mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 09:44:56 +01:00
With this commit it is possible to show and use the labels of a page, which makes it possible to use a page offset. E.g.: Sometimes the page numbers written on the page in the document differ from the order in the file, which can be annoying by e.g. trying to go to the page number >20< that is instead page number >24< in the document.
164 lines
9 KiB
164 lines
9 KiB
/* settings */
static const int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 800;
static const int DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 600;
static const float ZOOM_STEP = 10;
static const float ZOOM_MIN = 10;
static const float ZOOM_MAX = 400;
static const float SCROLL_STEP = 40;
static const float TRANSPARENCY = 0.4;
/* completion */
static const char FORMAT_COMMAND[] = "<b>%s</b>";
static const char FORMAT_DESCRIPTION[] = "<i>%s</i>";
/* directories and files */
static const char ZATHURA_DIR[] = ".zathura";
static const char BOOKMARK_FILE[] = "bookmarks";
/* bookmarks */
static const char BM_PAGE_ENTRY[] = "page";
/* look */
static const char font[] = "monospace normal 9";
static const char default_bgcolor[] = "#000000";
static const char default_fgcolor[] = "#DDDDDD";
static const char inputbar_bgcolor[] = "#141414";
static const char inputbar_fgcolor[] = "#9FBC00";
static const char statusbar_bgcolor[] = "#000000";
static const char statusbar_fgcolor[] = "#FFFFFF";
static const char completion_fgcolor[] = "#DDDDDD";
static const char completion_bgcolor[] = "#232323";
static const char completion_g_fgcolor[] = "#DEDEDE";
static const char completion_g_bgcolor[] = "#FF00FF";
static const char completion_hl_fgcolor[] = "#232323";
static const char completion_hl_bgcolor[] = "#9FBC00";
static const char notification_e_bgcolor[] = "#FF1212";
static const char notification_e_fgcolor[] = "#FFFFFF";
static const char notification_w_bgcolor[] = "#FFF712";
static const char notification_w_fgcolor[] = "#000000";
static const char recolor_darkcolor[] = "#353535";
static const char recolor_lightcolor[] = "#DBDBDB";
static const char search_highlight[] = "#9FBC00";
/* statusbar */
static const char DEFAULT_TEXT[] = "[No Name]";
/* printing */
#define LIST_PRINTER_COMMAND "lpstat -v | sed -n '/^.*device for \\(.*\\): .*$/s//\\1/p'"
#define PRINT_COMMAND "lp -d '%s' -p %s '%s'" /* printer / pages / file */
/* open uri */
#define URI_COMMAND "firefox %s" /* uri */
/* additional settings */
#define RECOLOR_OPEN 0
/* shortcuts */
Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
/* mask, key, function, mode, argument */
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_n, sc_toggle_statusbar, NORMAL, {0} },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_m, sc_toggle_inputbar, NORMAL, {0} },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_q, sc_quit, -1, {0} },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_c, sc_abort, -1, {0} },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_i, sc_recolor, NORMAL, {0} },
{0, GDK_slash, sc_focus_inputbar, NORMAL, { .data = "/" } },
{GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_slash, sc_focus_inputbar, NORMAL, { .data = "/" } },
{GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_question, sc_focus_inputbar, NORMAL, { .data = "?" } },
{0, GDK_Tab, sc_toggle_index, NORMAL, {0} },
{0, GDK_Tab, sc_toggle_index, INDEX, {0} },
{0, GDK_J, sc_navigate, NORMAL, { NEXT } },
{0, GDK_K, sc_navigate, NORMAL, { PREVIOUS } },
{GDK_MOD1_MASK, GDK_Right, sc_navigate, NORMAL, { NEXT } },
{GDK_MOD1_MASK, GDK_Left, sc_navigate, NORMAL, { PREVIOUS } },
{0, GDK_space, sc_navigate, NORMAL, { NEXT } },
{0, GDK_Escape, sc_abort, -1, {0} },
{0, GDK_i, sc_change_mode, NORMAL, { INSERT } },
{0, GDK_v, sc_change_mode, NORMAL, { VISUAL } },
{0, GDK_m, sc_change_mode, NORMAL, { ADD_MARKER } },
{0, GDK_apostrophe, sc_change_mode, NORMAL, { EVAL_MARKER } },
{0, GDK_colon, sc_focus_inputbar, NORMAL, { .data = ":" } },
{0, GDK_o, sc_focus_inputbar, NORMAL, { .data = ":open " } },
{0, GDK_f, sc_follow, NORMAL, {0} },
{0, GDK_r, sc_rotate, NORMAL, {0} },
{0, GDK_h, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { LEFT } },
{0, GDK_j, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { DOWN } },
{0, GDK_k, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { UP } },
{0, GDK_l, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { RIGHT } },
{0, GDK_Left, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { LEFT } },
{0, GDK_Up, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { UP } },
{0, GDK_Down, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { DOWN } },
{0, GDK_Right, sc_scroll, NORMAL, { RIGHT } },
{0, GDK_n, sc_search, NORMAL, { FORWARD } },
{0, GDK_N, sc_search, NORMAL, { BACKWARD } },
{0, GDK_a, sc_adjust_window, NORMAL, { ADJUST_BESTFIT } },
{0, GDK_s, sc_adjust_window, NORMAL, { ADJUST_WIDTH } },
{0, GDK_BackSpace, sc_change_buffer, -1, { DELETE_LAST } },
{0, GDK_k, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { UP } },
{0, GDK_j, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { DOWN } },
{0, GDK_h, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { COLLAPSE } },
{0, GDK_l, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { EXPAND } },
{0, GDK_space, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { SELECT } },
{0, GDK_Return, sc_navigate_index, INDEX, { SELECT } },
/* inputbar shortcuts */
InputbarShortcut inputbar_shortcuts[] = {
/* mask, key, function, argument */
{0, GDK_Escape, isc_abort, {0} },
{0, GDK_Up, isc_command_history, {0} },
{0, GDK_Down, isc_command_history, {0} },
{0, GDK_Tab, isc_completion, { NEXT } },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_Tab, isc_completion, { NEXT_GROUP } },
{0, GDK_ISO_Left_Tab, isc_completion, { PREVIOUS } },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_ISO_Left_Tab, isc_completion, { PREVIOUS_GROUP } },
{GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_w, isc_string_manipulation, { DELETE_LAST_WORD } },
/* commands */
Command commands[] = {
/* command, abbreviation, function, completion, description */
{"bmark", "b", cmd_bookmark, 0, "Bookmark current page" },
{"blist", 0, cmd_open_bookmark, cc_bookmark, "List and open bookmark" },
{"close", "c", cmd_close, 0, "Close current file" },
{"delbmark", 0, cmd_delete_bookmark, cc_bookmark, "Bookmark current page" },
{"export", "e", cmd_export, cc_export, "Export images or attached files" },
{"info", "i", cmd_info, 0, "Show information about the document" },
{"open", "o", cmd_open, cc_open, "Open a file" },
{"print", "p", cmd_print, cc_print, "Print the document" },
{"rotate", "r", cmd_rotate, 0, "Rotate the page" },
{"set", "s", cmd_set, cc_set, "Set an option" },
{"quit", "q", cmd_quit, 0, "Quit zathura" },
{"write", "w", cmd_save, 0, "Save the document" },
/* buffer commands */
BufferCommand buffer_commands[] = {
/* regex, function, argument */
{"^gg$", bcmd_goto, { TOP } },
{"^G$", bcmd_goto, { BOTTOM } },
{"^[0-9]+G$", bcmd_goto, {0} },
{"^zI$", bcmd_zoom, { ZOOM_IN } },
{"^zO$", bcmd_zoom, { ZOOM_OUT } },
{"^z0$", bcmd_zoom, { ZOOM_ORIGINAL } },
{"^[0-9]+Z$", bcmd_zoom, { ZOOM_SPECIFIC } },
{"^[0-9]+%$", bcmd_scroll, {0} },
/* special commands */
SpecialCommand special_commands[] = {
/* identifier, function, a, argument */
{'/', scmd_search, 1, { DOWN } },
{'?', scmd_search, 1, { UP } },
/* settings */
Setting settings[] = {
/* name, variable, type, render, description */
{"recolor", &(Zathura.Global.recolor), 'b', TRUE, "Invert the image"},
{"password", &(Zathura.PDF.password), 's', FALSE, "The password of the document"},
{"labels", &(Zathura.Global.enable_labels), 'b', FALSE, "Use labels for pages"},