- Adjusted Brass Tunnels once again to better deal with non-complete item transferrals
- Brass tunnels now always output to their sides first
- Thrown chromatic products are now gravity-less
- Sneaking on Ejectors bypasses them triggering
- Fixed ponder tag item listing
- Ejectors now trigger observers
- Fixed negative bottom pull distance in chutes
- Fixed smart chutes deleting non-stackable items
- Fixed chutes not able to output partial stacks
- Ejectors can now be paused with redstone
- Deferred ejector launches by one tick to 'unground' entities more consistently
- Ponder scenes for depot, chute and smart chute
- Fixed saws and drains ejecting items when mounted funnel is backstuffed
- Fixed extracting funnels allowing items to be inserted by arms and belt input
- Vanilla items in ponder tags are marked purple instead of red
- Vertical funnels now block chutes
- Large cogs can no longer be placed right next to crafters or millstones
- Mechanical Arms now stall targeted belt items
- Fix funnels not rendering filter slot items
- Ponder scenes for the Deployer, Harvester and Plough
- Fixed uvs on Deployer model
- Ploughs can now harvest snow layers
- 'Backstepping' is now a button
- Added little labels for hovered buttons at the bottom
- Moved ponder/transition-specific logic out of the generic screen class
- Fixed TEs not ticking properly when wrap-around-skipping to a keyframe
- Added a block restoration instruction
- Scenes for the Saw
- runData catching up
- User no longer has to manually add instances, new hook instead.
- Use registrate for InstanceFactories.
- Instanced levers.
- Instanced hand cranks.
- Reorganize PhysicalFloat and LerpedFloat.
- Scenes for chassis, super glue, stickers and redstone contact
- Added a warning when players try to use experimental rendering while shaders are active
- Fixed idle instruction only idling for t-1
- Made keyframe skipping a little easier
- Added option to register keyframes as part of a text window builder
- PonderUI now stalls the scene briefly after skips
- Added user view mode for editors to hide coordinates
- Ponder now pauses the game in SP
- Ponder elements now use a separate timer and separate partial ticks
- Fixed virtual funnels not flapping
- Fixed ponder buttons having hover highlights when not clickable
- Fixed ponder button mouse hitbox
- Addressed strange render state bleed with identify mode highlighting
- Removed processing recipes from recipe book
- Reorganized items in creative tab
- Tweaked a few model transforms
- Fixed belt uvs
- ponder birbs can now face the cursor
- fix interpolation on ponder birbs
- Fixed log spam when assembling certain blocks (Points of interest) in a contraption
- Fixed content observers not triggering for in-line belt funnels
- Replaced ponderworld particle AT with reflection
- Symmetry Wand now checks for placement permissions
- Lang now uses Locale.ROOT
- Fixed crash using ponder without advanced tooltips enabled
- Added and assigned more ponder tags
- Ponder Scenes for cog, large cog, gearbox, clutch, gearshift, and casings
- Fixed TE model data not queried on schematics and ponder scenes
- added tags and chapters to the ponder registry
- slightly changed how scenes are registered
- added a back stack to the screen opener and some animations to go along with it
- added a interface for icons drawn into screens