- Check for spectator mode before rendering the toolbox overlay
- Tag sturdy sheets with forge:plates
- Remove empty event handler
- Remove Github Actions building configuration
- Fluid Pumps now orient themselves at adjacent pipes when placed
- Deployers mounted on minecart contraptions can no longer pick up minecart contraptions using a wrench
- Rework PipeAttachmentModel to not rely on cullfaces for extra
- Split connector away from rim/drain models into separate models
- Remove none pipe models
- Use DeferredRegister/RegistryObject where possible
- Refactor worldgen code to be cleaner and support datagen
- Fix zinc ore only generating on chunk corners
- Remove fan_heaters block tag
- PonderUI constructor is now protected to allow addons to make subclasses
- renderWidgets now calls protected sub-methods for different parts of overlay rendering
- Fix crash when invoking ContraptionMovementSetting#get
- Fix memory leak in WorldAttached by copying Flywheel's updated version
- Fix stockpile switches not preserving settings after being printed
- Abstract all custom registries behind improved CreateRegistry class
- Remove usage of ForgeRegistryEntry.delegate and IRegistryDelegate
where possible
- Replace usage of IForgeRegistryEntry#getRegistryName with
RegisteredObjects#getKeyOrThrow where key is expected to be not null
- Move all component creation to the Components class
- Backport some other miscellaneous changes from 1.19
- Fix printed funnels not having filters; remove funnel survival NBT
- Fix printed tunnels not having filters
- Fix printed deployers not keeping mode
- Remove boolean argument from IPartialSafeNBT.writeSafe as it was
always false
- Fix filters not rendering in schematic renders
- Fix incorrect lighting on funnels in schematic renders
- Improve rendering of crumbling overlay in ponders
- Further improve CameraMixin
- Use computeIfAbsent in TorquePropagator
- Organize imports
- Fix arm interaction point client-side deserialization and
initialization issues
- Fix sequenced gearshift structure rotation
- Fix encased cogwheel rotation, mirroring, and structure transformation
- Add ITransformableBlock to allow custom handling of
- Remove DirectionHelper
- Add jarJarRelease Gradle task for building a jarJar without a
- Refactor JEI category building
- Fix placard item requirement not checking NBT
- Use AddPackFindersEvent instead of ShippedResourcePacks
- Remove unused config values
- Provide separate resource and data formats in pack.mcmeta
- Compress all images
- Update to latest Flywheel
- Disable jarJar inclusion of Flywheel
- Use ${file.jarVersion} instead of ${version}
- Add workaround for SpongePowered/MixinGradle#38
- Use JarJar
- Include Flywheel automatically
- Include Registrate instead of shading it
- Refactor Maven coordinate scheme
- Artifact ID: "Create" -> "create-{minecraft_version}"
- Artifact Version: "{mod_version}.{patch}-{build_number}"
- Exclude datagen cache from built jars
- Include LICENSE file in build jars
- Sync mods.toml version with gradle.properties version
- Use more modern publication code
- Update Gradle: 7.4.1 -> 7.4.2
- Use RenderFogEvent instead of FogDensity event
- Adjust density of chocolate and honey fog
- Fix SteamEngineBlock not setting a default state
- Fix miscellaneous deprecation warnings