- Fixed signals not updating track graph when destroyed
- Added #deployable_drink tag for consumables that are not considered food
- Deployers can no longer consume potions or milk, and will instead feed players in their target area
- Fixed buttons in ponder not registering clicks near the edges #4130
- Fixed config UI tooltips including the empty "." comments used for toml 'formatting'
- Cobwebs and Powdered Snow can now be attached to contraptions
- Fixed Storage Drawers not providing correct fill levels to Stockpile Switches
- Leaves are now considered transparent by encased fans
- Blocks can now be tagged `#create:movable_empty_collider` to support contraption movement even if their collision shape is empty
- Deprecate CreateRegistrate#lazy, add CreateRegistrate#create, and call
registerEventListeners manually
- Remove Create#registrate and use Create.REGISTRATE instead
- Move tag datagen code and methods to TagGen
- Pass event busses directly to Curios#init
- Update logging to use SLF4J
- Update Flywheel to 0.6.8-95
- Increment version to 0.5.0.g
- Elevator contacts no longer power adjacent elevator contacts
- Fixed elevator contraptions travelling to unreachable floors
- Switch to redstone palette for controls indicator
- Added localised elevator assembly hints
- Multiple elevators can no longer be assembled into the same column
- Added the Contraption Controls
- Added the Elevator Pulley
- Pulley ropes are now climbable
- Lowered hitbox of seats for improved traversability inside contraptions
- Improved safety for players standing on vertically moving contraptions
- Fixed seated entities on controlled contraptions not rendering at the correct location
- Multiple pulleys can now attach to contraptions in a synchronised group
- Display Boards now update text instantaneously at high input rpm
- Allow any netherite boots to complete netherite diving set
- Fix picking up backtank creating unobtainable placeable item
- Add tooltip for netherite backtank
- Remove direct references to copper backtank in tooltips
- Reduced tps impact of basin recipe lookups noticeable in larger modpacks
- Fixed Brass tunnels distributing back into the side items get inserted from
- Fixed Brass tunnels distributing into sides blocked by an inserting funnel
- Cargo Conditions in schedules now match any cargo if no filter is specified
- Fixed Saw leaving behind floating bee nests
- Saws can now be used to cut down big mushrooms
- Fixed getFluidState() accessing chunks of a wrapped server world (-> Fixes tree fertilizer on 1.19)
- Trains now try to wait for chunks to load in when player passengers are present
- Trains now sync clientside speed with the servers' tps to avoid overcorrection
- Hoppers can now be picked up by the wrench
- Tweaked jei display of seq. assembly success chance to display <1 and >99 respectively
- Adjusted mechanism recipe to a more rounded success chance (.80537 -> .8)
- Check for spectator mode before rendering the toolbox overlay
- Tag sturdy sheets with forge:plates
- Remove empty event handler
- Remove Github Actions building configuration
- Rework PipeAttachmentModel to not rely on cullfaces for extra
- Split connector away from rim/drain models into separate models
- Remove none pipe models
- Use DeferredRegister/RegistryObject where possible
- Refactor worldgen code to be cleaner and support datagen
- Fix zinc ore only generating on chunk corners
- Remove fan_heaters block tag
- Fixed Dedicated server crash when riding a train
- Fixed broken localisation component in super glue editor
- Fixed display links not showing correct icons for dyed nixie tubes
- Arm Interaction point safety checks
- Trains no longer briefly derail when moving through portals
- Players are now less likely to get stuck in the original dimension when traversing train portals
- Trains no longer track coupling stress between carriages that are currently in different dimensions
- Fixed quark closing double doors when opened (+temporary workaround for 1.18)
- Boilers made of creative fluid tanks now provide a max level water supply
- Crafter ponder scene no longer uses an outdated recipe
- Reduced steam release effect of bogeys that haven't travelled far since the last stop
- Renamed Throttle schedule instruction to avoid confusion
- Fixed girders not paving straight tracks with the correct orientation
- Fixed steam engines not updating power output when their boiler is removed
- Fixed crash when assembling funnels onto a train
- Fixed crash caused by missing sounds when assembling a train
- Fixed train consuming fuel from every slot simultaneously
- Fixed spouts culling visible faces
- Fixed crash when listing empty inventory contents on something other than a display board
- Tracks can no longer bend when connecting two sloped tracks
- Fixed Schematicannon no longer supporting half of Create's blocks
- Fixed Station UI showing tooltip text of non-visible buttons
- Fixed track placement hint not updating when changing angle but targeting the same position
- Blaze burner contraption safety check
- Fixed Portable fluid interface not able to fill multiple tanks with identical liquids
- Players are no longer considered valid drivers to schedules
- Display links are no longer unbreakable
- Various Ponder fixups
- Buffed potato cannon projectile speed
- Fixed Station Marker showing as Mansions on clientside maps
- Fixed Train Tracks no longer spawning fake track blocks for mapping
- Fixed trains not acting correctly on specific junction setups in specific chunk locations, causing bogeys to travel down separate paths
- Both tunnel types can now provide both display link features
- Changed the inner fluid tank texture to reduce contrast near the window
- Kinetic Tile Instance safety check
- Added the /c passenger command
- add a command to control/animate a players look direction
- add a missing word in the display link ponder scene
- fix sails coloring adjacent sails with different orientations