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utils: add simple parsing of multi-line rules [v3] D-Bus rules in particular seem to get written as multi-line rules. This patch adds very simple hackish support for multiple lines. Essentially, what it does is if the parsing of a line doesn't match anything and falls all the way through, it saves the line and prepends it to the next line that occurs in the profile, but *only* if the line does not have a trailing comma to indicate the end of a rule. If the trailing comma exists, then it assumes that it's a rule that it doesn't understand and aborts. With this patch, the simpler tools (aa-enforce, aa-complain, etc.) can parse policies containing multi-line rules to an extent and continue to function correctly. Again, aa-logprof and aa-genprof may have issues on the writing back of profiles, so some assistance testing here would be appreciated. Some testcases are added to exercise the regex that looks for a rule with a trailing comma but can still handle rules that have (,) or {,} in them. Patch history: v1 - initial version v2 - simplify and rearrange rule-ending comma search regex, since we only care about the trailing comma - add a new regex to search for trailing comments to filter out - simplify reset of lastline variable - restructure tests into a new script, and add more tests v3 - add additional testcases, most of which are problematic and thus commented out :( Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <> Acked-by: Christian Boltz <>
2014-03-07 10:04:57 -08:00
#! /usr/bin/env python
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (C) 2014 Canonical Ltd.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
# License published by the Free Software Foundation.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
import apparmor.aa as aa
import unittest
class AARegexHasComma(unittest.TestCase):
'''Tests for apparmor.aa.RE_RULE_HAS_COMMA'''
def _check(self, line, expected=True):
result =
if expected:
self.assertTrue(result, 'Couldn\'t find a comma in "%s"' % line)
self.assertEqual(None, result, 'Found an unexpected comma in "%s"' % line)
regex_has_comma_testcases = [
('dbus send%s', 'simple'),
('dbus (r, w, bind, eavesdrop)%s', 'embedded parens 01'),
('dbus (r, w,, bind, eavesdrop) %s', 'embedded parens 02'),
('dbus (r, w,, ) %s', 'embedded parens 03'),
('dbus () %s', 'empty parens'),
('member={Hello,AddMatch,RemoveMatch,GetNameOwner,NameHasOwner,StartServiceByName} %s ', 'embedded curly braces 01'),
('member={Hello,,,,,,AddMatch,,,NameHasOwner,StartServiceByName} %s ', 'embedded curly braces 02'),
('member={,Hello,,,,,,AddMatch,,,NameHasOwner,} %s ', 'embedded curly braces 03'),
('member={} %s ', 'empty curly braces'),
('dbus send%s# this is a comment', 'comment 01'),
('dbus send%s# this is a comment,', 'comment 02'),
('audit "/tmp/foo, bar" rw%s', 'quotes 01'),
('audit "/tmp/foo, bar" rw%s # comment', 'quotes 02'),
('audit "/tmp/foo, # bar" rw%s', 'comment embedded in quote 01'),
('audit "/tmp/foo, # bar" rw%s # comment', 'comment embedded in quote 02'),
# lifted from parser/tst/simple_tests/vars/
('/does/not/@{BAR},exist,notexist} r%s', 'partial alternation'),
('signal%s', 'bare signal'),
('signal receive%s', 'simple signal'),
('signal (send, receive)%s', 'embedded parens signal 01'),
('signal (send, receive) set=(hup, quit)%s', 'embedded parens signal 02'),
utils: add simple parsing of multi-line rules [v3] D-Bus rules in particular seem to get written as multi-line rules. This patch adds very simple hackish support for multiple lines. Essentially, what it does is if the parsing of a line doesn't match anything and falls all the way through, it saves the line and prepends it to the next line that occurs in the profile, but *only* if the line does not have a trailing comma to indicate the end of a rule. If the trailing comma exists, then it assumes that it's a rule that it doesn't understand and aborts. With this patch, the simpler tools (aa-enforce, aa-complain, etc.) can parse policies containing multi-line rules to an extent and continue to function correctly. Again, aa-logprof and aa-genprof may have issues on the writing back of profiles, so some assistance testing here would be appreciated. Some testcases are added to exercise the regex that looks for a rule with a trailing comma but can still handle rules that have (,) or {,} in them. Patch history: v1 - initial version v2 - simplify and rearrange rule-ending comma search regex, since we only care about the trailing comma - add a new regex to search for trailing comments to filter out - simplify reset of lastline variable - restructure tests into a new script, and add more tests v3 - add additional testcases, most of which are problematic and thus commented out :( Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <> Acked-by: Christian Boltz <>
2014-03-07 10:04:57 -08:00
('ptrace%s', 'bare ptrace'),
('ptrace trace%s', 'simple ptrace'),
('ptrace (tracedby, readby)%s', 'embedded parens ptrace 01'),
('ptrace (trace) peer=/usr/bin/foo%s', 'embedded parens ptrace 02'),
('pivot_root%s', 'bare pivot_root'),
('pivot_root /old%s', 'pivot_root with old'),
('pivot_root /old new%s', 'pivot_root with new'),
('pivot_root /old /new -> child%s', 'pivot_root with child'),
utils: add simple parsing of multi-line rules [v3] D-Bus rules in particular seem to get written as multi-line rules. This patch adds very simple hackish support for multiple lines. Essentially, what it does is if the parsing of a line doesn't match anything and falls all the way through, it saves the line and prepends it to the next line that occurs in the profile, but *only* if the line does not have a trailing comma to indicate the end of a rule. If the trailing comma exists, then it assumes that it's a rule that it doesn't understand and aborts. With this patch, the simpler tools (aa-enforce, aa-complain, etc.) can parse policies containing multi-line rules to an extent and continue to function correctly. Again, aa-logprof and aa-genprof may have issues on the writing back of profiles, so some assistance testing here would be appreciated. Some testcases are added to exercise the regex that looks for a rule with a trailing comma but can still handle rules that have (,) or {,} in them. Patch history: v1 - initial version v2 - simplify and rearrange rule-ending comma search regex, since we only care about the trailing comma - add a new regex to search for trailing comments to filter out - simplify reset of lastline variable - restructure tests into a new script, and add more tests v3 - add additional testcases, most of which are problematic and thus commented out :( Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <> Acked-by: Christian Boltz <>
2014-03-07 10:04:57 -08:00
# the following fail due to inadequacies in the regex
# ('dbus (r, w, %s', 'incomplete dbus action'),
# ('member="{Hello,AddMatch,RemoveMatch, %s', 'incomplete {} regex'), # also invalid policy
# ('member={Hello,AddMatch,RemoveMatch, %s', 'incomplete {} regex'), # also invalid policy when trailing comma exists
# the following passes the tests, but variable declarations are
# odd in that they *don't* allow trailing commas; commas at the end
# of the line need to be quoted.
# ('@{BAR}={bar,baz,blort %s', 'tricksy variable declaration')
# ('@{BAR}="{bar,baz,blort," %s', 'tricksy variable declaration')
# The following fails the no comma test, but is invalid
# ('@{BAR}={bar,baz,blort, %s', 'tricksy variable declaration')
# The following fails the comma test, because it's really a no comma situation
# ('@{BAR}="{bar,baz,blort%s" ', 'tricksy variable declaration')
def setup_has_comma_testcases():
i = 0
for (test_string, description) in regex_has_comma_testcases:
i += 1
def stub_test_comma(self, test_string=test_string):
self._check(test_string % ',')
def stub_test_no_comma(self, test_string=test_string):
self._check(test_string % ' ', False)
stub_test_comma.__doc__ = "test %s (w/comma)" % (description)
stub_test_no_comma.__doc__ = "test %s (no comma)" % (description)
setattr(AARegexHasComma, 'test_comma_%d' % (i), stub_test_comma)
setattr(AARegexHasComma, 'test_no_comma_%d' % (i), stub_test_no_comma)
class AARegexSplitComment(unittest.TestCase):
'''Tests for RE_HAS_COMMENT_SPLIT'''
def _check(self, line, expected, comment=None, not_comment=None):
result =
if expected:
self.assertTrue(result, 'Couldn\'t find a comment in "%s"' % line)
self.assertEqual('comment'), comment, 'Expected comment "%s", got "%s"'
% (comment,'comment')))
self.assertEqual('not_comment'), not_comment, 'Expected not comment "%s", got "%s"'
% (not_comment,'not_comment')))
self.assertEqual(None, result, 'Found an unexpected comment "%s" in "%s"'
% ("" if result is None else'comment'), line ))
# Tuples of (string, expected result), where expected result is False if
# the string should not be considered as having a comment, or a second
# tuple of the not comment and comment sections split apart
regex_split_comment_testcases = [
('dbus send # this is a comment', ('dbus send ', '# this is a comment')),
('dbus send member=no_comment', False),
('dbus send member=no_comment, ', False),
('audit "/tmp/foo, # bar" rw', False),
('audit "/tmp/foo, # bar" rw # comment', ('audit "/tmp/foo, # bar" rw ', '# comment')),
('file,', False),
('file, # bare', ('file, ', '# bare')),
('file /tmp/foo rw, # read-write', ('file /tmp/foo rw, ', '# read-write')),
('signal, # comment', ('signal, ', '# comment')),
('signal receive set=(usr1 usr2) peer=foo,', False),
('ptrace, # comment', ('ptrace, ', '# comment')),
('ptrace (trace read) peer=/usr/bin/foo,', False),
('pivot_root, # comment', ('pivot_root, ', '# comment')),
('pivot_root /old /new -> child,', False),
utils: add simple parsing of multi-line rules [v3] D-Bus rules in particular seem to get written as multi-line rules. This patch adds very simple hackish support for multiple lines. Essentially, what it does is if the parsing of a line doesn't match anything and falls all the way through, it saves the line and prepends it to the next line that occurs in the profile, but *only* if the line does not have a trailing comma to indicate the end of a rule. If the trailing comma exists, then it assumes that it's a rule that it doesn't understand and aborts. With this patch, the simpler tools (aa-enforce, aa-complain, etc.) can parse policies containing multi-line rules to an extent and continue to function correctly. Again, aa-logprof and aa-genprof may have issues on the writing back of profiles, so some assistance testing here would be appreciated. Some testcases are added to exercise the regex that looks for a rule with a trailing comma but can still handle rules that have (,) or {,} in them. Patch history: v1 - initial version v2 - simplify and rearrange rule-ending comma search regex, since we only care about the trailing comma - add a new regex to search for trailing comments to filter out - simplify reset of lastline variable - restructure tests into a new script, and add more tests v3 - add additional testcases, most of which are problematic and thus commented out :( Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <> Acked-by: Christian Boltz <>
2014-03-07 10:04:57 -08:00
def setup_split_comment_testcases():
i = 0
for (test_string, result) in regex_split_comment_testcases:
i += 1
def stub_test(self, test_string=test_string, result=result):
if result is False:
self._check(test_string, False)
self._check(test_string, True, not_comment=result[0], comment=result[1])
stub_test.__doc__ = "test '%s'" % (test_string)
setattr(AARegexSplitComment, 'test_split_comment_%d' % (i), stub_test)
def regex_test(self, line, expected):
'''Run a line through and verify the result
Keyword arguments:
line -- the line to search
expected -- False if the search isn't expected to match or, if the search
is expected to match, a tuple of expected match groups with all
of the strings stripped
result =
if not expected:
groups = result.groups()
self.assertEqual(len(groups), len(expected))
for (i, group) in enumerate(groups):
if group:
group = group.strip()
self.assertEqual(group, expected[i], 'Group %d mismatch' % i)
def setup_regex_tests(test_class):
'''Create tests in test_class using test_class.tests and regex_tests()
test_class.tests should be tuples of (line, expected_results) where
expected_results is False if should not
match. If the search should match, expected_results should be a tuple of
the expected groups, with all of the strings stripped.
for (i, (line, expected)) in enumerate(test_class.tests):
def stub_test(self, line=line, expected=expected):
regex_test(self, line, expected)
stub_test.__doc__ = "test '%s'" % (line)
setattr(test_class, 'test_%d' % (i), stub_test)
class AARegexCapability(unittest.TestCase):
'''Tests for RE_PROFILE_CAP'''
regex = aa.RE_PROFILE_CAP
tests = [
(' capability net_raw,', (None, None, 'net_raw', None)),
('capability net_raw , ', (None, None, 'net_raw', None)),
(' capability,', (None, None, None, None)),
(' capability , ', (None, None, None, None)),
(' capabilitynet_raw,', False)
class AARegexPath(unittest.TestCase):
tests = [
(' /tmp/foo r,',
(None, None, None, None, '/tmp/foo', 'r', None, None, None)),
(' audit /tmp/foo rw,',
('audit', None, None, None, '/tmp/foo', 'rw', None, None, None)),
(' audit deny /tmp/foo rw,',
('audit', 'deny', None, None, '/tmp/foo', 'rw', None, None, None)),
(' file /tmp/foo rw,',
(None, None, None, 'file', '/tmp/foo', 'rw', None, None, None)),
(' file,', False),
class AARegexBareFile(unittest.TestCase):
tests = [
(' file,', (None, None, None, None)),
(' dbus,', False),
(' file /tmp/foo rw,', False),
(' file /tmp/foo,', False),
(' file r,', False),
(' owner file , ', (None, None, 'owner', None)),
(' audit owner file , ', ('audit', None, 'owner', None)),
(' deny file , ', (None, 'deny', None, None)),
class AARegexSignal(unittest.TestCase):
'''Tests for RE_PROFILE_SIGNAL'''
tests = [
(' signal,', (None, None, 'signal,', None)),
(' audit signal,', ('audit', None, 'signal,', None)),
(' signal receive,', (None, None, 'signal receive,', None)),
(' signal (send, receive),',
(None, None, 'signal (send, receive),', None)),
(' audit signal (receive),',
('audit', None, 'signal (receive),', None)),
(' signal (send, receive) set=(usr1 usr2),',
(None, None, 'signal (send, receive) set=(usr1 usr2),', None)),
(' signal send set=(hup, quit) peer=/usr/sbin/daemon,',
(None, None,
'signal send set=(hup, quit) peer=/usr/sbin/daemon,', None)),
class AARegexPtrace(unittest.TestCase):
'''Tests for RE_PROFILE_PTRACE'''
tests = [
(' ptrace,', (None, None, 'ptrace,', None)),
(' audit ptrace,', ('audit', None, 'ptrace,', None)),
(' ptrace trace,', (None, None, 'ptrace trace,', None)),
(' ptrace (tracedby, readby),',
(None, None, 'ptrace (tracedby, readby),', None)),
(' audit ptrace (read),', ('audit', None, 'ptrace (read),', None)),
(' ptrace trace peer=/usr/sbin/daemon,',
(None, None, 'ptrace trace peer=/usr/sbin/daemon,', None)),
class AARegexPivotRoot(unittest.TestCase):
tests = [
(' pivot_root,', (None, None, 'pivot_root,', None)),
(' audit pivot_root,', ('audit', None, 'pivot_root,', None)),
(' pivot_root oldroot=/new/old,',
(None, None, 'pivot_root oldroot=/new/old,', None)),
(' pivot_root oldroot=/new/old /new,',
(None, None, 'pivot_root oldroot=/new/old /new,', None)),
(' pivot_root oldroot=/new/old /new -> child,',
(None, None, 'pivot_root oldroot=/new/old /new -> child,', None)),
(' audit pivot_root oldroot=/new/old /new -> child,',
('audit', None, 'pivot_root oldroot=/new/old /new -> child,', None)),
utils: add simple parsing of multi-line rules [v3] D-Bus rules in particular seem to get written as multi-line rules. This patch adds very simple hackish support for multiple lines. Essentially, what it does is if the parsing of a line doesn't match anything and falls all the way through, it saves the line and prepends it to the next line that occurs in the profile, but *only* if the line does not have a trailing comma to indicate the end of a rule. If the trailing comma exists, then it assumes that it's a rule that it doesn't understand and aborts. With this patch, the simpler tools (aa-enforce, aa-complain, etc.) can parse policies containing multi-line rules to an extent and continue to function correctly. Again, aa-logprof and aa-genprof may have issues on the writing back of profiles, so some assistance testing here would be appreciated. Some testcases are added to exercise the regex that looks for a rule with a trailing comma but can still handle rules that have (,) or {,} in them. Patch history: v1 - initial version v2 - simplify and rearrange rule-ending comma search regex, since we only care about the trailing comma - add a new regex to search for trailing comments to filter out - simplify reset of lastline variable - restructure tests into a new script, and add more tests v3 - add additional testcases, most of which are problematic and thus commented out :( Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <> Acked-by: Christian Boltz <>
2014-03-07 10:04:57 -08:00
if __name__ == '__main__':
verbosity = 2
test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
for tests in (AARegexCapability, AARegexPath, AARegexBareFile,
AARegexSignal, AARegexPtrace, AARegexPivotRoot):
utils: add simple parsing of multi-line rules [v3] D-Bus rules in particular seem to get written as multi-line rules. This patch adds very simple hackish support for multiple lines. Essentially, what it does is if the parsing of a line doesn't match anything and falls all the way through, it saves the line and prepends it to the next line that occurs in the profile, but *only* if the line does not have a trailing comma to indicate the end of a rule. If the trailing comma exists, then it assumes that it's a rule that it doesn't understand and aborts. With this patch, the simpler tools (aa-enforce, aa-complain, etc.) can parse policies containing multi-line rules to an extent and continue to function correctly. Again, aa-logprof and aa-genprof may have issues on the writing back of profiles, so some assistance testing here would be appreciated. Some testcases are added to exercise the regex that looks for a rule with a trailing comma but can still handle rules that have (,) or {,} in them. Patch history: v1 - initial version v2 - simplify and rearrange rule-ending comma search regex, since we only care about the trailing comma - add a new regex to search for trailing comments to filter out - simplify reset of lastline variable - restructure tests into a new script, and add more tests v3 - add additional testcases, most of which are problematic and thus commented out :( Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <> Acked-by: Seth Arnold <> Acked-by: Christian Boltz <>
2014-03-07 10:04:57 -08:00
result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=verbosity).run(test_suite)
if not result.wasSuccessful():