- Item distribution across belts using brass tunnels can now be configured with a wrench
- Added new icons for the distribution options of arms and tunnels
- Removed obsolete code
- Fixed some weirdness with creative crates and funnels
- Reworked tileentity behaviours for inventory interaction
- Deployers no longer actively pull items from other inventories
- Some more work on basins
- Added a new inventory type wrapping an itemstack handler that automatically syncs the tile entity. It also implements IInventory for recipe shenanigans
- Held items of a deployer can now only be extracted by other blocks if it does not match the filter
- Fixed excess items not able to be extracted from deployers
- Removed some things
- Funnels no longer actively transpose items between chutes and inventories unless they are vertical
- Chutes can now active pull and insert items from/to inventories above/below them
- Fixed upright items rendering inconsistently between belt and depot
- Fixed various timing and sync issues with the spout
- Added a recipe type for spout filling
- Fixed more co-modification on belts
- Item and fluid nbt tags in recipes are now data-generated as json objects rather than strings
- Transported item processing can now leave items behind
- Transported item processing now has more meaningful result data
- Tweaked spout animation
- Fixed cullfaces on spout model
- add a dev utility that allows us to force-unload chunks
- move mechanical arm scrollbox
- fix oxidizing blocks trying to access a blockstate from unloaded chunks when on the border
- Reworked and cleaned up Create's ProcessingRecipes
- Prepared ProcessingRecipes for fluid ingredients and outputs
- Added datagen infrastructure to ProcessingRecipes
- Migrated all hand-written ProcessingRecipes to generated
- Removed scrollinput on mixers
- Fixed recipe lookup cache not invalidating on datapack reload
- Removed "catalyst" ingredients
- Reduced ambient dripping particles of fluid pipes
- Fixed reversed uvs on encased fans
- Fixed tile entities not being added to contraptions client-side
- Added encased and non-opaque versions of the fluid pipe.
- Added new generic te behaviour across pipe blocks for their rims/attachment models
- Pipes and pumps now render a little drain cap when connected to a fluid inventory