d3d camera, upvector, view/world conversion

This commit is contained in:
Tanasart 2023-08-15 11:36:26 +02:00
parent 8109c22ffa
commit 6633cc5d0c
12 changed files with 320 additions and 193 deletions

View file

@ -237,6 +237,7 @@
@ -472,6 +473,7 @@
@ -1257,7 +1259,7 @@

View file

@ -752,6 +752,7 @@
@ -1025,6 +1026,7 @@
@ -1925,7 +1927,7 @@

View file

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ function Node_3DObject(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D(_x, _y, _group) constru
drag_c2x = 0;
drag_c2y = 0;
drag_original = 0;
axis_hover = noone;
tools = [
@ -49,11 +51,12 @@ function Node_3DObject(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D(_x, _y, _group) constru
var _rot = inputs[| 1].getValue(,,, true);
var _sca = inputs[| 2].getValue(,,, true);
var _camPos = params.cameraPosition;
var _camTar = params.cameraFocus;
var _camDis = params.camera_Dist;
var _camAx = params.camera_Ax;
var _camAy = params.camera_Ay;
var _camera = params.camera;
var _camPos = _camera.position;
var _camTar = _camera.focus;
var _camDis = _camera.focus_dist;
var _camAx = _camera.focus_angle_x;
var _camAy = _camera.focus_angle_y;
var _qrot = new BBMOD_Quaternion().FromEuler(_rot[0], -_rot[1], -_rot[2]);
var _qview = new BBMOD_Quaternion().FromEuler(_camAy, -_camAx, 0);
@ -65,7 +68,7 @@ function Node_3DObject(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D(_x, _y, _group) constru
var sq = 8;
var _vpos = new __vec3( _pos[0], _pos[1], _pos[2] );
var _posView = params.applyCamera(_vpos);
var _posView = _camera.worldPointToViewPoint(_vpos);
var cx = _posView.x;
var cy = _posView.y;
@ -92,6 +95,26 @@ function Node_3DObject(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D(_x, _y, _group) constru
new BBMOD_Vec3(-hs - sq, -hs + sq, 0),
new BBMOD_Vec3(-hs + sq, -hs + sq, 0), ];
for( var i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
ga[i] = _qview.Rotate(_qrot.Rotate(ga[i]));
th = 2 + (axis_hover == i || drag_axis == i);
if(drag_axis != noone && drag_axis != i)
if(point_distance(cx, cy, cx + ga[i].X, cy + ga[i].Y) < 5)
draw_line_round(cx, cy, cx + ga[i].X, cy + ga[i].Y, th);
draw_line_round_arrow(cx, cy, cx + ga[i].X, cy + ga[i].Y, th, 2);
var _d = distance_to_line(_mx, _my, cx, cy, cx + ga[i].X, cy + ga[i].Y);
if(_d < _hoverDist) {
_hover = i;
_hoverDist = _d;
for( var i = 3; i < 6; i++ ) {
for( var j = 0; j < 4; j++ )
ga[i][j] = _qview.Rotate(_qrot.Rotate(ga[i][j]));
@ -103,6 +126,14 @@ function Node_3DObject(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D(_x, _y, _group) constru
var p2x = cx + ga[i][2].X, p2y = cy + ga[i][2].Y;
var p3x = cx + ga[i][3].X, p3y = cy + ga[i][3].Y;
var _pax = (p0x + p1x + p2x + p3x) / 4;
var _pay = (p0y + p1y + p2y + p3y) / 4;
if((abs(p0x - _pax) + abs(p1x - _pax) + abs(p2x - _pax) + abs(p3x - _pax)) / 4 < 1)
if((abs(p0y - _pay) + abs(p1y - _pay) + abs(p2y - _pay) + abs(p3y - _pay)) / 4 < 1)
draw_set_color(COLORS.axis[(i - 3 - 1 + 3) % 3]);
if(axis_hover == i || drag_axis == i) {
@ -123,27 +154,8 @@ function Node_3DObject(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D(_x, _y, _group) constru
_hover = i;
for( var i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
ga[i] = _qview.Rotate(_qrot.Rotate(ga[i]));
th = 2 + (axis_hover == i || drag_axis == i);
if(drag_axis != noone && drag_axis != i)
if(point_distance(cx, cy, cx + ga[i].X, cy + ga[i].Y) < 5)
draw_line_round(cx, cy, cx + ga[i].X, cy + ga[i].Y, th);
draw_line_round_arrow(cx, cy, cx + ga[i].X, cy + ga[i].Y, th, 2);
var _d = distance_to_line(_mx, _my, cx, cy, cx + ga[i].X, cy + ga[i].Y);
if(_d < _hoverDist) {
_hover = i;
_hoverDist = _d;
axis_hover = _hover;
print(_camera.viewPointToWorldRay(_mx, _my))
if(drag_axis != noone) {
@ -160,21 +172,29 @@ function Node_3DObject(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D(_x, _y, _group) constru
mAdj = dot_product(_mmx, _mmy, _max, _may);
if(drag_prev != undefined) {
_pos[drag_axis] += (mAdj - drag_prev) * params.camera_Dist / 20000;
_pos[drag_axis] += (mAdj - drag_prev) * _camDis / 20000;
if(inputs[| 0].setValue(_pos))
} else {
var _max1 = drag_c1x, _may1 = drag_c1y;
var _max2 = drag_c2x, _may2 = drag_c2y;
var ray = _camera.viewPointToWorldRay(_mx, _my);
var nor;
mAdj = [ dot_product(_mmx, _mmy, _max1, _may1),
dot_product(_mmx, _mmy, _max2, _may2) ];
switch(drag_axis) {
case 3 : nor = new __vec3(0, 0, 1); break;
case 4 : nor = new __vec3(1, 0, 0); break;
case 5 : nor = new __vec3(0, 1, 0); break;
var pln = new __plane(drag_original, nor);
mAdj = d3d_intersect_ray_plane(ray, pln);
if(drag_prev != undefined) {
_pos[(drag_axis - 3)] += (mAdj[0] - drag_prev[0]) * params.camera_Dist / 20000;
_pos[(drag_axis - 3 + 1) % 3] += (mAdj[1] - drag_prev[1]) * params.camera_Dist / 20000;
var _diff = mAdj.subtract(drag_prev);
_pos[0] += _diff.x;
_pos[1] += _diff.y;
_pos[2] += _diff.z;
if(inputs[| 0].setValue(_pos))
@ -188,6 +208,25 @@ function Node_3DObject(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D(_x, _y, _group) constru
drag_px = _mx;
drag_py = _my;
if(_hover != noone && mouse_press(mb_left, active)) {
drag_axis = _hover;
drag_prev = undefined;
drag_mx = _mx;
drag_my = _my;
drag_px = _mx;
drag_py = _my;
drag_c0x = cx;
drag_c0y = cy;
drag_original = new __vec3(_pos);
if(drag_axis < 3) {
drag_c1x = ga[drag_axis].X;
drag_c1y = ga[drag_axis].Y;
} else if(isUsingTool(1)) { #region rotate
@ -201,28 +240,6 @@ function Node_3DObject(_x, _y, _group = noone) : Node_3D(_x, _y, _group) constru
drag_axis = noone;
if(_hover != noone && mouse_press(mb_left, active)) {
drag_axis = _hover;
drag_prev = undefined;
drag_mx = _mx;
drag_my = _my;
drag_px = _mx;
drag_py = _my;
drag_c0x = cx;
drag_c0y = cy;
if(drag_axis < 3) {
drag_c1x = ga[drag_axis].X;
drag_c1y = ga[drag_axis].Y;
} else {
drag_c1x = ga[(drag_axis - 3)].X;
drag_c1y = ga[(drag_axis - 3)].Y;
drag_c2x = ga[(drag_axis - 3 + 1) % 3].X;
drag_c2y = ga[(drag_axis - 3 + 1) % 3].Y;
} #endregion
static setTransform = function() {

View file

@ -1,49 +1,101 @@
function __3dCamera() : __3dObject() constructor {
ivw = 0.2; //innerViewWidth
ivh = 0.2; //innerViewHeight
ovw = 0.5; //outerViewWidth
ovh = 0.5; //outerViewHeight
len = 0.5; //cameraLength
function __3dCamera() constructor {
position = new __vec3();
focus = new __vec3();
up = new __vec3(0, 0, -1);
vertex = [
[ len, -ivw, ivh ], [ len, ivw, ivh ],
[ len, ivw, ivh ], [ len, ivw, -ivh ],
[ len, ivw, -ivh ], [ len, -ivw, -ivh ],
[ len, -ivw, -ivh ], [ len, -ivw, ivh ],
focus_angle_x = 0;
focus_angle_y = 0;
focus_dist = 1;
[ -len, -ovw, ovh ], [ -len, ovw, ovh ],
[ -len, ovw, ovh ], [ -len, ovw, -ovh ],
[ -len, ovw, -ovh ], [ -len, -ovw, -ovh ],
[ -len, -ovw, -ovh ], [ -len, -ovw, ovh ],
fov = 60;
view_near = 1;
view_far = 32000;
[ len, -ivw, ivh ], [ -len, -ovw, ovh ],
[ len, ivw, ivh ], [ -len, ovw, ovh ],
[ len, ivw, -ivh ], [ -len, ovw, -ovh ],
[ len, -ivw, -ivh ], [ -len, -ovw, -ovh ],
view_w = 1;
view_h = 1;
view_aspect = 1;
[ -len, -ovw * 0.5, ovh + 0.2 ], [ -len, ovw * 0.5, ovh + 0.2 ],
[ -len, 0, ovh + 0.6 ], [ -len, ovw * 0.5, ovh + 0.2 ],
[ -len, -ovw * 0.5, ovh + 0.2 ], [ -len, 0, ovh + 0.6 ],
viewMat = new __mat4();
projMat = new __mat4();
VF = global.VF_POS_COL;
render_type = pr_linelist;
VB = build();
static getUp = function() {
var upVector = new __vec3(0, 0, 0);
position.set(-5, -5, 5);
rotation.set(0, 30, 135);
scale.set(1, room_width / room_height, 1);
function calculate_3d_position(camFx, camFy, camFz, camAx, camAy, camDist) {
var pos = new __vec3();
var radAx = degtorad(camAx);
var radAy = degtorad(camAy);
pos.x = camFx + (cos(radAy) * sin(radAx)) * camDist;
pos.y = camFy + (cos(radAy) * cos(radAx)) * camDist;
pos.z = camFz + (sin(radAy)) * camDist;
return pos;
var hRad = degtorad(focus_angle_x);
var vRad = degtorad(focus_angle_y);
upVector.x = -sin(hRad) * sin(vRad);
upVector.y = cos(hRad) * -sin(vRad);
upVector.z = cos(vRad);
return upVector._normalize();
static applyCamera = function(cam) {
camera_set_proj_mat(cam, projMat.raw);
camera_set_view_mat(cam, viewMat.raw);
static setMatrix = function() {
projMat.setRaw(matrix_build_projection_perspective_fov(fov, view_aspect, view_near, view_far));
viewMat.setRaw(matrix_build_lookat(position.x, position.y, position.z, focus.x, focus.y, focus.z, up.x, up.y, up.z));
return self;
static setFocusAngle = function(ax, ay, dist) {
focus_angle_x = ax;
focus_angle_y = ay;
focus_dist = dist;
return self;
static setViewFov = function(fov, near = view_near, far = view_far) {
self.fov = fov;
self.view_near = near;
self.view_far = far;
return self;
static setViewSize = function(w, h) {
view_w = w;
view_h = h;
view_aspect = w / h;
return self;
static worldPointToViewPoint = function(vec3) {
var _vec4 = new __vec4().set(vec3, 1);
var _view = viewMat.transpose().multiplyVector(_vec4);
var _proj = projMat.transpose().multiplyVector(_view);
_proj.x = view_w / 2 + _proj.x * view_w / 2;
_proj.y = view_h / 2 + _proj.y * view_h / 2;
return _proj;
static viewPointToWorldRay = function(_x, _y) {
var rayOrigin = position;
var normalizedX = (2 * _x / view_w) - 1;
var normalizedY = 1 - (2 * _y / view_h);
var tanFOV = tan(degtorad(fov) * 0.5);
var _up = getUp();
var forward = focus.subtract(position)._normalize();
var right = forward.cross(_up)._normalize();
var rayDirection = forward.add(right.multiply(normalizedX * tanFOV * view_aspect))
.add(_up.multiply(normalizedY * tanFOV))
return new __ray(rayOrigin, rayDirection);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
function __3dCamera_object() : __3dObject() constructor {
ivw = 0.2; //innerViewWidth
ivh = 0.2; //innerViewHeight
ovw = 0.5; //outerViewWidth
ovh = 0.5; //outerViewHeight
len = 0.5; //cameraLength
vertex = [
[ len, -ivw, ivh ], [ len, ivw, ivh ],
[ len, ivw, ivh ], [ len, ivw, -ivh ],
[ len, ivw, -ivh ], [ len, -ivw, -ivh ],
[ len, -ivw, -ivh ], [ len, -ivw, ivh ],
[ -len, -ovw, ovh ], [ -len, ovw, ovh ],
[ -len, ovw, ovh ], [ -len, ovw, -ovh ],
[ -len, ovw, -ovh ], [ -len, -ovw, -ovh ],
[ -len, -ovw, -ovh ], [ -len, -ovw, ovh ],
[ len, -ivw, ivh ], [ -len, -ovw, ovh ],
[ len, ivw, ivh ], [ -len, ovw, ovh ],
[ len, ivw, -ivh ], [ -len, ovw, -ovh ],
[ len, -ivw, -ivh ], [ -len, -ovw, -ovh ],
[ -len, -ovw * 0.5, ovh + 0.2 ], [ -len, ovw * 0.5, ovh + 0.2 ],
[ -len, 0, ovh + 0.6 ], [ -len, ovw * 0.5, ovh + 0.2 ],
[ -len, -ovw * 0.5, ovh + 0.2 ], [ -len, 0, ovh + 0.6 ],
VF = global.VF_POS_COL;
render_type = pr_linelist;
VB = build();
position.set(-5, -5, 5);
rotation.set(0, 30, 135);
scale.set(1, room_width / room_height, 1);
function calculate_3d_position(camFx, camFy, camFz, camAx, camAy, camDist) {
var pos = new __vec3();
var radAx = degtorad(camAx);
var radAy = degtorad(camAy);
pos.x = camFx + (cos(radAy) * sin(radAx)) * camDist;
pos.y = camFy + (cos(radAy) * cos(radAx)) * camDist;
pos.z = camFz + (sin(radAy)) * camDist;
return pos;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"resourceType": "GMScript",
"resourceVersion": "1.0",
"name": "d3d_camera_object",
"isCompatibility": false,
"isDnD": false,
"parent": {
"name": "3d",
"path": "folders/functions/3d.yy",

View file

@ -109,30 +109,6 @@ function __3dObject() constructor {
function __3dObjectParameters(camPos, camFoc) constructor {
self.cameraPosition = camPos;
self.cameraFocus = camFoc;
camera_Ax = 0;
camera_Ay = 0;
camera_Dist = 0;
camera_w = 1;
camera_h = 1;
camera_viewMat = new __mat4();
camera_projMat = new __mat4();
static applyCamera = function(vec3) {
var _cam = vec3;
var _vec4 = new __vec4().set(_cam, 1);
var _view = camera_viewMat.transpose().multiplyVector(_vec4);
var _proj = camera_projMat.transpose().multiplyVector(_view);
_proj.x = camera_w / 2 + _proj.x * camera_w / 2;
_proj.y = camera_h / 2 + _proj.y * camera_h / 2;
return _proj;
function __3dObjectParameters(camera) constructor {
self.camera = camera;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
function __ray(origin, direction) constructor {
self.origin = origin;
self.direction = direction.normalize();
static sampleDistance = function(t) {
return origin.add(direction.multiply(t));
function __plane(origin, normal) constructor {
self.origin = origin;
self.normal = normal.normalize();
#region functions
function d3d_intersect_ray_plane(ray, plane) {
print($"Intersect {ray}\n\tto {plane}");
var det = plane.normal.dot(ray.direction);
if(det == 0) return new __vec3();
var rayToPlane = plane.origin.subtract(ray.origin);
var t = rayToPlane.dot(plane.normal) / det;
if(t < 0) return new __vec3();
return ray.sampleDistance(t);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"resourceType": "GMScript",
"resourceVersion": "1.0",
"name": "d3d_plane",
"isCompatibility": false,
"isDnD": false,
"parent": {
"name": "3d",
"path": "folders/functions/3d.yy",

View file

@ -3,11 +3,6 @@
#macro __vec3_up new __vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
function __vec3(_x = 0, _y = 0, _z = 0) constructor {
x = _x;
y = _y;
z = _z;
// Static methods
static set = function(_x = 0, _y = _x, _z = _x) {
if(is_struct(_x) && is_instanceof(_x, __vec3)) {
x = _x.x;
@ -16,11 +11,18 @@ function __vec3(_x = 0, _y = 0, _z = 0) constructor {
if(is_array(_x)) {
x = _x[0];
y = _x[1];
z = _x[2];
x = _x;
y = _y;
z = _z;
return self;
} set(_x, _y, _z);
static setIndex = function(index, value) {
@ -116,6 +118,11 @@ function __vec3(_x = 0, _y = 0, _z = 0) constructor {
return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
static normalize = function() {
return clone()._normalize();
static _normalize = function() {
var _length = length();

View file

@ -1,10 +1,4 @@
function __vec4(_x = 0, _y = 0, _z = 0, _w = 0) constructor {
x = _x;
y = _y;
z = _z;
w = _w;
// Static methods
static set = function(_x = 0, _y = _x, _z = _x, _w = _x) {
if (is_struct(_x)) {
if(is_instanceof(_x, __vec4)) {
@ -21,13 +15,20 @@ function __vec4(_x = 0, _y = 0, _z = 0, _w = 0) constructor {
return self;
if(is_array(_x)) {
x = _x[0];
y = _x[1];
z = _x[2];
x = _x;
y = _y;
z = _z;
w = _w;
return self;
return self;
} set(_x, _y, _z, _w);
static setIndex = function(index, value) {

View file

@ -85,16 +85,12 @@ function Panel_Preview() : PanelContent() constructor {
d3_surface = noone;
d3_outline_surface = noone;
d3_view_camera = new __3dCamera();
d3_camW = 1;
d3_camH = 1;
d3_view_camera.setFocusAngle(135, 45, 16);
d3_camLerp = false;
d3_camPos = new __vec3();
d3_camTar = new __vec3();
d3_camAx = 135;
d3_camAy = 45;
d3_camDist = 16;
d3_camTarget = new __vec3();
@ -105,10 +101,8 @@ function Panel_Preview() : PanelContent() constructor {
d3_zoom_speed = 0.2;
d3_pan_speed = 2;
d3_camera = new __3dCamera();
d3_preview_params = new __3dObjectParameters(d3_camPos, d3_camTar);
d3_light_ambient = $303030;
d3_preview_params = new __3dObjectParameters(d3_view_camera);
d3_light_ambient = $303030;
tb_framerate = new textBox(TEXTBOX_INPUT.number, function(val) { preview_rate = real(val); });
@ -632,63 +626,40 @@ function Panel_Preview() : PanelContent() constructor {
_prev_node.previewing = 1;
#region draw
d3_view_camera.setViewSize(w, h);
d3_surface = surface_verify(d3_surface, w, h);
d3_outline_surface = surface_verify(d3_outline_surface, w, h);
d3_camW = w;
d3_camH = h;
var cam = camera_get_active();
var _pos, targ;
if(keyboard_check(vk_tab)) {
_pos = d3_camera.position;
var _camDir = d3_camera.rotation.toDirection();
_camDir._multiply(_pos.z / _camDir.z);
targ = _pos.subtract(_camDir);
d3_camLerp = true;
} else {
_pos = calculate_3d_position(d3_camTarget.x, d3_camTarget.y, d3_camTarget.z, d3_camAx, d3_camAy, d3_camDist);
targ = d3_camTarget;
targ = d3_camTarget;
_pos = calculate_3d_position(targ.x, targ.y, targ.z, d3_view_camera.focus_angle_x, d3_view_camera.focus_angle_y, d3_view_camera.focus_dist);
if(d3_camLerp) {
d3_camPos._lerp(_pos, 0.2);
d3_camTar._lerp(targ, 0.2);
d3_view_camera.position._lerp(_pos, 0.2);
d3_view_camera.focus._lerp(targ, 0.2);
if(d3_camPos.equal(_pos) && d3_camTar.equal(targ))
if(d3_view_camera.position.equal(_pos) && d3_view_camera.focus.equal(targ))
d3_camLerp = false;
} else {
d3_preview_params.cameraPosition = d3_camPos;
d3_preview_params.cameraFocus = d3_camTar;
d3_preview_params.camera_Ax = d3_camAx;
d3_preview_params.camera_Ay = d3_camAy;
d3_preview_params.camera_Dist = d3_camDist;
d3_preview_params.camera_w = d3_camW;
d3_preview_params.camera_h = d3_camH;
d3_preview_params.camera_projMat.setRaw(matrix_build_projection_perspective_fov(60, w / h, 1, 32000));
d3_preview_params.camera_viewMat.setRaw(matrix_build_lookat(d3_camPos.x, d3_camPos.y, d3_camPos.z, d3_camTar.x, d3_camTar.y, d3_camTar.z, 0, 0, -1));
camera_set_proj_mat(cam, d3_preview_params.camera_projMat.raw);
camera_set_view_mat(cam, d3_preview_params.camera_viewMat.raw);
var _dist = round(d3_camTar.distance(d3_camPos));
var _tx = round(d3_camTar.x);
var _ty = round(d3_camTar.y);
var _dist = round(d3_view_camera.focus.distance(d3_view_camera.position));
var _tx = round(d3_view_camera.focus.x);
var _ty = round(d3_view_camera.focus.y);
var _scale = _dist;
while(_scale > 32) _scale /= 2;
@ -718,9 +689,7 @@ function Panel_Preview() : PanelContent() constructor {
camera_set_proj_mat(cam, d3_preview_params.camera_projMat.raw);
camera_set_view_mat(cam, d3_preview_params.camera_viewMat.raw);
@ -737,8 +706,8 @@ function Panel_Preview() : PanelContent() constructor {
#region camera
if(pHOVER) {
if(mouse_wheel_up()) d3_camDist = max( 1, d3_camDist * (1 - d3_zoom_speed));
if(mouse_wheel_down()) d3_camDist = min(1000, d3_camDist * (1 + d3_zoom_speed));
if(mouse_wheel_up()) d3_view_camera.focus_dist = max( 1, d3_view_camera.focus_dist * (1 - d3_zoom_speed));
if(mouse_wheel_down()) d3_view_camera.focus_dist = min(1000, d3_view_camera.focus_dist * (1 + d3_zoom_speed));
if(d3_camPanning) {
@ -746,8 +715,8 @@ function Panel_Preview() : PanelContent() constructor {
var dx = mx - d3_camPan_mx;
var dy = my - d3_camPan_my;
d3_camAx += dx * 0.2 * d3_pan_speed;
d3_camAy += dy * 0.1 * d3_pan_speed;
d3_view_camera.focus_angle_x += dx * 0.2 * d3_pan_speed;
d3_view_camera.focus_angle_y += dy * 0.1 * d3_pan_speed;
d3_camPan_mx = mx;