When using DoT or DoH opensnitch cannot intercept the dns packets.
Therefore the UI always shows IP addresses instead of hostnames. To fix
this issue an ebpf (uprobe) filter was created to hook getaddrinfo and
gethostbyname calls.
In order to be independent of libbcc an additional module was added to
ebpf_prog. Without libbcc the libc function offsets must be resolved
manually. In order to find the loaded glibc version some cgo code was
* Allow to intercept some kernel connections
Some connections are initiated from kernel space, like WireGuard
VPNs (#454), NFS or SMB connections (#502) and ip tunnels (#500).
Note: This feature is complete for x86_64, WIP for aarch64, and not supported for armhf and i386
More information regarding this change: #493
* Use ebpf program to find PID of new connections.
before running the branch you have to compile ebpf_prog/opensnitch.c
opensnitch.c is an eBPF program. Compilation requires getting kernel source.
cd opensnitch
wget https://github.com/torvalds/linux/archive/v5.8.tar.gz
tar -xf v5.8.tar.gz
patch linux-5.8/tools/lib/bpf/bpf_helpers.h < ebpf_prog/file.patch
cp ebpf_prog/opensnitch.c ebpf_prog/Makefile linux-5.8/samples/bpf
cd linux-5.8 && yes "" | make oldconfig && make prepare && make headers_install # (1 min)
cd samples/bpf && make
objdump -h opensnitch.o #you should see many section, number 1 should be called kprobe/tcp_v4_connect
llvm-strip -g opensnitch.o #remove debug info
sudo cp opensnitch.o /etc/opensnitchd
cd ../../../daemon
--opensnitchd expects to find opensnitch.o in /etc/opensnitchd/
--start opensnitchd with:
opensnitchd -rules-path /etc/opensnitchd/rules -process-monitor-method ebpf
Co-authored-by: themighty1 <you@example.com>
Co-authored-by: Gustavo Iñiguez Goia <gooffy1@gmail.com>