- Implemented ponder scenes for Fluid Pipes and Copper Casing
- Adjusted Fluid transfer, containment and rendering behaviours to function in 'virtual' environments
- Added scene for deployer's new item processing
- Fixed particles rendering faced away from the camera
- Fixed airflow particles not getting lit properly
- Fixed lack of culling in Gui ItemStack elements
- Prepared texts for all fluid-related storyboards
- Fixed ponder progress bar not displaying
- Added tooltips for newly added tools and equipment
- Fixed depth issues in Ponder UI
- Fixed lack of backface culling in ponder
- Added placeholder storyboards for missing ponder scenes
- Fixed menu screen cogs rendering behind the background
- Fixed menu screen not pausing the game
- Create DyedBlockList for storing and accessing a set of dyed blocks
- Switch usage of BlockEntry<?>[] to DyedBlockList in AllBlocks
- These changes also finally fix the compilation error related to generic arrays
- Refactor AllContainerTypes to use Registrate
- Replace RegistryEntry in AllEntityTypes and AllFluids with EntityEntry and FluidEntry, respectively
- Make AllEntityTypes use Registrate to register entity renderers instead of a separate method
- Refactor AllColorHandlers
- Fix error when a POI block is moved by a contraption
- Rename some static final fields to be upper snake case
- Make static fields in Create and CreateClient final
- Add I prefix to Coordinate interface
- Fix typo (BracketedTileEntityBehaviour#isBacketPresent)
- Make mixins go in alphabetical order
- Make pack.mcmeta use 2 spaces for indents
- Millstone now accepts items from belts/ejectors directly
- Fixed Redstone-triggered components losing tile data after moved by a Contraption
- Super glue between non-solids can now be removed while the glue item is equipped
- Fixed Deployers not able to interact with glued blocks
- Fixed incorrect lang mapping of UI button descriptions
- Placement assist block preview now lights properly, doesn't z-fight and fades in gradually
- Pickaxe and Axe are now effective on piston extension poles
- Fixed block breaking animations inside the ponder UI
- Fixed Ponder Scenes rendering on top of the progress bar
- Fixed Mechanical Press not retracting when items were removed early
- Fixed Windmill Bearings allowing to be moved while assembled
- Mechanical Pistons now silence the "missing poles" error after poles were added
- Fixed entities attempting to path-find through Creates' non-solids #1390
- Fixed Redstone Links occasionally wiping their frequency when moved in a Contraption
- Fixed Flywheels doubling their SU capacity after every chunk reload
- Fixed display of numeric formats using non-breaking space #1374
- Signs can now be moved on a contraption #1315
- Fixed Typo in german localization #1363
- Fixed Windmill Bearings keeping su information after relocation #1364
- Fixed Symmetry Wand using up too many items #1342
- Fixed Spawners losing nbt data when moved
- Nixie tubes now update their texts starting from the clicked block, rather than the leftmost one in the chain
- Fixed inconsistency between block and item model of the furnace engine
- Fixed a couple overlooked ponder lang issues
- Fixed weighted ejector not accepting arbitrary gold plates in its recipe
- Fix crash opening ponder from screens with an opened recipe book
- Adjusted Brass Tunnels once again to better deal with non-complete item transferrals
- Brass tunnels now always output to their sides first
- Thrown chromatic products are now gravity-less
- Sneaking on Ejectors bypasses them triggering
- Fixed ponder tag item listing
- Ejectors now trigger observers
- Fixed negative bottom pull distance in chutes
- Fixed smart chutes deleting non-stackable items
- Fixed chutes not able to output partial stacks
- Ejectors can now be paused with redstone
- Deferred ejector launches by one tick to 'unground' entities more consistently