- Added the item drain
- Refactored pulley renderers
- Fixed belt funnel not dropping filters
- Fixed funnel filter slot positioning on upward facing funnels
- Sails can now be sheared
- Fixed the kinetic connectivity of the rotation speed controller
- Valve handles can now by dyed in world
- Seats can now be dyed in world
- Fixed Stockpile Switch emitting redstone power towards its detection target
- Organized Imports
- Fixed server launch issues
- Added the hose pulley
- Added creative tanks
- Fixed sails not getting consumed when placed against each other
- Items can now be inserted onto belts regardless of it moving or not
- Fixed item duplication on stopped belts
- Refactored fluid block rendering in JEI
- Reworked model of the schematic table
- Hand cranks can now be made without the need of brass
- Fixed tooltip referrals
- Crafters can no longer be covered when while they are holding an item
- Pushed some numbers around
- Fixed Mechanical Press animation de-sync between server and client
- The press no longer requires a redstone signal to activate on in-world items
- Fixed spouts and basin trying to create potion buckets
- The Mechanical bearing can no longer generate force from wind
- Added the windmill bearing
- Windmill bearings can be configured to rotate counter-clockwise
- Added Sail Frames and Sails
- Sails can by dyed in-world
- Sails negate fall damage
- Sails attach themselves to blocks and do not require a sticky surface or chassis
- Clockwork bearings can now be configured to switch minute and hour hand aswell as use a 24 hour cycle
- Fixed tunnels with windows occluding block faces directly behind them
- Fixed item model of the mechanical saw
- remapped seat tooltips
- remapped outdated lang keys
- applied changes of #395 to 1.15
- Fixed Schematic hotbar overlay sometimes drawing on top of the item icon
- Fixed mechanical arm lighting and render bounds issues
- Bell contraptions no longer causes a NullPointerException when they
are stopped
- Schematic usage shouldn't require a player to not be sneaking, and
changes the key to CTRL to match tool tips
- Refactored JEI plugin to use a builder for categories
- The mixer can now process vanilla potion recipes
- JEI support for fluid potion mixing
- Refined some categories to not show obsolete information
- Compacting and automatic vanilla packing are now in separate tabs
- Fluids can now be manually picked up from a basin
- Basins and Spouts can now extract from and fill vanilla potion items
- Improved the filtering for fluid tests, such as the basin recipe and smart pipes
- Fixed CombinedTankWrapper losing nbt data of transferred fluidstacks
Fixed an error in my previous commit.
Introduced basic Tooltips for fluid items.
I've left the smart pipe entries as placeholder as I've not tried them out yet.
- Fluids in JEI now display the exact amount required
- Fixed short background of custom compacting JEI
- Fixed localization of sawing recipe category
- Fixed blocks waterlogged by a pump not scheduling a fluid update
- Arms can no longer feed random junk to a jukebox
- Arms are no longer oblivious to hot-swapped blocks in its target areas
- Arms can now directly extract from and insert to Deployers and Crafters
- Arms can now feed blaze burners
- Fixed brass funnels deleting items inserted into a full or stalled inventory
- Fixed brass funnels in hopper mode not showing amounts on filters when transferring between server-only inventories
- Arms & Deployers can now be paused using a redstone signal; stopping them after their next completed cycle
- Fixed zapper tools not applying changes when the screen is closed using the confirm button
- Reorganized valve handle registration
- Added more preliminary recipes