Add Basque translation

This commit is contained in:
Asier Sarasua Garmendia 2019-09-29 06:48:34 +00:00 committed by GNOME Translation Robot
parent 4b560ea74e
commit 4bc4a8190b
2 changed files with 360 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ da

po/eu.po Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
# Basque translation for authenticator.
# Copyright (C) 2019 authenticator's COPYRIGHT HOLDER
# This file is distributed under the same license as the authenticator package.
# Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>, 2019.
msgid ""
msgstr "Project-Id-Version: authenticator master\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2019-09-24 13:47+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-09-29 10:00+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>\n"
"Language-Team: Basque <>\n"
"Language: eu\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
#: data/
#: data/
#: src/Authenticator/
msgid "Authenticator"
msgstr "Authenticator"
#: data/
#: data/
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "A Two-Factor Authentication application"
msgstr "Bi faktoreko autentifikaziorako aplikazioa"
#: data/
msgid ""
"Simple application that generates a two-factor authentication code, created "
"for GNOME."
msgstr "Bi faktoreko autentifikazio-kodea sortzen duen aplikazio sinplea, GNOMErako sortua."
#: data/
msgid "Features:"
msgstr "Eginbideak:"
#: data/
msgid "QR code scanner"
msgstr "QR kodeen eskanerra"
#: data/
msgid "Beautiful UI"
msgstr "Interfaze grafiko ederra"
#: data/
msgid "Huge database of more than 560 supported services"
msgstr "560 zerbitzu baino gehiago onartzen dituen datu-base erraldoia"
#: data/
msgid "Keep your PIN tokens secure by locking the application with a password"
msgstr "Gorde zure PIN tokenak seguru, aplikazioa pasahitz batekin blokeatuz"
#: data/
msgid "Automatically fetch an image for services using their favicon"
msgstr "Atzitu automatikoki irudi bat zerbitzuetarako, haien ikono txikia erabilita"
#: data/
msgid "The possibility to add new services"
msgstr "Zerbitzu gehiago gehitzeko aukera"
#: data/
msgid "Dark theme and night light"
msgstr "Gai iluna eta gaueko argia"
#: data/
msgid "Main Window - empty state"
msgstr "Leiho nagusia - egoera hutsa"
#: data/
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_add.ui:15
msgid "Add a new account"
msgstr "Gehitu kontu berria"
#: data/
msgid "Main Window - Accounts List"
msgstr "Leiho nagusia - kontuen zerrenda"
#: data/
msgid "Settings Window"
msgstr "Ezarpenen leihoa"
#: data/
msgid "Bilal Elmoussaoui"
msgstr "Bilal Elmoussaoui"
#: data/
msgid "Two-factor Authentication"
msgstr "Bi faktoreko autentifikazioa"
#: data/
msgid "Gnome;GTK;Verification;2FA;Authentication;TwoFactor;"
msgstr "Gnome;GTK;Egiaztapena;2FA;Autentifikazioa;BiFaktore;"
#: data/
#: data/
msgid "Default window position"
msgstr "Leihoaren posizio lehenetsia"
#: data/
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "Dark Theme"
msgstr "Gai iluna"
#: data/
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "Whether the application should use a dark theme."
msgstr "Aplikazioak gai iluna erabiliko duen ala ez"
#: data/
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "Auto lock timeout"
msgstr "Blokeo automatikoaren denbora-muga"
#: data/
msgid "Lock the application on idle after X minutes"
msgstr "Blokeatu aplikazioa X minutu ondoren inaktibo badago"
#: data/
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "Night Light"
msgstr "Gaueko argia"
#: data/
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "Automatically enable dark mode at night."
msgstr "Gaitu automatikoki modu iluna gauean"
#: data/
msgid "Default window maximized behaviour"
msgstr "Maximizatutako leihoaren portaera lehenetsia"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "Asier Sarasua Garmendia <>"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_add.ui:33
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Gehitu"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_add.ui:53
msgid "Scan QR Code"
msgstr "Eskaneatu QR kodea"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_config.ui:56
msgid "Account Name"
msgstr "Kontuaren izena"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_config.ui:78
msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Hornitzailea"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_config.ui:95
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_config.ui:96
msgid "Enable 2FA for this account"
msgstr "Gaitu 2FA kontu honetarako"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_config.ui:97
msgid "2FA Token"
msgstr "2FA tokena"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_config.ui:111
msgid "Provider Website"
msgstr "Hornitzailearen webgunea"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_edit.ui:31
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Gorde"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_row.ui:22
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editatu"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_row.ui:40
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Ezabatu"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/account_row.ui:97
msgid "Copy PIN to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopiat PINa arbelean"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/password_widget.ui:46
msgid "Current Password:"
msgstr "Uneko pasahitza:"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/password_widget.ui:91
msgid "New Password:"
msgstr "Pasahitz berria:"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/password_widget.ui:136
msgid "Confirm New Password:"
msgstr "Baieztatu pasahitz berria:"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/password_widget.ui:184
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/
msgid "Change Password"
msgstr "Aldatu pasahitza"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/password_widget.ui:205
msgid "Delete Password"
msgstr "Ezabatu pasahitza"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "Itxura"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
#: src/Authenticator/
msgid "Lock the application"
msgstr "Blokeatu aplikazioa"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/shortcuts.ui:13
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Orokorra"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/shortcuts.ui:17
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Show Shortcuts"
msgstr "Erakutsi lasterbideak"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/shortcuts.ui:24
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Hobespenak"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/shortcuts.ui:31
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Irten"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/shortcuts.ui:40
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Kontuak"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/shortcuts.ui:44
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Gehitu"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/shortcuts.ui:51
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Bilatu"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "There are no accounts yet…"
msgstr "Ez dago konturik oraindik…"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "Add a new account from the menu"
msgstr "Gehitu kontu berria menutik"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "Scan a QR Code"
msgstr "Eskaneatu QR kodea"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "No results found"
msgstr "Ez da emaitzarik aurkitu"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "Authenticator is locked"
msgstr "Authenticator blokeatuta dago"
#: data/resources/gtk/ui/
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Desblokeatu"
#: src/
msgid "Start in debug mode"
msgstr "Abiarazi arazteko modua"
#: src/Authenticator/
msgid "from a plain-text JSON file"
msgstr "testu soileko JSON fitxategi batetik"
#: src/Authenticator/
msgid "in a plain-text JSON file"
msgstr "testu soileko JSON fitxategi batean"
#: src/Authenticator/
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Leheneratu"
#: src/Authenticator/
msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Babeskopia"
#. Night mode action
#: src/Authenticator/
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Hobespenak"
#: src/Authenticator/
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "Egin dohaintza"
#: src/Authenticator/
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "Laster-teklak"
#: src/Authenticator/
msgid "About Authenticator"
msgstr "Authenticator aplikazioari buruz"
#: src/Authenticator/models/
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Lehenetsia"
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/accounts/
msgid "Invalid QR code"
msgstr "QR kode baliogabea"
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/accounts/
msgid "The One-Time Passwords expire in {} seconds"
msgstr "Denbora bateko pasahitzak {} segundotan iraungiko dira"
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/accounts/
msgid "Couldn't generate the secret code"
msgstr "Ezin izan da kode sekretua sortu"
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/accounts/
msgid "The PIN of {} was copied to the clipboard"
msgstr "{} kontuaren PINa arbelean kopiatu da"
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/accounts/
msgid "The account was updated successfully"
msgstr "Kontua ongi eguneratu da"
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Desegin"
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/
msgid "Close the notification"
msgstr "Itxi jakinarazpena"
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/
msgid "Save Password"
msgstr "Gorde pasahitza"
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/
msgid "Do you want to remove the authentication password?"
msgstr "Autentifikazio-pasahitza kendu nahi duzu?"
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/
msgid "Authentication password enforces the privacy of your accounts."
msgstr "Autentifikazio-pasahitzak zure kontuen pribatutasuna sendotzen du."
#: src/Authenticator/widgets/ src/Authenticator/widgets/
msgid "JSON files"
msgstr "JSON fitxategiak"