<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC '-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN' 'http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd'> <node> <interface name='org.pwmt.zathura'> <!-- Open a document in a running zathura instance. --> <method name='OpenDocument'> <arg type='s' name='path' direction='in' /> <arg type='s' name='password' direction='in' /> <arg type='i' name='page' direction='in' /> <arg type='b' name='return' direction='out' /> </method> <!-- Close open document. --> <method name='CloseDocument'> <arg type='b' name='return' direction='out' /> </method> <!-- Go to a specific page . --> <method name='GotoPage'> <arg type='u' name='page' direction='in' /> <arg type='b' name='return' direction='out' /> </method> <!-- Go to a page and highlight rectangles there. --> <method name='HighlightRects'> <arg type='u' name='page' direction='in' /> <arg type='a(dddd)' name='rectangles' direction='in' /> <arg type='a(udddd)' name='secondary_rectangles' direction='in' /> <arg type='b' name='return' direction='out' /> </method> <property type='s' name='filename' access='read' /> <property type='u' name='pagenumber' access='read' /> <property type='u' name='numberofpages' access='read' /> </interface> </node>