- Adjust how and when blaze burners accept fuel
- Fix crash with Optifine when rendering a map
- Fix RenderType being used in common code
- Increment version
- Fixed signals not updating track graph when destroyed
- Added #deployable_drink tag for consumables that are not considered food
- Deployers can no longer consume potions or milk, and will instead feed players in their target area
- Fixed buttons in ponder not registering clicks near the edges #4130
- Fixed config UI tooltips including the empty "." comments used for toml 'formatting'
- filter out null contraptions in ContraptionRenderingWorld
- fix and unify contraption data size estimates
- add config for max contraption size for syncing
- Minecart pickup max is increased if XL Packets is loaded
- Cobwebs and Powdered Snow can now be attached to contraptions
- Fixed Storage Drawers not providing correct fill levels to Stockpile Switches
- Leaves are now considered transparent by encased fans
- Blocks can now be tagged `#create:movable_empty_collider` to support contraption movement even if their collision shape is empty
- Dangerous restructuring of common behaviour during tile removal
- Fixed unloading Redstone Links querying their own chunk for tile entities
- Remove unused imports
- Fluid manipulation of Hose Pulleys can no longer cause chunks to be loaded
- Hose Pulleys no longer lose infinite status upon un- and reloading
- Hose Pulleys now retain infinite status if surrounding lake is not fully loaded
- Fixed Hose Pulley not loading in extended on the client side
- Improved position of rendered blocks launched by Schematicannon
- Fixed Schematicannon play button having to be pressed twice to start printing
- Schematicannon no longer moves while searching for the next location to shoot at
- Schematicannon now skips through empty sections more quickly
- Fixed Creative players losing items used on block application recipes
- Fixed blocks used in item application recipes briefly being placed on the client
- Blaze burners now create less light updates
- Goggle overlay fade-in no longer repeats when looking at adjacent blocks with information
- Reduced particle amount produced by active steam engine setups
- Add SteamEngineInstance
- Delete contraption models on contraption invalidate
- Do not use enum subclasses in BottomlessFluidMode
- Fix ContraptionDriverInteractMixin being added twice
- Update Flywheel
- Deprecate CreateRegistrate#lazy, add CreateRegistrate#create, and call
registerEventListeners manually
- Remove Create#registrate and use Create.REGISTRATE instead
- Move tag datagen code and methods to TagGen
- Pass event busses directly to Curios#init
- Update logging to use SLF4J
- Update Flywheel to 0.6.8-95
- Increment version to 0.5.0.g