" See LICENSE file for license and copyright information " This is a sample plugin that can be used for synctex forward synchronization. " It currently uses latexsuite to obtain the file name of the document. If you " are not using latexsuite, it should be enough to adopt the calculation of " 'output' accordingly. " avoid re-execution if exists("b:did_zathura_synctex_plugin") || !exists("*Tex_GetMainFileName") finish endif let b:did_zathura_synctex_plugin = 1 function! Zathura_SyncTexForward() let source = expand("%:p") let input = shellescape(line(".").":".col(".").":".source) let output = Tex_GetMainFileName(":p:r").".pdf" let execstr = "zathura --synctex-forward=".input." ".shellescape(output) silent call system(execstr) endfunction nmap <buffer> <Leader>f :call Zathura_SyncTexForward()<Enter>