- drop the symlink magic of the common/ directory, and just include
files directly from there.
- update comments indicating required steps to take when including
- drop make clean steps that refer to no longer generated tarballs,
specfiles, and symlinks to the common directory/Make.rules.
- don't silence clean steps if VERBOSE is set
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <steve@nxnw.org>
Acked-by: Christian "Ghostbuster" Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
This patch:
- replaces unnamed arguments with named arguments wherever more than 1
one arguments ware present in a message
- minor fix in aa-unconfined for pname argument in 2 strings
- updated pot files (as a side-effect of testing with make)
Acked-by: Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
A side effect of not including utils/apparmor/*.py in the .pot file was
that some translations were lost. This patch includes backported (or
forward-ported?) translations from r2186. It's not a simple merge, I
reviewed everything I merged and changed it if necessary.
I also removed the outdated
"Language-Team: Novell Language <language@novell.com>\n"
Acked-by: Seth Arnold <seth.arnold@canonical.com>
logprof/genprof and related utilities in python. Because the branch that
was worked on was not based on the apparmor tree, not all of the history
can be maintained for files that are not newly created or entirely
rewritten in the branch.
(This merge also includes a subsequent commit to the branch
I was merging from which includes my missed bzr add of
Current builds include many warnings when building translations message
files like so:
msgfmt -c -o ja.mo ja.po
ja.po:5: warning: header field 'Language' missing in header
According to what I read in the entry for Language in
the language entry should be (in our case) the same as the file name
minus the .po suffix. This patch adds the language field for those
po files that were missing it.
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <steve@nxnw.org>
Acked-by: Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>
This patch updates the Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: to point to the apparmor
list instead of the old Novell forge address. It also makes the
Project-Id-Version: field consistent.
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <steve@nxnw.org>
Acked-by: Christian Boltz <apparmor@cboltz.de>