The init command is essentially the old install script but integrated into the home-manager tool. This simplifies things slightly since we can use the existing code infrastructure. The init command is Nix flake aware in the sense that, if we detect that the user's Nix setup supports flakes, then we also create an initial `flake.nix` file. Finally, we update the installation instructions for the Nix flakes standalone setup to use the new init command. Zsh completion update provided by Anund <anundm@gmail.com>.
388 lines
9.1 KiB
388 lines
9.1 KiB
#!/bin/env bash
# « home-manager » command-line completion
# © 2019 "Sam Boosalis" <samboosalis@gmail.com>
# MIT License
# Contributing:
# Compatibility — Bash 3.
# OSX won't update Bash 3 (last updated circa 2009) to Bash 4,
# and we'd like this completion script to work on both Linux and Mac.
# For example, OSX Yosemite (released circa 2014) ships with Bash 3:
# $ echo $BASH_VERSION
# 3.2
# While Ubuntu LTS 14.04 (a.k.a. Trusty, also released circa 2016)
# ships with the latest version, Bash 4 (updated circa 2016):
# $ echo $BASH_VERSION
# 4.3
# Testing
# (1) Invoke « shellcheck »
# * source: « https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck »
# * run: « shellcheck ./share/bash-completion/completions/home-manager »
# (2) Interpret via Bash 3
# * run: « bash --noprofile --norc ./share/bash-completion/completions/home-manager »
# Examples:
# $ home-manager <TAB>
# -A
# -I
# -f
# --file
# -h
# --help
# -n
# --dry-run
# -v
# --verbose
# build
# edit
# expire-generations
# generations
# help
# news
# option
# packages
# remove-generations
# switch
# uninstall
# $ home-manager e<TAB>
# edit
# expire-generations
# $ home-manager remove-generations 20<TAB>
# 200
# 201
# 202
# 203
# Notes:
# « home-manager » Subcommands:
# help
# edit
# option
# build
# switch
# generations
# remove-generations
# expire-generations
# packages
# news
# uninstall
# « home-manager » Options:
# -b EXT
# -f FILE
# --file FILE
# -v
# --verbose
# -n
# --dry-run
# -h
# --help
# $ home-manager
# Usage: /home/sboo/.nix-profile/bin/home-manager [OPTION] COMMAND
# Options
# -f FILE The home configuration file.
# Default is '~/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix'.
# -A ATTRIBUTE Optional attribute that selects a configuration
# expression in the configuration file.
# -I PATH Add a path to the Nix expression search path.
# -b EXT Move existing files to new path rather than fail.
# -v Verbose output
# -n Do a dry run, only prints what actions would be taken
# -h Print this help
# Commands
# help Print this help
# edit Open the home configuration in $EDITOR
# option OPTION.NAME
# Inspect configuration option named OPTION.NAME.
# build Build configuration into result directory
# switch Build and activate configuration
# generations List all home environment generations
# remove-generations ID...
# Remove indicated generations. Use 'generations' command to
# find suitable generation numbers.
# expire-generations TIMESTAMP
# Remove generations older than TIMESTAMP where TIMESTAMP is
# interpreted as in the -d argument of the date tool. For
# example "-30 days" or "2018-01-01".
# packages List all packages installed in home-manager-path
# news Show news entries in a pager
# uninstall Remove Home Manager
# Dependencies:
command -v home-manager >/dev/null
command -v grep >/dev/null
command -v sed >/dev/null
# Code:
_home-manager_list-generation-identifiers ()
home-manager generations | sed -n -e 's/^................ : id \([[:alnum:]]\+\) -> .*/\1/p'
# (1) the « sed -n -e 's/.../.../p' » invocation:
# * the « -e '...' » option takes a Sed Script.
# * the « -n » option only prints when « .../p » would print.
# * the « s/xxx/yyy/ » Sed Script substitutes « yyy » whenever « xxx » is matched.
# (2) the « '^................ : id \([[:alnum:]]\+\) -> .*' » regular expression:
# * matches « 199 », for example, in the line « 2019-03-13 15:26 : id 199 -> /nix/store/mv619y9pzgsx3kndq0q7fjfvbqqdy5k8-home-manager-generation »
# shellcheck disable=SC2120
_home-manager_list-nix-attributes ()
local HomeFile
local HomeAttrsString
# local HomeAttrsArray
# local HomeAttr
if [ -z "$1" ]
HomeFile=$(readlink -f "$(_home-manager_get-default-home-file)")
HomeAttrsString=$(nix-instantiate --eval -E "let home = import ${HomeFile}; in (builtins.trace (builtins.toString (builtins.attrNames home)) null)" |& grep '^trace: ')
HomeAttrsString="${HomeAttrsString#trace: }"
echo "${HomeAttrsString}"
# IFS=" " read -ar HomeAttrsArray <<< "${HomeAttrsString}"
# local HomeAttr
# for HomeAttr in "${HomeAttrsArray[@]}"
# do
# echo "${HomeAttr}"
# done
# e.g.:
# $ nix-instantiate --eval -E 'let home = import /home/sboo/configuration/configs/nixpkgs/home-attrs.nix; in (builtins.trace (builtins.toString (builtins.attrNames home)) null)' 1>/dev/null
# trace: darwin linux
# $ _home-manager_list-nix-attributes
# linux darwin
_home-manager_get-default-home-file ()
local HomeFileDefault
echo "${HomeFileDefault}"
# e.g.:
# $ _home-manager_get-default-home-file
# ~/.config/nixpkgs/home.nix
# XDG-BaseDirs:
_home-manager_xdg-get-config-home () {
echo "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-$HOME/.config}"
_home-manager_xdg-get-data-home () {
echo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"
_home-manager_xdg-get-cache-home () {
echo "${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}"
_hm_subcommands=( "help" "edit" "option" "build" "init" "instantiate" "switch" "generations" "remove-generations" "expire-generations" "packages" "news" "uninstall" )
declare -ra _hm_subcommands
# Finds the active sub-command, if any.
_home-manager_subcommand() {
local subcommand='' i=
for ((i = 1; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}; i++)); do
local word="${COMP_WORDS[i]}"
if [[ " ${_hm_subcommands[*]} " == *" ${word} "* ]]; then
echo "$subcommand"
# shellcheck disable=SC2207
_home-manager_completions ()
local Options
Options=( "-f" "--file" "-b" "-A" "-I" "-h" "--help" "-n" "--dry-run" "-v" \
"--verbose" "--cores" "--debug" "--impure" "--keep-failed" \
"--keep-going" "-j" "--max-jobs" "--no-substitute" "--no-out-link" \
"-L" "--print-build-logs" \
"--show-trace" "--substitute" "--builders" "--version" \
"--update-input" "--override-input" "--experimental-features" \
"--extra-experimental-features" "--refresh")
# ^ « home-manager »'s options.
local CurrentWord
# ^ the word currently being completed
local PreviousWord
if [ "$COMP_CWORD" -ge 1 ]
# ^ the word to the left of the current word.
# e.g. in « home-manager -v -f ./<TAB> »:
# PreviousWord="-f"
# CurrentWord="./"
local CurrentCommand
case "$CurrentCommand" in
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "--switch" -- "$CurrentWord" ) )
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -A directory -- "$CurrentWord") )
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$(_home-manager_list-generation-identifiers)" -- "$CurrentWord" ) )
case "$PreviousWord" in
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -A file -- "$CurrentWord") )
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -A directory -- "$CurrentWord") )
# shellcheck disable=SC2119
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$(_home-manager_list-nix-attributes)" -- "$CurrentWord") )
if [[ ! $CurrentCommand ]]; then
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "${_hm_subcommands[*]}" -- "$CurrentWord" ) )
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "${Options[*]}" -- "$CurrentWord" ) )
complete -F _home-manager_completions -o default home-manager
#complete -W "help edit option build switch generations remove-generations expire-generations packages news" home-manager