/* See LICENSE file for license and copyright information */ #include #include #include #include #include "render.h" #include "zathura.h" #include "document.h" void* render_job(void* data); bool render(zathura_t* zathura, zathura_page_t* page); static void page_calc_height_width(zathura_page_t* page, unsigned int* page_height, unsigned int* page_width, bool rotate) { if (rotate && page->document->rotate % 180) { *page_width = page->height * page->document->scale; *page_height = page->width * page->document->scale; } else { *page_width = page->width * page->document->scale; *page_height = page->height * page->document->scale; } } void* render_job(void* data) { render_thread_t* render_thread = (render_thread_t*) data; while (true) { g_mutex_lock(render_thread->lock); if (girara_list_size(render_thread->list) == 0) { g_cond_wait(render_thread->cond, render_thread->lock); } if (girara_list_size(render_thread->list) == 0) { /* * We've been signaled with g_cond_signal(), but the list * is still empty. This means that the signal came from * render_free() and current document is being closed. * We should unlock the mutex and kill the thread. */ g_mutex_unlock(render_thread->lock); g_thread_exit(0); } zathura_page_t* page = (zathura_page_t*) girara_list_nth(render_thread->list, 0); girara_list_remove(render_thread->list, page); g_mutex_unlock(render_thread->lock); if (render(render_thread->zathura, page) != true) { girara_error("Rendering failed\n"); } } return NULL; } render_thread_t* render_init(zathura_t* zathura) { render_thread_t* render_thread = g_malloc0(sizeof(render_thread_t)); /* init */ render_thread->zathura = zathura; /* setup */ render_thread->list = girara_list_new(); if (!render_thread->list) { goto error_free; } render_thread->cond = g_cond_new(); if (!render_thread->cond) { goto error_free; } render_thread->lock = g_mutex_new(); if (!render_thread->lock) { goto error_free; } render_thread->thread = g_thread_create(render_job, render_thread, TRUE, NULL); if (!render_thread->thread) { goto error_free; } return render_thread; error_free: if (render_thread->list) { girara_list_free(render_thread->list); } if (render_thread->cond) { g_cond_free(render_thread->cond); } if (render_thread->lock) { g_mutex_free(render_thread->lock); } g_free(render_thread); return NULL; } void render_free(render_thread_t* render_thread) { if (!render_thread) { return; } if (render_thread->list) { girara_list_free(render_thread->list); } if (render_thread->cond) { g_cond_signal(render_thread->cond); g_thread_join(render_thread->thread); g_cond_free(render_thread->cond); } if (render_thread->lock) { g_mutex_free(render_thread->lock); } } bool render_page(render_thread_t* render_thread, zathura_page_t* page) { if (!render_thread || !page || !render_thread->list || page->surface) { return false; } g_mutex_lock(render_thread->lock); if (!girara_list_contains(render_thread->list, page)) { girara_list_append(render_thread->list, page); } g_cond_signal(render_thread->cond); g_mutex_unlock(render_thread->lock); return true; } bool render(zathura_t* zathura, zathura_page_t* page) { if (zathura == NULL || page == NULL) { return false; } gdk_threads_enter(); g_static_mutex_lock(&(page->lock)); /* create cairo surface */ unsigned int page_width = 0; unsigned int page_height = 0; page_calc_height_width(page, &page_height, &page_width, false); cairo_surface_t* surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, page_width, page_height); if (surface == NULL) { g_static_mutex_unlock(&(page->lock)); gdk_threads_leave(); return false; } cairo_t* cairo = cairo_create(surface); if (cairo == NULL) { cairo_surface_destroy(surface); g_static_mutex_unlock(&(page->lock)); gdk_threads_leave(); return false; } cairo_save(cairo); cairo_set_source_rgb(cairo, 1, 1, 1); cairo_rectangle(cairo, 0, 0, page_width, page_height); cairo_fill(cairo); cairo_restore(cairo); cairo_save(cairo); if (fabs(zathura->document->scale - 1.0f) > FLT_EPSILON) { cairo_scale(cairo, zathura->document->scale, zathura->document->scale); } if (zathura_page_render(page, cairo) == false) { cairo_destroy(cairo); cairo_surface_destroy(surface); g_static_mutex_unlock(&(page->lock)); gdk_threads_leave(); return false; } cairo_restore(cairo); cairo_destroy(cairo); const int rowstride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(surface); unsigned char* image = cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface); /* recolor */ if (zathura->global.recolor) { /* recolor code based on qimageblitz library flatten() function (http://sourceforge.net/projects/qimageblitz/) */ int r1 = zathura->ui.colors.recolor_dark_color.red / 257; int g1 = zathura->ui.colors.recolor_dark_color.green / 257; int b1 = zathura->ui.colors.recolor_dark_color.blue / 257; int r2 = zathura->ui.colors.recolor_light_color.red / 257; int g2 = zathura->ui.colors.recolor_light_color.green / 257; int b2 = zathura->ui.colors.recolor_light_color.blue / 257; int min = 0x00; int max = 0xFF; int mean = 0x00; float sr = ((float) r2 - r1) / (max - min); float sg = ((float) g2 - g1) / (max - min); float sb = ((float) b2 - b1) / (max - min); for (unsigned int y = 0; y < page_height; y++) { unsigned char* data = image + y * rowstride; for (unsigned int x = 0; x < page_width; x++) { mean = (data[0] + data[1] + data[2]) / 3; data[2] = sr * (mean - min) + r1 + 0.5; data[1] = sg * (mean - min) + g1 + 0.5; data[0] = sb * (mean - min) + b1 + 0.5; data += 4; } } } /* draw to gtk widget */ page->surface = surface; gtk_widget_queue_draw(page->drawing_area); g_static_mutex_unlock(&(page->lock)); gdk_threads_leave(); return true; } void render_all(zathura_t* zathura) { if (zathura->document == NULL) { return; } /* unmark all pages */ for (unsigned int page_id = 0; page_id < zathura->document->number_of_pages; page_id++) { zathura_page_t* page = zathura->document->pages[page_id]; cairo_surface_destroy(page->surface); page->surface = NULL; unsigned int page_height = 0, page_width = 0; page_calc_height_width(page, &page_height, &page_width, true); gtk_widget_set_size_request(page->drawing_area, page_width, page_height); gtk_widget_queue_resize(page->drawing_area); } } gboolean page_expose_event(GtkWidget* UNUSED(widget), GdkEventExpose* UNUSED(event), gpointer data) { zathura_page_t* page = data; if (page == NULL) { return FALSE; } g_static_mutex_lock(&(page->lock)); cairo_t* cairo = gdk_cairo_create(page->drawing_area->window); if (cairo == NULL) { girara_error("Could not retreive cairo object"); g_static_mutex_unlock(&(page->lock)); return FALSE; } unsigned int page_height = 0, page_width = 0; page_calc_height_width(page, &page_height, &page_width, true); if (page->surface != NULL) { cairo_save(cairo); switch(page->document->rotate) { case 90: cairo_translate(cairo, page_width, 0); break; case 180: cairo_translate(cairo, page_width, page_height); break; case 270: cairo_translate(cairo, 0, page_height); break; } if (page->document->rotate != 0) { cairo_rotate(cairo, page->document->rotate * G_PI / 180.0); } cairo_set_source_surface(cairo, page->surface, 0, 0); cairo_paint(cairo); cairo_restore(cairo); } else { /* set background color */ cairo_set_source_rgb(cairo, 255, 255, 255); cairo_rectangle(cairo, 0, 0, page_width, page->height * page->height); cairo_fill(cairo); /* write text */ cairo_set_source_rgb(cairo, 0, 0, 0); const char* text = "Loading..."; cairo_select_font_face(cairo, "Sans", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size(cairo, 16.0); cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_text_extents(cairo, text, &extents); double x = page_width * 0.5 - (extents.width * 0.5 + extents.x_bearing); double y = page_height * 0.5 - (extents.height * 0.5 + extents.y_bearing); cairo_move_to(cairo, x, y); cairo_show_text(cairo, text); /* render real page */ render_page(page->document->zathura->sync.render_thread, page); /* update statusbar */ } cairo_destroy(cairo); page->document->current_page_number = page->number; statusbar_page_number_update(page->document->zathura); g_static_mutex_unlock(&(page->lock)); return TRUE; }