In old libnetfilter_queue libs, we can't know the UID of the packet
because the function nfq_get_uid is not present.
We check it dynamically on run time, but we were doing it wrong, so the
daemon didn't run with old libs.
Thaks to Pain-Patate for reporting it in #18.
Reported here: #23
Now if a user resize a column manually on the first tab, or
adjust it to the column contents by double clicking on the middle
of the columns, the next time the UI is shown the columns size will
be restored.
Fixed default settings when it's the first time it's shown.
Fixed default action settings key
Fixed default target configured from the preferences dialog.
Set default pop-up dialog size on shown event.
By changing the Action combobox by 2 buttons (allow/deny), we ease the
task of allowing or denying a connection.
Added a label to display from what directory a process was executed.
Pop-up GUI reorganized.
Requested here: #28
Previously we could filter data only in the General tab, but the Hosts
and Addresses lists tend to be huge, so allowing to filter it helps to
find a host or IP quickly.
Processes paths with spaces were not handled correctly.
If the /proc/<pid>/exe link contained the word "(deleted)",
we deleted that part from the process path. But the way we
did it caused to not handle paths with spaces correctly.
Should fix#24
Allow to add or modify rules from the UI.
The rules of all nodes are listed in the tab Rules.
Clicking on the name of the rule will display the connections that
matched the rule.
In this view 2 buttons are displayed: edit rule and delete rule.
Editing a rule will edit the rule for a particular node. If you want
the changes to be applied to all nodes you have to select that option.
All fields can have a regular expression. If the regular expression is
not valid, a message will be displayed on the dialog.
If the rule is applied correctly, "Rule applied" will be shown.
Otherwise an error will appear.
Bear in mind that this still a WIP commit. Bugs and errors will
appear that we'll have to fix.
- Fixed race condition when adding stats to the db, specially when there
were several nodes connected.
- Colorized allow/deny and online/offline words, to improve visual
- UI performance has been improved, specially when there're multiple
nodes sendings stats.