/* See LICENSE file for license and copyright information */ #define _BSD_SOURCE #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 700 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "bookmarks.h" #include "callbacks.h" #include "config.h" #include "database.h" #include "document.h" #include "shortcuts.h" #include "zathura.h" #include "utils.h" #include "render.h" typedef struct zathura_document_info_s { zathura_t* zathura; const char* path; const char* password; } zathura_document_info_t; static gboolean document_info_open(gpointer data); /* function implementation */ zathura_t* zathura_init(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* parse command line options */ #if (GTK_MAJOR_VERSION == 2) GdkNativeWindow embed = 0; #else Window embed = 0; #endif gchar* config_dir = NULL, *data_dir = NULL, *plugin_path = NULL; bool forkback = false; GOptionEntry entries[] = { { "reparent", 'e', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_INT, &embed, "Reparents to window specified by xid", "xid" }, { "config-dir", 'c', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &config_dir, "Path to the config directory", "path" }, { "data-dir", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &data_dir, "Path to the data directory", "path" }, { "plugins-dir", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &plugin_path, "Path to the directories containing plugins", "path" }, { "fork", '\0', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &forkback, "Fork into the background" , NULL }, { NULL, '\0', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; GOptionContext* context = g_option_context_new(" [file] [password]"); g_option_context_add_main_entries(context, entries, NULL); GError* error = NULL; if (g_option_context_parse(context, &argc, &argv, &error) == false) { printf("Error parsing command line arguments: %s\n", error->message); g_option_context_free(context); g_error_free(error); return NULL; } g_option_context_free(context); /* Fork into the background if the user really wants to ... */ if (forkback == true) { int pid = fork(); if (pid > 0) { /* parent */ exit(0); } else if (pid < 0) { /* error */ printf("Error: couldn't fork."); } setsid(); } zathura_t* zathura = g_malloc0(sizeof(zathura_t)); /* plugins */ zathura->plugins.plugins = girara_list_new2( (girara_free_function_t)zathura_document_plugin_free); zathura->plugins.path = girara_list_new2(g_free); zathura->plugins.type_plugin_mapping = girara_list_new2( (girara_free_function_t)zathura_type_plugin_mapping_free); if (config_dir != NULL) { zathura->config.config_dir = g_strdup(config_dir); } else { gchar* path = girara_get_xdg_path(XDG_CONFIG); zathura->config.config_dir = g_build_filename(path, "zathura", NULL); g_free(path); } if (data_dir != NULL) { zathura->config.data_dir = g_strdup(config_dir); } else { gchar* path = girara_get_xdg_path(XDG_DATA); zathura->config.data_dir = g_build_filename(path, "zathura", NULL); g_free(path); } /* create zathura (config/data) directory */ g_mkdir_with_parents(zathura->config.config_dir, 0771); g_mkdir_with_parents(zathura->config.data_dir, 0771); if (plugin_path != NULL) { girara_list_t* paths = girara_split_path_array(plugin_path); girara_list_merge(zathura->plugins.path, paths); girara_list_free(paths); } else { #ifdef ZATHURA_PLUGINDIR girara_list_t* paths = girara_split_path_array(ZATHURA_PLUGINDIR); girara_list_merge(zathura->plugins.path, paths); girara_list_free(paths); #endif } /* UI */ if ((zathura->ui.session = girara_session_create()) == NULL) { goto error_out; } zathura->ui.session->global.data = zathura; zathura->ui.statusbar.file = NULL; zathura->ui.statusbar.buffer = NULL; zathura->ui.statusbar.page_number = NULL; zathura->ui.page_widget = NULL; zathura->ui.index = NULL; /* print settings */ zathura->print.settings = NULL; zathura->print.page_setup = NULL; /* global settings */ zathura->global.recolor = false; zathura->global.update_page_number = true; /* load plugins */ zathura_document_plugins_load(zathura); /* configuration */ config_load_default(zathura); /* load global configuration files */ girara_list_t* config_dirs = girara_split_path_array(girara_get_xdg_path(XDG_CONFIG_DIRS)); ssize_t size = girara_list_size(config_dirs) - 1; for (; size >= 0; --size) { const char* dir = girara_list_nth(config_dirs, size); char* file = g_build_filename(dir, ZATHURA_RC, NULL); config_load_file(zathura, file); g_free(file); } girara_list_free(config_dirs); config_load_file(zathura, GLOBAL_RC); /* load local configuration files */ char* configuration_file = g_build_filename(zathura->config.config_dir, ZATHURA_RC, NULL); config_load_file(zathura, configuration_file); g_free(configuration_file); /* initialize girara */ zathura->ui.session->gtk.embed = embed; if (girara_session_init(zathura->ui.session, "zathura") == false) { goto error_out; } /* girara events */ zathura->ui.session->events.buffer_changed = cb_buffer_changed; /* page view */ zathura->ui.page_widget = gtk_table_new(0, 0, TRUE); if (zathura->ui.page_widget == NULL) { goto error_free; } g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(zathura->ui.session->gtk.window), "size-allocate", G_CALLBACK(cb_view_resized), zathura); /* callbacks */ GtkAdjustment* view_vadjustment = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(zathura->ui.session->gtk.view)); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(view_vadjustment), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(cb_view_vadjustment_value_changed), zathura); GtkAdjustment* view_hadjustment = gtk_scrolled_window_get_hadjustment(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(zathura->ui.session->gtk.view)); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(view_hadjustment), "value-changed", G_CALLBACK(cb_view_vadjustment_value_changed), zathura); /* page view alignment */ zathura->ui.page_widget_alignment = gtk_alignment_new(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0); if (zathura->ui.page_widget_alignment == NULL) { goto error_free; } gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(zathura->ui.page_widget_alignment), zathura->ui.page_widget); gtk_widget_show(zathura->ui.page_widget); /* statusbar */ zathura->ui.statusbar.file = girara_statusbar_item_add(zathura->ui.session, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, NULL); if (zathura->ui.statusbar.file == NULL) { goto error_free; } zathura->ui.statusbar.buffer = girara_statusbar_item_add(zathura->ui.session, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (zathura->ui.statusbar.buffer == NULL) { goto error_free; } zathura->ui.statusbar.page_number = girara_statusbar_item_add(zathura->ui.session, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); if (zathura->ui.statusbar.page_number == NULL) { goto error_free; } girara_statusbar_item_set_text(zathura->ui.session, zathura->ui.statusbar.file, "[No Name]"); /* signals */ g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(zathura->ui.session->gtk.window), "destroy", G_CALLBACK(cb_destroy), NULL); /* save page padding */ zathura->global.page_padding = 1; girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "page-padding", &zathura->global.page_padding); gtk_table_set_row_spacings(GTK_TABLE(zathura->ui.page_widget), zathura->global.page_padding); gtk_table_set_col_spacings(GTK_TABLE(zathura->ui.page_widget), zathura->global.page_padding); /* database */ zathura->database = zathura_db_init(zathura->config.data_dir); if (zathura->database == NULL) { girara_error("Unable to initialize database. Bookmarks won't be available."); } /* bookmarks */ zathura->bookmarks.bookmarks = girara_sorted_list_new2((girara_compare_function_t) zathura_bookmarks_compare, (girara_free_function_t) zathura_bookmark_free); /* open document if passed */ if (argc > 1) { zathura_document_info_t* document_info = g_malloc0(sizeof(zathura_document_info_t)); document_info->zathura = zathura; document_info->path = argv[1]; document_info->password = (argc >= 2) ? argv[2] : NULL; gdk_threads_add_idle(document_info_open, document_info); } return zathura; error_free: if (zathura->ui.page_widget != NULL) { g_object_unref(zathura->ui.page_widget); } if (zathura->ui.page_widget_alignment != NULL) { g_object_unref(zathura->ui.page_widget_alignment); } error_out: zathura_free(zathura); return NULL; } void zathura_free(zathura_t* zathura) { if (zathura == NULL) { return; } document_close(zathura, false); if (zathura->ui.session != NULL) { girara_session_destroy(zathura->ui.session); } /* stdin support */ if (zathura->stdin_support.file != NULL) { g_unlink(zathura->stdin_support.file); g_free(zathura->stdin_support.file); } /* bookmarks */ girara_list_free(zathura->bookmarks.bookmarks); /* database */ zathura_db_free(zathura->database); /* free print settings */ if (zathura->print.settings != NULL) { g_object_unref(zathura->print.settings); } if (zathura->print.page_setup != NULL) { g_object_unref(zathura->print.page_setup); } /* free registered plugins */ girara_list_free(zathura->plugins.plugins); girara_list_free(zathura->plugins.path); /* free config variables */ g_free(zathura->config.config_dir); g_free(zathura->config.data_dir); g_free(zathura); } static gchar* prepare_document_open_from_stdin(zathura_t* zathura) { g_return_val_if_fail(zathura, NULL); GError* error = NULL; gchar* file = NULL; gint handle = g_file_open_tmp("zathura.stdin.XXXXXX", &file, &error); if (handle == -1) { if (error != NULL) { girara_error("Can not create temporary file: %s", error->message); g_error_free(error); } return NULL; } // read from stdin and dump to temporary file int stdinfno = fileno(stdin); if (stdinfno == -1) { girara_error("Can not read from stdin."); close(handle); g_unlink(file); g_free(file); return NULL; } char buffer[BUFSIZ]; ssize_t count = 0; while ((count = read(stdinfno, buffer, BUFSIZ)) > 0) { if (write(handle, buffer, count) != count) { girara_error("Can not write to temporary file: %s", file); close(handle); g_unlink(file); g_free(file); return NULL; } } close(handle); if (count != 0) { girara_error("Can not read from stdin."); g_unlink(file); g_free(file); return NULL; } return file; } static gboolean document_info_open(gpointer data) { zathura_document_info_t* document_info = data; g_return_val_if_fail(document_info != NULL, FALSE); if (document_info->zathura != NULL && document_info->path != NULL) { char* file = NULL; if (g_strcmp0(document_info->path, "-") == 0) { file = prepare_document_open_from_stdin(document_info->zathura); if (file == NULL) { girara_notify(document_info->zathura->ui.session, GIRARA_ERROR, "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."); } else { document_info->zathura->stdin_support.file = g_strdup(file); } } else { file = g_strdup(document_info->path); } if (file != NULL) { document_open(document_info->zathura, file, document_info->password); g_free(file); } } g_free(document_info); return FALSE; } bool document_open(zathura_t* zathura, const char* path, const char* password) { if (path == NULL) { goto error_out; } zathura_document_t* document = zathura_document_open(zathura, path, password); if (document == NULL) { goto error_out; } /* install file monitor */ gchar* file_uri = g_filename_to_uri(document->file_path, NULL, NULL); if (file_uri == NULL) { goto error_free; } zathura->file_monitor.file = g_file_new_for_uri(file_uri); if (zathura->file_monitor.file == NULL) { goto error_free; } zathura->file_monitor.monitor = g_file_monitor_file(zathura->file_monitor.file, G_FILE_MONITOR_NONE, NULL, NULL); if (zathura->file_monitor.monitor == NULL) { goto error_free; } g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(zathura->file_monitor.monitor), "changed", G_CALLBACK(cb_file_monitor), zathura->ui.session); zathura->file_monitor.file_path = g_strdup(document->file_path); if (zathura->file_monitor.file_path == NULL) { goto error_free; } if (document->password != NULL) { zathura->file_monitor.password = g_strdup(document->password); if (zathura->file_monitor.password == NULL) { goto error_free; } } zathura->document = document; /* view mode */ int pages_per_row = 1; girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "pages-per-row", &pages_per_row); page_widget_set_mode(zathura, pages_per_row); girara_set_view(zathura->ui.session, zathura->ui.page_widget_alignment); /* threads */ zathura->sync.render_thread = render_init(zathura); if (zathura->sync.render_thread == NULL) { goto error_free; } /* create blank pages */ for (unsigned int page_id = 0; page_id < document->number_of_pages; page_id++) { zathura_page_t* page = document->pages[page_id]; gtk_widget_realize(page->drawing_area); } /* bookmarks */ zathura_bookmarks_load(zathura, zathura->document->file_path); page_set_delayed(zathura, document->current_page_number); cb_view_vadjustment_value_changed(NULL, zathura); free(file_uri); return true; error_free: if (file_uri != NULL) { g_free(file_uri); } zathura_document_free(document); error_out: return false; } bool document_save(zathura_t* zathura, const char* path, bool overwrite) { g_return_val_if_fail(zathura, false); g_return_val_if_fail(zathura->document, false); g_return_val_if_fail(path, false); gchar* file_path = girara_fix_path(path); if ((overwrite == false) && g_file_test(file_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { girara_error("File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it.", file_path); g_free(file_path); return false; } bool res = zathura_document_save_as(zathura->document, file_path); g_free(file_path); return res; } static void remove_page_from_table(GtkWidget* page, gpointer permanent) { if (permanent == false) { g_object_ref(G_OBJECT(page)); } gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(gtk_widget_get_parent(page)), page); } bool document_close(zathura_t* zathura, bool keep_monitor) { if (zathura == NULL || zathura->document == NULL) { return false; } /* remove monitor */ if (keep_monitor == false) { if (zathura->file_monitor.monitor != NULL) { g_file_monitor_cancel(zathura->file_monitor.monitor); g_object_unref(zathura->file_monitor.monitor); zathura->file_monitor.monitor = NULL; } if (zathura->file_monitor.file != NULL) { g_object_unref(zathura->file_monitor.file); zathura->file_monitor.file = NULL; } if (zathura->file_monitor.file_path != NULL) { g_free(zathura->file_monitor.file_path); zathura->file_monitor.file_path = NULL; } if (zathura->file_monitor.password != NULL) { g_free(zathura->file_monitor.password); zathura->file_monitor.password = NULL; } } /* store last seen page */ zathura_db_set_fileinfo(zathura->database, zathura->document->file_path, zathura->document->current_page_number, /* zathura->document->offset TODO */ 0, zathura->document->scale, zathura->document->rotate); render_free(zathura->sync.render_thread); zathura->sync.render_thread = NULL; gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(zathura->ui.page_widget), remove_page_from_table, (gpointer)1); zathura_document_free(zathura->document); zathura->document = NULL; gtk_widget_hide(zathura->ui.page_widget); statusbar_page_number_update(zathura); if (zathura->ui.session != NULL && zathura->ui.statusbar.file != NULL) { girara_statusbar_item_set_text(zathura->ui.session, zathura->ui.statusbar.file, "[No name]"); } return true; } typedef struct page_set_delayed_s { zathura_t* zathura; unsigned int page; } page_set_delayed_t; static gboolean page_set_delayed_impl(gpointer data) { page_set_delayed_t* p = data; page_set(p->zathura, p->page); g_free(p); return FALSE; } bool page_set_delayed(zathura_t* zathura, unsigned int page_id) { if (zathura == NULL || zathura->document == NULL || zathura->document->pages == NULL || page_id >= zathura->document->number_of_pages) { return false; } page_set_delayed_t* p = g_malloc(sizeof(page_set_delayed_t)); p->zathura = zathura; p->page = page_id; gdk_threads_add_idle(page_set_delayed_impl, p); return true; } bool page_set(zathura_t* zathura, unsigned int page_id) { if (zathura == NULL || zathura->document == NULL || zathura->document->pages == NULL) { goto error_out; } if (page_id >= zathura->document->number_of_pages) { goto error_out; } /* render page */ zathura_page_t* page = zathura->document->pages[page_id]; if (page == NULL) { goto error_out; } zathura->document->current_page_number = page_id; zathura->global.update_page_number = false; page_offset_t offset; page_calculate_offset(page, &offset); GtkAdjustment* view_vadjustment = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(zathura->ui.session->gtk.view)); GtkAdjustment* view_hadjustment = gtk_scrolled_window_get_hadjustment(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(zathura->ui.session->gtk.view)); set_adjustment(view_hadjustment, offset.x); set_adjustment(view_vadjustment, offset.y); statusbar_page_number_update(zathura); return true; error_out: return false; } void statusbar_page_number_update(zathura_t* zathura) { if (zathura == NULL || zathura->ui.statusbar.page_number == NULL) { return; } if (zathura->document != NULL) { char* page_number_text = g_strdup_printf("[%d/%d]", zathura->document->current_page_number + 1, zathura->document->number_of_pages); girara_statusbar_item_set_text(zathura->ui.session, zathura->ui.statusbar.page_number, page_number_text); g_free(page_number_text); } else { girara_statusbar_item_set_text(zathura->ui.session, zathura->ui.statusbar.page_number, ""); } } void page_widget_set_mode(zathura_t* zathura, unsigned int pages_per_row) { /* show at least one page */ if (pages_per_row == 0) { pages_per_row = 1; } if (zathura->document == NULL) { return; } gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(zathura->ui.page_widget), remove_page_from_table, (gpointer)0); gtk_table_resize(GTK_TABLE(zathura->ui.page_widget), ceil(zathura->document->number_of_pages / pages_per_row), pages_per_row); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < zathura->document->number_of_pages; i++) { int x = i % pages_per_row; int y = i / pages_per_row; gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(zathura->ui.page_widget), zathura->document->pages[i]->drawing_area, x, x + 1, y, y + 1, GTK_SHRINK, GTK_SHRINK, 0, 0); } gtk_widget_show_all(zathura->ui.page_widget); }