- Reduced tracking range of mounted contraptions
- Fixed carpets not able to be pushed directly
- Fixed Water Wheels and Belt Tunnels crashing when rendered in a schematic preview
- Stationary Contraption Entities no longer sync positions like normal entities
- Flimsy attempts at making linear contraption movement smoother, especially at differing tick speeds between server and client
- Added slot covers for the Mechanical Crafter
- Added the Clockwork Bearing
- Added the Rope Pulley
- Server speed no longer tries to sync when game is paused
- Fixed crash when moving block breakers are loaded in while stalled
- Fixed Cuckoo Clock's angle interpolation when tps is low
- Removed old Advancement managers
- Removed all unfinished logistical features from the registry
- Added new Crafting ingredients
- Added Sand Paper, for a polishing recipe type and repairing tools
- Changed Blockzapper materials
- Added the ability to include catalyst-ingredients in processing recipes
- Added some ingredient/output count validation for processing recipes
- Deployers now spawn particles when using certain items
- Players can now interact with the deployer to swap held items
- Belts now accept brass casing instead of logistical casing
- Introduced a new material chain
- Added a whole bunch of recipes
- Encased belts can now connect in larger groups
- Kinetic blocks break when their speed changes too frequently
- Removed some unused assets
- Fixed Clutches not working properly
- Organized imports and packages
- Added a new Villager type for delivering packages
- Added the Logisticians Table
- Added Package Funnels
- Added a generic colorable indicator tileentityrenderer
- Added Logistical Controllers
- Added Logistical Casings
- Added the Logistical Index
- Added a Logistical Dial
- Started laying out logic for Logistical Networks