- Fixed stock ticker returning payments client side
- Fixed package sneak right click voiding items
- Fixed factory gauge not using an item when added to a block space
- Halved cost of conveyor chain connections, added a chain recipe using zinc
- Made stock keeper screen more resistant to issues with low tps and latency
- Item hatch deposits held item before inventory
- Fixed funnels not able to extract when any entity is nearby, even glue
- Cardboard box no longer renders in first person mode
- Fixed stock keeper not telling item durability
- Pulp recipe is now more generous
- Fixed server startup issue with new bogey registration
- Fully emptied stacks in stock keeper view will show as empty slots
- Fixed chain conveyors culling too quickly
- Adjusted outline for logistically linked preview
- Address box suggestions no longer have duplicates and render above box when necessary
- Adjusted display cloth entity collision box
- Held clipboards can now copy entries from other in-world clipboards
- Fixed logistically linked items not placing the block when sneaking
- Postboxes and frogs now open visually when opened
- String can now be applied to cardboard blocks in-world
- Desk bells can now be spam-clicked
- Metal ladders no longer require a wall if another ladder block is above them
- Packaged spawn eggs may cause side effects when opened
- Fixed packagers having an unlimited queue for requests
- Fixed issues related to factory panels with differing frequencies interacting
- Fixed promise creep on deployer inventories
- Added restocker mode for factory panels when placed on packager
- Factory panel connections are more picky about correct placement
- Wrench can cycle the arrow pathing mode
- Fully outlined text on filter slots for better readability
- Fixed amounts on funnels no longer showing
- Fixed factory panels overproducing when using stack units
- Added UI for Redstone Requester
- Requester emits comparator signal on success
- Fixed saw offsets
- Fixed cardboard knockback not applied to server players
- Factory panels shut off when some links arent loaded
- Postbox animates flag and spawns particles on transfer
- Fixed cardboard block culling
- Fixed trains not transferring packages during stay, only on arrival
- Factory panel refinements
- Added bound cardboard blocks
- Added recipes where cardboard substitutes leather
- Raised rendered partial models of train and contraption controls to match new block asset
- Doors on elevators now try to open other non-assembled doors in front of them