- Fixed classloading issues when flywheel is not present serverside
- Fixed missing texture on the mechanical arm item
- Added back deprecated register method for display behaviours
- Fixed Redstone/Elevator Contacts not switching type after rotated by wrench
- Fixed edited clipboard entry not rendering at correct y in some gui scales
- Fan transparency of copycat blocks now refers to their material
- Fixed new metal bars not being fan transparent
- Clipboards can now be used to transfer settings between blocks
- Fixed saw filter slot position not matching assets
- Base stone blocks can now be stonecut back from their cut variants
- Mechanical rollers now sync settings between each other in a row
- Valve handles no longer create stress config entries for each dyed variant
- Place near initial angle mode on bearings now has a smaller interval considered 'near'
- Rollers are now a little easier to place and expand
- Players can now take items from saws via right-click
- Item Drains now accept dropped items as input
- Train track placement overlay now explicitly mentions the ctrl key
- Clipboards can now be used to manually write to Display Boards and Nixie Tubes
- Clipboards can now be used as Material Checklists in the Schematicannon
- Added Clipboard recipe and clearing recipe
- Integrated new chute models by Kryppers
- Chutes can now be encased in Industrial Iron Blocks
- Chutes are now less prone to resetting shape when moved or rotated
- Moved metal deco blocks to Building Blocks tab
- Changed stonecutting ingredient of metal deco blocks from sheet to ingot
- SimplePacketBase#handle now accepts Context instead of
- SimplePacketBase#handle now returns boolean, which, if true, calls
- Overhauled UX of scroll values and item filtering
- Filtered item extraction can now be configured to pull "up to x items" per operation
- Removed some unused assets
- Rename AllBlockPartials -> AllPartialModels
- Make AllPackets.channel private and use getter method instead
- Make config fields in AllConfigs private and use getter methods
- Optimize SyncedBlockEntity#sendData
- CustomRenderedItemModel no longer holds partials
- Store partials as PartialModels in static fields in renderers
- Remove all CustomRenderedItemModel subclasses
- Remove CustomRenderedItemModelRenderer#createModel
- CustomRenderedItemModelRenderer is no longer generic
- Store items with custom renderers in CustomRenderedItems instead of
- Fix NPE in CarriageSyncData (Unknown cause)
- Fixed crash when applying text to display boards before they initialise
- Fixed incorrect itemstack remainders on Weighted Ejectors
- Other mods' wrenches now always behave like the Create wrench on IWrenchables
- Finish refactor of item description tooltips and kinetic stat tooltips
- Change Palette to use Style instead of ChatFormatting
- Remove old code in TooltipHelper
- Add deferred registration capabilities to AttachedRegistry
- Move creative mode tabs to AllCreativeModeTabs
- Delete IItemHandlerModifiableIntermediate
- Delete StorageInterfaceMovement
- Remove AllSections
- Refactor ItemDescription and parts of TooltipHelper
- Remove deprecated methods
- Rename CreateRegistry to AttachedRegistry
- Rename creative tab classes to match vanilla names
- Fixed Girder Encased Shafts getting ignored by the Schematicannon
- Fixed Belts not offering a valid item handler until their first tick
- NPE Guard in Funnel-Arm interaction
- Fixed crash when curios inventory is configured to have no slots #4174
- Clean up frontier list when hitting unloaded chunks with hose pulley, potentially helps #4225
- Fixed vaults not marking chunks dirty when its inventory changes #4279
- Fixed players kicked for flying when standing on contraptions with a mount
- Fixed compiler errors
- Maximum placement length of tracks and turns are now configurable (#4241)
- Adjusted validation guards and network visualisation to function with longer bends
- Track graph no longer shows nodes and edges on f3 unless configured to
- Kinetic blocks no longer show debug information on f3 unless configured to
- Adjust how and when blaze burners accept fuel
- Fix crash with Optifine when rendering a map
- Fix RenderType being used in common code
- Increment version
- Fixed signals not updating track graph when destroyed
- Added #deployable_drink tag for consumables that are not considered food
- Deployers can no longer consume potions or milk, and will instead feed players in their target area
- Fixed buttons in ponder not registering clicks near the edges #4130
- Fixed config UI tooltips including the empty "." comments used for toml 'formatting'
- Cobwebs and Powdered Snow can now be attached to contraptions
- Fixed Storage Drawers not providing correct fill levels to Stockpile Switches
- Leaves are now considered transparent by encased fans
- Blocks can now be tagged `#create:movable_empty_collider` to support contraption movement even if their collision shape is empty
- Dangerous restructuring of common behaviour during tile removal
- Fixed unloading Redstone Links querying their own chunk for tile entities
- Remove unused imports