- Replace outgoing jars by directly consuming classes/resources from
- Add vanillin logo
- Move subproject plugin logic to an extension so it can be configured
- Rename "mod_" properties to "flywheel_"
- Move common vanillin stuffs to a "vanillin" sourceset
- Add vanillinForge and vanillinFabric subprojects
- Mostly do gradling from scratch
- Export remap jars from platform projects to `include` in vanillin
- Clean up VertexWriter to closer match BufferBuilder
- Clean up MeshEmitter on Fabric/NeoForge and remove BufferBuilderAccessor
- Remove model data and model data lookup parameters in NeoForge model builders; use IBlockGetterExtension#getModelData instead
- Fix artifact Minecraft version
* Backport changes from 1.21.1
* fix
* Fix building
* fix compile error
* fix
* fix build for real
* address reviews
* Fix sodium compat
* address requested changes
* mark rubidium as incompatible
* add missed call
* Should have worn steel toe boots
- Add "stub" sourceset to each subproject
- Directly pass vararg sourcesets to methods in PlatformExtension to
avoid automatically shipping jars with the api stubs
- We may have to include stubs in setupLoomMod, but I don't think so
- A lot of this can be stripped back out if we don't need stub sources
for the forge/fabric subprojects
* Guarded stubs
- Add Sodium 0.6 and Iris API stubs to stubs source set and remove Gradle dependencies on local Sodium jar, Iris, and Oculus
- Ensure usage of APIs that may not exist at runtime is in private classes and access is always guarded
- Change ShadersModHandler
- Rename to ShadersModHelper
- Convert methods to check for Iris' and Optifine's presence into static final fields
- Move implementation to impl source set in form of IrisCompat and OptifineCompat classes
- Rename CompatMods to CompatMod and add public field to access mod ID
- Set BlockEntityType's Sodium predicate to null after it is removed
- Update repository links
- Remove local libs repository
Co-authored-by: Jozufozu <jozsefaug@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: PepperCode1 <44146161+PepperCode1@users.noreply.github.com>
- Add MeshTree and InstanceTree
- Deprecate ModelPartConverter for removal
- Refactor ChestVisual to use InstanceTree
- Combine double chest light in ChestVisual
- Bump arch loom and gradle versions
- Do not set default refmap name
- Enable legacy mixin ap in loom
- Individually add sourcesets to looms refmap stuffs
* fix loom version getting
very cursed but it works :)
* remove commented out stuff in settings.gradle.kts, unnecessary plugins in buildSrc, and configure buildSrc to download sources/javadoc
- Pass partial tick to visualizers and Effect#visualize
- Pass partial tick to LitVisual#updateLight
- Remove Visual#init
- Rename LitVisual#initLightSectionNotifier to setLightSectionNotifier
- Add static utility methods to FlatLit
- Remove relight methods from AbstractVisual and add specialized relight methods to AbstractBlockEntityVisual and AbstractEntityVisual to match how vanilla retrieves lightmaps
- Rename AtomicBitset to AtomicBitSet
- Organize almost all remaining code into one of four modules
- Fix some incorrect inter-module dependencies
- Get Fabric into a working state
- The config, client commands, and model builders are still missing and registry freezing happens too late
- Move common build script stuff to buildSrc
- Set ideaSyncTask finalizedBy generatePackageInfos directly in
- Enable loom multiproject optimization, though not sure if it makes a
difference for us yet
- Apply java, maven-publish to all projects
- Prefer the tasks.named() syntax for configuring tasks
- Separate shared configuration for platform projects into a separate
configure block
- Add more fields to processResources
- Make helper methods static
- Exclude duplicated package infos
- Remove most NotNull annotations
- Automatically generate missing package-info.java files which contain
annotations to establish that everything is not null by default
- Remove CurseForge integration from build script
- Fix some other formatting
- Store *Programs inside engines to disallow replacement and use
reference counting to delete programs at the appropriate time
- Move CompilationHarness, Compile, and SourceLoader to compile.core
- Fix packed material comments
- Fix pack.mcmeta pack format
- Remove Embeddium version range
- Publish jarjar artifact as default.
- Publish slim artifact without any fancy stuff.
- Update mods.toml
- Switch rubidium to embeddium.
- Set displayURL to modrinth.
- Change version related stuff to $ variables
- Add processResources step to build.gradle to populate mods.toml.