mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:14:49 +01:00
322 lines
18 KiB
322 lines
18 KiB
function __lua_noti(txt) {
function __lua_draw_surface_general(surface, xx, yy, xs = 1, ys = 1, rot = 0, color = c_white, alpha = 1) {
if(!is_surface(surface)) return;
draw_surface_ext_safe(surface, xx, yy, xs, ys, rot, color, alpha);
function __lua_draw_surface_transform(surface, xx, yy, xs = 1, ys = 1, rot = 0) {
if(!is_surface(surface)) return;
if(argument_count == 5) ys = argument[4];
draw_surface_ext_safe(surface, xx, yy, xs, ys, rot, c_white, 1);
function __lua_draw_surface_colored(surface, xx, yy, color = c_white, alpha = 1) {
if(!is_surface(surface)) return;
draw_surface_ext_safe(surface, xx, yy, 1, 1, 0, color, alpha);
function __lua_draw_surface(surface, xx, yy) {
if(!is_surface(surface)) return;
draw_surface_safe(surface, xx, yy);
function __lua_draw_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
draw_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, false);
function __lua_draw_rectangle_outline(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick = 1) {
draw_rectangle_border(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick);
function __lua_draw_circle(x0, y0, r) {
draw_circle(x0, y0, r, false);
function __lua_draw_circle_outline(x0, y0, r, thick = 1) {
draw_circle_border(x0, y0, r, thick);
function __lua_draw_ellipse(x0, y0, x1, y1) {
draw_ellipse(x0, y0, x1, y1, false);
function __lua_draw_ellipse_outline(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick = 1) {
draw_ellipse_border(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick);
function __lua_draw_line(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick = 1) {
draw_line_width(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick);
function __lua_draw_line_round(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick = 1) {
draw_line_round(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick);
function __lua_draw_pixel(x0, y0) {
draw_point(x0, y0);
function __lua_blendmode_set(mode) {
function __lua_blendmode_reset() {
function __lua_set_color(color = c_white) {
function __lua_set_alpha(alpha = 1) {
function __lua_set_color_alpha(color = c_white, alpha = 1) {
function __lua_get_color(_x, _y) {
var surf = surface_get_target();
if(!is_surface(surf)) return 0;
return surface_get_pixel_ext(surf, _x, _y);
function __lua_get_color_surface(surface, _x, _y) {
if(!is_surface(surface)) return;
return surface_get_pixel_ext(surface, _x, _y);
function __lua_color_make_rgb(r, g, b, normalize = false) {
return make_color_rgb(r * 255, g * 255, b * 255);
return make_color_rgb(r, g, b);
function __lua_color_make_hsv(h, s, v, normalize = false) {
return make_color_hsv(h * 255, s * 255, v * 255);
return make_color_hsv(h, s, v);
function __lua_random(from = 0, to = 1) {
return random_range(from, to);
function __lua_irandom(from = 0, to = 1) {
return irandom_range(from, to);
function __lua_clamp(number, minn = 0, maxx = 1) {
return clamp(number, minn, maxx);
function __lua_string_search(str, sch) {
return string_pos(sch, str);
function __initLua() {
global.lua_functions = [
"Draw Surface",
["draw", __lua_draw_surface, "draw(surface, x, y)", "Draw surface, with top left at (x, y).",
[["surface", "surface", "Surface to draw"], ["x", "number", "x position"], ["y", "number", "y position"]]],
["drawBlend", __lua_draw_surface_colored, "drawBlend(surface, x, y, color = white, alpha = 1)", "Draw surface with color blending.",
[["surface", "surface", "Surface to draw"], ["x", "number", "x position"], ["y", "number", "y position"], ["color", "color", "Blend color"], ["alpha", "number", "Alpha (tranparency)"]]],
["drawTransform", __lua_draw_surface_transform, "drawTransform(surface, x, y, xs = 1, ys = 1, rot = 0)", "Draw surface with extra transformation.",
[["surface", "surface", "Surface to draw"], ["x", "number", "x position"], ["y", "number", "y position"], ["xs", "number", "x scale"], ["ys", "number", "y scale"], ["rot", "number", "Rotation"]]],
["drawGeneral", __lua_draw_surface_general, "drawGeneral(surface, x, y, xs = 1, ys = 1, rot = 0, color = white, alpha = 1)", "Draw surface with all the controls.",
[["surface", "surface", "Surface to draw"], ["x", "number", "x position"], ["y", "number", "y position"], ["xs", "number", "x scale"], ["ys", "number", "y scale"], ["rot", "number", "Rotation"], ["color", "color", "Blend color"], ["alpha", "number", "Alpha (tranparency)"]]],
"Draw Functions",
["clear", function(color = 0, alpha = 0) { draw_clear_alpha(color, alpha); }, "clear()", "Clear surface, need to be call every frame to refresh the surface. "],
["setColor", __lua_set_color, "setColor(color = white)", "Set current drawing color.",
[["color", "color", "Draw color"], ]],
["setAlpha", __lua_set_alpha, "setAlpha(alpha = 1)", "Set current drawing alpha.",
[["alpha", "number", "Draw alpha"], ]],
["setColorAlpha", __lua_set_color_alpha, "setColorAlpha(color = white, alpha = 1)", "Set current drawing color and alpha.",
[["color", "color", "Draw color"], ["alpha", "number", "Draw alpha"], ]],
["getColor", __lua_get_color, "getColor(x, y)", "Get color from current surface.",
[["x", "number", "Sample x position"], ["y", "number", "Sample y position"], ]],
["getColorSurface", __lua_get_color_surface, "getColorSurface(surface, x, y)", "Get color from surface.",
[["surface", "surface", "Surface to get color from"], ["x", "number", "Sample x position"], ["y", "number", "Sample y position"], ]],
["drawRect", __lua_draw_rectangle, "drawRect(x0, y0, x1, y1)", "Draw filled rectangle.",
[["x0", "number", "Left position"], ["y0", "number", "Top position"], ["x1", "number", "Right position"], ["y1", "number", "Bottom position"], ]],
["drawRectOutline", __lua_draw_rectangle_outline, "drawRectOutline(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick = 1)", "Draw rectangle outline.",
[["x0", "number", "Left position"], ["y0", "number", "Top position"], ["x1", "number", "Right position"], ["y1", "number", "Bottom position"], ["thick", "number", "Line thickness"], ]],
["drawCircle", __lua_draw_circle, "drawCircle(x, y, radius)", "Draw filled circle.",
[["x", "number", "Center x position"], ["y", "number", "Center y position"], ["radius", "number", "Circle radius"], ]],
["drawCircleOutline", __lua_draw_circle_outline, "drawCircleOutline(x, y, radius, thick = 1)", "Draw circle outline.",
[["x", "number", "Center x position"], ["y", "number", "Center y position"], ["radius", "number", "Circle radius"], ["thick", "number", "Line thickness"], ]],
["drawEllipse", __lua_draw_ellipse, "drawEllipse(x0, y0, x1, y1)", "Draw filled ellipse.",
[["x0", "number", "Left position"], ["y0", "number", "Top position"], ["x1", "number", "Right position"], ["y1", "number", "Bottom position"], ]],
["drawEllipseOutline", __lua_draw_ellipse_outline, "drawEllipseOutline(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick = 1)", "Draw ellipse outline.",
[["x0", "number", "Left position"], ["y0", "number", "Top position"], ["x1", "number", "Right position"], ["y1", "number", "Bottom position"], ["thick", "number", "Line thickness"], ]],
["drawLine", __lua_draw_line, "drawLine(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick = 1)", "Draw line.",
[["x0", "number", "x position of the first point"], ["y0", "number", "y position of the first point"], ["x1", "number", "x position of the second point"], ["y1", "number", "y position of the second point"], ["thick", "number", "Line thickness"], ]],
["drawLineRound", __lua_draw_line_round, "drawLineRound(x0, y0, x1, y1, thick = 1)", "Draw line with rounded cap.",
[["x0", "number", "x position of the first point"], ["y0", "number", "y position of the first point"], ["x1", "number", "x position of the second point"], ["y1", "number", "y position of the second point"], ["thick", "number", "Line thickness"], ]],
["drawPixel", __lua_draw_pixel, "drawPixel(x, y)", "Draw a single pixel.",
[["x", "number", "x position"], ["y", "number", "y position"]]],
["colorGetRed", colour_get_red, "colorGetRed(color)", "Get red value from color (0-255).",
[["color", "color", "color (very useful I know)"], ]],
["colorGetGreen", colour_get_green, "colorGetGreen(color)", "Get green value from color (0-255).",
[["color", "color", "color (very useful I know)"], ]],
["colorGetBlue", colour_get_blue, "colorGetBlue(color)", "Get blue value from color (0-255).",
[["color", "color", "color (very useful I know)"], ]],
["colorGetHue", colour_get_hue, "colorGetHue(color)", "Get hue value from color (0-255).",
[["color", "color", "color (very useful I know)"], ]],
["colorGetSaturation", colour_get_saturation, "colorGetSaturation(color)", "Get seturation value from color (0-255).",
[["color", "color", "color (very useful I know)"], ]],
["colorGetValue", colour_get_value, "colorGetValue(color)", "Get value value from color (0-255).",
[["color", "color", "color (very useful I know)"], ]],
["getCurrentColor", draw_get_colour, "getColor()", "Get current drawing color.", ],
["getCurrentAlpha", draw_get_alpha, "getAlpha()", "Get current drawing alpha.", ],
["colorCreateRGB", __lua_color_make_rgb, "colorCreateRGB(red, green, blue, normalize = false)", "Create color from RGB value.",
[["red", "number", "Red component"], ["green", "number", "Green component"], ["blue", "number", "Blue component"], ["normalize", "boolean", "Use normalized value (0-1) or non normalized value (0-255)"], ]],
["colorCreateHSV", __lua_color_make_hsv, "colorCreateHSV(hue, saturation, value, normalize = false)", "Create color from HSV value.",
[["hue", "number", "Hue component"], ["saturation", "number", "Saturation component"], ["value", "number", "Value component"], ["normalize", "boolean", "Use normalized value (0-1) or non normalized value (0-255)"], ]],
["colorMerge", merge_colour, "colorMerge(colorFrom, colorTo, ratio)", "Combine 2 colors.",
[["colorFrom", "color", "First color"], ["colorTo", "color", "Second color"], ["ratio", "number", "Blend amount 0 = colorFrom, 1 = colorTo"] ]],
["setBlend", __lua_blendmode_set, "setBlend(blend)", "Set blending mode: 0 = normal, 1 = add, 3 = subtract.",
[["blend", "number", "Blend mode."], ]],
["resetBlend", __lua_blendmode_reset, "resetBlend()", "Reset blending mode.", ],
["randomize", randomize, "randomize()", "Randomize all random functions.", ],
["setSeed", random_set_seed, "setSeed(seed)", "Set random seed to specific value.",
[["seed", "number", "seed value"], ]],
["random", __lua_random, "random(from = 0, to = 1)", "Random floating value.",
[["from", "number", "Minimum value"], ["to", "number", "Maximum value (exclusive)"], ]],
["irandom", __lua_irandom, "irandom(from = 0, to = 1)", "Random integer value.",
[["from", "number", "Minimum value"], ["to", "number", "Maximum value (inclusive)"], ]],
["abs", abs, "abs(number)", "Calculate absolute value.",
[["number", "number", "Number"], ]],
["round", round, "round(number)", "Round decimal to the closet integer.",
[["number", "number", "Number"], ]],
["floor", floor, "floor(number)", "Round decimal down to the closet integer.",
[["number", "number", "Number"], ]],
["ceil", ceil, "ceil(number)", "Round decimal up to the closet integer.",
[["number", "number", "Number"], ]],
["max", max, "max(number0, number1)", "Return maximum value between 2 numbers.",
[["number0", "number", "First number"], ["number1", "number", "Second number"], ]],
["min", min, "min(number0, number1)", "Return minimum value between 2 numbers.",
[["number0", "number", "First number"], ["number1", "number", "Second number"], ]],
["clamp", __lua_clamp, "clamp(number, min = 0, max = 1)", "Clamp number between 2 values.",
[["number", "number", "Number to clamp"], ["min", "number", "Minimum range"], ["max", "number", "Maximum range"], ]],
["lerp", lerp, "lerp(numberFrom, numberTo, ratio)", "Linearly interpolate between 2 numbers.",
[["number0", "number", "First number"], ["number1", "number", "Second number"], ["ratio", "number", "Lerp amount 0 = first number, 1 = second number"], ]],
["sqr", sqr, "sqr(number)", "Return square value (n * n)",
[["number", "number", "n"], ]],
["sqrt", sqrt, "sqrt(number)", "Return square root of number.",
[["number", "number", "n"], ]],
["power", power, "power(base, exponent)", "Return a ^ b",
[["base", "number", "Base (a)"], ["exponent", "number", "Exponent (b)"], ]],
["exp", exp, "exp(exponent)", "Return exponent power(e, n)",
[["exponent", "number", "Exponent (n)"], ]],
["ln", ln, "ln(number)", "Return natural log (log(e, n))",
[["number", "number", "n"], ]],
["log2", log2, "log2(number)", "Return log 2 of n.",
[["number", "number", "Number (n)"], ]],
["log10", log10, "log10(number)", "Return log 10 of n.",
[["number", "number", "Number (n)"], ]],
["logn", logn, "logn(base, number)", "Return log b of a.",
[["base", "number", "Base (b)"], ["number", "number", "Number (a)"], ]],
"Trigonometry, Vector",
["sin", sin, "sin(number)", "Return sin of radian angle.",
[["number", "number", "Angle in radian"], ]],
["cos", cos, "cos(number)", "Return cos of radian angle.",
[["number", "number", "Angle in radian"], ]],
["tan", tan, "tan(number)", "Return tan of radian angle.",
[["number", "number", "Angle in radian"], ]],
["asin", arcsin, "asin(number)", "Return arcsin (in radian).",
[["number", "number", "Value"], ]],
["acos", arccos, "acos(number)", "Return arccos (in radian).",
[["number", "number", "Value"], ]],
["atan", arctan, "atan(number)", "Return arctan (in radian).",
[["number", "number", "Value"], ]],
["atan2", arctan2, "atan2(y, x)", "Return arctan (in radian) from y, x.",
[["y", "number", "y value"], ["x", "number", "x value"], ]],
["dsin", dsin, "dsin(number)", "Return sin of degree angle.",
[["number", "number", "Angle in degree"], ]],
["dcos", dcos, "dcos(number)", "Return cos of degree angle.",
[["number", "number", "Angle in degree"], ]],
["dtan", dtan, "dtan(number)", "Return tan of degree angle.",
[["number", "number", "Angle in degree"], ]],
["dasin", darcsin, "dasin(number)", "Return arcsin (in degree).",
[["number", "number", "Value"], ]],
["dacos", darccos, "dacos(number)", "Return arccos (in degree).",
[["number", "number", "Value"], ]],
["datan", darctan, "datan(number)", "Return arctan (in degree).",
[["number", "number", "Value"], ]],
["datan2", darctan2, "datan2(y, x)", "Return arctan (in degree) from y, x.",
[["y", "number", "y value"], ["x", "number", "x value"], ]],
["rad", degtorad, "rad(number)", "Convert degree angle to radian.",
[["number", "number", "Degree angle"], ]],
["deg", radtodeg, "deg(number)", "Convert radian angle to degree.",
[["number", "number", "Radian angle"], ]],
["dot", dot_product, "dot(x0, y0, x1, y1)", "Calculate dot product.",
[["x0", "number", "Value"], ["y0", "number", "Value"], ["x1", "number", "Value"], ["y1", "number", "Value"], ]],
["stringLength", string_length, "stringLength(string)", "Return length of the string.",
[["string", "text", "Text to calculate length"], ]],
["stringSearch", __lua_string_search, "stringSearch(string, searchString)", "Return position of the substring in a string. (String position start at 1, curse you GameMaker.)",
[["string", "text", "Text to get position from"], ["searchString", "text", "Searching text."], ]],
["stringCopy", string_copy, "stringCopy(string, start, length)", "Return copy of a string.",
[["string", "text", "Original text"], ["start", "number", "Starting position"], ["length", "number", "Length of text to copy"], ]],
["stringUpper", string_upper, "stringUpper(string)", "Convert string to uppercase.",
[["string", "text", "Text to convert"], ]],
["stringLower", string_lower, "stringLower(string)", "Convert string to lowercase.",
[["string", "text", "Text to convert"], ]],
["stringReplace", string_replace, "stringReplace(string, replaceFrom, replaceTo)", "Replace the first occurance of a string with another string.",
[["string", "text", "Text input"], ["replaceFrom", "text", "Text that will be replace"], ["replaceTo", "text", "Text to replace to"], ]],
["stringReplaceAll", string_replace_all, "stringReplaceAll(string, replaceFrom, replaceTo)", "Replace every occurances of a string with another string.",
[["string", "text", "Text input"], ["replaceFrom", "text", "Text that will be replace"], ["replaceTo", "text", "Text to replace to"], ]],
["stringSplit", string_split, "stringSplit(string, delimiter)", "Separate string to arrays.",
[["string", "text", "Text input"], ["delimiter", "text", "Text that will use to cut the string"], ]],
["Project.frame", noone, "Project.frame", "Get current frame index (start at 0)."],
["Project.frameTotal", noone, "Project.frameTotal", "Get animation length."],
["Project.fps", noone, "Project.fps", "Get animation framerate."],
["print", __lua_noti, "print(string)", "Display text on notification.",
[["string", "text", "Text to display"], ]],
globalvar LUA_API;
LUA_API = ds_map_create();
for( var i = 0, n = array_length(global.lua_functions); i < n; i++ ) {
if(is_string(global.lua_functions[i])) continue;
if(global.lua_functions[i][1] == noone) continue;
LUA_API[? global.lua_functions[i][0]] = global.lua_functions[i][1];
function lua_create() {
var state = lua_state_create();
var k = ds_map_find_first(LUA_API);
repeat(ds_map_size(LUA_API)) {
lua_add_function(state, k, LUA_API[? k]);
k = ds_map_find_next(LUA_API, k);
lua_add_code(state, @"
Project = {};
Project.frame = 0;
Project.frameTotal = 0;
Project.fps = 0;
return state;
function lua_projectData(state) {
lua_add_code(state, @"
Project.frame = " + string(CURRENT_FRAME) + @";
Project.frameTotal = " + string(TOTAL_FRAMES) + @";
Project.fps = " + string(PROJECT.animator.framerate) + @";
function _lua_error(msg, state) { noti_warning($"Lua error: {msg}\n{state}"); } |