * length); if (new_string == NULL) { return NULL; } return (char*) memcpy(new_string, string, length); }