* Update documentation to async code (#331)
This commit updates the documentation to the latest changes added
with pycapnp 2.0.0.
* Remove non existing classes/functions from the reference documentation
* Adapt the quickstart to the latest changes. Mainly to new rpc handling,
that now exlusively is done through asyncio.
* DOC: Add section about send and receive messages over a socket
Since #313 it is possible to read and write messages over a socket.
This commit adds a small section for read and write in the quickstart.
- Update CHANGELOG.md
- Update to bundled capnproto-1.0.1
* Compiles with capnproto-0.8.0 and higher
- *Breaking Change* Remove allow_cancellation (see
* This is tricky to handle for older versions of capnproto. Instead of
dealing with lots of complication, removing it entirely.
- Fix some documentation after the build backend support was added
- Update tox.ini to support 3.8 to 3.12
- Update cibuildwheel to 2.16.1
* Adds Python 3.12 supports and implicitly deprecates EOL 3.7 (though it's
still built)
Cap'n Proto provides a schema loader, which can be used to dynamically
load schemas during runtime. To port this functionality to pycapnp,
a new class is provided `C_SchemaLoader`, which exposes the Cap'n
Proto C++ interface, and `SchemaLoader`, which is part of the pycapnp
The specific use case for this is when a capnp message contains
a Node.Reader: The schema for a yet unseen message can be loaded
dynamically, allowing the future message to be properly processed.
If the message is a struct containing other structs, all the schemas for
every struct must be loaded to correctly parse the message. See
https://github.com/DaneSlattery/capnp_generic_poc for a
Add docs and cleanup
Add more docs
Reduce changes
Fix flake8 formatting
Fix get datatype
The example async server code uses timeouts around read() operations.
However, this has a race condition where data can be read, the timeout
fires, and the data is lost.
These timeouts are not really needed in this example code, so I removed
them to prevent people from having strange issues with lost messages
and undefined RPC behavior when using the example code.
- Full cleanup of all the docs
- General sphinx housekeeping
- Updated all the old/bad links
- More reliable tests
- Updated Changelog
- Removed dead/deprecated code
- Added documentation generation test
The original note was misleading in that it implied an actual memory leakage (in the common sense of the term). This is not the case though since the memory is left as dead space in the message but is always correctly freed upon freeing the arena.
flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics --exclude benchmark
Excluding the benchmark directory (due to protobuf generated files)
Also removing some Python2 specific code