"block.create.andesite_casing.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Reinforces_ _belts_ with an Andesite foundation. Reinforced Belts can support _Belt_ _Tunnels_ and allows _Chutes_ to directly take _items_.",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.summary":"Will _Collect_ items and place them into the attached _Item_ _Container_. Can be disabled with a _Redstone_ _Signal_.",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.condition1":"When used on Item Container",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.behaviour1":"Items _Collected_ by the _Funnel_ will be placed in the attached _Item_ _Containers_ such as _Chests_, _Belts_ and _Chutes_.",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.condition2":"When placed above a belt",
"block.create.andesite_funnel.tooltip.behaviour2":"a _Funnel_ powered by a _Belt_ allows for items to be automatically placed into or taken from the attached _Item_ _Container_.",
"block.create.andesite_tunnel.tooltip.summary":"A protective cover for your _Belts_ and a great way to cover the holes left in your wall because of them.",
"block.create.andesite_tunnel.tooltip.control1":"R-Click with Wrench on Side",
"block.create.andesite_tunnel.tooltip.action1":"_Adjusts_ _window_ _shutters_ if the tunnel has a window on that face.",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.summary":"Will _Collect_ items and place them into the attached _Item_ _Container_. Can be disabled with a _Redstone_ _Signal_. Comes with a handy Filter!",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.condition1":"When used on Item Container",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.behaviour1":"Items _Collected_ by the _Funnel_ will be placed in the attached _Item_ _Containers_ such as _Chests_, _Belts_ and _Chutes_.",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.condition2":"When placed above a belt",
"block.create.brass_funnel.tooltip.behaviour2":"a _Funnel_ powered by a _Belt_ allows for items to be automatically placed into or taken from the attached _Item_ _Container_.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.condition1":"When placed side by side",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Brass_ _Tunnels_ connect to each other allowing for content from one _Belt_ to be redirected to another.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.behaviour2":"_Brass_ _Tunnels_ come with filters for both _Input_ and _Output_. If an _Item_ isn't permitted from the filtered output of a _Tunnel_ it will be transferred to the output of a connected _Tunnel_.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.behaviour3":"_Brass_ _Tunnels_ can be configured to change the method in which _Items_ are sorted onto connected _Belts_.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.control1":"R-Click with Wrench on Side",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.action1":"_Adjusts_ _window_ _shutters_ if the tunnel has a window on that face.",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.control2":"Scroll with Wrench on Top",
"block.create.brass_tunnel.tooltip.action2":"Change the splitting method of connected _Tunnels_.",
"block.create.copper_casing.tooltip.summary":"Robust machine casing with a variety of uses. Safe for decoration.",
"block.create.copper_casing.tooltip.condition1":"When used on Fluid Pipe",
"block.create.copper_casing.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Encases_ the _Fluid_ _Pipe_ with the _Copper_ _Casing_. Useful for passing _Fluid_ _Pipes_ through Walls.",
"block.create.copper_valve_handle.tooltip.summary":"A precise _source_ of _Rotational_ _Force_ that requires the interaction of players. Be careful not to wear yourself out!",
"block.create.copper_valve_handle.tooltip.behaviour1":"Provides _Rotational_ _Force_ to an attached contraption. _Sneak_ _to_ _reverse_ the rotation.",
"block.create.white_seat.tooltip.summary":"Sit yourself down and enjoy the ride! Will anchor a player onto a moving _contraption_. Great for static furniture too! Comes in a variety of colours.",
"block.create.white_seat.tooltip.control1":"Right click on Seat",
"block.create.white_seat.tooltip.action1":"Sits the player on the _Seat_. Press L-shift to leave the _Seat_.",
"block.create.chute.tooltip.summary":"Will _Collect_ items and transport them vertically. Can both take and place items into _item_ _containers_.",
"block.create.chute.tooltip.control1":"When powered by a fan",
"block.create.chute.tooltip.action1":"_Fan_ powered _chutes can convey _Items_ upwards, and suck _items_ off of _Depots_ and _Belts_.",
"block.create.depot.tooltip.summary":"A handy location to place your _Items_. Provides an interaction point for several machines",
"block.create.depot.tooltip.control1":"Right Click on Depot",
"block.create.depot.tooltip.action1":"Places or takes an _Item_ from the _Depot_. _Blocks_ and _Contraptions_ that would interact with a _Belt_ also work on a _Depot_.",
"item.create.filter.tooltip.summary":"_Controls_ _outputs_ and _inputs_ of logistical devices with more _precision_, matching them against a _set_ _of_ _items_ or several _nested_ _filters_.",
"item.create.attribute_filter.tooltip.summary":"_Controls_ _outputs_ and _inputs_ of logistical devices with more _precision_, matching them against a _set_ _of_ item _attributes_ and _categories_.",
"item.create.attribute_filter.tooltip.condition1":"When in filter slot",
"item.create.attribute_filter.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Controls_ item flow according to its _configuration_.",
"item.create.empty_schematic.tooltip.summary":"Used as a recipe ingredient and for writing at the _Schematic_ _Table_.",
"item.create.schematic.tooltip.summary":"Holds a structure to be positioned and placed into the world. Position the Hologram as desired and use a _Schematicannon_ to build it.",
"block.create.schematicannon.tooltip.summary":"Shoots blocks to recreate a deployed _Schematic_ in the World. Uses items from adjacent Inventories and _Gunpowder_ as fuel.",
"block.create.large_cogwheel.tooltip.summary":"A larger version of the _Cogwheel_, allowing for _change_ in _Rotation_ _Speed_ when connected to its smaller Counterpart.",
"block.create.encased_belt.tooltip.behaviour1":"Attached Blocks will have the exact _same_ _rotation_ _speed_ and direction. They do not have to face the same way.",
"block.create.adjustable_pulley.tooltip.summary":"_Relays_ _Rotation_ through its block and to attached _Encased_ _Belts_. Attached encased belts will _rotate_ _faster_ based on the _analog_ _redstone_ _signal_ this block receives.",
"block.create.adjustable_pulley.tooltip.behaviour1":"Without a signal, it will _not_ _speed_ _up_ connected belts. With a full strength signal connected belt, speed _doubles_.",
"item.create.belt_connector.tooltip.summary":"Connects two or more _Shafts_ with a _Mechanical_ _Belt_. Connected shafts will have the exact same rotation speed and direction. The Belt can act as a _Conveyor_ for _Items_ and _Entities_.",
"item.create.belt_connector.tooltip.action1":"Selects the shaft as one pulley of the Belt. Both selected Shafts have to _line_ _up_ either _Vertically_, _Horizontally_, or _Diagonally_ toward the Belt's Direction.",
"item.create.goggles.tooltip.behaviour1":"Shows _colored_ _indicators_ corresponding to the _Speed_ _Level_ of a placed kinetic component as well as _Stress_ _Impact_ and _Capacity_ of individual components.",
"item.create.goggles.tooltip.condition2":"When looking at gauge",
"item.create.wrench.tooltip.summary":"A useful tool for working on kinetic contraptions. Can be used to _Rotate_, _Dismantle_ and to _Configure_ components.",
"block.create.encased_fan.tooltip.behaviour1":"Provides _rotational_ _force_ from any _heat_ _sources_ immediately below itself. The fan has to be facing down.",
"block.create.hand_crank.tooltip.summary":"A simple _source_ of _Rotational_ _Force_ that requires the interaction of players. Be careful not to wear yourself out!",
"block.create.cuckoo_clock.tooltip.behaviour1":"Shows the _current_ _time_ and plays a tune twice a day. _Activates_ once at _noon_ and at dusk, as soon as _players_ _can_ _sleep_.",
"block.create.millstone.tooltip.summary":"A kinetic component suitable for _grinding_ inserted _materials_. Can be powered by an adjacent cogwheel or by connecting to the shaft at the bottom. Results have to be extracted from the component.",
"block.create.crushing_wheel.tooltip.behaviour1":"Forms a crushing machine for processing a variety of things. The Wheels' teeth have to connect and moving with the _same_ _speed_ in _opposite_ _directions_.",
"block.create.basin.tooltip.summary":"A handy _item_ _container_ used in processing with the _Mechanical_ _Mixer_ and the _Mechanical_ _Press_. Supports _Redstone_ _Comparators_.",
"block.create.blaze_heater.tooltip.condition2":"When placed below a basin",
"block.create.blaze_heater.tooltip.behaviour2":"Provides _heat_ to basin recipes.",
"block.create.blaze_heater.tooltip.condition3":"When fuel is used on the blaze heater",
"block.create.blaze_heater.tooltip.behaviour3":"Increases the remaining burn time by the furnace brn time of the used item. Consumes the item. Use _special_ _fuel_ for best results.",
"block.create.mechanical_mixer.tooltip.summary":"A kinetic whisk for applying any shapeless crafting recipes to items beneath it. Requires constant _Rotational_ _Force_ and a _Basin_ placed below (with a gap in between).",
"block.create.mechanical_crafter.tooltip.summary":"A kinetic assembler for _automating_ any _shaped_ _crafting_ recipe. Place _multiple_ _in_ _a_ _grid_ corresponding to your recipe, and _arrange_ _their_ _belts_ to create a _flow_ that exits the grid on one of the crafters.",
"block.create.mechanical_crafter.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Starts_ _the_ _crafting_ _process_ as soon as _all_ _crafters_ in the grid have been _given_ _an_ _item_.",
"block.create.mechanical_crafter.tooltip.action1":"_Cycles_ _the_ _direction_ an individual crafter _moves_ _its_ _items_ towards. To form a working grid, _arrange_ _the_ _belts_ _in_ _a_ _flow_ which moves all items towards a final crafter. The final crafter must _point_ _away_ from the grid.",
"block.create.mechanical_crafter.tooltip.action2":"_Connects_ the _input_ _inventory_ of adjacent crafters. Use this to _combine_ _slots_ in the crafting grid and _save_ _on_ _input_ _work_.",
"block.create.furnace_engine.tooltip.condition1":"When Attached to Lit Furnace",
"block.create.furnace_engine.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Starts_ _powering_ a _Flywheel_ placed in front of it (1m apart). Use a Blast Furnace for higher speeds.",
"block.create.flywheel.tooltip.summary":"A large metal wheel to _harness_ _and_ _stabilize_ generated force by an _attached_ _Engine_. Flywheels connect to engines if they are _1m_ _apart_ and at a _90\u00B0_ _Angle_ from each other.",
"block.create.portable_storage_interface.tooltip.summary":"A portable interchange point for _moving_ _items_ to and from a _structure_ moved by a piston, bearing, minecart, or pulley.",
"block.create.portable_storage_interface.tooltip.behaviour1":"Interacts with stationary _transposers_ such that transposers _facing_ _away_ from the interface _pull_ _items_, and transposers targeting the interface will _insert_ _items_ from attached inventory. The contraption will briefly stall as items are exchanged.",
"block.create.rotation_speed_controller.tooltip.summary":"A _configurable_ _relay_ able to speed up or slow down the target component to any desired speed.",
"block.create.rotation_speed_controller.tooltip.condition1":"When Attached to Large Cogwheel",
"block.create.rotation_speed_controller.tooltip.behaviour1":"Relays incoming rotational force to the wheel, trying to _match_ the _speed_ it is configured to target. The _cogwheel_ has to be _attached_ _on_ _top_ of the controller.",
"block.create.mechanical_piston.tooltip.summary":"A more advanced version of the _Piston. It uses _Rotational_ _Force_ to precisely move attached structures. _Piston_ _Extension_ _Poles_ at the rear define the _Range_ of this Device. Without extensions, the piston will not move. Use _Chassis_ or _Slime_ _Blocks_ to move more than a single line of blocks.",
"block.create.sticky_mechanical_piston.tooltip.summary":"A more advanced version of the _Sticky_ _Piston. It uses _Rotational_ _Force_ to precisely move attached structures. _Piston_ _Extension_ _Poles_ at the rear define the _Range_ of this Device. Without extensions, the piston will not move. Use _Chassis_ or _Slime_ _Blocks_ to move more than a single line of blocks.",
"block.create.sticky_mechanical_piston.tooltip.behaviour1":"Starts moving the attached structure. Speed and direction correlate to the incoming Rotation Speed.",
"block.create.mechanical_bearing.tooltip.behaviour1":"Starts rotating attached blocks. Use _Chassis_ or _Slime_ _Blocks_ to move more than a single block.",
"block.create.mechanical_bearing.tooltip.behaviour2":"Starts providing _Rotational_ _Force_ generated from the rotation of its attached structure. The Structure has to include suitable _Sail_ _Blocks_ (Currently any Wool Block).",
"block.create.clockwork_bearing.tooltip.summary":"An advanced version of the _Mechanical_ _Bearing_ for rotating up to two _clock_ _hands_ according to current _in-game_ _time_.",
"block.create.clockwork_bearing.tooltip.behaviour1":"Starts rotating the attached Structure towards the _current_ _hour_. If an independent second structure exists in front of the first one, it will serve as the _minute_ _hand_.",
"block.create.sequenced_gearshift.tooltip.summary":"A _programmable_ _utility_ _component,_ which can change its _rotational_ _through-put_ according to up to _5_ _consecutive_ _instructions._ Use this to power Mechanical Bearings, Pistons or Pulleys with more control over timing and speed. May become less precise at higher speeds.",
"block.create.sequenced_gearshift.tooltip.condition1":"When Powered by Redstone",
"block.create.sequenced_gearshift.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Starts_ _executing_ programmed instructions based on the input speed.",
"block.create.cart_assembler.tooltip.summary":"When _placed_ _on_ a _Rail_, adopts functionality and _assembles/disassembles_ _structures_ on passing _carts_.",
"block.create.cart_assembler.tooltip.behaviour2":"_Assembles_ and _accelerates_ _carts_ _when_ _powered_, _disassembles_ and _holds_ them _otherwise_.",
"block.create.rope_pulley.tooltip.summary":"Moves attached _blocks_ and _structures_ _vertically_. Use _Chassis_ or _Slime_ _Blocks_ to move more than a single block.",
"block.create.linear_chassis.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Moves_ all _attached_ _Chassis_ with the same orientation, and a column of Blocks within its range. Blocks will only be pulled if the chassis' face is _Sticky_ (See [Ctrl]).",
"block.create.linear_chassis.tooltip.behaviour2":"Configure the _range_ for this chassis block. Hold CTRL to modify the range of all attached chassis blocks as well.",
"block.create.linear_chassis.tooltip.control1":"When R-Clicked with Slime Ball",
"block.create.linear_chassis.tooltip.action1":"Makes the clicked face _Sticky_. When moved, the chassis will _pull_ attached Blocks, regardless of movement direction.",
"block.create.radial_chassis.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Moves_ all _attached_ _Chassis_ in a column, and a cylinder of blocks around itself. Blocks around it are only moved when they are within range and attached to a sticky side (See [Ctrl]).",
"block.create.radial_chassis.tooltip.behaviour2":"Configure the _range_ for this chassis block. Hold CTRL to modify the range of all attached chassis blocks as well.",
"block.create.radial_chassis.tooltip.control1":"When R-Clicked with Slime Ball",
"block.create.radial_chassis.tooltip.action1":"Makes the clicked face _Sticky_. When Chassis move, all designated blocks attached to the sticky side are moved with it.",
"block.create.mechanical_drill.tooltip.summary":"A mechanical device suitable for _breaking_ _blocks_. It is movable with _Mechanical_ _Pistons_, _Bearings_ or other controllers.",
"block.create.mechanical_harvester.tooltip.summary":"A mechanical plant cutter suitable for medium scale crop automation. It is movable with _Mechanical_ _Pistons_, _Bearings_ or other controllers.",
"block.create.mechanical_harvester.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Harvests_ all _mature_ _crops_ which which the blade collides and reset them to their initial growth state.",
"block.create.mechanical_plough.tooltip.summary":"A mechanical plough has a variety of uses. It is movable with _Mechanical_ _Pistons_, _Bearings_ or other controllers.",
"block.create.mechanical_plough.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Breaks_ _blocks_ which _cannot_ _be_ _collided_ with, such as torches, tracks or snow layers. _Applies_ its _motion_ to _entities_ without hurting them. _Tills_ _soil_ _blocks_ as though a Hoe would be used on them.",
"block.create.mechanical_saw.tooltip.summary":"Suitable for _cutting_ _trees_ effectively and for _cutting_ _blocks_ into their carpentered counterparts. It is movable using _Mechanical_ _Pistons_ or _Bearings_.",
"block.create.mechanical_saw.tooltip.behaviour1":"Applies _Sawing_ and _Stonecutting_ _Recipes_ to items dropped onto or inserted into it. When multiple outputs are possible, it cycles through them unless a _filter_ is assigned.",
"block.create.mechanical_saw.tooltip.behaviour2":"_Breaks_ _logs_ in front of it. If the log supported a tree on its own, the _tree_ _will_ _collapse_ away from the saw.",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.summary":"Endpoints for _Wireless_ _Redstone_ connections. Can be assigned _Frequencies_ using any item. Signal range is limited, though reasonably far.",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.behaviour1":"Receiving Links of the same _Frequency_ will produce a Redstone signal.",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.control1":"When R-Clicked with an Item",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.action1":"Sets the _Frequency_ to that item. A total of _two_ _different_ _items_ can be used in combination for defining a Frequency.",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.control2":"When R-Clicked while Sneaking",
"block.create.redstone_link.tooltip.action2":"Toggles between _Receiver_ and _Transmitter_ Mode.",
"block.create.redstone_contact.tooltip.summary":"Only emits redstone power in pairs. It is movable with _Mechanical_ _Pistons_, _Bearings_ or other controllers.",
"block.create.adjustable_crate.tooltip.summary":"This _Item_ _Container_ allows Manual control over its capacity. It can hold up to _16_ _Stacks_ of any Item. Supports _Redstone_ _Comparators_.",
"block.create.creative_crate.tooltip.summary":"This _Storage_ _Container_ allows infinite replication of any item. Place next to a _Schematicannon_ to remove any material requirements.",
"block.create.creative_crate.tooltip.condition1":"When Item in Filter Slot",
"block.create.creative_crate.tooltip.behaviour1":"Anything _extracting_ from this container will provide an _endless_ _supply_ of the item specified. Items _inserted_ into this crate will be _voided._",
"block.create.deployer.tooltip.summary":"_Punches_, _Uses_, and _Activates_. This machine will try to _imitate_ a _player_ as a much as possible. Can _Take_ and _Deposit_ _items_ in adjacent _Inventory_. Can be assigned an item-stack as a _filter_.",
"block.create.deployer.tooltip.behaviour2":"Toggles punch mode. In _punch_ _mode_, the Deployer will attempt to use its item to _break_ _blocks_ or _hurt_ _entities_.",
"block.create.funnel.tooltip.summary":"_Collects_ _incoming_ _items_ and inserts them into the attached _Inventory_ if possible. Can collect items in the _world_ and items on a _belt_.",
"block.create.funnel.tooltip.condition1":"Passive Belt pulling",
"block.create.funnel.tooltip.behaviour1":"Funnels can pull items _from_ _belts_ when placed above them, either sideways or at the end. When a side-ways funnel is backed up, items on the _belt_ _will_ _not_ _stall_.",
"block.create.belt_tunnel.tooltip.summary":"An aesthetic option for running your _Mechanical_ _Belts_ through walls. Belts have to be reinforced with _Brass_ _Casing_. Tunnels can _synchronize_ with _their_ _neighbours_, only letting items pass if all tunnels in the group have one waiting. [Ctrl]",
"block.create.belt_tunnel.tooltip.action1":"Toggles _synchronized_ _behaviour_. Synchronized tunnels hold items until their neighbours have an item as well.",
"block.create.brass_casing.tooltip.behaviour1":"_Reinforces_ _belts_ with a Brass foundation. Reinforced Belts can support _Belt_ _Tunnels_ and allows _Chutes_ to directly take _items_.",
"block.create.belt_observer.tooltip.summary":"Detects items and entities passing by on a _Mechanical_ _Belt_ in front of it. Use a _Wrench_ to cycle its behaviour. Non-items will always be handled in detect mode regardless of the setting.",
"block.create.belt_observer.tooltip.behaviour3":"_Ejects_ _matching_ _items_ off the side. If the target belt or space is _occupied_, the item will be _held_ _in_ _place_.",
"block.create.powered_latch.tooltip.summary":"A lever that can be controlled by _Redstone_ _Signals_. A signal on the _back_ _enables_ it, a signal from the _side_ _will_ _reset_ it.",
"block.create.speedometer.tooltip.summary":"Measures and displays the _rotational_ _speed_ of attached kinetic components. Supports _Redstone_ _Comparators_.",
"block.create.speedometer.tooltip.behaviour1":"Indicates a color corresponding to the level of speed. _Green_ indicates Slow, _Blue_ Moderate and _Purple_ Fast rotation. Some mechanical components require a sufficient level of speed to work properly.",
"block.create.stressometer.tooltip.summary":"Measures and displays the _overall_ _stress_ of the attached kinetic network. Supports _Redstone_ _Comparators_.",
"block.create.stressometer.tooltip.behaviour1":"Indicates a color corresponding to the level of stress. _Over-stressed_ _networks_ will cease to move. Stress can be relieved by adding more _rotational_ _sources_ to the network.",
"item.create.super_glue.tooltip.behaviour1":"Makes the _clicked_ _face_ of a block _sticky_. Blocks attached to sticky faces will be _dragged_ _along_ when moved by _mechanical_ _pistons_, _bearings_ and other controllers.",
"item.create.super_glue.tooltip.condition2":"When Held in Offhand",
"item.create.super_glue.tooltip.behaviour2":"_Automatically_ _attaches_ blocks placed from the main hand to the _side_ they were _placed_ _against._",
"item.create.crafter_slot_cover.tooltip.summary":"Used to mark a _Mechanical_ _Crafter_ as an empty slot in a recipe. Crafters do not necessarily have to form a full square grid. This is useful when there are recipes where _ingredients_ _are_ _diagonal_ to each other.",