- Waterlogged belts and depots now wash contained items when targeted by a fan
- Fixed jump strength of lava diving suit in shallow lava
- Fixed crash when cycling bogey types on a server
- Fixed custom metal bars not able to be mined with a pickaxe
- Contraption mounted storage no longer interacts with modded ender chests (it didn't work correctly)
- Gui inputs no longer play more than one click when scrolled on very quickly
- Fixed Schematics loading with a snowy grass block when their lowest layer contained snow blocks
- Fixed Mechanical Rollers placing blocks into the train tracks when paving steep slopes
- Netherite backtank now depletes air in lava even when the players head is not fully submerged
- Fixed "Any" amount in filters' value settings screen not using a translatable lang entry
- Added dummy lang entries for mangrove windows for crowdin sync
- Fixed Elevator Contraptions misaligning with their contacts after switching target floor mid-travel
- Fixed crash when placing a clipboard into replaceable blocks mid-air
- Fixed a typo in Smart Observer ponder scene
- Fixed funnel flaps being offset to the side when flywheel is disabled
- Fixed dyed valve handle using incorrect block particle textures
- Fixed copycat blocks able to take on invalid materials through the use of data commands
- Copycat blocks no longer retain nbt contents of their contained material's item when loaded from a schematic
- Fixed pipe connector attachments missing textures on some orientations
- Players can now sneak-pick to receive the copycat block itself, rather than its applied material
- Fixed value input screen not closing correctly when 'use' keybind is not on its default setting
- Deployers no longer fail to activate bearings and other components with value input slots
- Fixed an incompatibility between legacy copper pack and xycraft override
- Fixed netherite diving suit not protecting from fire damage when Quark is installed
- Attempt to fix lighting issues with elevator contacts
- Schematic and Quill no longer displays the full directory path in its confirmation message
- Fixed z-fighting on metal bars models
- Fixed Smart Fluid Pipe not dropping filter when broken
- Fixed Clipboard crashing game when removing the first entry of a page
- Placards and Creative Crates will no longer hold on to special nbt content (except potion data, damage, enchants) of the contained item when imported via Schematicannon
- Schematicannons can no longer print mobs
- Fixed item frames not requiring an exact nbt match for printed contents
- Fixed Deployers accepting held items from the back
- Deployers now set filters on blocks only by targeting any location on a correct side
- Fixed Schematics loaded for deployer printing not rotating block entity contents
- Reduced minimum break speed of drills on trains
- Rollers no longer break blocks beneath the track when no pave material is set or present
- Belts printed instantly or via cannon now retain the correct type of casing
- Scheduled trains no longer slow down for slight ascends/descents on a straight track
- Fixed saplings and other non-collidables sticking to chassis or super glue
- Encased Fluid Pipes no longer z-fight on open pipe faces
- Fixed brass encased cogwheels using andesite particle and gearbox texture
- Fixed filter items having unusual item camera transforms
- Tweaked placement assist of rollers and copycat steps to match shafts and piston poles
- Valve handles now turn twice as quickly
- Bearings no longer have the angle-indicating nook on their block
- Steam engines no longer have their value input on all faces
- Adjusted weighted ejector value slots to match the model
- Depot hitbox is now a simple cuboid
- Fixed Gearshift and Clutch models looking a little toasted
- Fixed belts encased with andesite briefly showing brass textures
- Can now scroll in the clipboard screen to cycle between pages
- Fixed schematic checklist putting too many entries on a single page
- Fixed funnels losing filters when changing between types
- Fixed smoothed sloped tracks not working across multiple chained slopes
- Improved location transitions of node locations in-between smoothed sloped tracks
- Fixed track placement allowing an s-bend between two sloped track pieces in specific arrangements
- Updated Crushing Wheel obj file
- Clipboards can now be used to manually write to Display Boards and Nixie Tubes
- Clipboards can now be used as Material Checklists in the Schematicannon
- Added Clipboard recipe and clearing recipe
- Outline buffering now uses Vector3f instead of Vec3 to avoid creating
many objects and double to float casts
- Remove OutlineParams.transformNormals since it was not used
- Rename OutlineParams#disableNormals to disableLineNormals since only
lines have normals disabled
- Fix seats not having descriptions
- SimplePacketBase#handle now accepts Context instead of
- SimplePacketBase#handle now returns boolean, which, if true, calls
- Rename AllBlockPartials -> AllPartialModels
- Make AllPackets.channel private and use getter method instead
- Make config fields in AllConfigs private and use getter methods
- Optimize SyncedBlockEntity#sendData
- Finish refactor of item description tooltips and kinetic stat tooltips
- Change Palette to use Style instead of ChatFormatting
- Remove old code in TooltipHelper
- Add deferred registration capabilities to AttachedRegistry
- Move creative mode tabs to AllCreativeModeTabs
- Delete IItemHandlerModifiableIntermediate
- Delete StorageInterfaceMovement
- Crashes that occur during schematic loading no longer terminate the server
- Fixed crash when creating new belts at existing chutes/funnels
- Fixed ghost items appearing on non-powered belts when extracted from
- Remove AllSections
- Refactor ItemDescription and parts of TooltipHelper
- Remove deprecated methods
- Rename CreateRegistry to AttachedRegistry
- Rename creative tab classes to match vanilla names
- Improved position of rendered blocks launched by Schematicannon
- Fixed Schematicannon play button having to be pressed twice to start printing
- Schematicannon no longer moves while searching for the next location to shoot at
- Schematicannon now skips through empty sections more quickly
- Fixed Creative players losing items used on block application recipes
- Fixed blocks used in item application recipes briefly being placed on the client
- Blaze burners now create less light updates
- Goggle overlay fade-in no longer repeats when looking at adjacent blocks with information
- Reduced particle amount produced by active steam engine setups
- Deprecate CreateRegistrate#lazy, add CreateRegistrate#create, and call
registerEventListeners manually
- Remove Create#registrate and use Create.REGISTRATE instead
- Move tag datagen code and methods to TagGen
- Pass event busses directly to Curios#init
- Update logging to use SLF4J
- Update Flywheel to 0.6.8-95
- Increment version to 0.5.0.g
- Use DeferredRegister/RegistryObject where possible
- Refactor worldgen code to be cleaner and support datagen
- Fix zinc ore only generating on chunk corners
- Remove fan_heaters block tag
- Abstract all custom registries behind improved CreateRegistry class
- Remove usage of ForgeRegistryEntry.delegate and IRegistryDelegate
where possible
- Replace usage of IForgeRegistryEntry#getRegistryName with
RegisteredObjects#getKeyOrThrow where key is expected to be not null
- Move all component creation to the Components class
- Backport some other miscellaneous changes from 1.19
- Fix printed funnels not having filters; remove funnel survival NBT
- Fix printed tunnels not having filters
- Fix printed deployers not keeping mode
- Remove boolean argument from IPartialSafeNBT.writeSafe as it was
always false
- Fix filters not rendering in schematic renders
- Fix incorrect lighting on funnels in schematic renders
- Improve rendering of crumbling overlay in ponders
- Further improve CameraMixin
- Use computeIfAbsent in TorquePropagator
- Organize imports
- All GUIs and HUDs now respect spectator mode and the hideGui option
- Fix some HUDs not reseting GL state
- Blaze burners no longer turn towards the player if they are invisible
- Ponder buttons that display the main item for a ponder tag now have a
different background color
- Added LangBuilder to streamline things that make use of chat components
- Started migrating a bunch of text to use lang builders
- Glowing display board text now has a higher alpha
- Banners will now be printed with the correct pattern
- To print a banner, the item with the exact same pattern is required
- Add ISpecialBlockEntityItemRequirement for BlockEntities
- Allow StackRequirements to check match with other stack
- Add StrictNbtStackRequirement that also checks the stack NBT
- Add banners tag to safe_nbt tag
- Fixed NPE with train sounds
- Belts launched by a schematicannon can no longer replace bedrock
- Placards now unpower one game tick sooner
- Fixed station display link not assigning default values correctly
- Fixed Train doors able to be destroyed in a single punch
- Increased distance at which activated whistles can be heard
- Super glue captured by schematics or /c clone now gets cropped to the selected boundary
- Controlled contraptions now save their anchor block position in relative coords