# See LICENSE file for license and copyright information # include ../config.mk include ../common.mk include ../colors.mk include config.mk ifeq ($(shell which $(SPHINX_BIN) >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1) $(error The '$(SPHINX_BIN)' command was not found.) endif all: html man init: $(QUIET)mkdir -p $(SPHINX_BUILDDIR)/ clean: $(call colorecho,RM,doc/$(SPHINX_BUILDDIR)) $(QUIET)rm -rf $(SPHINX_BUILDDIR)/ html: doxygen $(call colorecho,DOC,"Build HTML documentation") $(QUIET)$(SPHINX_BIN) -b html $(SPHINX_OPTS) $(SPHINX_BUILDDIR)/html man: doxygen $(call colorecho,DOC,"Build man pages") $(QUIET)$(SPHINX_BIN) -b man $(SPHINX_OPTS) $(SPHINX_BUILDDIR)/man doxygen: init $(call colorecho,DOC,"Run doxygen") $(QUIET)$(DOXYGEN_BIN) Doxyfile .PHONY: clean html man