- isTrainEnroute checks if a train is currently navigating to the station
- Reworded null station exception to "station is not connected to a track"
- Refactored StationPeripheral#inAssemblyMode to StationPeripheral#isInAssemblyMode
- Added a check to StationPeripheral#disassemble to make sure the station isn't in assembly mode
- Lua documentation has been added for all peripherals except the train station (not looking forward to writing that one)
- This documentation will be added to the GitHub wiki pages
- Added isTrainImminent to check if a train is incoming to the station and hasSchedule to check if the currently present train has a schedule
- Added StationPeripheral#getTrainOrThrow to consolidate repetitive null checks
- Added getSchedule which serializes the currently present train's schedule into a lua table
- Refactored StationPeripheral#setSchedule to use a more generic method of serializing NBT tags to lua tables
- Moved schedule entry special data from root tag to "Data"
- Added StringHelper#camelCaseToSnakeCase
- Added variety of put methods to CreateLuaTable
- Train station peripherals can now assemble and disassemble trains, check if the station is in assembly mode, set the assembly mode of the station, get and change the station name, check if a train is present at the station and get and change the currently present train name.
- Refactored StationEditPacket. Moved most of the logic that was previously in StationEditPacket to StationTileEntity. This allows us to call this logic without having to send a packet.
- Made Train#owner nullable. This is needed so that computers can assemble trains. All Train#owner is currently used for is to display the train status to the correct play.
- Train station can set a new auto-schedule for the train currently at the station
- Added CreateLuaTable to add helper functions for working with lua tables
- Added StringHelper util class to convert snake case to camel case
- Changed the Display Link Peripheral API to be more in line with the Monitor API
- Added write, setCursorPos, getCursorPos, getSize, isColor, isColour, clearLine
- Removed void writeLine, setLine, writeLines, setLines
- After talking with SquidDev from CC: Tweaked I've changed to monitoring IPeripheral#attach and IPeripheral#detach for changes in the number of computers connected to the network, then updating the client using AttachedComputerPacket
- This works with wired full modems, wired cabled modems and directly connected computers
- Added SyncedPeripheralBase and SyncedComputerControllable for TE's and peripherals that want to be aware of attached computers
- This is to stop players from trying to using both the builtin sequencing and a computer to control the Sequenced Gearshift at the same time, leading to undefined behaviour
- The "greyed out" screen should have a message added explaining why it's greyed out.
- Added ComputerControllable#isComputerControlled to check if a tile entity is connected to a modem
- peripheralHandler was the wrong name. It's just a peripheral.
- Changed peripheral type from "cdl" to "Create_DisplayLink"
- Added equals function to DisplayLinkPeripheral
- CC computers can now control display links through a variety of functions
- Added ComputerControllable interface to define a tile entity as controllable by CC computers
- Added CC: Tweaked soft dependency
- Fixed entity-specific interactions causing schedule interaction to be ignored
- Fixed viewport jittering when pressing movement keys while seated
- Fixed players dismounting trains/minecart contraptions causing them to be placed at incorrect locations
- Reduced tps impact of basin recipe lookups noticeable in larger modpacks
- Fixed Brass tunnels distributing back into the side items get inserted from
- Fixed Brass tunnels distributing into sides blocked by an inserting funnel
- Cargo Conditions in schedules now match any cargo if no filter is specified