- Now individual components Translate Rotate and Scale
- Internal change to ModelData, store matrices directly
- Implement Translate Rotate and Scale for ModelData
- Implement Translate and Rotate for OrientedData
- Clean usages of ModelData to use new api when possible
- WriteSafe and WriteUnsafe for matrices
- Fix matrix mixins being applied on dedicated server
- Expand PartialModel functionality: add location getter and model
- Remove Loader.getResourceType since selective reloading is deprecated
- Organize imports and mixin order
- Other formatting
- Update Gradle and Forge
- Fix minecarts rendering really far away
- InstanceManager#getInstance now has one job
- Instance creation moved to InstanceManager#addInternal
- TransformStack#translateBack for Vec3i
- LightVolumes now can act as a light cache with configurable size
- More GridAlignedBB changes
- Remove ILightUpdateListeners
- Simplify pulley rendering using LightVolume
- Better system for moving objects that want to receive light updates
- LightProvider interface to better abstract light lookups
- All light listeners use GridAlignedBBs
- More utility in GridAlignedBB
- MateralManager, MaterialGroup, and InstanceMaterial are all interfaces
- Separate (T)EI facing API from implementation
- Comment out debug log in ModelPool
- More documentation/clean up some old docs
- isFirstLoad check on GatherContextEvent
- Instancers no longer crash on empty model
- setIdentity on MatrixTransformStack
- more utilities for TransformStack
- ModelData "nullification"
- New Loader class in charge of loading and compiling everything
- ShaderSources now only loads sources
- ShaderSources is immutable now
- Resolver singleton in charge of managing name resolutions
- ProgramSpecs go through Resolver
- WorldShaderPipeline no longer needs reference to ShaderSources
- Reorganize everything
- Isolate SourceFile related things
- Should consider decoupling ShaderLoader from resource loading
- Document a lot of newer things
- Index functions
- Awkward WorldContext builder
- Template responsible for providing shader inputs
- Template is now an abstract class
- Template provides GLSL version
- ProgramSpecs now only accept one file
- Redo shader loading
- Now loads an immutable SourceFile containing some metadata
- Replace legacy compilation pipeline with improved new one using new api
- Builtins are defined in one file, now "header"
- New ErrorReporter/ErrorBuilder methods
- Fancier shader loading errors