- Reworked tileentity behaviours for inventory interaction
- Deployers no longer actively pull items from other inventories
- Some more work on basins
- Added a new inventory type wrapping an itemstack handler that automatically syncs the tile entity. It also implements IInventory for recipe shenanigans
- Held items of a deployer can now only be extracted by other blocks if it does not match the filter
- Fixed excess items not able to be extracted from deployers
- Removed some things
- Funnels no longer actively transpose items between chutes and inventories unless they are vertical
- Chutes can now active pull and insert items from/to inventories above/below them
- Fixed upright items rendering inconsistently between belt and depot
- Fixed various timing and sync issues with the spout
- Added a recipe type for spout filling
- Fixed more co-modification on belts
- Item and fluid nbt tags in recipes are now data-generated as json objects rather than strings
- Transported item processing can now leave items behind
- Transported item processing now has more meaningful result data
- Tweaked spout animation
- Fixed cullfaces on spout model
- Expanded the RecipeProvider infrastructure
- Migrated mechanical crafting recipes to generated
- Migrated cooking recipes to generated
- Fixed missing particles on vertical motor model
- Adjusted a few recipes
- Reworked and cleaned up Create's ProcessingRecipes
- Prepared ProcessingRecipes for fluid ingredients and outputs
- Added datagen infrastructure to ProcessingRecipes
- Migrated all hand-written ProcessingRecipes to generated
- Removed scrollinput on mixers
- Fixed recipe lookup cache not invalidating on datapack reload
- Removed "catalyst" ingredients
- Added encased and non-opaque versions of the fluid pipe.
- Added new generic te behaviour across pipe blocks for their rims/attachment models
- Pipes and pumps now render a little drain cap when connected to a fluid inventory
- moved fan transparent blocks to block tag
- added blaze heater as transparent
- blaze heater on lowest level is now a valid bulk smokig block
- blaze heater on heat 2 and higher is now a valid bulk smelting block (that requires fuel but does not spill lava or set your house on fire)
- added empty blaze heater
- catching blazes (rclick blazes or a blaze spawner)
- only blaze heaters with blaze can heat basins or power fans
- updated item tooltip to fit the discussed fueling system
- Heated Mixing: Mixing can now require the player to heat the basin (with either the usual fan heaters for a heat level of 1 or the blaze heater for higher heat levels)
- Made mixing brass ingots from copper and zinc ingots require heating (as example)
- added the blaze heater to valid fan heaters
- added TE renderer for fan heater to display a blaze head always facing the player
- added fueling of blaze heater with furnace fuel (onUse event, not with inventory to challenge the automation. To be discussed.)
- add heat requirement display to JEI
- better item model for blaze heater
- new special fuel for higher heat levels
- fan stoking
- Arms can no longer insert into powered brass funnels
- Slight ArmInteractionPoint refactor
- Arms can now interact with Millstones, Basins, Jukeboxes, Crushing Wheels and the Mechanical Saw
- Fixed crash when logging into a world with a running mixer
- Arms now start to dance when one of their in or outputs is a running jukebox
- Arms can now be mounted on the ceiling
- Arms now always prefer the interaction points that were selected first
- Fixed belt funnels not updating their blockstate properly when transitioning from other funnel types
- Vertical funnels next to the end of a belt will now stall the belt when unable to collect incoming items
- Minor model & texture touch ups
- Arm no longer cancels player interaction when its empty handed
- Fixed chutes not vertically interacting with andesite funnels
- Removed pre-0.3 funnel blocks
- Added andesite variant to reality funnels, without filtering or redstone control
- Added andesite variant to belt tunnels
- Reality Funnel -> Brass Funnel
- added a block tag non_movable conatining blocks that should not be moved with contraptions
- added a block tag for brittle blocks breaking without support
- moved obsidian from hardcoded to non_movable block tag
- moved flower pots, doors and bells from hardcoded to brittle block tag
- registrate block tagging of brittle blocks
- made immersive engineering connectors non-movable to avoid reported weird behavior
- Added a funnel block variant that interacts with chutes horizontally (same item)
- Belt and Chute Funnels now have a push/pull property
- Removed Chute Ports
- Added blockstates, models and TE rendering for mechanical pumps
- Removed unused pipe textures
- Removed hasStaticPart in IWrenchable as it became obsolete in 1.15
- Bumped version
- Patched some localization gaps from the registry wipe
- TE's with an ItemStackHandler capability are now viable for mounted storage
- Fixed pulley placing down ropes when destroyed while moving
- Fixed inconsistency with glue removal and placement
- Removed temporary lang partial with entity names
- Fixed and Refactored the item renderers of the Wrench, Blockzappers, Worldshapers, Symmetry Wand and Deforester
- Tweaked blockzapper beam rendering to look less clunky
- Fixed selection of zapper tools not showing after they had been dual-wielded
- Added back the silk touch requirement to suitable loot tables
- Added generated recipes and tags for glass and window blocks
- Fixed blockzappers selecting new blocks upon firing
- Removed duplicate recipes and lang entries
- Fixed some outdated translation keys in ui screens
- Setup automated recipes for stone palette blocks and their stairs/slabs/etc
- Fixed datagen putting air blocks as drops for attached logistical blocks
- Fixed recipes and lang entries using outdated registry names
- Fixed kinetic blocks appearing twice in the main creative tab
- All Items are now using registrate
- Blockzapper now renders an outline around its affected area
- Ported rainbow debug ™️
- Reworked the custom item model/renderer system
- Schematics now preview their structure again
- SuperByteBuffers now support being rendered into non-BufferBuilders
- Ported the contraption renderer
- Fixed sticky blockstates of the linear chassis
- SuperByteBuffers can now be given a separate matrixStack for vertex lighting
- Kinetic TERs now make use of the passed light parameter
- Added support for Block & ItemColors in CreateRegistrate
- Updated forge and removed obsolete warning suppressions
- Fixed mossy & overgrown block items not having their foliage layer coloured
- Added builder transform for registering stress config values for kinetic blocks
- Created a blockstate generator for belt blocks
- Added belts to registrate
- All palette variants now have auto-generated stairs, slabs and walls for certain patterns
- Layered variant types have connected textures again
- Centralized all SpriteShifts
- Clutch, Gearshift and Gearbox joined the registrate
- Fixed belt and gearbox items not being assigned creative tabs properly
- Cleaned up and extended the blockstate generator helpers
- Removed advancements from static assets
- Added datagen .cache to gitignore
- Split the palettes section into its own Creative tab
- Fixed Clutch and Gearshift rendering their casing in the TER