"advancement.create.item_drain.desc":"Watch a fluid item being emptied by an item drain.",
"advancement.create.chained_item_drain":"Let it roll!",
"advancement.create.chained_item_drain.desc":"Watch an item roll across several chained item drains.",
"advancement.create.glass_pipe":"Flow Spy",
"advancement.create.glass_pipe.desc":"Watch fluid propagate through a windowed fluid pipe. Straight fluid pipes become windowed when a wrench is used on them.",
"advancement.create.pipe_collision":"Never cross the Streams!",
"advancement.create.pipe_collision.desc":"Watch two fluids meet in your pipe network.",
"advancement.create.pipe_spill":"There's a leak!",
"advancement.create.pipe_spill.desc":"Watch an open end of a pipe take or place fluids into the world.",
"advancement.create.mechanical_arm.desc":"Craft a Mechanical Arm, select in- and outputs, place it down and give it power; then watch as it does all the work for you.",
"advancement.create.musical_arm":"Play Me My Theme Tune!",
"create.gui.contraptions.not_fast_enough":"It appears that this %1$s is _not_ rotating with _enough_ _speed_.",
"create.gui.contraptions.network_overstressed":"It appears that this contraption is _overstressed_. Add more sources or _slow_ _down_ the components with a high _stress_ _impact_.",
"create.gui.schematicannon.option.skipMissing.description":"If the cannon cannot find a required Block for placement, it will continue at the next Location.",
"create.gui.schematicannon.option.skipTileEntities.description":"The cannon will avoid replacing data holding blocks such as Chests.",
"create.gui.schematicannon.option.dontReplaceSolid.description":"The cannon will never replace any Solid blocks in its working area, only non-Solid and Air.",
"create.gui.schematicannon.option.replaceWithSolid.description":"The cannon will only replace Solid blocks in its working area if the Schematic contains a solid Block at the Location.",
"create.gui.schematicannon.option.replaceWithAny.description":"The cannon will replace Solid blocks in its working area if the Schematic contains any Block at the Location.",
"create.gui.schematicannon.option.replaceWithEmpty.description":"The cannon will clear out all blocks in its working area, including those replaced by Air.",
"create.hint.mechanical_arm_no_targets":"It appears this _Mechanical_ _Arm_ has not been assigned any _targets._ Select belts, depots, funnels and other blocks by _right-clicking_ them while _holding_ the _Mechanical_ _Arm_ in your _hand_.",
"create.hint.horizontal_funnel":"cannot transfer between inventories _directly_. Try running a _Mechanical_ _Belt_ or _Depot_ below your funnel to extract items from Inventories.",
"create.hint.upward_funnel":"can only transfer items inserted by _Arms_, fan-powered _Chutes_, or items _thrown_ at them. Try building some _Chutes_ if you are looking to move your items _vertically_.",
"create.hint.full_deployer":"It appears this _Deployer_ contains _excess_ _items_ that need to be _extracted._ Use a _hopper,_ _funnel_ or other means to free it from its overflow.",
"block.create.andesite_encased_shaft.tooltip.summary":"_Creative_ _only_ item. Encase shafts _in-world_ using _Andesite_ _Casing_. Casing blocks will not be consumed.",
"block.create.brass_encased_shaft.tooltip.summary":"_Creative_ _only_ item. Encase shafts _in-world_ using _Brass_ _Casing_. Casing blocks will not be consumed.",
"block.create.andesite_casing.tooltip.summary":"Simple machine casing with a variety of uses. Safe for decoration. Can be used to _encase_ _Shafts_ and _Mechanical_ _Belts._",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.summary":"A general item transfer component, transitioning items between means of transportation. Can be controlled with a _redstone_ _signal_.",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.behaviour1":"The _open_ _face_ will _collect_ _ground_ _items_ in the block space in front of it and _insert_ them into any container on the opposite side of the funnel.",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.condition2":"When mounted on belts, depots and similar",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.behaviour2":"_Collects_ or _Places_ items onto the mounted component, from or to the _inventory_ _behind_ itself. Whenever the funnel has specific directionality, it can be reversed using a Wrench.",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.condition3":"When vertically between two inventories",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.behaviour3":"Will _transfer_ items _downward_, much like a buffer-less hopper.",
"block.create.andesite_tunnel.tooltip.summary":"A protective cover for your _Belts_ and a great way to cover the holes left in your wall because of them.",
"block.create.andesite_tunnel.tooltip.control1":"R-Click with Wrench on Side",
"block.create.andesite_tunnel.tooltip.action1":"_Adjusts_ _window_ _shutters_ if the tunnel has a window on that face.",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.summary":"A general item transfer component, transitioning items between means of transportation. Can be controlled with a _redstone_ _signal_. Comes with a handy _filter_.",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.behaviour1":"The _open_ _face_ will _collect_ _ground_ _items_ in the block space in front of it and _insert_ them into any container on the opposite side of the funnel.",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.condition2":"When mounted on belts, depots and similar",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.behaviour2":"_Collects_ or _Places_ items onto the mounted component, from or to the _inventory_ _behind_ itself. Whenever the funnel has specific directionality, it can be reversed using a Wrench.",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.condition3":"When vertically between two inventories",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.behaviour3":"Will _transfer_ items _downward_, much like a buffer-less hopper.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.summary":"_Brass_ _Tunnels_ come with a number of _Filtering_ and _Splitting_ options for your _Belts_.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.condition1":"When placed side by side",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Brass_ _Tunnels_ connect to each other allowing for content from one _Belt_ to be redirected to another.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.behaviour2":"_Brass_ _Tunnels_ come with filters for both _Input_ and _Output_. If an _Item_ isn't permitted from the filtered output of a _Tunnel_ it will be transferred to the output of a connected _Tunnel_.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.behaviour3":"_Brass_ _Tunnels_ can be configured to change the method in which _Items_ are sorted onto connected _Belts_.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.control1":"R-Click with Wrench on Side",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.action1":"_Adjusts_ _window_ _shutters_ if the tunnel has a window on that face.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.control2":"Scroll with Wrench on Top",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.action2":"Change the splitting method of connected _Tunnels_.",
"block.create.copper_casing.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Encases_ the _Fluid_ _Pipe_ with the _Copper_ _Casing_. Encased Fluid pipes will _lock_ _their_ _connections_ in place, no longer reacting to changes to neighbouring pipes.",
"block.create.copper_valve_handle.tooltip.summary":"A precise _source_ of _Rotational_ _Force_ that requires the interaction of players. Be careful not to wear yourself out!",
"block.create.copper_valve_handle.tooltip.behaviour1":"Provides _Rotational_ _Force_ to an attached contraption. _Sneak_ _to_ _reverse_ the rotation.",
"block.create.seat.tooltip.summary":"Sit yourself down and enjoy the ride! Will anchor a player onto a moving _contraption_. Great for static furniture too! Comes in a variety of colours.",
"block.create.chute.tooltip.summary":"_Collect_ and transport items vertically or diagonally. Can both take and place items into _item_ _containers_. You can also interact with chutes from the side using _hoppers_ or _mounted_ _funnels_.",
"block.create.chute.tooltip.condition1":"When powered by a fan",
"block.create.chute.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Fan_ powered chutes can convey _Items_ upwards, and suck _items_ off of _Depots_ and _Belts_.",
"block.create.depot.tooltip.condition1":"Right Click on Depot",
"block.create.depot.tooltip.behaviour1":"Places or takes an _Item_ from the _Depot_. _Blocks_ and _Contraptions_ that would interact with a _Belt_ also work on a _Depot_.",
"block.create.fluid_pipe.tooltip.behaviour1":"Can connect to _fluid_ _containers_ such as _Tanks_ or _Basins_. Exposed _pipe_ ends can also drain or place fluid blocks. Be careful of leaks!",
"block.create.fluid_pipe.tooltip.control1":"Right-clicked with Wrench",
"block.create.fluid_pipe.tooltip.action1":"Places a window on the pipe if available",
"block.create.hose_pulley.tooltip.summary":"Used for _placing_ or _draining_ large _fluid_ _bodies_ in the world.",
"block.create.hose_pulley.tooltip.condition1":"When Powered by Kinetics",
"block.create.hose_pulley.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Raises_ or _Lowers_ the hose, location of the hose determines up to which _height_ _extraction_ or _filling_ will act.",
"block.create.hose_pulley.tooltip.condition2":"When Fluids pulled from Pulley",
"block.create.hose_pulley.tooltip.behaviour2":"Starts _taking_ _fluid_ blocks from the body the hose end was lowered into. Very _large_ _bodies_ of fluids will be _considered_ _infinite_.",
"block.create.hose_pulley.tooltip.condition3":"When Fluids pushed to Pulley",
"block.create.hose_pulley.tooltip.behaviour3":"Starts _filling_ _fluid_ into the world _up_ _to_ the _hose_ ends' _height_.",
"block.create.creative_fluid_tank.tooltip.summary":"This _Fluid_ _Tank_ allows infinite replication of any Fluid. Scales in width and height.",
"block.create.creative_fluid_tank.tooltip.condition1":"When Fluid in Tank",
"block.create.creative_fluid_tank.tooltip.behaviour1":"Anything _extracting_ from this tank will provide an _endless_ _supply_ of the fluid specified. Fluids _inserted_ into this tank will be _voided._",
"block.create.creative_fluid_tank.tooltip.condition2":"Right-clicked with Wrench",
"block.create.creative_fluid_tank.tooltip.behaviour2":"Changes the optional window",
"block.create.fluid_valve.tooltip.behaviour1":"Applied _rotational_ _force_ will force the _valve_ to close, ceasing the flow of _fluids_. Reverse the direction of the _rotational_ _force_ to re-open the valve.",
"block.create.mechanical_pump.tooltip.summary":"Takes _rotational_ _force_ and uses it to move _fluid_ along a _pipe_. Has a maximum range of effect in both directions. (16 blocks by default)",
"block.create.mechanical_pump.tooltip.behaviour1":"Applied _rotational_ _force_ creates pressure that forces _fluid_ through the _pipe_ network. Reverse the direction of the _rotational_ _force_ to switch the direction that the _fluid_ flows.",
"block.create.mechanical_pump.tooltip.control1":"Right-clicked with Wrench",
"block.create.mechanical_pump.tooltip.action1":"Reverses the direction of the _pump_, switching the default direction of the flow",
"block.create.smart_fluid_pipe.tooltip.condition1":"When Fluids are pushed into it",
"block.create.smart_fluid_pipe.tooltip.behaviour1":"Smart pipes receiving fluid that does not match its filter will block the flow.",
"block.create.smart_fluid_pipe.tooltip.condition2":"When adjacent to fluid container",
"block.create.smart_fluid_pipe.tooltip.behaviour2":"Smart pipes _starting_ a _flow_ from any container will only extract fluids that _match_ its _filter._",
"block.create.spout.tooltip.behaviour1":"When a _fluid_ _container_ _item_ such as a _bucket_ or _bottle_ is placed underneath, the spout will attempt to refill it with it's own stored _fluid_.",
"block.create.spout.tooltip.behaviour2":"The spout placed above a _belt_ or _depot_ will react automatically with a _fluid_ _container_ _item_ that passes beneath it.",
"block.create.item_drain.tooltip.behaviour1":"When a _fluid_ _container_ _item_ such as a _bucket_ or _bottle_ is inserted from the side, the drain will attempt to empty it into its own _fluid_ _container_. The item will then be ejected on the opposite side.",
"block.create.mechanical_arm.tooltip.behaviour1":"Can take or place items into any _accessible_ _inventory_, such as _Belts_, _Depots_, _Funnels_ and _Mechanical_ _Crafters_.",
"block.create.mechanical_arm.tooltip.control1":"While in Hand",
"block.create.mechanical_arm.tooltip.action1":"Right-Click an _accessible_ _item_ _inventory_ to set it as a _source_ for the _Mechanical_ _Arm_. Right-click twice to set it as the _destination_.",
"block.create.mechanical_arm.tooltip.control2":"Scroll with Wrench",
"block.create.mechanical_arm.tooltip.action2":"Sets the ordering behaviour for _items_ output by the _mechanical_ _Arm_.",
"item.create.filter.tooltip.summary":"_Controls_ _outputs_ and _inputs_ of logistical devices with more _precision_, matching them against a _set_ _of_ _items_ or several _nested_ _filters_.",
"item.create.filter.tooltip.condition1":"When in filter slot",
"item.create.filter.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Controls_ item flow according to its _configuration_.",
"item.create.attribute_filter.tooltip.summary":"_Controls_ _outputs_ and _inputs_ of logistical devices with more _precision_, matching them against a _set_ _of_ item _attributes_ and _categories_.",
"item.create.attribute_filter.tooltip.condition1":"When in filter slot",
"item.create.attribute_filter.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Controls_ item flow according to its _configuration_.",
"item.create.empty_schematic.tooltip.summary":"Used as a recipe ingredient and for writing at the _Schematic_ _Table_.",
"item.create.schematic.tooltip.summary":"Holds a structure to be positioned and placed into the world. Position the Hologram as desired and use a _Schematicannon_ to build it.",
"block.create.schematicannon.tooltip.summary":"Shoots blocks to recreate a deployed _Schematic_ in the World. Uses items from adjacent Inventories and _Gunpowder_ as fuel.",
"block.create.large_cogwheel.tooltip.summary":"A larger version of the _Cogwheel_, allowing for _change_ in _Rotation_ _Speed_ when connected to its smaller Counterpart.",
"block.create.encased_chain_drive.tooltip.summary":"_Relays_ _Rotation_ in a straight line and to adjacent _Encased_ _Chain_ _Drives_. Chain drives connect in a group when placed next to another on any face without a shaft. Their orientation does not have to match.",
"block.create.adjustable_chain_gearshift.tooltip.summary":"_Relays_ _Rotation_ in a straight line and to adjacent _Encased_ _Chain_ _Drives_. _Analog_ _redstone_ provided to this block will control which size of drive wheel is engaged with attached chain drives.",
"block.create.adjustable_chain_gearshift.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Without_ a signal, adjacent chain drives will relay the _same_ _speed._ With a _full_ _strength_ signal, adjacent chain drives will relay exactly _twice_ _its_ _speed._ Anything inbetween will give results between 1-2x its speed.",
"item.create.belt_connector.tooltip.summary":"Connects two or more _Shafts_ with a _Mechanical_ _Belt_. Connected shafts will have the exact same rotation speed and direction. The Belt can act as a _Conveyor_ for _Items_ and _Entities_.",
"item.create.belt_connector.tooltip.control1":"R-Clicked on Shaft",
"item.create.belt_connector.tooltip.action1":"Selects the shaft as one pulley of the Belt. Both selected Shafts have to _line_ _up_ either _Vertically_, _Horizontally_, or _Diagonally_ toward the Belt's Direction.",
"item.create.belt_connector.tooltip.control2":"R-Click while Sneaking",
"item.create.belt_connector.tooltip.action2":"_Resets_ the first selected position for the Belt.",
"item.create.goggles.tooltip.summary":"A pair of glasses to augment your vision with useful _kinetic_ _information_.",
"item.create.goggles.tooltip.behaviour1":"Shows _colored_ _indicators_ corresponding to the _Speed_ _Level_ of a placed kinetic component as well as _Stress_ _Impact_ and _Capacity_ of individual components.",
"item.create.goggles.tooltip.condition2":"When looking at gauge",
"item.create.goggles.tooltip.behaviour2":"Shows detailed information about _Speed_ or _Stress_ of the network to which the gauge is connected.",
"item.create.wrench.tooltip.summary":"A useful tool for working on kinetic contraptions. Can be used to _Rotate_, _Dismantle_ and to _Configure_ components.",
"item.create.wrench.tooltip.control1":"Right-Click a kinetic block",
"item.create.wrench.tooltip.action1":"_Rotates_ _components_ toward or away from the face with which you interacted.",
"item.create.wrench.tooltip.control2":"R-Click while Sneaking",
"item.create.wrench.tooltip.action2":"_Disassembles_ _Kinetic_ _components_ and places them back in _your_ _inventory_.",
"block.create.creative_motor.tooltip.summary":"A configurable source of _Rotational_ _Force_.",
"block.create.water_wheel.tooltip":"WATER WHEEL",
"block.create.water_wheel.tooltip.summary":"Provides _Rotational_ _Force_ taken from adjacent _Water_ _Currents_.",
"block.create.encased_fan.tooltip":"ENCASED FAN",
"block.create.encased_fan.tooltip.summary":"Converts _Rotational_ _Force_ to _Air_ _Currents_ and back. Has a variety of uses.",
"block.create.encased_fan.tooltip.condition1":"When Powered by Redstone",
"block.create.encased_fan.tooltip.behaviour1":"Provides _rotational_ _force_ from any _heat_ _sources_ immediately below itself. The fan has to be facing down.",
"block.create.hand_crank.tooltip.summary":"A simple _source_ of _Rotational_ _Force_ that requires the interaction of players. Be careful not to wear yourself out!",
"block.create.cuckoo_clock.tooltip.behaviour1":"Shows the _current_ _time_ and plays a tune twice a day. _Activates_ once at _noon_ and at dusk, as soon as _players_ _can_ _sleep_.",
"block.create.turntable.tooltip.summary":"Turns _Rotational_ _Force_ into refined Motion Sickness.",
"block.create.millstone.tooltip.summary":"A kinetic component suitable for _grinding_ inserted _materials_. Can be powered by an adjacent cogwheel or by connecting to the shaft at the bottom. Results have to be extracted from the component.",
"block.create.crushing_wheel.tooltip.summary":"Large rotatable wheels that _break_ _down_ anything.",
"block.create.crushing_wheel.tooltip.condition1":"When attached to other Crushing Wheel",
"block.create.crushing_wheel.tooltip.behaviour1":"Forms a crushing machine for processing a variety of things. The Wheels' teeth have to connect and moving with the _same_ _speed_ in _opposite_ _directions_.",
"block.create.basin.tooltip.summary":"A handy _item_ _container_ used in processing with the _Mechanical_ _Mixer_ and the _Mechanical_ _Press_. Supports _Redstone_ _Comparators_. Comes with a handy filter, specifying which items should be created in this Basin.",
"block.create.basin.tooltip.behaviour1":"When _open_ _inventories_ such as belts, other basins, depots, item drains and others are _below_ _one_ _side_ of a basin, they will automatically receive any _item/fluid_ _outputs_ created in the basin. This is useful for automation.",
"block.create.blaze_burner.tooltip.condition1":"When placed below a basin",
"block.create.blaze_burner.tooltip.behaviour1":"Provides _heat_ to basin recipes.",
"block.create.blaze_burner.tooltip.condition2":"When fuel is used on the blaze heater",
"block.create.blaze_burner.tooltip.behaviour2":"Increases the remaining burn time by the furnace burn time of the used item. Consumes the item. Use _Blaze_ _Cake_ for high temperatures.",
"block.create.mechanical_mixer.tooltip.summary":"A kinetic whisk for applying any shapeless crafting recipes to items beneath it. Requires constant _Rotational_ _Force_ and a _Basin_ placed below (with a gap in between).",
"block.create.mechanical_mixer.tooltip.behaviour1":"Starts to mix items in the basin whenever all necessary ingredients are present. To prevent unwanted recipes, use the filter slot on the basin or cut the rotational force until all desired ingredients have been added.",
"block.create.mechanical_crafter.tooltip.summary":"A kinetic assembler for _automating_ any _shaped_ _crafting_ recipe. Place _multiple_ _in_ _a_ _grid_ corresponding to your recipe, and _arrange_ _their_ _belts_ to create a _flow_ that exits the grid on one of the crafters.",
"block.create.mechanical_crafter.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Starts_ _the_ _crafting_ _process_ as soon as _all_ _crafters_ in the grid have been _given_ _an_ _item_.",
"block.create.mechanical_crafter.tooltip.control1":"When Wrenched at Front",
"block.create.mechanical_crafter.tooltip.action1":"_Cycles_ _the_ _direction_ an individual crafter _moves_ _its_ _items_ towards. To form a working grid, _arrange_ _the_ _belts_ _in_ _a_ _flow_ which moves all items towards a final crafter. The final crafter must _point_ _away_ from the grid.",
"block.create.mechanical_crafter.tooltip.control2":"When Wrenched at back",
"block.create.mechanical_crafter.tooltip.action2":"_Connects_ the _input_ _inventory_ of adjacent crafters. Use this to _combine_ _slots_ in the crafting grid and _save_ _on_ _input_ _work_.",
"block.create.furnace_engine.tooltip.summary":"A powerful source of _Rotational_ _Power_ that requires a _running_ _furnace_ to work.",
"block.create.furnace_engine.tooltip.condition1":"When Attached to Lit Furnace",
"block.create.furnace_engine.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Starts_ _powering_ a _Flywheel_ placed in front of it (1m apart). Use a Blast Furnace for higher speeds.",
"block.create.flywheel.tooltip.summary":"A large metal wheel to _harness_ _and_ _stabilize_ generated force by an _attached_ _Engine_. Flywheels connect to engines if they are _1m_ _apart_ and at a _90°_ _Angle_ from each other.",
"block.create.portable_storage_interface.tooltip.summary":"A portable interchange point for _moving_ _items_ to and from a _structure_ moved by a piston, bearing, minecart, or pulley. Two meeting interfaces have to _face_ _each_ _other_ and be spaced _1-2_ _blocks_ _apart_.",
"block.create.portable_storage_interface.tooltip.behaviour1":"Interacts with stationary _portable_ _storage_ _interfaces_ to transfer items to or from the contraption. Components inserting into or extracting from the _Stationary_ _Interface_ will interact with the inventories on the contraption _directly._ The structure will briefly stall as items are exchanged.",
"block.create.portable_fluid_interface.tooltip.summary":"A portable interchange point for _moving_ _fluids_ to and from a _structure_ moved by a piston, bearing, minecart, or pulley. Two meeting interfaces have to _face_ _each_ _other_ and be spaced _1-2_ _blocks_ _apart_.",
"block.create.portable_fluid_interface.tooltip.behaviour1":"Interacts with stationary _portable_ _storage_ _interfaces_ to transfer fluids to or from the contraption. Pipes inserting into or extracting from the _Stationary_ _Interface_ will interact with the tanks on the contraption _directly._ The structure will briefly stall as Fluids are exchanged.",
"block.create.portable_fluid_interface.tooltip.condition2":"When Powered by Redstone",
"block.create.portable_fluid_interface.tooltip.behaviour2":"_Disengages_ any active connection immediately.",
"block.create.rotation_speed_controller.tooltip.summary":"A _configurable_ _relay_ able to speed up or slow down the target component to any desired speed.",
"block.create.rotation_speed_controller.tooltip.condition1":"When Attached to Large Cogwheel",
"block.create.rotation_speed_controller.tooltip.behaviour1":"Relays incoming rotational force to the wheel, trying to _match_ the _speed_ it is configured to target. The _cogwheel_ has to be _attached_ _on_ _top_ of the controller.",
"block.create.mechanical_piston.tooltip.summary":"A more advanced version of the _Piston._ It uses _Rotational_ _Force_ to precisely move structures in front of it. _Piston_ _Extension_ _Poles_ at the rear define the _Range_ of this Device. Without extensions, the piston will not move. Use _Chassis_ or _Slime_ _Blocks_ to move more than a single line of blocks.",
"block.create.mechanical_piston.tooltip.condition1":"When Powered by Kinetics",
"block.create.mechanical_bearing.tooltip.summary":"Used for rotating _larger_ _structures_ with rotational force.",
"block.create.mechanical_bearing.tooltip.condition1":"When Powered by Kinetics",
"block.create.mechanical_bearing.tooltip.behaviour1":"Starts rotating attached blocks. Use _Chassis_, _Slime_ or _Super_ _Glue_ to move more than a single block.",
"block.create.windmill_bearing.tooltip.behaviour1":"Starts providing _Rotational_ _Force_ generated from the rotation of its attached structure. The Structure has to include suitable _Sail_ _Blocks_ or _Wool_. Use _Chassis_, _Slime_ or _Super_ _Glue_ to move more than a single block.",
"block.create.sail_frame.tooltip":"SAIL FRAME",
"block.create.sail_frame.tooltip.summary":"A useful building block and source of kinetic energy when part of a structure mounted onto a _Windmill_ _Bearing_.",
"block.create.white_sail.tooltip.summary":"A useful building block and source of kinetic energy when part of a structure mounted onto a _Windmill_ _Bearing_. Comes in a variety of colours.",
"block.create.white_sail.tooltip.condition1":"When Right-clicked with Dye",
"block.create.white_sail.tooltip.behaviour1":"Changes color of the sail.",
"block.create.clockwork_bearing.tooltip.summary":"An advanced version of the _Mechanical_ _Bearing_ for rotating up to two _clock_ _hands_ according to current _in-game_ _time_.",
"block.create.clockwork_bearing.tooltip.behaviour1":"Starts rotating the attached Structure towards the _current_ _hour_. If an independent second structure exists in front of the first one, it will serve as the _minute_ _hand_.",
"block.create.sequenced_gearshift.tooltip.summary":"A _programmable_ _utility_ _component,_ which can change its _rotational_ _through-put_ according to up to _5_ _consecutive_ _instructions._ Use this to power Mechanical Bearings, Pistons or Pulleys with more control over timing and speed. May become less precise at higher speeds.",
"block.create.sequenced_gearshift.tooltip.condition1":"When Powered by Redstone",
"block.create.sequenced_gearshift.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Starts_ _executing_ programmed instructions based on the input speed.",
"block.create.cart_assembler.tooltip.summary":"When placed on a _Rail_, can _assemble_ and _disassemble_ moving structures onto passing minecarts. Refer to [Ctrl] for rail type specific behaviour.",
"block.create.cart_assembler.tooltip.behaviour1":"With a _single_ assember, structures will anchor and rotate on a _single_ _minecart_. Use a _wrench_ to specify desired _rotation_ _behaviour_.",
"block.create.cart_assembler.tooltip.behaviour2":"Two cart assembers _connected_ _by_ a _structure_ will, once both contain a minecart, connect those carts with a _contraption_ _mounted_ _between_ the _two_ of them. The structure will behave similarly to a _Minecart_ _Coupling_.",
"block.create.rope_pulley.tooltip.summary":"Moves attached _blocks_ and _structures_ _vertically_. Use _Chassis_, _Slime_ or _Super_ _Glue_ to move more than a single block.",
"block.create.rope_pulley.tooltip.condition1":"When Powered by Kinetics",
"block.create.linear_chassis.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Moves_ all _attached_ _Chassis_ with the same orientation, and a column of Blocks within its range. Blocks will only be pulled if the chassis' face is _Sticky_ (See [Ctrl]).",
"block.create.linear_chassis.tooltip.behaviour2":"Configure the _range_ for this chassis block. Hold CTRL to modify the range of all attached chassis blocks as well.",
"block.create.linear_chassis.tooltip.control1":"When R-Clicked with Slime Ball",
"block.create.linear_chassis.tooltip.action1":"Makes the clicked face _Sticky_. When moved, the chassis will _pull_ attached Blocks, regardless of movement direction.",
"block.create.radial_chassis.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Moves_ all _attached_ _Chassis_ in a column, and a cylinder of blocks around itself. Blocks around it are only moved when they are within range and attached to a sticky side (See [Ctrl]).",
"block.create.radial_chassis.tooltip.behaviour2":"Configure the _range_ for this chassis block. Hold CTRL to modify the range of all attached chassis blocks as well.",
"block.create.radial_chassis.tooltip.control1":"When R-Clicked with Slime Ball",
"block.create.radial_chassis.tooltip.action1":"Makes the clicked face _Sticky_. When Chassis move, all designated blocks attached to the sticky side are moved with it.",
"block.create.mechanical_drill.tooltip.summary":"A mechanical device suitable for _breaking_ _blocks_. It is movable with _Mechanical_ _Pistons_, _Bearings_ or other controllers.",
"block.create.mechanical_harvester.tooltip.summary":"A mechanical plant cutter suitable for medium scale crop automation. It is movable with _Mechanical_ _Pistons_, _Bearings_ or other controllers.",
"block.create.mechanical_harvester.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Harvests_ all _mature_ _crops_ which which the blade collides and reset them to their initial growth state.",
"block.create.mechanical_plough.tooltip.summary":"A mechanical plough has a variety of uses. It is movable with _Mechanical_ _Pistons_, _Bearings_ or other controllers.",
"block.create.mechanical_plough.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Breaks_ _blocks_ which _cannot_ _be_ _collided_ with, such as torches, tracks or snow layers. _Applies_ its _motion_ to _entities_ without hurting them. _Tills_ _soil_ _blocks_ as though a Hoe would be used on them.",
"block.create.mechanical_saw.tooltip.summary":"Suitable for _cutting_ _trees_ effectively and for _cutting_ _blocks_ into their carpentered counterparts. It is movable using _Mechanical_ _Pistons_ or _Bearings_.",
"block.create.mechanical_saw.tooltip.behaviour1":"Applies _Sawing_ and _Stonecutting_ _Recipes_ to items dropped onto or inserted into it. When multiple outputs are possible, it cycles through them unless a _filter_ is assigned.",
"block.create.mechanical_saw.tooltip.behaviour2":"_Breaks_ _logs_ in front of it. If the log supported a tree on its own, the _tree_ _will_ _collapse_ away from the saw.",
"block.create.stockpile_switch.tooltip.summary":"Toggles a Redstone signal based on the amount of _Stored_ _Items_ in the attached Container. Comes with a handy filter. As opposed to a _Comparator,_ the _Stockpile_ _Switch_ allows configuration of _thresholds,_ at which signals are inverted.",
"block.create.content_observer.tooltip.summary":"_Detects_ _Items_ inside _containers_ and _conveyors_ matching a configured _filter_. While the observed _inventory_, _belt_ or _chute_ _contains_ a matching item, this component will emit a _Redstone_ _Signal_. When an observed _funnel_ _transfers_ a matching item, this component will emit a _Redstone_ _Pulse_.",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.summary":"Endpoints for _Wireless_ _Redstone_ connections. Can be assigned _Frequencies_ using any item. Signal range is limited, though reasonably far.",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.behaviour1":"Receiving Links of the same _Frequency_ will produce a Redstone signal.",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.control1":"When R-Clicked with an Item",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.action1":"Sets the _Frequency_ to that item. A total of _two_ _different_ _items_ can be used in combination for defining a Frequency.",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.control2":"When R-Clicked while Sneaking",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.action2":"Toggles between _Receiver_ and _Transmitter_ Mode.",
"block.create.redstone_contact.tooltip.summary":"Only emits redstone power in pairs. It is movable with _Mechanical_ _Pistons_, _Bearings_ or other controllers.",
"block.create.adjustable_crate.tooltip.summary":"This _Item_ _Container_ allows Manual control over its capacity. It can hold up to _16_ _Stacks_ of any Item. Supports _Redstone_ _Comparators_.",
"block.create.creative_crate.tooltip.summary":"This _Storage_ _Container_ allows infinite replication of any item. Place next to a _Schematicannon_ to remove any material requirements.",
"block.create.creative_crate.tooltip.condition1":"When Item in Filter Slot",
"block.create.creative_crate.tooltip.behaviour1":"Anything _extracting_ from this container will provide an _endless_ _supply_ of the item specified. Items _inserted_ into this crate will be _voided._",
"block.create.deployer.tooltip.summary":"_Punches_, _Uses_, and _Activates_. This machine will try to _imitate_ a _player_ as a much as possible. Can _Take_ and _Deposit_ _items_ to its own _Inventory_. Held items have to be _inserted_ and _extracted_ from the block directly.",
"block.create.deployer.tooltip.condition1":"When Powered by Kinetics",
"block.create.deployer.tooltip.behaviour1":"Extends its arm and _activates_ in the block space _2m_ _ahead_ of itself.",
"block.create.deployer.tooltip.condition2":"R-Clicked with Wrench",
"block.create.deployer.tooltip.behaviour2":"Toggles punch mode. In _punch_ _mode_, the Deployer will attempt to use its item to _break_ _blocks_ or _hurt_ _entities_.",
"block.create.deployer.tooltip.behaviour3":"Deployer will not activate unless held item _matches_ the _filter._ Items not matching cannot be inserted; Held items matching the filter cannot be extracted.",
"block.create.brass_casing.tooltip.summary":"Sturdy machine casing with a variety of uses. Safe for decoration. Can be used to _encase_ _Shafts_ and _Mechanical_ _Belts._",
"block.create.powered_latch.tooltip.summary":"A lever that can be controlled by _Redstone_ _Signals_. A signal on the _back_ _enables_ it, a signal from the _side_ _will_ _reset_ it.",
"block.create.controller_rail.tooltip.summary":"A _uni-directional_ _powered_ _rail_ capable of _fine_ _control_ over a minecarts' _movement_ _speed_.",
"block.create.controller_rail.tooltip.condition1":"When Powered by Redstone",
"block.create.controller_rail.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Accelerates_ or _Decelerates_ passing _minecarts_ corresponding to the _signal_ _strength_. Propagates redstone power to adjacent controller rails. Powering two controller rails with different strengths will cause tracks between them to interpolate their signal.",
"block.create.speedometer.tooltip.summary":"Measures and displays the _rotational_ _speed_ of attached kinetic components. Supports _Redstone_ _Comparators_.",
"block.create.speedometer.tooltip.behaviour1":"Indicates a color corresponding to the level of speed. _Green_ indicates Slow, _Blue_ Moderate and _Purple_ Fast rotation. Some mechanical components require a sufficient level of speed to work properly.",
"block.create.stressometer.tooltip.summary":"Measures and displays the _overall_ _stress_ of the attached kinetic network. Supports _Redstone_ _Comparators_.",
"block.create.stressometer.tooltip.behaviour1":"Indicates a color corresponding to the level of stress. _Over-stressed_ _networks_ will cease to move. Stress can be relieved by adding more _rotational_ _sources_ to the network.",
"item.create.super_glue.tooltip.behaviour1":"Makes the _clicked_ _face_ of a block _sticky_. Blocks attached to sticky faces will be _dragged_ _along_ when moved by _mechanical_ _pistons_, _bearings_ and other controllers.",
"item.create.super_glue.tooltip.condition2":"When Held in Offhand",
"item.create.super_glue.tooltip.behaviour2":"_Automatically_ _attaches_ blocks placed from the main hand to the _side_ they were _placed_ _against._",
"item.create.minecart_coupling.tooltip.summary":"_Chains_ all your _Minecarts_ or _Carriage_ _Contraptions_ together to form a majestic Train.",
"item.create.minecart_coupling.tooltip.condition1":"When Used on Minecart",
"item.create.minecart_coupling.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Couples_ two Minecarts together, attempting to keep them at a _constant_ _distance_ while moving.",
"item.create.crafter_slot_cover.tooltip.summary":"Used to mark a _Mechanical_ _Crafter_ as an empty slot in a recipe. Crafters do not necessarily have to form a full square grid. This is useful when there are recipes where _ingredients_ _are_ _diagonal_ to each other.",