- Combine rotating/actor instance types
- Preference towards actor, but the arbitrary pivot was never used
- Inline KineticInstance
- Remove magic 3/10 constant in rotating shader, instead use
renderSeconds and multiply by 6 ahead of time
- Now the rotational speed is in degrees per second
- Fix the package/rigging initially appearing inside the frog's mouth
when it's retrieving a package
- Lazily update the body/head/tongue so we don't have to upload it every
frame when not animating
- Replace SmartBlockEntity#behaviours with a Reference2ObjectArrayMap
for faster iteration and because BehaviorTypes are unique by reference
- SmartBlockEntityTicker#tick improvements
- Client: 9% of all -> 7% of all
- Server: 12% of all -> 10% of all
- Added train schedule instructions for delivering or retrieving packages
- Moved schedule instruction logic into their respective subclasses
- Fixed schedule screen no longer showing tooltips in the entry editor
- Fixed tracks creating signal block intersections despite being in different dimensions
- Steam engine placement assist now shows a normal shaft
- Fixed Frogport sounds creating individual subtitle entries
- Frogports and Postboxes now highlight their target position when hovered with a wrench
- Fixed conveyors erroring on load
- Packagers inserting into inventories now wait a couple of frames before animating
- Packagers activated by signals shorter than 2 seconds will always emit exactly one package
- Added missing shaft detail to the backtank armor
- Different sound type for cardboard and packages
- Stock links are now wrenchable again
- Fixed chain conveyor chains getting culled while in view
- Chain conveyor riding now updates the player visual instantly after dismount
- Fixed chain conveyor riding animation stopping when too far from the controlling block
- Added sounds for stock keeper and ticker ui
- Stock keeper screen now temporarily fakes item counts after requests until stock info catches up
- Boiler gauge now disappears client-side when blocks are clipping into it