The current behavior of priority rules can be non-intuitive with
higher priority rules completely overriding lower priority rules even in
permissions not held in common. This behavior does have use cases but
its can be very confusing, and does not normal policy behavior
priority=0 allow r /**,
priority=1 deny w /**,
will result in no allowed permissions even though the deny rule is
only removing the w permission, beause the higher priority rule
completely over ride lower priority permissions sets (including
none shared permissions).
Instead move to tracking the priority at a per permission level. This
allows the w permission to still override at priority 1, while the
read permission is allowed at priority 0.
The final constructed state will still drop priority for the final
permission set on the state.
Note: this patch updates the equality tests for the cases where
the complete override behavior was being tested for.
The complete override behavior will be reintroduced in a future
patch with a keyword extension, enabling that behavior to be used
for ordered blocks etc.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
There is a general industry wide effort to move off of md5 and even
sha1 (see recent kernel changes). While in this particular use case it
doesn't make a difference (besides slightly lowering the chance of a
collision) switch to sha256sum to make sure our code doesn't depend on
tools that are deprecated and there is an effort to remove.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Similar to the deny x permission tests, the tests that test carving
out r permissions need to be updated to be conditional on what
priority is being used on the rule.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
With priority rules, deny does not carve out permissions from the
higher priority rule. Technically it doesn't from lower priority either
as it completely overrides them, but that case already results in
an inequality so does not cause the tests to fail.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
cx rules using a specified profile transition, may be emulated by
using px and a hierarchical profile name. That is
cx -> b
may be transformed into
px -> profile//b
which will generate an xtable entry of
which means the previous patch using
pivot_root -> b,
to reliably add b to the xtable will not cover this case.
transition to using two pivot_root rules to provide the xtable entries
pivot_root /a -> b,
pivot_root /c -> /t//b,
the paths /a and /c are irrelavent as long as they don't have an
overlap with the generic globbing expression in the test, Two table
entries will be generated. We guarantee no overlap by converting the
/** to /f**
Also the xtable reserving rules are moved to the end of the profile so
the table order can be reliably created. A follow on MR around xtable
improvements should add reliability to xtable order.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
exec rules that specify an specific target profile generate an entry
in the xtable. The test entries containing " -> b" are an example of
Currently the parser allocates the xtable entry before priorities are
applied in the backend, or minimization is done. Further more the
parser does not ref count the xtable entry to know what it is no
longer referenced.
The equality tests generate rules that are designed to completely
override and remove a lower priority rule, and remove it. Eg.
/t { priority=1 /* ux, /f px -> b, }
and then compares the generated profile to the functionaly equivalent
profile eg.
/t { priority=1 /* ux, }
To verify the overridden rule has been completely removed.
Unfortunately the compilation is not removing the unused xtable entry
for the specified transition, causing the equality comparison to fail.
Ideally the parser should be fixed so unused xtable entries are removed,
but that should be done in a different MR, and have its own test.
To fix the current tests, and another rule that adds an xtable entry
to the same target that can not be overriden by the x rule using
pivot_root. The parser will dedup the xtable entry resulting in the
known and test profile both having the same xtable. So the test will
pass and meet the original goal of verifying the x rule being overriden
and eliminated.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Failed equality tests can be hard to debug. The profiles aren't always
enough to figure out what is going on. Add several options that will
help in debugging, and developing new tests.
Add switches and arg parsing.
Add the ability to run tests individually
Add a -r flag to allow retaining the test and output
similar to the regression tests, so the exact output from the
tests can be examined.
Add a -d flag to dump dfa build information.
Allow overriding the parser, features, and description for a given
test run.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
printf of failure/error info should be going to stderr. Unfortunately
the test has a mix of 2>&1 and 1>&2. Having a mix is just wrong, we
could standardize on either but since the info is error info 1>&2
seems to be the better choice.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
The test was passing because the file priority was always zero bug
resulting in the priority rule always being correctly combined
with the specific match x rule, instead of overriding it.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
The test was passing because the file priority always being zero bug,
the supplied rule always had the same priority as the implied
rule. Resulting in binary_equality always passing even though the
specified priority should have resulted in a failure.
Fix this by checking if the priorities are equal to the implied
rule other wise it should result in an inequality.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
When there is a failure output the exact call info used to invoke the
parser. To facilitate manually recreating the test.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
With the file priority fix the xequality (expected equal but known
failure) tests are now passing. So convert them to regular equality
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
currently the equality tests require the tests to PASS as known equality
or inequality. Add the ability to add tests that are a known problem
and are expected to fail the equality, or inequality test.
This is done by using
This allows new tests to be added to document a known issue, without
having to develop the fix for the issue. The use of this facility
is expected to be temporary, so any test marked as xequality or
xinequality will be noisy but not fail the other tests until they
are fixed, at which point they will cause the tests to fail to
force them to be updated to the correct equality or inequality
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
To run the network port range equality tests, we need to check if the
kernel supports the network_v8/af_inet feature. Also, a new file
features.af_inet is needed containing the af_inet feature.
Signed-off-by: Georgia Garcia <>
This enables adding a priority to a rules in policy, finishing out the
priority work done to plumb priority support through the internals in
the previous patch.
Rules have a default priority of 0. The priority prefix can be added
before the other currently support rule prefixes, ie.
[priority prefix][audit qualifier][rule mode][owner]
If present a numerical priority can be assigned to the rule, where the
greater the number the higher the priority. Eg.
priority=1 audit file r /etc/passwd,
priority=-1 deny file w /etc/**,
Rule priority allows the rule with the highest priority to completely
override lower priority rules where they overlap. Within a given
priority level rules will accumulate in standard apparmor fashion.
Eg. given
priority=1 w /*c,
priority=0 r /a*,
priority=-1 k /*b*,
/abc, /bc, /ac .. will have permissions of w
/ab, /abb, /aaa, .. will have permissions of r
/b, /bcb, /bab, .. will have permissions of k
User specified rule priorities are currently capped at the arbitrary
values of 1000, and -1000.
* not all rule types support the priority prefix. Rukes like
- network
- capability
- rlimits need to be reworked
need to be reworked to properly preserve the policy rule structure.
* this patch does not support priority on rule blocks
* this patch does not support using a variable in the priority value.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
technically a # leading a value in an assignment expression is allowed,
however people are also using it to a comment at the end of a line.
@{var1}=value1 # comment about this value or for a given system
this unsurprisingly leads to odd/unexpected behavior when the variable
is used.
allow rw /@{var1},
expands into
allow rw /{value1,#,comment,about,this,value,or,for,a,given,system},
change a leading # as value in an assignment expression to a comment.
If the # is really supposed to lead the value, require it to be escaped
or in quotes.
@{var1}=value1 \#not_a_comment
Note: this could potentially break som policy if the # was used as the
leading character for a value in an assignment expression, but
is worth it to avoid the confusion.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
made it so rules like
mount slave /snap/bin/** -> /**,
mount /snap/bin/** -> /**,
would get passed into change_mount_type rule generation when they
shouldn't have been. This would result in two different errors.
1. If kernel mount flags were present on the rule. The error would
be caught causing an error to be returned, causing profile compilation
to fail.
2. If the rule did not contain explicit flags then rule would generate
change_mount_type permissions based on souly the mount point. And
the implied set of flags. However this is incorrect as it should
not generate change_mount permissions for this type of rule. Not
only does it ignore the source/device type condition but it
generates permissions that were never intended.
When used in combination with a deny prefix this overly broad
rule can result in almost all mount rules being denied, as the
denial takes priority over the allow mount rules.
Fixes: 9d3f8c6cc ("parser: fix parsing of source as mount point for propagation type flags")
Fixes: MR:
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
(cherry picked from commit 86d193e183)
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
With the exception of the documentation fixes, these should all be
invisible to users.
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <>
Acked-by: Christian Boltz <>
Test to ensure that slash filtering occurs properly in mount path
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <>
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Test to ensure that slash filtering occurs properly in dbus path
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <>
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
This add a test to ensure that the parser is inserting rules to allow
access to the proc interface for change_hat.
Unfortunately the rule the parser inserts is a bare owner write that
we can't replicate in policy as policy write perm maps to create,
append and write.
So to test equality compare profiles using rules granting access to
the proc attr interface except one uses the append permission and
the other uses write. They will differ in permissions unless the
parser inserts the proc attr write rule for change_hat in which
case the permissions will get merged and we have equivalence.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
change_profile /** -> A,
change_profile unsafe /** -> A,
do not conflict because the safe rules only set the change_profile
permission where the unsafe set unsafe exec. To fix this we have the
safe version set exec bits as well with out setting unsafe exec.
This allows the exec conflict logic to detect any conflicts.
This is safe to do even for older kernels as the exec bits off of the
2nd term encoding in the change_onexec rules are unused.
Test files
by Christian Boltz <>
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Acked-by: Tyler Hicks <>
When @{profile_name} is used within a rule matching expression any
aare expressions should be matched literally and not be interpreted as
That is
profile /foo/** { }
needs /foo/** to expand into a regular expression for its attachment
but, /foo/** is also the profiles literal name. And when trying to
match @{profile_name} in a rule, eg.
ptrace @{profile_name},
the variable needs to be expaned to
ptrace /foo/\*\*,
ptrace /foo/**,
that is currently happening.
equality tests by
Tyler Hicks <>
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Acked-by: Steve Beattie <>
The @{profile_name} is incorrectly expanded as a fully qualified path
including its namespace if one was specified in the profile declaration.
profile :ns://a {
ptrace @{profile_name},
# expands to
# ptrace :ns://a,
This is wrong however because within a profile if a rule refers
to a namespace it will be wrt a sub-namespace. That is in the above
example the ptrace rule is refering to a profile in a subnamespace
Or from the current profile declaration scope
Instead @{profile_name} should expand into the hname (hierarchical name),
which is the profile hierarchy specification within the namespace the
profile is part of.
In this case
or for a child profile case
profile :ns://a {
profile b {
ptrace @{profile_name},
the hname expansion would be
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Acked-by: Steve Beattie <>
allow specifying the change_profile keyword
to grant all permissions change_profile permissions
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Acked-by: Tyler Hicks <>
- verify audit and audit allow is equal
- verify audit differs from deny and audit deny
- verify deny differs from audit deny
- make the verbose text a little more useful for some cases
- correct overlap exec tests to substitute in looped perms
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <>
Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
- make the verbose output of honor whether or not
the environment variable VERBOSE is set
- thereby making the output verbose when 'make check V=1' or 'make
check VERBOSE=1' is given from within the parser/ directory. This
will make distribution packagers happy when diagnosing build
failures caused by test failures.
- if verbose output is not emitted and the tests were successful, emit
a newline before printing PASS.
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <>
Acked-by: John Johansen <>
This adds several new equality tests and turned up a couple of more
- add link/link subset tests
- add pix, Pix, cix, Cix, pux, Pux, cux, Cux and specified profile
transitions (/f px -> b ...)
- test equality of leading and trailing permission file rules
ie. /foo rw, == rw /foo,
- test that specific x match overrides generic x rule. ie.
/** ix, /foo px, is different than /** ix, /foo ix,
- test that deny removes permission
/f[abc] r, deny /fb r, is differnt than /f[abc] r,
In addition to adding the new tests, it changes the output of the
equality tests, so that if the $verbose variable is not set successful
tests only output a period, with failed tests outputing the full
info. If verbose is set the full test info is output as before.
Signed-off-by: John Johansen <>
Acked-by: Steve Beattie <>
This patch fixes the equality test script and the valgrind wrapper
script to make the parser under test use the features.all features file
from the features_files/ subdirectory. Otherwise, the equality tests
will fail on systems where the not all of the current language features
are supported. The equality fix does so in a way to make the script work
correctly regardless of the directory it is run from.
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <>
Acked-by: John Johansen <>
Previously, we only had the ability to test that binary policy files
were equal. This patch allows for the testing of binary policy files
that are not equal.
Signed-off-by: Tyler Hicks <>
Acked-by: John Johansen <>
Subtle change to remove the "..." between the test description and
result and also to single-space the output. This brings the output in
line with what outputs, which is the test that runs just
Signed-off-by: Tyler Hicks <>
Acked-by: John Johansen <>
This test ensures that the proper DFA minimization occurs when a
permissive D-Bus abstraction #include's the corresponding strict
Signed-off-by: Tyler Hicks <>
Acked-By: Christian Boltz <>
Tests should be added for other rule types but this is a good start at
testing DFA minimization.
Signed-off-by: Tyler Hicks <>
Acked-by: John Johansen <>
Acked-By: Christian Boltz <>
This patch adds more testcases around variables used in dbus rules.
In particular, it
- attempts to verify that variable expansion and alternation
expansion results in identical DFA blobs,
- tests that variables can be expanded within alternations,
- tests that alternations can occur in variable definitions, and
- that having alternations inside variable declarations that are
used inside alternations results in parsing success
Note that vars/ veers into stress test land, as the
combinatoric expansion results in over 1000 dbus rule entries being
generated, which means that DFA reduction on all the fields takes
noticeable amounts of time (around 1s on my i5 ivy-core laptop).
Patch history:
v1: initial version
v2: based on feedback:
- add more alternation tests for cases where only part of the
alternation is defined within a variable
- mark test with nested alternations as being successful now that
the patch that implements it was accepted
v3: based on feedback from cboltz:
- tst/simple_tests/vars/ reference all variables
declared, including a variable that references another variable
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <>
Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
Rules using implied permissions may pick up the eavesdropping
permission, depending on the conditionals present in the rule.
Signed-off-by: Tyler Hicks <>
Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
This patch adds support for expanding variables with dbus rules.
Specifically, they can expanded within the bus, name, path, member,
interface, and peer label fields.
Parser test cases and regression test cases are added as well.
Patch history:
v1: initial version of patch
v2: add tests to verify that the results of using
variable expansion is the same as what should be equivalent rules
Signed-off-by: Steve Beattie <>
Acked-by: Tyler Hicks <>
Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>
This test is to verify that a list of profiles compile down into the
same binary representation. This is useful, for example, when testing a
rule syntax that includes permission aliases, as well as implied and
explicit accesses.
Signed-off-by: Tyler Hicks <>
Acked-by: Seth Arnold <>