set - Changing options ====================== In addition to the built-in *:set* command zathura offers more options to be changed and makes those changes permanent. To overwrite an option you just have to add a line structured like the following :: set <option> <new value> The *option* field has to be replaced with the name of the option that should be changed and the *new value* field has to be replaced with the new value the option should get. The type of the value can be one of the following: - INT - An integer number - FLOAT - A floating point number - STRING - A character string - BOOL - A boolean value ("true" for true, "false" for false) In addition we advice you to check the options to get a more detailed view of the options that can be changed and which values they should be set to. The following example should give some deeper insight of how the *set* command can be used :: set option1 5 set option2 2.0 set option3 hello set option4 hello\ world set option5 "hello world" set option6 "#00BB00"