- Chain conveyor connections are now easier to abort
- Fixed various issues with gameplay-related caches not using in-game ticks for invalidation
- Fixed stock keeper tooltips rendering below icons
- Factory and restock gauges can now be paused with a redstone signal
- Factory and restock gauges can now output comparator signals when completed
- Gauge connection handler now aborts when something other than a gauge is clicked
- Fixed arms not taking from repackagers
- Restore missing train map icons
- Fix contraption visuals not actually being invalidated, motivated by
getting carriage contraption visuals to go through portals correctly
- Fix bogey visuals initially appearing with incorrect transforms
- Fix contraption visuals initially appearing lerp'd between the origin
and their actual pos
- Use max of mesh/instance light in instance shaders
- Bump flywheel version to fix contraption self lighting
Updated the card armour on the correct repository
tweaked conveyor bullwheel
updated ticker model
Updated panel model and textures
tweaks to stock keeper UI
- Fixed logistics hat not using cutout layer
- Stock ticker categories can be moved to top or bottom of list
- Packager block shows a redstone indicator
- Defragmenting Packager is now its own block
- Stock links no longer prevent packager activation by redstone
- Add missing shaft to saw actors
- Fix stabilized bearings rendering 2 sticky faces
- Remove axis field from KBEV
- Make most helper methods from KBEV available as public static
- Rewrite offset control logic to be easier to read and consolidate the
duplications I found
- Simplify per-frame logic in DeployerActorVisual by saving the base
transforms as fields
- Fix deployers and stabilized bearings not animating on contraptions
- Fix bogey block entities not initializing their animations in the ctor
- Fix shafts on actors not being aligned with other kinetic components
- Fix Visuals not respecting KBE#getRotationAngleOffset
- Remove BeltInstance
- Belt visuals now use ScrollInstance
- Improve ScrollInstance setters to work well with belts
- Simultaneously simplify belt visual and make it more complicated
- Deduplicate setup code
- Inline speed calculation and all random constants that were stored
in the visual. Those are cheap enough that we can just re-calculate
as necessary to save on the memory cost
- Move magic constants to statics
- Make instances final
- Using new debug tool, fix all visuals that initialize their instances
at the render origin
- Update ArmVisual and SteamEngineVisual to use instance hiding
- Update SchematicannonVisual, SteamEngineVisual, and ToolBoxVisual to
avoid re-calculating animations when nothing is happening
- Use RecyclingPoseStacks in ArmVisual and CarriageContraptionVisual
- Bump flywheel version
- Implement ElevatorPulleyVisual
- Makes good use of recycling and instance hiding
- Fixes issue where the elevator belt cannot be seen at the bottom of
very tall elevators
- Add offset field to scroll instance to support the elevator belt's CPU
driven animation
- Use shader light for the elevator belt to simplify tracking. Might be
better off copying what the other pulleys do, but this achieves the
effect quite well.
- Bump flywheel version
- Round the scroll delta away from zero when interacting with elevator
contraption controls
- Fixes issue where I wasn't able to scroll up to select a higher floor
- This may not be worth it, but it definitely looks better
- Switch to flat shader lighting for curved track segments
- Fixes dark track segments when clipped into hills
- Bump flywheel version
- Make flap visuals use TransformedInstance, as FlapInstance had similar
size but a much more complicated shader
- Remove flap instance and associated shaders
- Remove double negative in tunnel flap rendering
- Make negative flapness the inward direction
- Move common rendering code into FlapStuffs
- Add FlapStuffs.Visual to share visualization code between tunnels and
- Don't update block states when a pipe is removing a fluid that would
be an infinite source
- Add accessor mixin for FlowingFluid#getNewLiquid to test