- Fixed Smart observers not activated by funnels when facing up or down
- Added the entity type tag `#create:ignore_seat`
- Added a config option to prevent hostile mobs from getting picked up by seats
- Fixed item slots of powered and unpowered redstone link models not matching in size
- Fixed incorrect reflection access in track placement overlay
- Waterlogged belts and depots now wash contained items when targeted by a fan
- Fixed jump strength of lava diving suit in shallow lava
- Fixed crash when cycling bogey types on a server
- Fixed custom metal bars not able to be mined with a pickaxe
- Contraption mounted storage no longer interacts with modded ender chests (it didn't work correctly)
- Gui inputs no longer play more than one click when scrolled on very quickly
- Fixed Schematics loading with a snowy grass block when their lowest layer contained snow blocks
- Fixed Mechanical Rollers placing blocks into the train tracks when paving steep slopes
- Netherite backtank now depletes air in lava even when the players head is not fully submerged
- Fixed "Any" amount in filters' value settings screen not using a translatable lang entry
- Added dummy lang entries for mangrove windows for crowdin sync
- Fixed Elevator Contraptions misaligning with their contacts after switching target floor mid-travel
- Fixed crash when placing a clipboard into replaceable blocks mid-air
- Fixed a typo in Smart Observer ponder scene
- Fixed funnel flaps being offset to the side when flywheel is disabled
- Fixed dyed valve handle using incorrect block particle textures
- Fixed copycat blocks able to take on invalid materials through the use of data commands
- Copycat blocks no longer retain nbt contents of their contained material's item when loaded from a schematic
- Fixed pipe connector attachments missing textures on some orientations
- Players can now sneak-pick to receive the copycat block itself, rather than its applied material
- Fixed value input screen not closing correctly when 'use' keybind is not on its default setting
- Deployers no longer fail to activate bearings and other components with value input slots
- Fixed an incompatibility between legacy copper pack and xycraft override
- Fixed netherite diving suit not protecting from fire damage when Quark is installed
- Attempt to fix lighting issues with elevator contacts
- Schematic and Quill no longer displays the full directory path in its confirmation message
- Fixed z-fighting on metal bars models
- Fixed Smart Fluid Pipe not dropping filter when broken
- Fixed Clipboard crashing game when removing the first entry of a page
- Placards and Creative Crates will no longer hold on to special nbt content (except potion data, damage, enchants) of the contained item when imported via Schematicannon
- Schematicannons can no longer print mobs
- Fixed item frames not requiring an exact nbt match for printed contents
- Fixed z-fighting on the inner top face of scaffolds
- Added a ponder category for recently added/changed blocks
- Nudged a handful of item transforms
- Fixed offset shaft rotation on encased large cogwheels
- New ponder scenes for Smart Observer, Threshold Switch, Elevator Pulley, Contraption Controls and Mechanical Rollers
- Added #contraption_controlled as a tag for items accepted by the contraption controls slot
- Fixed and edited existing tooltips and ponder scenes to include behavioural changes in 0.5.1
- Fixed ponder overlay text rendering with wonky pixels
- Filter -> List Filter
- Deployers can now apply filters to a Redstone link with less required precision
- Fixed non-vanilla signs not accepted as valid display targets
- Fixed roller not rotating with correct transforms when flywheel is disabled
- Brass tunnels with no distribution behaviour no longer show the mode switcher
- Used more contrasting colours for diode and tunnel value inputs
- Fixed crash when hose pulley cannot find reference fluid for infinite draining
- Fixed incorrect vertical textures for encased chutes and industrial iron blocks
- Added tripwire to #movable_empty_collider
- Netherite armor can now be upgraded to Netherite diving gear
- Stockpile Switch -> Threshold Switch
- Content Observer -> Smart Observer
- Smart observer and threshold switch can now be oriented to face blocks above or below them
- Smart observer will now also emit redstone when the block in front of it matches its filter
- Gui touch-ups
- Fixed upright mechanical saws only able to be oriented in two directions
- Deployers now have their filter slot on the side of the block
- Deployers can now be rotated by wrenching them near the edge of the front face
- Renamed sails to windmill sails
- Crushing gold ore now yields more experience nuggets
- Fixed valve handles not able to be picked up using the wrench
- Fixed andesite encased belts spawning brass textured destroy particles
- Fixed valve pipes sometimes not rotating their indicator fully
- Horizontal encased belts now render a support structure when solid blocks are above them
- Added placement assist for mechanical drills, saws and deployers
- Clipboards now copy invertedness of brass diodes
- Clipboards can now copy filters, consuming filter items from the players' inventory
- Fixed Filters and Attribute Filters not stacking with unmodified, equivalent stacks
- Fixed Attribute Filters saving the name tag preview item in their data
- Filters and Schedules can now be reset via crafting
- Fixed 'upto'-filter amounts not working correctly on inserting belt funnels
- Reduced minimum break speed of drills on trains
- Rollers no longer break blocks beneath the track when no pave material is set or present
- Belts printed instantly or via cannon now retain the correct type of casing
- Scheduled trains no longer slow down for slight ascends/descents on a straight track
- Fixed saplings and other non-collidables sticking to chassis or super glue
- Encased Fluid Pipes no longer z-fight on open pipe faces
- Fixed brass encased cogwheels using andesite particle and gearbox texture
- Fixed filter items having unusual item camera transforms
- Tweaked placement assist of rollers and copycat steps to match shafts and piston poles
- Valve handles now turn twice as quickly
- Bearings no longer have the angle-indicating nook on their block
- Steam engines no longer have their value input on all faces
- Adjusted weighted ejector value slots to match the model
- Depot hitbox is now a simple cuboid
- Fixed Gearshift and Clutch models looking a little toasted
- Fixed belts encased with andesite briefly showing brass textures
- New randomised textures for natural palette stone types
- Readjusted palette stone generation to use taller layers
- World generation now places fewer stone type veins by default
- Fixed classloading issues when flywheel is not present serverside
- Fixed missing texture on the mechanical arm item
- Added back deprecated register method for display behaviours
- Fixed Redstone/Elevator Contacts not switching type after rotated by wrench
- Fixed edited clipboard entry not rendering at correct y in some gui scales
- Fan transparency of copycat blocks now refers to their material
- Fixed new metal bars not being fan transparent