.TH ZATHURA 1 zathura\-0.0 .SH NAME zathura \- a pdf viewer .SH SYNOPSIS .B zathura .RB [\fIFILE\fR] [\fIPASSWORD\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION zathura is a pdf viewer based on the poppler pdf rendering library .SH USAGE .SS show and edit form fields the form command separates between two actions: show, for showing and numerating all available forms on the current page; and set for modifying the value of the given form field: .TP .I form show shows all values .TP .I form set [value number] [value] modifying the value in the form field with the given value number .SS export image and attachments the export command expects the type of objects you want to export (images or attachments) and a existing path where it will save the files .TP .I export [image|attachments] [path] .SS printing documents the printing command is kept very simple and works with lp. it expects the range of sites you want to print and the id of a printer specified in the config.h file or the name of it .TP .I print [all|x|x-y] [printer id|printer name] .SH DEFAULT SETTINGS .SS Commands .TP .B export export images, the pdf or attachments to a specified directory .TP .B form show and edit form fields .TP .B goto go to a given page .TP .B info show the document properties .TP .B links show existing links on the page .TP .B open open a pdf document .TP .B print print the document or specific sites of it .TP .B quit close the program .TP .B rotate rotate the page .TP .B zoom set the zoom level .SS Shortcuts .TP .B ^f next page .TP .B ^b previous page .TP .B ^- zoom in .TP .B ^+ zoom out .TP .B ^0 original size .TP .B ^r rotate right .TP .B ^e rotate left .TP .B ^q quit program .TP .B ^p print .TP .B n search forwards .TP .B N search backwards .TP .B h scroll left .TP .B j scroll up .TP .B k scroll down .TP .B l scroll right .TP .B PgUp scroll to the top of the page .TP .B PgDown scroll to the bottom of the page .TP .B i best fit .TP .B u adjust width .TP .B : focus inputbar .TP .B o open command .TP .B r rotate command .TP .B z zoom command .TP .B g go to command .TP .B / search .SH CONFIGURATION the complete configuration (appearance, shortcuts, commands and other settings) are stored in a seperate file (config.h) where you are able to change and edit everything according to your wishes