- Added new selection/outline particles for use in place of bounding box rendering
- Refactored JEI categories
- Slots for chance outputs now have a slighly different appearance in JEI
- Redstone links no longer cause a redstone update when loaded in
- Redstone links no longer mess up windmill bearings on chunk reload
- Fixed redstone links not working properly after movement in a contraption
- Filter output amounts can no longer be increased beyond the stack limit
- Chassis range visualization now uses the new outline particle
- Kinetic networks are now aware of movement, such as NBT-item placement, schematic placement and other means of tileentity movement and will reset/reconnect
- Fixed pistons/bearings/etc not being movable by chassis
- Fixed pistons/bearings/etc moving a clone of themselves when attached to the initial block
- Fixed pistons/bearings/etc stopping or losing their structure when loaded incorrecly
- Pulleys can now be moved while extended, moving attached ropes and their own attached structure with them
- Brittle blocks such as ladders/torches/etc can no longer be moved unless their attached block is moved
- Fixed mechanical pistons messing up their kinetic information when changing into a different extension state.
- Fixed misplaced client code introduced by a ScreenOpener hotfix
- Fixed inconsistent belt initialization when belts are placed by schematics or structures, causing them to break at random
- Clutches and Gearshifts now await their turn to re-attach when changed, allowing multiple to be used in a network and swapped within one tick without causing components to break.
- Fixed flexcrate interface crashing if the block gets removed while open
- Some additions/modifications in texture assets
- Pistons no longer get blocked by their push limit if the blocks pushed are attached to each other
- Sandpaper can no longer repair tools
- Fixed players getting kicked for "flying" when moved by contraptions or fans
- Saw no longer duplicates itself when broken in an overstressed state
- Belts can no longer pass items on to a vertical belt
- Fixed UV shifts not working consistently with high-res resource packs
- Fixed window panes not connecting their textures with windowlogged blocks
- Fixed buttons and pressure plates not resetting after being moved
- Fixed missing tooltips on custom swords
- Redstone links now move when the block they are attached to is moved
- Revisited every unchecked TileEntity cast
- Redstone Links can now be toggled with a wrench
- Redstong Links are now portable on contraptions
- Schematicannon no longer inserts held schematics automatically
- Saws no longer accept items when their speed is zero
- Fixed custom sword not having a sweeping effect
- Fixed invalid kinetic tileentity state when dimension is being unloaded
- Mechanical harvesters now interact with kelp blocks
- Extractors and Funnels are now portable and have special movement traits #117
- Fixed false positives on having reached the block movement limit for contraptions
- Fixed self-modification within a belt's update cycle, addresses #116
- Fixed belt processing not re-activating segement attachments, addresses #132
- Fixed reversing components (gearbox, gearshift) breaking when a new source overpowers the network
- Reduced attack damage of the Deforester
- Fixed redstone links not being powered by wires consistently #106
- New entries for attribute filters: Washable, Smeltable, Smokable and Smeltable in Blast furnace
- Fixed redstone links behaving inconsistently when unloaded and reloaded
- Bumped oldest supported forge version
- Added Zinc and Brass Block
- Added compat for mechanical Saw with BoP's logs
- Fixed Crafters and Mixers not handling container items properly
- Fixed Shafts not dropping when breaking a belt segment with pulley
- Added missing loot table for copper blocks and shingles
- Fixed some harvesting problems with custom tools, adresses #91
- Made Shaft placement less retarded
- Fixed blockstate rotation for directional blocks with two orientations per direction
- Harvesters now break sugar cane at the position they are at
- Made contact condition for storage interfaces more lenient
- Sideways actors in the center of a bearing contraption no longer get special treatment if their effective position points outward
- Tried to fix fall damage when riding on downward moving contraptions
- Minecart contraptions turn sharper
- Cart assemblers can now assemble even when the minecart has not passed the center yet
- Fixed deployers forgetting about their held item on the client
- Deployers no longer dump their inventory when a contraption disassembles
- Deployers no longer visually spazz out when getting centered bearing treatment
- Transposers and Extractors now always stall the belt when not able to extract from it
- Extractors no longer drop items on belts that aren't moving
- Transposers no longer require a block to sit on
- Transposers can now be flipped using a wrench
- Fixed server crash on startup
- Fixed crash when entities get killed by anything other than players
- Pulleys no longer force push blocks below them
- Drill and Saw now applies damage to entities while moved in a contraption
- Made tooltip formatting a tad more lenient
- Added contraption collision to Pistons and Pulleys - applied by stationary blocks, other contraptions and entities. (needs polish)
- Belts can now be moved and rotated by a contraption, holding on to its items if possible.
- Fixed belts not transporting entities when moving at less than 32 rpm
- Fixed belt initialization to allow migration old belts and re-initialization of moved belts
- Added a little in-world tooltip for kinetic blocks rotating below their required speed level
- Fixed kinetic tileentities keeping their previous speed when animated in a contraption
- Fixed motors not trying to overpower a network when directly attached on placement
- Belts now spawn a reasonable amount of particles when broken
- Coloured belts now spawn coloured particles when broken
- Fixed belts segments dropping too many connectors when not broken by a player
- Fixed falldamage being applied after an entity has left the belt it fell upon
- Fixed belt voxelshapes not being cached properly, leading to some bad performance hit when broken or looked at
- Fixed blazing tools not always smelting mob drops
- Fixed crash on server start-up
- Fixed internal server error when equipping a blockzapper
- "Fixed" belts not behaving when migrated from 0.1 (destroying them)
- Fixed Saws not having a kill message
- Fixed Drill not damaging entities
- Added recipe for the storage interface
- Clockwork Bearing no longer rotates counter-clockwise when facing certain directions
- Nether Quartz can no longer be obtained from crushing Granite, Diorite or Andesite
- Reorganized and Tweaked the current advancement chain
- Removed unused values in recipe files
- Caught up on Item Descriptions
- Fixed crash caused by suicidal deployers
- Fixed blockzapper rendering inconsistencies before a block is selected
- Added the Handheld Worldshaper with 3 brushes and 6 modes
- Entities on belts no longer get blocked by entities they are being ridden by
added a few soundevents for custom subtitles
sounds.json can be generated by launching the main in foundation/utility/data/Generator.java (this should be done before starting the client when new sound events were added)
- Saws are now portable and chop trees while mounted
- Portable contraptions can now hold an inventory
- Saw, Drill and Harvester now fill a contraptions internal storage before dropping items
- Mounted blocks can now hold moving contraptions in place
- Saw and Drill now briefly stall contraptions while breaking blocks in front of themselves
- Refactored IHaveMovementBehaviour to IPortableBlock and MovementBehaviour
- Fixed Harvester blades rotating in the wrong direction sometimes
- Shadows on portable contraptions are now a little less aggressive
- Added a block for item exchange with storage on contraptions
- Fixed link range config registering with wrong id
- Added a utility for purposely slowing down animations on the client to match server tps
- Smart Tileentities now lazy tick on initialization
- Fixed crash when breaking active bearings
- Fixed crash when cart assembler fails to assemble a contraption
- Fixed goggles having missing textures
- Reworked Schematicannon Model
- Removed Schematicannon Creatifier from creative tab
- Created a new config foundation
- Moved all configurable values to the new system
- Worldgen can now be controlled by the config
- Worldgen reloads dynamically when the config file changes
- Tweaked Worldgen parameters and reworked feature registration
- Added Create's stone variants to World gen
- Moved all block partials used only for rendering out of the registry
- Refactored model registry hooks and custom block model handling
- Added a safety layer for all tile entity renderers, addresses #76
- Overstressed indicator no longer shows when the kinetic source changes
- Fixed framed glass rendering glass textures inbetween blocks
- Fixed blockzapper adding itself twice to the item group
- Fixed basing not spawning particles properly
- Updated Forge
- Reworked Schematicannon model
- Item holders are now initialized with suppliers
- Reduced redundancies with defining and registering custom item rendering
- Removed the Gardens module
- Fixed some colors in the existing custom item models
- Fixed Tree fertilizer spawning grass when growing large spruce trees
- Nerfed durability of the Deforester
- Items dropped by a tree cut with a Deforester now 'fall' away from the player
- Blockzappers can now be used together with the Symmetry Wand
- Fixed deployer not looking in the right direction
- You can now put items on Crafters directly
- Tree cutting is less lenient about whether the trunk was fully cut or not
- Fixed filtering not looking past first matched item if said item doesn't have the required amount
- Shifted speed unit to resemble rpm (revolutes per minute)
- Moved stress defaults to new class
- Adjusted processing duration for machines to respect the visual speed change
- Drastically lowered the speed range
- Stressed networks now indicate better
- Goggles now show detailed information when looking at components, especially the gauges
- Sand Paper can now be used on items held in the offhand
- Item entities on a moving crushing wheel can no longer be picked up
- Crushing wheels no longer drop their contents when the wheels stop moving
- Kinetic blocks can now be harvested by axes and pickaxes
- Shafts have less obnoxious placement behaviour
- Fixed belts not dropping casings and shafts when broken
- Fixed belt tunnels not synchronizing properly
- Fixed blockzapper rendering strangely when no block is selected
- Funnels can now directly insert items that players activate it with
- Flexpeater -> Adjustable Repeater
- Added the Adjustable Pulse Repeater
- Added config for disabling sand paper tool repairs
- Fixed belts and filtering renderers leaving behind an undesirable GL state
- Fixed pick block not working on vertical extractors/funnels
- Shadow Steel and Refined Radiance are now obtainable
- Removed old Advancement managers
- Removed all unfinished logistical features from the registry
- Added new Crafting ingredients
- Added Sand Paper, for a polishing recipe type and repairing tools
- Changed Blockzapper materials
- Added the ability to include catalyst-ingredients in processing recipes
- Added some ingredient/output count validation for processing recipes
- Deployers now spawn particles when using certain items
- Players can now interact with the deployer to swap held items
- Belts now accept brass casing instead of logistical casing
- Introduced a new material chain
- Added a whole bunch of recipes
- Kinetic blocks break when their speed updates to frequently
- Fixed Stress gauge not resetting when source was removed
- Fixed Kinetic networks doubling their stress when saving and loading the world
- Fixed Generators not updating network stress when their speed changed
- Fixed Processing saw crashing when used
- Fixed tree cutting algorithm looping indefinitely
- Fixed sourceless kinetic blocks in rainbow debug
- Horizontal saws cut trees in front of them
- Deforester now works in creative mode
- Encased fans now work on the "fake items" moving on the belt
- Chunk no longer redraws when TEs send data. (May break stuff)
- Regular fan particles are less noisy
- Items no longer spazz out when the belt is stopped
- Fixed extractors waiting indefinitely if belt is occupied
- Added a torque system with stress vs capacity scores for networks.
- Added config values for stress and capacity
- Added rainbow debug (tm)
- Added infinite new bugs
- Added the Mechanical Mixer for automated shapeless recipes
- Added the Basin holding multiple items for processing
- Added a Wrench for manipulating Scrollvalues, picking up and rotating kinetic blocks
- Extractors and Funnels now require a block to attach to
- Fixed Animation ticks being synced with the server world time
- Fixed "Magical Soaryn Gears"
- Gearboxes can now connect to each other directly
- Fixed Belt items not stacking even after finishing a link
- Fixed id downcasing not working properly in non-english environments #25
- Removed event subscriber annotations for mod & registry events
- Added more displayable slots in the Washing JEI view
- Fixed Windowed blocks referencing IBakedModel on the server
- Changed stairs to use blockstate supplier
- Fixed Symmetry Wand crashing when configured in the off-hand
- Fixed "Hold Shift" in tooltips not being translated
- Chassis now drop applied slime balls
- Slime Balls are now craftable
- Mechanical Belts now lock living entities in place
- Blockzapper recipes can now be viewed from the uses of their ingredient materials
- Configured FlexPeaters now synchronize with other players
- Fixed client crash when rendering lava in a deployed schematic #15
- Made encased fans a little less expensive
- Added other coral types to tree fertilizer recipe
- Added Logistical Controllers
- Added Logistical Casings
- Added the Logistical Index
- Added a Logistical Dial
- Started laying out logic for Logistical Networks
- Added ability to put glass panes inside partial blocks such as Fences, Stairs and Slabs.
- Added Tiled Glass and Tiled Glass Panes
- Fixed Translation Chassis pulling blocks even without being sticky
- Added Palette Blocks to corresponding tag groups
- Added translation to zh_cn (Thanks to Thirace446)
- Split gearboxes into two interchangeable Items
- Cached rotating models no longer get their UVs screwed by resource reloading
- Added Limesand and Recipes, Fixes#11
- Added Block Tag for everything usable by the Generating Encased Fan, Fixes#12
- Fixed FlexPeater not able to be configured while pulsing
- Stealth nerfs
- Fixed Blockzapper upgrades not registering correctly, Fixes#14
- Updated Stair recipes, Fixes#10
- Fixed Schematic sender crashing while finishing an upload
- Fixed Corner models for reversed Stair Blocks
- Fixed crash on startup without JEI
- Removed WIP Items from Creative Tab
- Added option to disable tooltips
- Moved common config values to synced serverconfig
- Numbers on Scrollable Blocks are centered
- Motors can be configured to rotate with negative speed
- Fixed Processing Recipes Serializer (severe)
- Fixed Moving constructs not rendering at a reasonable distance
- Mechanical Bearing always solidifies when empty
- Fixed some movement incosistencies with translation constructs
- Fixed Crushing Wheel Controller not stopping when Wheels do
- Fixed Crushing Wheels ejecting entities on world reload
- Fixed Movement inconsistencies with Mechanical Belts
- Added rotation propagation through large cogwheels connected at a 90 degree angle
- Fixed Client code being called server side
- Fixed Abstract Method errors regarding Extractors and FrequencyHolders
- Added a unit character to Flexpeater display
- Fixed additional washing outputs from flying all over the place
- Schematicannon now ignores Structure Void blocks
- Fixed Schematic hologram not displaying
- Added little indicators to the Mechanical Bearing to visualize curent angle
- Bumped version