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"""Tests the xonsh main function."""
import builtins
import gc
import os
import os.path
2016-07-01 13:35:16 +03:00
import sys
2022-01-31 21:26:34 +05:30
from contextlib import contextmanager
2016-07-01 13:35:16 +03:00
import pytest
2022-01-31 21:26:34 +05:30
import xonsh.main
from xonsh.main import XonshMode
2022-03-24 00:46:50 +05:30
from xonsh.pytest.tools import ON_WINDOWS, TEST_DIR, skip_if_on_windows
def Shell(*args, **kwargs):
2016-07-01 13:35:16 +03:00
def shell(xession, monkeypatch):
2016-07-03 12:00:24 +03:00
"""Xonsh Shell Mock"""
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
Shell.shell_type_aliases = {"rl": "readline"}
monkeypatch.setattr(xonsh.main, "Shell", Shell)
2016-07-01 13:35:16 +03:00
def empty_xonshrc(monkeypatch):
# Don't use the local machine's xonshrc
empty_file_path = "NUL" if ON_WINDOWS else "/dev/null"
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSHRC", empty_file_path)
def test_premain_no_arg(shell, monkeypatch, xession):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: True)
2016-07-01 13:35:16 +03:00
assert xession.env.get("XONSH_LOGIN")
2016-07-01 13:35:16 +03:00
2016-03-20 19:43:37 -04:00
def test_premain_interactive(shell, xession):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
assert xession.env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE")
2016-06-22 18:23:36 -04:00
def test_premain_login_command(shell, xession):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
xonsh.main.premain(["-l", "-c", 'echo "hi"'])
assert xession.env.get("XONSH_LOGIN")
2016-03-20 21:31:14 -04:00
def test_premain_login(shell, xession):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
assert xession.env.get("XONSH_LOGIN")
def test_premain_D(shell, xession):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
xonsh.main.premain(["-DTEST1=1616", "-DTEST2=LOL"])
assert xession.env.get("TEST1") == "1616"
assert xession.env.get("TEST2") == "LOL"
def test_premain_custom_rc(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, xession):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: True)
2019-02-13 18:49:39 -05:00
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSH_CACHE_SCRIPTS", "False")
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
f = tmpdir.join("wakkawakka")
2017-04-21 14:29:55 -04:00
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
args = xonsh.main.premain(["--rc", f.strpath])
assert args.mode == XonshMode.interactive
assert f.strpath in xession.rc_files
2017-04-21 14:29:55 -04:00
2021-04-07 21:37:21 +03:00
ON_WINDOWS and sys.version[:3] == "3.8",
reason="weird failure on py38+windows",
def test_rc_with_modules(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys, xession):
"""Test that an RC file can load modules inside the same folder it is located in."""
monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: True)
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSH_CACHE_SCRIPTS", "False")
rc = tmpdir.join("rc.xsh")
rc.write("from my_python_module import *\nfrom my_xonsh_module import *")
xonsh.main.premain(["--rc", rc.strpath])
assert rc.strpath in xession.rc_files
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert "Hello,\nWorld!" in stdout
assert len(stderr) == 0
# Check that the temporary rc's folder is not left behind on the path
assert tmpdir.strpath not in sys.path
def test_python_rc(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys, xession, mocker):
"""Test that python based control files are executed using Python's parser"""
monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: True)
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSH_CACHE_SCRIPTS", "False")
# spy on xonsh's compile method
spy = mocker.spy(xession.execer, "compile")
rc = tmpdir.join("rc.py")
rc.write("print('Hello World!')")
xonsh.main.premain(["--rc", rc.strpath])
assert rc.strpath in xession.rc_files
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert "Hello World!" in stdout
assert len(stderr) == 0
# Check that the temporary rc's folder is not left behind on the path
assert tmpdir.strpath not in sys.path
2021-09-26 21:02:24 +05:30
assert not spy.called
def test_rcdir(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys):
Test that files are loaded from an rcdir, after a normal rc file,
and in lexographic order.
rcdir = tmpdir.join("rc.d")
monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: True)
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSHRC_DIR", str(rcdir))
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSHRC", str(tmpdir.join("rc.xsh")))
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSH_CACHE_SCRIPTS", "False")
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert "rc.xsh\n0.xsh\n1.xsh\n2.xsh" in stdout
assert len(stderr) == 0
def test_rcdir_cli(shell, tmpdir, xession, monkeypatch):
"""Test that --rc DIR works"""
rcdir = tmpdir.join("rcdir")
rc = rcdir.join("test.xsh")
monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: True)
xargs = xonsh.main.premain(["--rc", rcdir.strpath])
assert len(xargs.rc) == 1 and xargs.rc[0] == rcdir.strpath
assert rc.strpath in xession.rc_files
def test_rcdir_empty(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys):
"""Test that an empty XONSHRC_DIR is not an error"""
rcdir = tmpdir.join("rc.d")
rc = tmpdir.join("rc.xsh")
monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: True)
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSHRC", str(rc))
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSHRC_DIR", str(rcdir))
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert len(stderr) == 0
# the parameterisation is a list of xonsh args, followed by the list
# of RC files (see function body) expected to be loaded in order
# note that a tty is not faked, so this will default to non-interactive
# (skipped on windows because XONSHRC="/path/to/f1.xsh:/path/to/f2.xsh"
# doesn't appear to work, while it does on other platforms)
@pytest.mark.skipif(ON_WINDOWS, reason="Issue with multi-file XONSHRC")
["args", "expected"],
# non-interactive, nothing loading
[[], []],
# interactive, normal XONSHRC and XONSHRC_DIR
[["-i"], ["F0", "F1", "D0", "D1"]],
# --no-rc wins over -i
[["--no-rc", "-i"], []],
# --no-rc wins over -i --rc
[["--no-rc", "-i", "--rc", "<R0>"], []],
# --rc does nothing in non-interactive mode
[["--rc", "<R0>"], []],
# but is respected in interactive
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>"], ["R0"]],
# multiple invocations of --rc only use the last
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "--rc", "<R1>"], ["R1"]],
# but multiple RC files can be specified after --rc
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "<R1>"], ["R0", "R1"]],
# including the same file twice
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "<R0>"], ["R0", "R0"]],
# scripts are non-interactive
[["<SC>"], ["SC"]],
# but -i will load the normal environment with a script
[["-i", "<SC>"], ["F0", "F1", "D0", "D1", "SC"]],
# no-rc has no effect on a script
[["--no-rc", "<SC>"], ["SC"]],
# but does prevent RC loading in -i mode
[["--no-rc", "-i", "<SC>"], ["SC"]],
# --rc doesn't work here because a script is non-interactive
[["--rc", "<R0>", "--", "<SC>"], ["SC"]],
# unless forced with -i
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "--", "<SC>"], ["R0", "SC"]],
# --no-rc also wins here
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "--no-rc", "--", "<SC>"], ["SC"]],
# single commands are non-interactive
[["-c", "pass"], []],
# but load RCs with -i
[["-i", "-c", "pass"], ["F0", "F1", "D0", "D1"]],
# --rc ignores without -i
[["--rc", "<R0>", "-c", "pass"], []],
# but used with -i
[["-i", "--rc", "<R0>", "-c", "pass"], ["R0"]],
ids=lambda ae: " ".join(ae),
def test_script_startup(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys, args, expected):
Test the correct scripts are loaded, in the correct order, for
different combinations of CLI arguments. See
This sets up a standard set of RC files which will be loaded,
and tests whether they print their payloads at all, or in the right
order, depending on the CLI arguments chosen.
rcdir = tmpdir.join("rc.d")
# XONSHRC_DIR files, in order
# XONSHRC files, in order
f0 = tmpdir.join("f0.xsh")
f1 = tmpdir.join("f1.xsh")
# RC files which can be explicitly loaded with --rc
r0 = tmpdir.join("r0.xsh")
r1 = tmpdir.join("r1.xsh")
# a (non-RC) script which can be loaded
sc = tmpdir.join("sc.xsh")
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSHRC", f"{f0}:{f1}")
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSHRC_DIR", str(rcdir))
# replace <RC> with the path to rc.xsh and <SC> with sc.xsh
args = [
a.replace("<R0>", str(r0)).replace("<R1>", str(r1)).replace("<SC>", str(sc))
for a in args
# since we only test xonsh.premain here, a script file (SC)
# won't actually get run here, so won't appear in the stdout,
# so don't check for it (but check for a .file in the parsed args)
check_for_script = "SC" in expected
expected = [e for e in expected if e != "SC"]
xargs = xonsh.main.premain(args)
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert "\n".join(expected) in stdout
if check_for_script:
assert xargs.file is not None
def test_rcdir_ignored_with_rc(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys, xession):
"""Test that --rc suppresses loading XONSHRC_DIRs"""
rcdir = tmpdir.join("rc.d")
monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: True)
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSHRC_DIR", str(rcdir))
xonsh.main.premain(["--rc", str(tmpdir.join("rc.xsh"))])
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert "RCDIR" not in stdout
assert "RCFILE" in stdout
assert str(rcdir.join("rcd.xsh")) not in xession.rc_files
@pytest.mark.skipif(ON_WINDOWS, reason="See https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/3936")
def test_rc_with_modified_path(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys, xession):
"""Test that an RC file can edit the sys.path variable without losing those values."""
monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: True)
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSH_CACHE_SCRIPTS", "False")
rc = tmpdir.join("rc.xsh")
rc.write(f"import sys\nsys.path.append('{tmpdir.strpath}')\nprint('Hello, World!')")
xonsh.main.premain(["--rc", rc.strpath])
assert rc.strpath in xession.rc_files
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert "Hello, World!" in stdout
assert len(stderr) == 0
# Check that the path that was explicitly added is not accidentally deleted
assert tmpdir.strpath in sys.path
def test_rc_with_failing_module(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, capsys, xession):
"""Test that an RC file which imports a module that throws an exception ."""
monkeypatch.setattr(sys.stdin, "isatty", lambda: True)
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSH_CACHE_SCRIPTS", "False")
tmpdir.join("my_failing_module.py").write("raise RuntimeError('Unexpected error')")
rc = tmpdir.join("rc.xsh")
rc.write("from my_failing_module import *")
xonsh.main.premain(["--rc", rc.strpath])
assert rc.strpath not in xession.rc_files
stdout, stderr = capsys.readouterr()
assert len(stdout) == 0
assert "RuntimeError: Unexpected error" in stderr
# Check that the temporary rc's folder is not left behind on the path
assert tmpdir.strpath not in sys.path
def test_no_rc_with_script(shell, tmpdir):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
args = xonsh.main.premain(["tests/sample.xsh"])
assert not (args.mode == XonshMode.interactive)
def test_force_interactive_rc_with_script(shell, tmpdir, xession):
xonsh.main.premain(["-i", "tests/sample.xsh"])
assert xession.env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE")
def test_force_interactive_custom_rc_with_script(shell, tmpdir, monkeypatch, xession):
"""Calling a custom RC file on a script-call with the interactive flag
should run interactively
2019-02-13 18:49:39 -05:00
monkeypatch.setitem(os.environ, "XONSH_CACHE_SCRIPTS", "False")
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
f = tmpdir.join("wakkawakka")
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
args = xonsh.main.premain(["-i", "--rc", f.strpath, "tests/sample.xsh"])
assert args.mode == XonshMode.interactive
assert f.strpath in xession.rc_files
def test_custom_rc_with_script(shell, tmpdir):
"""Calling a custom RC file on a script-call without the interactive flag
should not run interactively
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
f = tmpdir.join("wakkawakka")
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
args = xonsh.main.premain(["--rc", f.strpath, "tests/sample.xsh"])
assert not (args.mode == XonshMode.interactive)
def test_premain_no_rc(shell, tmpdir, xession):
2018-09-13 16:49:09 -04:00
xonsh.main.premain(["--no-rc", "-i"])
assert len(xession.rc_files) == 0
2017-04-21 14:29:55 -04:00
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
"arg", ["", "-i", "-vERSION", "-hAALP", "TTTT", "-TT", "--TTT"]
def test_premain_with_file_argument(arg, shell, xession):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
xonsh.main.premain(["tests/sample.xsh", arg])
assert not (xession.env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE"))
def test_premain_interactive__with_file_argument(shell, xession):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
xonsh.main.premain(["-i", "tests/sample.xsh"])
assert xession.env.get("XONSH_INTERACTIVE")
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize("case", ["----", "--hep", "-TT", "--TTTT"])
2017-02-13 00:25:38 -05:00
def test_premain_invalid_arguments(shell, case, capsys):
2016-07-01 13:35:16 +03:00
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
assert "unrecognized argument" in capsys.readouterr()[1]
2019-02-13 18:49:39 -05:00
def test_premain_timings_arg(shell):
2019-02-13 18:49:39 -05:00
("env_shell", "rc_shells", "exp_shell"),
("", [], ""),
("/argle/bash", [], "/argle/bash"),
("/bin/xonsh", [], ""),
["/argle/xonsh", "/argle/dash", "/argle/sh", "/argle/bargle"],
["/argle/xonsh", "/argle/dash", "/argle/sh", "/argle/bargle"],
("", ["/argle/xonsh", "/argle/screen", "/argle/sh"], "/argle/sh"),
("", ["/argle/xonsh", "/argle/screen"], ""),
def test_xonsh_failback(
update test xsh usage (#4581) * todo * test: remove usage of DummyEnv and setting .env attribute on xession fixture one step closer to making too much of tweaking to xession during tests * test: fix tests vox and gitstatus-prompt * docs: update test-fixture usage * fix: import flake8 error * test: remove direct access to XSH in tests * test: remove usage of XSH in test files * todo * test: use tmp-dir to create stubs * refactor: use fixture factory to mock out XonshSession * refactor: remove direct access of XSH from functions * refactor: remove direct access of XSH from functions * fix: qa checks * refactor: rename variables to match their values * test: update failing tests because it had no PATH set previously * fix: remove builtins usage from pyghooks.py * style: * refactor: update tests to use fixtures * fix: env varialbe is setup per function some tests accidentally update the env variables and that is leaking into next tests * fix: failing vox tests * test: set commands_cache per test * test: fix failing tests * fix: failing tests on linux ptk-highlight * fix: failing tests on Windows cwd-prompt * test: copy env as to not affect original object * fix: lazily evaluate cmds-cache in pyghooks * test: fix failing tests * fix: qa errors import * test: set commands-cache per test while caching path results * test: speedup test_thread_local_swap * fix: failing tests on windows * refactor: Execer doesn't control session * refactor: XSH.unload will take care of reversing builtins attrs set * test: use env.update over monkeypatch * Revert "test: use env.update over monkeypatch" This reverts commit 010a5022247a098f1741966b8af1bf758663480e.
2022-01-08 04:03:22 +05:30
failback_checker = []
def mocked_main(*args):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
raise Exception("A fake failure")
monkeypatch.setattr(xonsh.main, "main_xonsh", mocked_main)
def mocked_execlp(f, *args):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
monkeypatch.setattr(os, "execlp", mocked_execlp)
monkeypatch.setattr(os.path, "exists", lambda x: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "argv", ["/bin/xonsh", "-i"]) # has to look like real path
def mocked_open(*args):
yield rc_shells
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
monkeypatch.setattr(builtins, "open", mocked_open)
monkeypatch.setenv("SHELL", env_shell)
xonsh.main.main() # if main doesn't raise, it did try to invoke a shell
assert failback_checker[0] == exp_shell
assert failback_checker[1] == failback_checker[0]
except Exception as e:
if len(e.args) and "A fake failure" in str(
): # if it did raise expected exception
assert len(failback_checker) == 0 # then it didn't invoke a shell
raise e # it raised something other than the test exception,
2016-12-18 02:32:08 +08:00
def test_xonsh_failback_single(shell, monkeypatch, monkeypatch_stderr):
2016-12-20 12:29:46 +08:00
class FakeFailureError(Exception):
2016-12-18 02:32:08 +08:00
def mocked_main(*args):
2016-12-20 12:29:46 +08:00
raise FakeFailureError()
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
monkeypatch.setattr(xonsh.main, "main_xonsh", mocked_main)
monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "argv", ["xonsh", "-c", "echo", "foo"])
2016-12-18 02:32:08 +08:00
2016-12-20 12:29:46 +08:00
with pytest.raises(FakeFailureError):
2017-01-11 21:59:42 +08:00
def test_xonsh_failback_script_from_file(shell, monkeypatch, monkeypatch_stderr):
2017-01-11 21:59:42 +08:00
checker = []
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
2017-01-11 21:59:42 +08:00
def mocked_execlp(f, *args):
2018-08-30 09:18:49 -05:00
monkeypatch.setattr(os, "execlp", mocked_execlp)
script = os.path.join(TEST_DIR, "scripts", "raise.xsh")
monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "argv", ["xonsh", script])
# changed in #4662: User-Code exceptions are now caught in main and handled there
# => we expect that no exception is thrown
2017-01-11 21:59:42 +08:00
assert len(checker) == 0
def test_xonsh_no_file_returncode(shell, monkeypatch, monkeypatch_stderr):
monkeypatch.setattr(sys, "argv", ["xonsh", "foobazbarzzznotafileatall.xsh"])
with pytest.raises(SystemExit):
2022-06-17 22:09:12 +05:30
def test_auto_loading_xontribs(xession, shell, mocker):
from importlib.metadata import EntryPoint
group = "xonsh.xontribs"
group: [EntryPoint(name="test", group=group, value="test.module")]
xontribs_load = mocker.patch("xonsh.xontribs.xontribs_load")
assert xession.builtins.autoloaded_xontribs == {"test": "test.module"}