2022-08-03 19:09:43 +05:30
import os
2021-06-11 04:54:24 +05:30
import pytest
from xonsh.prompt import gitstatus
2022-04-23 07:01:04 +05:30
from xonsh.prompt.base import _format_value
2021-06-11 04:54:24 +05:30
2022-01-08 04:03:22 +05:30
def git_no_stash(mocker):
2022-03-21 20:48:36 +05:30
return mocker.patch.object(gitstatus, "get_stash_count", return_value=0)
def prompts(xession):
fields = xession.env["PROMPT_FIELDS"]
yield fields
2022-08-03 19:09:43 +05:30
2022-03-21 20:48:36 +05:30
def fake_proc(fake_process):
def wrap(map: "dict"):
for command, stdout in map.items():
fake_process.register_subprocess(command=command, stdout=stdout)
return fake_process
return wrap
2022-01-08 04:03:22 +05:30
2021-06-11 04:54:24 +05:30
"hidden, exp",
2022-03-21 20:48:36 +05:30
(".lines_added", ".lines_removed"),
2021-06-11 04:54:24 +05:30
2022-03-21 20:48:36 +05:30
def test_gitstatus_dirty(prompts, fake_proc, hidden, exp, xession):
prompts["gitstatus"].hidden = hidden
dirty = {
"git status --porcelain --branch": b"""\
2021-06-11 04:54:24 +05:30
## gitstatus-opt...origin/gitstatus-opt [ahead 7, behind 2]
M requirements/tests.txt
AM tests/prompt/test_gitstatus.py
2022-03-21 20:48:36 +05:30
M tests/prompt/test_vc.py""",
"git rev-parse --git-dir": b".git",
"git diff --numstat": b"""\
2021-06-11 04:54:24 +05:30
1 0 requirements/tests.txt
26 0 tests/prompt/test_gitstatus.py
2022-03-21 20:48:36 +05:30
22 26 tests/prompt/test_vc.py""",
2021-06-11 04:54:24 +05:30
2022-03-21 20:48:36 +05:30
# finally assert
assert format(prompts.pick("gitstatus")) == exp
def test_gitstatus_clean(prompts, fake_proc):
clean = {
"git status --porcelain --branch": b"## gitstatus-opt...origin/gitstatus-opt [ahead 7, behind 2]",
"git rev-parse --git-dir": b".git",
"git diff --numstat": b"",
2021-06-11 04:54:24 +05:30
exp = "{CYAN}gitstatus-opt↑·7↓·2{RESET}|{BOLD_GREEN}✓{RESET}"
2022-03-21 20:48:36 +05:30
assert format(prompts.pick("gitstatus")) == exp
2022-04-23 07:01:04 +05:30
assert _format_value(prompts.pick("gitstatus"), None, None) == exp
assert _format_value(prompts.pick("gitstatus"), "{}", None) == exp
2022-08-03 19:09:43 +05:30
def test_no_git(prompts, fake_process, tmp_path):
err = b"fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git"
2022-08-17 00:38:02 -04:00
command="git rev-parse --git-dir", stderr=err, returncode=128
# test that all gitstatus fields (gitstatus, gitstatus.branch,
# gitstatus.porceclain, etc) are None and are formatted correctly in a
# format string like {gitstatus: hello {}}
for field in prompts.get_fields(gitstatus):
assert prompts.pick_val(field) is None
assert _format_value(prompts.pick(field), None, None) == ""
assert _format_value(prompts.pick(field), "hello {}", None) == ""