#compdef zathura local -a all_opts all_opts=( '(-c --config-dir)'{-c,--config-dir=}'[specify path to config directory]:config directory:_files -/' '(-d --data-dir)'{-d,--data-dir=}'[specify path to data directory]:data directory:_files -/' '--cache-dir=[specify path to cache directory]:cache directory:_files -/' '(-p --plugins-dir)'{-p,--plugins-dir=}'[specify path to plugins directory]:plugins directory:_files -/' '(-e --reparent)'{-e,--reparent=}'[reparent to window specified by XID (X11)]: :_x_window' '(-w --password)'{-w,--password=}'[specify a password for the document]:password' '(-P --page)'{-p,--page=}'[open the document at the given page number]:page number' '(-l --log-level)'{-l,--log-level=}'[set log level]:level:(error warning info debug)' '(-x --synctex-editor-command)'{-x,--synctex-editor-command=}'[specify synctex editor (forwarded to the synctex command)]:command' '--synctex-forward=[move to the given position]:position' '--synctex-pid=[highlight position in given process]:pid:_pids' '--mode[start in a non-default mode]:mode:(presentation fullscreen)' '--fork[fork into the background]' '(- :)'{-h,--help}'[show help message]' '(- :)'{-v,--version}'[print version information]' '*:file:->files' ) local curcontext="$curcontext" state state_descr line ret=1 typeset -A opt_args _arguments -C -s -S "$all_opts[@]" && ret=0 local PLUGIN local -a exts for PLUGIN in @PLUGINDIR@/lib*.so; do case ${PLUGIN##*/} in libpdf-poppler.so) exts+=( pdf PDF ) ;; libpdf-mupdf.so) exts+=( pdf PDF epub oxps ) ;; libps.so) exts+=( ps eps epsi epsf ) ;; libdjvu.so) exts+=( djvu djv ) ;; libcb.so) exts+=( cb7 cbr cbz cbt rar zip 7z tar ) ;; esac done case $state in (files) _wanted files expl file _files -g "*.(${(j:|:)exts:-pdf})(-.)" && ret=0 ;; esac return ret