======= zathura ======= ----------------- a document viewer ----------------- :Author: pwmt.org :Date: VERSION :Manual section: 1 SYNOPOSIS ========= | zathura [OPTION]... | zathura [OPTION]... FILE DESCRIPTION =========== zathura is a highly customizable and functional document viewer. It provides a minimalistic and space saving interface as well as an easy usage that mainly focuses on keyboard interaction. OPTIONS ======= -e [xid], --reparent [xid] Reparents to window specified by xid -c [path], --config-dir [path] Path to the config directory -d [path], --data-dir [path] Path to the data directory -p [path], --plugins-dir [path] Path to the directory containing plugins -w [password], --password [password] The documents password --fork Fork into the background MOUSE AND KEY BINDINGS ====================== J, K Go to the next or previous page h, k, j, l Scroll to the left, down, up or right direction Left, Down, Up, Right Scroll to the left, down, up or right direction ^t, ^d, ^u, ^y Scroll a half page left, down, up or right t, ^f, ^b, space, , y Scroll a full page left, down, up or right gg, G, nG Goto to the first, the last or to the nth page ^c, Escape Abort a, s Adjust window in best-fit or width mode /, ? Search for text n, N Search for the next or previous result o, O Open document f Follow links \: Enter command r Rotate by 90 degrees ^i Recolor R Reload document Tab Show index and switch to **Index mode** F5 Switch to fullscreen mode ^m Toggle inputbar ^n Toggle statusbar +, -, = Zoom in, out or to the original size zI, zO, z0 Zoom in, out or to the original size n= Zoom to size n mX Set a quickmark to a letter or number X 'X Goto quickmark saved at letter or number X q Quit Index mode ---------- k, j Move to upper or lower entry l Expand entry L Expand all entries h Collapse entry H Collapse all entries space, Return Select and open entry Mouse bindings -------------- Scroll Scroll up or down ^Scroll Zoom in or out Hold Button2 Pan the document Button1 Follow link COMMANDS ======== bmark Save a bookmark bdelete Delete a bookmark blist List bookmarks close Close document exec Execute an external command info Show document information help Show help page open, o Open a document offset Set page offset print Print document write, write! Save document (and force overwriting) export Export attachments CONFIGURATION ============= The default appearance and behaviour of zathura can be overwritten by modifying the *zathurarc* file (default path: ~/.config/zathura/zathurarc). For a detailed description please consult zathurarc(5). SEE ALSO ======== zathurarc(5)