- Backtanks now keep track of item capability data in their placed block #6186
- Backtanks no longer ask for an unobtainable item when placed with a Schematicannon
- Add #create:blaze_burner_capturable entity type tag
- Make it so blocks that do not implement IWrenchable and that are
tagged can only be picked up with a wrench while sneaking
- Fix AnalogLeverInstance not rendering indicator on 1.18 and 1.19 and
rendering indicator at wrong place in 1.20
- Change AirCurrent entity distance calculation to fix issues with some
items not being processed
- Simplify AirCurrent max VoxelShape depth calculation by using min and
max instead of raycasting
- Fix pipe cobblestone generation
- Fix vertical smart observers outputting redstone signal from wrong
- Fix smart observer using wrong bottom texture
- Change lava diving advancement from hidden to challenge, as it is an actual intended player ability since 0.5.1
- Changed title of speed controller advancement
- Removed tooltip markers and examples from lang file
- Address #5124
- Added a bunch of safety checks for active rollers passing through a portal
- Fixed rollers in fill mode consuming blocks from a train without placing any
Removes the lang postprocessor system and adds additional lang using a
standard ProviderType.LANG generator. This commit will be reverted if it
causes issues.
- Add tags to allow controlling which blocks and fluids act as catalysts
for certain fan processing types
- Fix unexpected and incorrect fan processing air current behaviors
- Fix unlit campfires providing boiler heat
- Rename consumeLang to provideLang in all places
- Remove unused advancement-related classes
- Add CreateRegistrate#addLangPostprocessor to arbitrarily transform
lang entry map generated by Registrate
- Remove all uses of and deprecate LangMerger and LangPartial
- Move additional tag definitions from TagGen to CreateRegistrateTags
- Move GatherDataEvent handler to CreateDatagen class
- Move some Create-specific datagen classes to infrastructure package
- Fixed Smart observers not activated by funnels when facing up or down
- Added the entity type tag `#create:ignore_seat`
- Added a config option to prevent hostile mobs from getting picked up by seats
- Fixed item slots of powered and unpowered redstone link models not matching in size
- Fixed incorrect reflection access in track placement overlay
- Waterlogged belts and depots now wash contained items when targeted by a fan
- Fixed jump strength of lava diving suit in shallow lava
- Fixed crash when cycling bogey types on a server
- Fixed custom metal bars not able to be mined with a pickaxe
- Contraption mounted storage no longer interacts with modded ender chests (it didn't work correctly)
- Gui inputs no longer play more than one click when scrolled on very quickly
- Fixed Schematics loading with a snowy grass block when their lowest layer contained snow blocks
- Fixed Mechanical Rollers placing blocks into the train tracks when paving steep slopes
- Netherite backtank now depletes air in lava even when the players head is not fully submerged
- Fixed "Any" amount in filters' value settings screen not using a translatable lang entry
- Added dummy lang entries for mangrove windows for crowdin sync
- Fixed Elevator Contraptions misaligning with their contacts after switching target floor mid-travel
- Fixed crash when placing a clipboard into replaceable blocks mid-air
- Fixed a typo in Smart Observer ponder scene
- Fixed funnel flaps being offset to the side when flywheel is disabled
- Fixed dyed valve handle using incorrect block particle textures
- Fixed copycat blocks able to take on invalid materials through the use of data commands
- Copycat blocks no longer retain nbt contents of their contained material's item when loaded from a schematic
- Fixed pipe connector attachments missing textures on some orientations
- Players can now sneak-pick to receive the copycat block itself, rather than its applied material
- Fixed value input screen not closing correctly when 'use' keybind is not on its default setting
- Deployers no longer fail to activate bearings and other components with value input slots
- Fixed an incompatibility between legacy copper pack and xycraft override
- Fixed netherite diving suit not protecting from fire damage when Quark is installed
- Attempt to fix lighting issues with elevator contacts
- Schematic and Quill no longer displays the full directory path in its confirmation message
- Fixed z-fighting on metal bars models