.TH ZATHURA 1 zathura\-VERSION .SH NAME zathura \- a PDF viewer .SH SYNOPSIS .B zathura .RB [-e\ xid] .RB [file] .RB [password] .SH DESCRIPTION zathura is a highly customizable and functional PDF viewer based on the poppler rendering library and the gtk+ toolkit. The idea behind zathura is an application that provides a minimalistic and space saving interface as well as an easy usage that mainly focuses on keyboard interaction. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B -e xid Reparents to window specified by xid. .SH DEFAULT SETTINGS .SS Shortcuts .TP .B J Go to next page .TP .B K Go to previous page .TP .B h Scroll to the left .TP .B k Scroll upwards .TP .B j Scroll downwards .TP .B ^f Scroll page down .TP .B ^b Scroll page up .TP .B ^d Scroll half a page down .TP .B ^u Scroll half a page up .TP .B l Scroll to the right .TP .B / Search forwards .TP .B ? Search backwards .TP .B n Search last keyword forwards .TP .B N Search last keyword backwards .TP .B Tab Toggle index .TP .B o Open a file .TP .B a Zoom to fit .TP .B s Zoom to width .TP .B f Follow a link on the page .TP .B m Mark current position and save it in register specified by a character .TP .B ' Go to saved position specified by the ensuing character .TP .B r Rotate the page .TP .B R Reload the document .TP .B O Change goto mode (L: search labels, D: default, O: manual offset) .TP .B ^i Invert the colors of the page .TP .B i Change to insert mode .TP .B v Change to visual mode .TP .B : Focus inputbar .TP .B Backspace Delete last character in the buffer .TP .B F5 Toggle fullscreen mode .TP .B ^n Toggle statusbar visibility .TP .B ^m Toggle inputbar visibility .TP .B Esc | ^c Abort .TP .B ^q Quit the program .SS Index commands .TP .B k Navigate to one element above the current position .TP .B j Navigate to one element below the current position .TP .B h Collapse current element .TP .B l Expand current element .TP .B Space | Return Select current element .SS Buffered commands .TP .B gg Go to the first page .TP .B GG Go to the last page .TP .B [0-9]+G Go to the specified page .TP .B zI Zoom in .TP .B zO Zoom out .TP .B z0 Zoom to the original size .TP .B [0-9]+Z Zoom to the given level .TP .B [0-9]+% Move to the given position .SS Commands .TP .B bmark Bookmark current page .TP .B blist List and open bookmark .TP .B close Close current file .TP .B coffset Set page offset .TP .B delbmark Delete given bookmark .TP .B export Export images or attached files .TP .B info Show information about the document .TP .B map Map shortcut functions (map ) .TP .B open Open a file .TP .B print Print the document .TP .B rotate Rotate the page .TP .B set Set an option (set ) .TP .B quit Quit the program .TP .B write Save the document .SS Inputbar shortcuts .TP .B Up Move up in the command history .TP .B Down Move down in the command history .TP .B Tab | Shift + Tab Tab completion .TP .B ^w Delete last word .SH CONFIGURATION The complete configuration including the appearance and shortcuts of the program are defined in a separate file named config.h. In this file you are able to change and adjust all the settings of zathura according to your wishes. In addition you can create a zathurarc file (default path: ~/.zathura/zathurarc) to overwrite settings and keybindings by using the set and map function. For more information please check the faq on the website: http://pwmt.org/zathura