Merge branch 'release/0.5.3'

This commit is contained in:
Sebastian Ramacher 2023-12-08 18:34:48 +01:00
commit 1f448c84d1
63 changed files with 6685 additions and 4408 deletions

View file

@ -1,20 +1,15 @@
Language: Cpp
BasedOnStyle: LLVM
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: true
AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true
AlignOperands: true
AllowShortBlocksOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: Empty
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
AlwaysBreakAfterDefinitionReturnType: All
BreakBeforeBraces: Linux
ContinuationIndentWidth: 2
ColumnLimit: 120
IndentWidth: 2
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true
BreakBeforeBraces: Attach
ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth: 2
NamespaceIndentation: All
PointerAlignment: Left
TabWidth: 2
IndentCaseLabels: true
ColumnLimit: 120
SortIncludes: false

View file

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ build:archlinux:
<<: *girara_cache
expire_in: 1 day
expire_in: 6 hours
- build
@ -44,42 +44,6 @@ test:archlinux:
- tags
# Debian 11 (bullseye)
- pwmt
stage: build
- meson subprojects update
- mkdir -p build && cd build
- meson --force-fallback-for=girara ..
- ninja
<<: *girara_cache
expire_in: 1 day
- build
- tags
- pwmt
stage: test
- cd build
- ninja test
<<: *girara_cache
policy: pull
- build:debian-bullseye
- tags
# Debian 12 (bookworm)
@ -94,7 +58,7 @@ build:debian-bookworm:
<<: *girara_cache
expire_in: 1 day
expire_in: 6 hours
- build
@ -116,12 +80,12 @@ test:debian-bookworm:
- tags
# Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal)
# Debian 13 (trixie)
- pwmt
stage: build
- meson subprojects update
- mkdir -p build && cd build
@ -130,17 +94,17 @@ build:ubuntu-focal:
<<: *girara_cache
expire_in: 1 day
expire_in: 6 hours
- build
- tags
- pwmt
stage: test
- cd build
- ninja test
@ -148,7 +112,7 @@ test:ubuntu-focal:
<<: *girara_cache
policy: pull
- build:ubuntu-focal
- build:debian-trixie
- tags
@ -166,7 +130,7 @@ build:ubuntu-jammy:
<<: *girara_cache
expire_in: 1 day
expire_in: 6 hours
- build

View file

@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ The following dependencies are required:
* `gtk3` (>= 3.22)
* `glib` (>= 2.50)
* `girara` (>= 0.3.7)
* `girara` (>= 0.4.1)
* `libmagic` from file(1): for mime-type detection
* `json-glib`
The following dependencies are optional:
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ The following dependencies are optional:
For building zathura, the following dependencies are also required:
* `meson` (>= 0.56)
* `meson` (>= 0.61)
* `gettext`
* `pkgconf`

View file

@ -1,22 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
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width="128.000000pt" height="128.000000pt" viewBox="0 0 128.000000 128.000000"
preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet">
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fill="#000000" stroke="none">
<path d="M763 1057 c-19 -27 -23 -47 -23 -109 0 -42 -4 -88 -10 -103 -10 -25
-11 -26 -92 -23 l-83 3 -5 60 c-8 101 -60 144 -109 91 -18 -19 -22 -33 -20
-81 3 -61 -12 -85 -52 -85 -24 0 -86 -37 -93 -56 -7 -19 10 -64 26 -65 7 -1
35 -1 61 1 31 1 57 -4 73 -15 23 -14 25 -22 22 -73 l-3 -57 -110 -5 c-145 -7
-185 -28 -164 -89 6 -17 12 -32 12 -32 1 -1 60 -5 132 -8 l130 -6 8 -84 c8
-88 24 -121 57 -121 25 0 30 20 30 113 0 132 1 133 101 144 81 8 89 0 89 -97
0 -63 4 -82 21 -104 27 -34 45 -33 64 5 14 27 15 40 4 100 -16 90 -9 99 78 99
75 0 143 28 143 60 0 23 -32 43 -54 34 -9 -4 -41 -3 -70 0 -74 10 -106 39
-106 99 0 61 17 106 43 112 12 3 60 9 106 15 89 10 111 21 111 51 0 18 -9 19
-115 19 -109 0 -115 1 -130 24 -13 19 -14 35 -6 90 16 114 -19 163 -66 93z
m-29 -343 c8 -20 8 -128 0 -148 -5 -12 -21 -16 -73 -16 -85 0 -102 12 -108 77
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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.3 KiB


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.1 KiB

View file

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
<property type='s' name='filename' access='read' />
<property type='u' name='pagenumber' access='read' />
<property type='u' name='numberofpages' access='read' />
<property type='s' name='documentinfo' access='read' />
<!-- Open editor with given input file at line and column. -->
<signal name='Edit'>
<arg type='s' name='input' direction='out' />
@ -49,5 +50,14 @@
<arg type='s' name='input' direction='in' />
<arg type='b' name='return' direction='out' />
<!-- Reload configuration file -->
<method name='SourceConfig'>
<arg type='b' name='return' direction='out' />
<!-- Reload configuration file from a directory -->
<method name='SourceConfigFromDirectory'>
<arg type='s' name='directory' direction='in' />
<arg type='b' name='return' direction='out' />

View file

@ -135,6 +135,27 @@ General settings
:type: Float
:default: 40
.. describe:: signature-error-color
Defines the background color when displaying additional information for signatures with errors.
:type: String
:default: rgba(92%,11%,14%,0.9)
.. describe:: signature-success-color
Defines the background color when displaying additional information for valid signatures.
:type: String
:default: rgba(18%,80%,33%,0.9)
.. describe:: signature-warning-color
Defines the background color when displaying additional information for signatures with warnings.
:type: String
:default: rgba(100%,%84,0%,0.9)
.. describe:: scroll-wrap
Defines if the last/first page should be wrapped
@ -142,6 +163,21 @@ General settings
:type: Boolean
:default: false
.. describe:: smooth-reload
Defines if flickering will be removed when a file is reloaded on change.
This option might increase memory usage.
:type: Boolean
:default: true
.. describe:: show-signature-information
Defines whether additional information on signatures embedded in documents should be displayed.
:type: Boolean
:default: false
.. describe:: zoom-max
Defines the maximum percentage that the zoom level can be

View file

@ -207,6 +207,10 @@ Mouse bindings
Pan the document
Follow link
Hold Button1
Select text
Hold ^Button1
Highlight region
@ -226,7 +230,8 @@ close
Execute an external command. ``$FILE`` expands to the current document path,
and ``$PAGE`` to the current page number
``$PAGE`` to the current page number, and ``$DBUS`` to the bus name of the
D-Bus interface
Show document information

View file

@ -232,7 +232,8 @@ They can also be combined with modifiers:
* ``exec``:
Execute an external command. ``$FILE`` expands to the current document path,
and ``$PAGE`` to the current page number.
``$PAGE`` to the current page number, and ``$DBUS`` to the bus name of the
D-Bus interface.
* ``focus_inputbar``
@ -447,18 +448,18 @@ girara
* Value type: String
* Default value: #232323
Defines the default foreground color
* Value type: String
* Default value: #DDDDDD
Defines the default background color
* Value type: String
* Default value: #000000
Defines the default foreground color
* Value type: String
* Default value: #DDDDDD
Defines a command the should be prepended to any command run with exec.
@ -509,25 +510,25 @@ girara
Defines the background color for an error notification
* Value type: String
* Default value: #FFFFFF
* Default value: #FF1212
Defines the foreground color for an error notification
* Value type: String
* Default value: #FF1212
* Default value: #FFFFFF
Defines the background color for a warning notification
* Value type: String
* Default value: #FFFFFF
* Default value: #FFF712
Defines the foreground color for a warning notification
* Value type: String
* Default value: #FFF712
* Default value: #FFFFFF
Defines the background color of the statusbar
@ -610,6 +611,13 @@ zathura
* Value type: String
* Default value: plain
Defines whether zathura's window should be raised when receiving certain
commands via D-Bus.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
En/Disables the D-Bus service. If the services is disabled, SyncTeX forward
synchronization is not available.
@ -617,9 +625,8 @@ zathura
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Defines whether zathura's window should be raised when receiving certain
commands via D-Bus.
Defines whether double or single click on a link should trigger follow.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
@ -632,11 +639,27 @@ zathura
* Value type: String
* Default value: glib
En/Disables incremental search (search while typing).
Defines the column in which the first page will be displayed.
This setting is stored separately for every value of pages-per-row according to
the following pattern <1 page per row>:[<2 pages per row>[: ...]]. The last
value in the list will be used for all other number of pages per row if not set
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Per default, the first column is set to 2 for double-page layout, i.e. the value
is set to 1:2. A value of 1:1:3 would put the first page in dual-page layout in
the first column, and for layouts with more columns the first page would be put
in the 3rd column.
* Value type: String
* Default value: 1:2
Defines the color that is used to show the current selected highlighted element
(e.g: current search result)
* Value type: String
* Default value: #00BC00
Defines the color that is used for highlighting parts of the document (e.g.:
@ -652,24 +675,61 @@ zathura
* Value type: String
* Default value: #9FBC00
Defines the color that is used to show the current selected highlighted element
(e.g: current search result)
* Value type: String
* Default value: #00BC00
Defines the opacity of a highlighted element
* Value type: Float
* Default value: 0.5
The page padding defines the gap in pixels between each rendered page.
Defines the modifier that needs to be pressed together with the left mouse button
to draw the highlighter. Possible values are "shift", "ctrl" and "alt".
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 1
* Value type: String
* Default value: shift
En/Disables incremental search (search while typing).
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Define the background color of the selected element in index mode.
* Value type: String
* Default value: #9FBC00
Defines the foreground color of the selected element in index mode.
* Value type: String
* Default value: #232323
Define the background color of the index mode.
* Value type: String
* Default value: #232323
Defines the foreground color of the index mode.
* Value type: String
* Default value: #DDDDDD
En/Disables aligning to the left internal link targets, for example from the
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
En/Disables the ability of changing zoom when following links.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Defines the maximum number of pages that could be kept in the page cache. When
@ -681,6 +741,18 @@ zathura
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 15
The page padding defines the gap in pixels between each rendered page.
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 1
Defines whether pages in multi-column view should start from the right side.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines the maximum size in pixels of the thumbnail that could be kept in the
thumbnail cache per page. The thumbnail is scaled for a quick preview during
@ -698,39 +770,24 @@ zathura
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 1
Defines the column in which the first page will be displayed.
This setting is stored separately for every value of pages-per-row according to
the following pattern <1 page per row>:[<2 pages per row>[: ...]]. The last
value in the list will be used for all other number of pages per row if not set
Per default, the first column is set to 2 for double-page layout, i.e. the value
is set to 1:2. A value of 1:1:3 would put the first page in dual-page layout in
the first column, and for layouts with more columns the first page would be put
in the 3rd column.
* Value type: String
* Default value: 1:2
En/Disables recoloring
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
En/Disables keeping original hue when recoloring
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines the color value that is used to represent dark colors in recoloring mode
* Value type: String
* Default value: #FFFFFF
En/Disables keeping original hue when recoloring
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines the color value that is used to represent light colors in recoloring mode
@ -761,195 +818,6 @@ zathura
* Value type: String
* Default value: #000000
Defines the horizontal step size of scrolling by calling the scroll command once
* Value type: Float
* Default value: -1
Defines the step size of scrolling by calling the scroll command once
* Value type: Float
* Default value: 40
Defines the proportion of the current viewing area that should be
visible after scrolling a full page.
* Value type: Float
* Default value: 0
Defines if the last/first page should be wrapped
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines if the directories should be displayed in completion.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Defines if hidden files and directories should be displayed in completion.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines the number of recent files that should be displayed in completion.
If the value is negative, no upper bounds are applied. If the value is 0, no
recent files are shown.
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 10
Defines if scrolling by half or full pages stops at page boundaries.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
En/Disables the ability of changing zoom when following links.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
En/Disables aligning to the left internal link targets, for example from the
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
En/Disables horizontally centered search results.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Use basename of the file in the window title.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Display a short version of the file path, which replaces $HOME with ~, in the window title.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Display the page number in the window title.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Use basename of the file in the statusbar.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Display a short version of the file path, which replaces $HOME with ~, in the statusbar.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
En/Disables horizontally centered zooming.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Center the screen at the vertical midpoint of the page by default.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines the maximum percentage that the zoom level can be.
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 1000
Defines the minimum percentage that the zoom level can be.
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 10
Defines the amount of percent that is zoomed in or out on each command.
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 10
Defines the X clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written. When it
is "clipboard", selected data will be written to the CLIPBOARD clipboard, and
can be pasted using the Ctrl+v key combination. When it is "primary", selected
data will be written to the PRIMARY clipboard, and can be pasted using the
middle mouse button, or the Shift-Insert key combination.
* Value type: String
* Default value: primary
Defines if a notification should be displayed after selecting text.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
En/Disables SyncTeX backward synchronization support.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Defines the command executed for SyncTeX backward synchronization.
* Value type: String
* Default value:
Defines the foreground color of the index mode.
* Value type: String
* Default value: #DDDDDD
Define the background color of the index mode.
* Value type: String
* Default value: #232323
Defines the foreground color of the selected element in index mode.
* Value type: String
* Default value: #232323
Define the background color of the selected element in index mode.
* Value type: String
* Default value: #9FBC00
Defines the sandbox mode to use for the seccomp syscall filter. Possible
values are "none", "normal" and "strict". If "none" is used, the sandbox
@ -975,6 +843,158 @@ zathura
When running under WSL, the default is "none" since seccomp is not supported in
that environment.
Defines the proportion of the current viewing area that should be
visible after scrolling a full page.
* Value type: Float
* Default value: 0
Defines the horizontal step size of scrolling by calling the scroll command once
* Value type: Float
* Default value: -1
Defines the step size of scrolling by calling the scroll command once
* Value type: Float
* Default value: 40
Defines if scrolling by half or full pages stops at page boundaries.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines if the last/first page should be wrapped
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
En/Disables horizontally centered search results.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Defines the X clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written. When it
is "clipboard", selected data will be written to the CLIPBOARD clipboard, and
can be pasted using the Ctrl+v key combination. When it is "primary", selected
data will be written to the PRIMARY clipboard, and can be pasted using the
middle mouse button, or the Shift-Insert key combination.
* Value type: String
* Default value: primary
Defines if a notification should be displayed after selecting text.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Defines the background color when displaying additional information for
signatures with errors.
* Value type: String
* Default value: rgba(92%,11%,14%,0.9)
Defines the background color when displaying additional information for valid
* Value type: String
* Default value: rgba(18%,80%,33%,0.9)
Defines the background color when displaying additional information for
signatures with warnings.
* Value type: String
* Default value: rgba(100%,%84,0%,0.9)
Defines if the directories should be displayed in completion.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Defines if hidden files and directories should be displayed in completion.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines the number of recent files that should be displayed in completion.
If the value is negative, no upper bounds are applied. If the value is 0, no
recent files are shown.
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 10
Defines whether additional information on signatures embedded in documents
should be displayed.
* value type: Boolean
* Default value false
Defines if flickering will be removed when a file is reloaded on change. This
option might increase memory usage.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Use basename of the file in the statusbar.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Display a short version of the file path, which replaces $HOME with ~, in the statusbar.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
En/Disables SyncTeX backward synchronization support.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: true
Defines the modifier that needs to be pressed together with the left mouse button
to trigger the SyncTeX backward synchronization. Possible values are "shift",
"ctrl" and "alt".
* Value type: String
* Default value: ctrl
Defines the command executed for SyncTeX backward synchronization.
* Value type: String
* Default value:
Center the screen at the vertical midpoint of the page by default.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines whether the window document should be updated based on the first page of
a dcument.
@ -982,12 +1002,48 @@ zathura
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines whether pages in multi-column view should start from the right side.
Use basename of the file in the window title.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Display a short version of the file path, which replaces $HOME with ~, in the window title.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Display the page number in the window title.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
En/Disables horizontally centered zooming.
* Value type: Boolean
* Default value: false
Defines the maximum percentage that the zoom level can be.
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 1000
Defines the minimum percentage that the zoom level can be.
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 10
Defines the amount of percent that is zoomed in or out on each command.
* Value type: Integer
* Default value: 10

View file

@ -1,21 +1,19 @@
project('zathura', 'c',
version: '0.5.2',
meson_version: '>=0.56',
default_options: ['c_std=c11', 'warning_level=3'],
version: '0.5.3',
meson_version: '>=0.61',
default_options: ['c_std=c17', 'warning_level=3'],
version = meson.project_version()
version_array = version.split('.')
# Rules for so_major and so_minor:
# Before a release perform the following checks against the last release:
# * If a function has been removed or the paramaters of a function have changed
# bump SOMAJOR and set SOMINOR to 0.
# * If any of the exported datastructures have changed in a incompatible way
# bump SOMAJOR and set SOMINOR to 0.
# * If a function has been added bump SOMINOR.
plugin_api_version = '4'
plugin_abi_version = '5'
# Rules for plugin API and ABI (non-exhaustive):
# * zathura_plugin_function_t: If functions are addedd or removed or their
# signature changes, bump both ABI and API.
# * zathura_plugin_definition_t: If the struct changes in an ABI-incompatible
# way, bump the ABI.
plugin_api_version = '5'
plugin_abi_version = '6'
conf_data = configuration_data()
conf_data.set('ZVMAJOR', version_array[0])
@ -37,16 +35,17 @@ plugindir = join_paths(get_option('libdir'), 'zathura')
# required dependencies
libm = cc.find_library('m', required: false)
girara = dependency('girara-gtk3', version: '>=0.3.7', fallback: ['girara', 'girara_dependency'])
girara = dependency('girara-gtk3', version: '>=0.4.1', fallback: ['girara', 'girara_dependency'])
glib = dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>=2.50')
gio = dependency('gio-unix-2.0', required: host_machine.system() != 'windows')
gthread = dependency('gthread-2.0', version: '>=2.50')
gmodule = dependency('gmodule-no-export-2.0', version: '>=2.50')
gtk3 = dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '>=3.22')
json_glib = dependency('json-glib-1.0')
cairo = dependency('cairo')
magic = cc.find_library('magic', required: true)
build_dependencies = [libm, girara, glib, gio, gthread, gmodule, gtk3, cairo, magic]
build_dependencies = [libm, girara, glib, gio, gthread, gmodule, gtk3, cairo, magic, json_glib]
if host_machine.system() == 'darwin'
gtk_mac_integration = dependency('gtk-mac-integration-gtk3')
@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ pkg.generate(
description: 'document viewer - plugin API',
url: '',
version: version,
requires_private: ['girara-gtk3', 'cairo'],
requires: ['girara-gtk3', 'cairo'],
variables: [

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: abouzakaria kov <>, 2019\n"
"Language-Team: Arabic (\n"
"Language-Team: Arabic (\n"
"Language: ar\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -61,78 +61,78 @@ msgstr "إعادة تحميل المستندات تلقائيًا."
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "'%s' يجب ألا يكون 0. حدد 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "إدخال غير صالح '%s'."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "الفهرس غير صالح '%s'."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "نسخ النص المحدد للاختيار %s: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "نسخ الصورة المحددة للاختيار %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "لا يوجد وثيقة مفتوحة."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "عدد الوسائط غير صالح ."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "تعذر تحديث الإشارة المرجعية: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "لا يمكن إنشاء إشارة مرجعية: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "تم تحديث الإشارة المرجعية بنجاح: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "إشارة مرجعية تم إنشاؤها بنجاح: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "العلامة المرجعية تمت إزالتها: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "أخفق حذف الإشارة المرجعية: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "لا توجد إشارات مرجعية متاحة."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "لا يوجد إشارة مرجعية: %s"
@ -177,31 +177,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "لا توجد معلومات متاحة."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "العديد من الوسائط."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "لا معلمات مقدمة."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "لا يُسمح بالطباعة في وضع الحماية الصارم"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "عدد الوسائط غير صالح ."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -235,357 +235,392 @@ msgstr "صورة غير معروفة '%s'."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "مرفق أو صورة غير معروف '%s'."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "التنفيذ غير مسموح به في وضع الحماية الصارم"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "يجب أن يكون الوسيط رقمًا."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "الصفحة %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "مرفقات"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "الصور"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "خلفية قاعدة البيانات"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "ملف شاشة الخلفية"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "خطوة التكبير"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "الحشو بين الصفحات"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "عدد الصفحات لكل صف"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "عمود الصفحة الأولى"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "تقديم الصفحات من اليمين إلى اليسار"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "خطوة التمرير"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "خطوة التمرير الأفقي"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "تداخل تمرير الصفحة كاملة "
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "تكبير الحد الأدنى"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "تكبير الحد الأقصى"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "الحد الأقصى لعدد الصفحات للاحتفاظ بها في ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
"الحجم الأقصى بالبكسل من الصور المصغرة للاحتفاظ بها في ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "عدد المواضع التي يجب تذكرها في قائمة التنقل"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "إعادة تلوين (اللون الداكن)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "إعادة تلوين (لون فاتح)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "لون التحويم"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "لون التحويم (نشط)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "'جارٍ التحميل...' لون خلفية "
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "'جارٍ التحميل' ... لون النص"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "لون النص لوضع الفهرسة "
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "لون الخلفية لوضع الفهرسة "
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "لون النص لوضع الفهرسة (العنصر النشط)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "لون الخلفية لوضع الفهرسة (العنصر النشط)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "لون التحويم (نشط)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "لون التحويم (نشط)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "إعادة تلوين الصفحات "
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr "عندما يحافظ التلوين على اللون الأصلي ويضبط الخفة فقط"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "عندما يحافظ على إعادة تلوين وبحتفظ على الصورة الأصلية"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "التفاف التمرير"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "عدد الصفحات لكل صف"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "نكبير افقي من الوسط"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "تكبير عمودي من الوسط"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "محاذاة رابط الهدف إلى اليسار"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "السماح بتغيير التكبير عند الروابط التالية"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "توسيط النتيجة أفقيا"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "شفافية التحويم"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "التقدم \"جارٍ التحميل ...\""
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "اضبطه عند فتح الملف"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "إظهار الملفات والدلائل المخفية"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "عرض الدلائل"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "عرض الملفات الحديثة"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "فتح دائما على الصفحة الأولى"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "تمييز نتائج البحث"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "تمكين البحث المتزايد"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "مسح نتائج البحث عن الالغاء"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "استخدم اسم الملف الرئيسي في عنوان النافذة"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr "استخدم ~ بدلاً من $HOME في اسم الملف في عنوان النافذة"
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "عرض رقم الصفحة في عنوان النافذة"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "استخدم الصفحة الأولى من الوثيقة كرمز النافذة"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "استخدم الاسم الأساسي للملف في شريط الحالة"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr "استخدم ~ بدلاً من $HOME في اسم الملف في شريط الحالة"
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "تمكين دعم synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr " محرر أمر Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr " محرر أمر Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "تمكين خدمة D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "حفظ التاريخ عند كل تغيير الصفحة"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "الحافظة التي سيتم كتابة البيانات المحددة الماوس"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "تمكين الإخطار بعد اختيار النص"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "مستوى الحماية"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "أضف إشارة مرجعية"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "حذف إشارة مرجعية"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "قائمة جميع الإشارات المرجعية"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "إغلاق الملف الحالي"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "عرض معلومات الملف"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "تنفيذ أمر"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "عرض المساعدة"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "فتح وثيقة"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "أغلق zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "طباعة المستند"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "احفظ المستند"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "حفظ المستند (وفرض الكتابة فوق)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "احفظ المرفقات"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "تعيين إزاحة الصفحة"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "اجعل الموقع الحالي داخل المستند"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "احذف العلامات المحددة"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "لا تبرز نتائج البحث الحالية"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "تمييز نتائج البحث الحالية"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "عرض معلومات الإصدار"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -685,76 +720,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "جارٍ التحميل ..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "انسخ الصورة"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "حفظ الصورة باسم"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "طباعة الصفحة %d ... "
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "فشل الطباعة: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "وضع الضبط غير صالح: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "النمط غير موجود: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "لا يحتوي هذا المستند على أي فهرس"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[لا اسم]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr "لا يمكن قراءة الملف من المصدر وكتابته إلى ملف مؤقت."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr "تعذرت قراءة الملف من GIO ونسخه إلى ملف مؤقت."
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "أدخل كلمة المرور:"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "نوع ملف غير مدعوم. الرجاء تثبيت المكون الإضافي اللازم."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "لا يحتوي المستند على أي صفحات"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "فشل في حفظ المستند."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "تم حفظ المستند."

View file

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: mvdan <>, 2012\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan (\n"
"Language-Team: Catalan (\n"
"Language: ca\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -58,78 +58,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Entrada invàlida '%s'."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Índex invàlid '%s'."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "No s'ha obert cap document."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Nombre d'arguments invàlids."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el marcador: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el marcador: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Marcador actualitzat correctament: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Marcador creat correctament: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Esborrat el marcador: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "No s'ha pogut esborrar el marcador: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Marcador no existent: %s"
@ -174,31 +174,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Cap informació disponible."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Massa arguments."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Cap argument subministrat."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Nombre d'arguments invàlids."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -232,356 +232,390 @@ msgstr "Imatge desconeguda '%s'."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Imatge o fitxer adjunt desconegut '%s'."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "L'argument ha de ser un nombre."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Pàgina %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Fitxers adjunts"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Imatges"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Base de dades de rerefons"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Pas d'ampliació"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Separació entre pàgines"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Nombre de pàgines per fila"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Columna de la primera pàgina"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Pas de desplaçament"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Pas de desplaçament horitzontal"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Superposició de pàgines completes de desplaçament"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Zoom mínim"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Zoom màxim"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Nombre de posicions per recordar al jumplist"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Recolorejant (color fosc)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Recolorejant (color clar)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Color de realçament"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Color de realçament (activat)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Color de realçament (activat)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Color de realçament (activat)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Recolorejant les pàgines"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr "Quan recoloregis manté el to original i ajusta només la lluminositat"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Desplaçament recollit"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Desplaçament recollit"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Avançar nombre de pàgines per fila"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Zoom centrat horitzontalment"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Centra el resultat horitzontalment"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Transparència del realçat"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Renderitza 'Carregant ...'"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Ajustar al fitxer quan s'obri"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Mostra els directoris i fitxers ocults"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Mostra els directoris"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Obrir sempre la primera pàgina"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Realça els resultats de recerca"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Habilita la cerca incremental"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Esborra els resultats de recerca a l'interrompre"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Utilitza el nom base del fitxer en el títol de la finestra"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Habilitar la compatibilitat amb synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Afegir un marcador"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Esborrar un marcador"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Llista tots els marcadors"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Tancar el fitxer actual"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Mostra informació sobre el fitxer"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Executar una comanda"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Mostrar l'ajuda"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Obrir document"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Tancar Zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Imprimir document"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Desar document"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Desar document (i forçar la sobreescritura)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Desa els fitxers adjunts"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Assigna el desplaçament de pàgina"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Marca la posició actual dins el document"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Esborrar les marques especificades"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "No realcis els resultats de la recerca actual"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Realça els resultats de recerca actual"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Mostra informació sobre la versió"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -681,76 +715,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Carregant..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Copia la imatge"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Desa imatge com a"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Aquest document no conté cap índex"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Sense nom]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "No s'ha pogut desar el document."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Document desat."

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: fri, 2016-2018,2022\n"
"Language-Team: Czech (\n"
"Language-Team: Czech (\n"
"Language: cs\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -64,78 +64,78 @@ msgstr "Automatické znovunahrání dokumentu."
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;dokument;představení;prohlížeč;"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "'%s' nesmí být 0. Nastaveno na 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Neplatný vstup: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Neplatný rejstřík: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "Vybraný text zkopírován do výběru %s: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "Vybraný text zkopírován do výběru %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Není otevřený žádný dokument."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Špatný počet argumentů."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit záložku: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytvořit záložku: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Záložka úspěšně aktualizována: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Záložka úspěšně vytvořena: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Záložka smazána: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se smazat záložku: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "Nejsou dostupné žádné záložky."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Záložka neexistuje: %s"
@ -180,31 +180,31 @@ msgstr "Formát"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Jiné"
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Nejsou dostupné žádné informace."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Příliš mnoho argumentů."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Nezadali jste argumenty."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Tisk není v režimu přísného pískoviště dovolen"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Špatný počet argumentů."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -238,358 +238,393 @@ msgstr "Neznámý obrázek '%s'."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Neznámá příloha nebo obrázek '%s'."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Spouštění není v režimu přísného pískoviště dovoleno"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Argumentem musí být číslo."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Strana %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Přílohy"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Obrázky"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Databázová vrstva"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "Vrstva pro sledování souboru"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Velikost kroku zvětšení"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Mezery mezi stránkami"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Počet stran na řádek"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Sloupec první strany"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "Vykreslování stránek zprava doleva"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Velikost kroku posunu"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Velikost kroku vodorovného posunu"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Překrývání při posunování celých stran"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Nejmenší stupeň zvětšení"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Největší stupeň zvětšení"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Největší počet stran ve vyrovnávací paměti"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Největší velikost náhledů v obrazových bodech ve vyrovnávací paměti"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Počet poloh k uchování v seznamu"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Přebarvuje se do tmava"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Přebarvuje se do světla"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Barva zvýrazňovače"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr "Barva popředí pro zvýraznění"
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Barva zvýrazňovače (činná)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "Nahrává se barva pozadí..."
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "Nahrává se barva popředí..."
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Barva popředí režimu rejstříku"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Barva pozadí režimu rejstříku"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Barva popředí režimu rejstříku (činný prvek)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Barva pozadí režimu rejstříku (činný prvek)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Barva zvýrazňovače (činná)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Barva zvýrazňovače (činná)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Přebarvit stránky"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr "Při přebarvování zachovat původní odstín a přizpůsobit pouze světlost"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "Při přebarvování zachovat původní barvy obrázku"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Posunovat přes konce"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Posunovat s ohledem na strany"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Pokračovat v počtu stran v jednom řádku"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Vodorovně vystředěné přiblížení"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "Vystředit strany svisle"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Zarovnat cíl odkazu nalevo"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Při následování odkazů se mění velikost přiblížení"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Vystředit výsledky vodorovně"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Průhlednost při zvýrazňování"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Vypisovat Nahrává se..."
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Přiblížení po otevření souboru"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Zobrazovat skryté soubory"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Ukázat adresáře"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "Ukázat nedávné soubory"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Vždy otevírat na první straně"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Zvýrazňovat výsledky hledání"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Povolit přírůstkové hledání"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Při přerušení smazat výsledky hledání"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Použít základní název souboru v názvu okna"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr "Použít ~ místo $HOME v souborovém názvu v názvu okna"
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Zobrazit číslo strany v názvu okna"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "Použít první stránku dokumentu jako ikonu okna"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Použít základní název souboru ve stavovém řádku"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr "Použít ~ místo $HOME v souborovém názvu ve stavovém řádku"
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
"Zobrazit (nynější stranu / celkový počet stran) v procentech ve stavovém "
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Povolit podporu pro synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Příkaz pro editor Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Příkaz pro editor Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Povolit službu D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr "Zvednout okno při určitých příkazech D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "Uložit historii při každé změně strany"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "Schránka, do níž budou zapsána data vabraná pomocí myši"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Povolit oznámení po vybrání textu"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "Úroveň pískoviště"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Přidat záložku"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Smazat záložku"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Vypsat všechny záložky"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Zavřít nynější soubor"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Ukázat informace o souboru"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Spustit příkaz"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Ukázat nápovědu"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Otevřít dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Zavřít zathuru"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Vytisknout dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Uložit dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Uložit dokument a vynutit jeho přepsání"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Uložit přílohy"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Nastavit posun strany"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Označit současnou polohu v dokumentu"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Smazat vybrané značky"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Nezvýrazňovat výsledky tohoto hledání"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Zvýrazňovat výsledky tohoto hledání"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Ukázat údaj o verzi"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr "Zdrojový nastavovací soubor"
@ -689,79 +724,108 @@ msgstr "Záložka pro přechod na"
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr "Vyhledat zadaný výraz a zobrazit výsledky"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Nahrává se..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Kopírovat obrázek"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Uložit obrázek jako"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "Tiskne se strana %d ..."
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Nepodařilo se vytisknout: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "Neplatný režim úprav: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Vzor nenalezen: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Tento dokument neobsahuje žádný rejstřík"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Nepojmenovaný]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Nepodařilo se přečíst soubor z stdin a zapsat jej do dočasného souboru."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Nepodařilo se přečíst soubor z GIO a zkopírovat jej do dočasného souboru."
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "Zadat heslo:"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
"Nepodporovaný typ souboru. Nainstalujte, prosím, nezbytný přídavný modul."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Dokument neobsahuje žádné strany"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr "Soubor již existuje: %s. K jeho přepsání použijte příkaz :write!."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Nepovedlo se uložit dokument."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Dokument uložen."

View file

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-27 16:24+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2023-12-08 18:16+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Sebastian Ramacher <>\n"
"Language-Team: German (\n"
"Language-Team: German (\n"
"Language: de\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -64,78 +64,78 @@ msgstr "Automatisches Neuladen von Dokumenten."
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr "PDF;Ps;PostScript;DjVU;Dokumente;Presentation;Betrachter;"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "'%s' darf nicht 0 sein. Auf 1 gesetzt."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Ungültige Eingabe '%s' angegeben."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Ungültiger Index '%s' angegeben."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "Der gewählte Text wurde in die Zwischenablage %s kopiert: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "Das gewählte Bild wurde in die Zwischenablage %s kopiert"
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Kein Dokument geöffnet."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Ungültige Anzahl an Argumenten angegeben."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Konnte Lesezeichen nicht aktualisieren: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Konnte Lesezeichen nicht erstellen: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Lesezeichen erfolgreich aktualisiert: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Lesezeichen erfolgreich erstellt: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Lesezeichen entfernt: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Konnte Lesezeichen nicht entfernen: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "Keine Lesezeichen verfügbar."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Lesezeichen existiert nicht: %s"
@ -180,31 +180,31 @@ msgstr "Format"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Sonstiges"
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Keine Information verfügbar."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Zu viele Argumente angegeben."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Keine Argumente angegeben."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Im strikten Sandkastenmodus ist Drucken nicht erlaubt"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Speichern ist im strikten Sandbox-Modus nicht erlaubt"
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Ungültige Anzahl an Argumenten."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
"Das Exportieren von Anhängen ist im strikten Sandbox-Modus nicht erlaubt"
@ -239,359 +239,391 @@ msgstr "Unbekanntes Bild '%s'."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Unbekannter Anhanng oder Bild '%s'."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Im strikten Sandkastenmodus ist Anwendungen ausführen nicht erlaubt"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Das Argument ist keine Zahl."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Seite %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Speichere Anhänge"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Bilder"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Datenbank Backend"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "Dateiwächter Backend"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Vergrößerungsstufe"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Abstand zwischen den Seiten"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Anzahl der Seiten in einer Reihe"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Spalte der ersten Seite"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "Stelle Seiten von rechts nach links dar"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Schrittgröße beim Scrollen"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Horizontale Schrittgröße beim Scrollen"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Überlappung beim Scrollen von ganzen Seiten"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Minimale Vergrößerungsstufe"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Maximale Vergrößerungsstufe"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Maximale Seitenzahl im Zwischenspeicher"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Maximale Größe der Vorschau im Zwischenspeicher (in Pixel)"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Anzahl der Liste zu behaltenden Positionen"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Neufärben (Dunkle Farbe)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Neufärben (Helle Farbe)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Farbe für eine Markierung"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr "Vordergrund für eine Markierung"
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Farbe für die aktuelle Markierung"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe von 'Lädt...'"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "Vordergrundfarbe von 'Lädt...'"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Vordergrundfarbe des Indexmodus"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe des Indexmodus"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Vordergrundfarbe des Indexmodus (aktives Element)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Hintergrundfarbe des Indexmodus (aktives Element)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Farbe für gültige Dokumentsignaturen"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr "Farbe für Dokumentsignaturen mit Warnungen"
#: zathura/config.c:300
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Farbe für ungültige Dokumentsignaturen"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Färbe die Seiten ein"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
"Behalte beim Neufärben den ursprünglichen Farbton bei und passe nur die "
"Helligkeit an"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
"Bilder bleiben unverändert, wenn das Einfärben des Dokuments aktiviert ist"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Scroll-Umbruch"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Seiten beim Scrollen beachten"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Gehe Anzahl der Seiten in einer Reihe weiter"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Horizontal zentrierter Zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "Zentriere Seiten vertikal"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Linkziel links ausrichten"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Erlaube Zoom-Änderungen beim Folgen von Links"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Zentriere Ergebnis horizontal"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Transparenz für Markierungen"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Zeige 'Lädt...'-Text beim Zeichnen einer Seite"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Seite einpassen"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Zeige versteckte Dateien und Ordner an"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Zeige Ordner an"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "Zeige zuletzt geöffnete Dateien an"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Öffne Dokument immer auf der ersten Seite"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Hebe Suchergebnisse hervor"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr "Doppelklick um Link zu öffnen."
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Aktiviere inkrementelle Suche"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Lösche Suchergebnisse bei Abbruch"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Verwende den Dateinamen der Datei im Fenstertitel"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr "Verwende ~ statt $HOME im Dateinamen im Fenstertitel"
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Verwende die Seitenzal im Fenstertitel"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "Verwende erste Seite des Dokuments als Fenstersymbol"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Verwende den Dateinamen der Datei in der Statusleiste"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr "Verwende ~ statt $HOME im Dateinamen in der Statusleiste"
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr "Zeige (aktuelle Seite / Anzahl Seiten) als Prozente in Statusbalken an"
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Aktiviere SyncTeX-Unterstützung"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Synctex Editor Befehl"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Tastenmodifikator für Synctex Edit"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "D-Bus-Dienst aktivieren"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr "Hebe Fenster bei verschiedenen D-Bus Kommandos hervor"
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "Speichere Verlauf bei jedem Seitenwechsel"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "Zwischenablage, in die mit der Maus gewählte Text kopiert wird"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Benachrichtigung nach Text-Selektion"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "Sandkasten-Niveau"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr "Zeige zusätzliche Informationen für Dokumentsignaturen an."
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Füge Lesezeichen hinzu"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Lösche ein Lesezeichen"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Liste all Lesezeichen auf"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Schließe das aktuelle Dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Zeige Dokumentinformationen an"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Führe einen Befehl aus"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Zeige Hilfe an"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Öffne Dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Beende zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Drucke Dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Speichere Dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Speichere Dokument (und überschreibe bestehende)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Speichere Anhänge"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Setze den Seitenabstand"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Markiere aktuelle Position im Doukument"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Lösche angegebene Markierung"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Hebe aktuelle Suchergebnisse nicht hervor"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Hebe aktuelle Suchergebnisse hervor"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Zeige Versionsinformationen an"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr "Lese Konfigurationsdatei"
@ -692,76 +724,109 @@ msgstr "Zu Lesezeichen springen"
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr "Suche nach der gegeben Phrase und anzeigen der Ergebnisse"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
"Signatur ist gültig.\n"
"Dieses Dokument wurde von\n"
" %s\n"
"um %s signiert."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr "Signaturzertifikat ist abgelaufen."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr "Signaturzertifikat wurde revoziert."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr "Signaturzertifikat ist nicht vertrauenswürdig."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr "Signaturzertifikat ist nicht ungültig."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr "Signatur ist ungültig."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Lädt..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Bild kopieren"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Bild speichern als"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "Drucke Seite %d ..."
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Drucken fehlgeschlagen: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "Ungültiger Anpassungsmodus: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Suchausdruck nicht gefunden: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Dieses Dokument beinhaltet kein Inhaltsverzeichnis"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Kein Name]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr "Konnte Datei nicht von stdin lesen und in temporäre Datei schreiben."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr "Konnte Datei nicht mittels GIO in temporäre Datei kopieren."
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "Passwort:"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Dateityp ist nicht unterstützt. Installiere das benötigete Plugin."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Dieses Dokument beinhaltet keine Seiten"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr "Datei existiert bereits: %s. Nutze :write! um sie zu überschreiben."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Konnte Dokument nicht speichern."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Dokument gespeichert."

View file

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Nisok Kosin <>, 2012\n"
"Language-Team: Greek (\n"
"Language-Team: Greek (\n"
"Language: el\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -58,78 +58,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Η είσοδος '%s' είναι άκυρη."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Ο δείκτης '%s' είναι άκυρος."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Δεν άνοιξε κανένα αρχείο. "
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Μη έγκυρος αριθμός παραμέτρων."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Η δημιουργία του σελιδοδείκτη: %s δεν ήταν δυνατή."
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Η δημιουργία του σελιδοδείκτη: %s δεν ήταν δυνατή."
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Η ενημέρωση του σελιδοδείκτη: %s ήταν επιτυχής. "
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Η δημιουργία του σελιδοδείκτη: %s ήταν επιτυχής."
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Ο σελιδοδείκτης: %s διεγράφει. "
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Η διαγραφή του σελιδοδείκτη: %s απέτυχε. "
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Ο σελιδοδείκτης: %s δεν βρέθηκε. "
@ -174,31 +174,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες πληροφορίες."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Εισήχθησαν πολλές παράμετροι. "
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Δεν εισήχθησαν παράμετροι. "
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Μη έγκυρος ο αριθμός των παραμέτρων. "
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -232,358 +232,392 @@ msgstr "Άγνωστη εικόνα '%s'. "
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Άγνωστο προσάρτημα είτε εικόνα '%s'. "
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Η παράμετρος πρέπει να είναι αριθμός."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Σελίδα %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Προσαρτήσεις"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Εικόνες"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Το βασικό εργαλείο της βάσης δεδομένων"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Βήμα μεγέθυνσης"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Διάκενο μεταξύ σελίδων"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Αριθμός σελίδων ανά γραμμή"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Στήλη της πρώτης σελίδας"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Βήμα κύλισης"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Βήμα οριζόντιας κύλησης"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Ελάχιστη μεγέθυνση"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Μέγιστη μεγέθυνση"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Επαναχρωματισμός (σκούρο χρώμα)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Επαναχρωματισμός (ανοικτό χρώμα)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Χρώμα τονισμού"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Χρώμα τονισμού (ενεργό)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Χρώμα τονισμού (ενεργό)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Χρώμα τονισμού (ενεργό)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Επαναχρωματισμός σελίδων"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
"Κατά τον επαναχρωματισμό της σελιδάς διατήρηση της αρχικής απόχρωσης και "
"αλλαγή μόνο της φωτεινότητας"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Κυκλική κύληση"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Προώθηση σε αριθμό σελίδων ανά γραμμή"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Μεγένθηση οριζοντίως κεντραρισμένη"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Οριζόντιο κεντράρισμα αποτελεσμάτων"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Διαφάνεια για τονισμό"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Εμφάνιση της ένδειξης 'Φορτώνει ...'"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Προσαρμογή κατά το άνοιγμα του αρχείου"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Εμφάνιση κρυφών αρχείων και φακέλων"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Εμφάνιση καταλόγων"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Άνοιγμα πάντα στην πρώτη σελίδα"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Τονισμός αποτελεσμάτων αναζήτησης"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Εκκαθάριση των απολεσμάτων αναζήτησης κατά την διακοπή"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Χρήση του ονόματος του αρχείο στο τίτλο του παραθύρου"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Ενεργοποίηση υποστήριξης synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Προσθήκη σελιδοδείκτη"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Διαγραφή σελιδοδείκτη"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Εμφάνιση όλων των σελιδοδεικτών"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Κλείσιμο αρχείου"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Προβολή πληροφοριών αρχείου"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Εκτέλεση εντολής"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Εμφάνιση βοήθειας"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Άνοιγμα αρχείου"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Κλείσιμο"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Εκτύπωση αρχείου"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Αποθήκευση αρχείου"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Αποθήκευση αρχείου (και αντικατάσταση)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Αποθήκευση προσαρτήσεων. "
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Ρύθμιση αντιστάθμισης σελίδας"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Επισήμανση τρέχουσας θέσης στο κείμενο"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Διαγραφή επιλεγμένων σημείων"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Χωρίς τονισμό τα τρέχοντα αποτελέσματα της αναζήτησης"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Τονισμός στα τρέχοντα αποτελέσματα της αναζήτησης"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Εμφάνιση πληροφοριών έκδοσης"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -683,76 +717,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Φορτώνει ..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Αντιγραφή εικόνας"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Αποθήκευση εικόνας ως..."
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Το αρχείο δεν περιέχει κανένα δείκτη"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Χωρίς όνομα]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Η αποθήκευση του αρχείου απέτυχε. "
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Το αρχείο αποθηκεύτηκε."

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: norbux <>, 2012\n"
"Language-Team: Esperanto ("
"Language-Team: Esperanto ("
"Language: eo\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -58,78 +58,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Nevalida enigo '%s' uzata."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Nevalida indekso '%s' uzata."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Neniu dokumento malfermita."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Nevalida nombro da argumentoj uzata."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Neeble krei paĝosignon: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Neeble krei paĝosignon: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Paĝosigno sukcese aktualigita: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Paĝosigno sukcese kreita: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Paĝosigno forigita: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Neeble forigi paĝosignon: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Neniu paĝosigno: %s"
@ -174,31 +174,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Neniu informacio disponebla."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Tro multe da argumentoj."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Neniuj argumentoj uzata."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Nevalida nombro da argumentoj."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -232,356 +232,390 @@ msgstr "Nekonata bildo '%s'."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Argumento devas esti nombro."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Paĝo %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Konservu kunsendaĵojn"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Bildoj"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Zompaŝo"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Interpaĝa plenigo"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Nombro da paĝoj po vico"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Rulumpaŝo"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Mimimuma zomo"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Maksimuma zomo"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Rekolorigo (malhela koloro)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Rekolorigo (hela koloro)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Koloro por fonlumo"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Koloro por fonlumo (aktiva)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Koloro por fonlumo (aktiva)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Koloro por fonlumo (aktiva)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Rekoloru paĝojn"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Ĉirkaŭflua rulumado"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Travidebleco por fonlumo"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Bildigu 'Ŝargado ...'"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Adaptaĵo ĉe malfermo de dosiero"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Montru kaŝitajn dosierojn kaj -ujojn"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Montru dosierujojn"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Ĉiam malfermu ĉe unua paĝo"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Aldonu paĝosignon"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Forigu paĝosignon"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Listigu ĉiujn paĝosignojn"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Fermu nunan dosieron"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Montru dosiera informacio"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr ""
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Montru helpon"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Malfermu dokumenton"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Fermu zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Presu dokumenton"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Konservu dokumenton"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Konservu dokumenton (deviga anstataŭo)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Konservu kunsendaĵojn"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Agordu paĝdelokado"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -681,76 +715,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Ŝargado ..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Kopiu bildon"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Savi bildojn kiel"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Ĉi-tiu dokumento enhavas neniam indekson."
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Neniu nomo]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Neeble konservi dokumenton."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Dokumento konservita."

View file

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (\n"
"Language: es\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -63,78 +63,78 @@ msgstr "Recarga automática de documentos."
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;documento;presentación;visor;"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "'%s' no puede ser 0. Establecido a 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Entrada incorrecta: '%s'."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Índice incorrecto: '%s'."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "Texto seleccionado copiado a la selección %s: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "Imagen seleccionada copiada a la selección %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Ningún documento abierto."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Número de argumentos incorrecto."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Error al actualizar el marcador: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Error al crear marcador: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Marcador actualizado con éxito: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Marcador creado con éxito: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Marcador eliminado: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Error al eliminar el marcador: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "No hay marcadores disponibles."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "No existe el marcador: %s"
@ -179,31 +179,31 @@ msgstr "Formato"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Otros"
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "No hay información disponible."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Demasiados argumentos."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Sin argumentos."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "No se permite imprimir en modo sandbox estricto"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Número de argumentos incorrecto."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -237,360 +237,395 @@ msgstr "Imagen desconocida '%s'."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Adjunto o imagen desconocidos '%s'."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Exec no está permitido en modo sandbox estricto"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "El argumento ha de ser un número."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Página %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Adjuntos"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Imágenes"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Base de datos"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "Monitor de archivos"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Escala de zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Separación entre páginas"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Número de páginas por fila"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Columna de la primera página"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "Renderizar páginas de derecha a izquierda"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Escala de desplazamiento"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Escala de desplazamiento horizontal"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Solapamiento del desplazamiento de página"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Zoom mínimo"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Zoom máximo"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Número máximo de páginas a guardar en la caché"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Tamaño máximo en pixels de las miniaturas guardadas en caché"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Número de posiciones a recordar en la lista de saltos"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Recoloreado (color oscuro)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Recoloreado (color claro)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Color de resaltado"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr "Color en primer plano para resaltado"
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Color para resaltar (activo)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "'Cargando ...' color de fondo"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "'Cargando ...' color en primer plano"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Color en primer plano del modo índice"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Color de fondo del modo índice"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Color en primer plano del modo índice (elemento activo)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Color de fondo del modo índice (elemento activo)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Color para resaltar (activo)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Color para resaltar (activo)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Recolorear páginas"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
"Cuando se recoloree, mantener el tono original y ajustar únicamente la "
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "Al recolorear, mantener los colores originales de la imagen"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Desplazamiento envolvente"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Desplazamiento condicionado a la página"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Número de páginasa a avanzar por fila"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Zoom centrado horizontalmente"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "Páginas centradas verticalmente"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Alinear objetivo del enlace a la izquierda"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Permitir cambios de zoom al seguir enlaces"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Centrar el resultado horizontalmente"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Transparencia del resaltado"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Renderizado 'Cargando ...'"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Ajustarse a al abrir un fichero"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Mostrar directorios y ficheros ocultos"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Mostrar directorios"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "Mostrar archivos recientes"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Abrir siempre por la primera página"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Resaltar los resultados de búsqueda"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Habilitar la búsqueda incremental"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Borrar resultados de búsqueda al abortar"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Mostrar el nombre del archivo en el título de la ventana"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
"Mostrar ~ en lugar de $HOME en el nombre de archivo del título de la ventana"
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Mostrar el número de página en el título de la ventana"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "Utilizar la primera página del documento como icono de ventana"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Mostrar el nombre corto del archivo en la barra de estado"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
"Mostrar ~ en lugar de $HOME en el nombre de archivo de la barra de estado"
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Habilitar soporte synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Editor de comandos synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Editor de comandos synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Habilitar servicio D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr "Activar la ventana tras ciertos comandos D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "Guardar el historial tras cada cambio en la página"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "Portapapeles al que copiar datos seleccionados con el ratón"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Habilitar notificaciones tras seleccionar texto"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "Nivel sandbox"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Añadir marcador"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Eliminar marcador"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Listar marcadores"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Cerrar fichero actual"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Mostrar información del fichero"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Ejecutar un comando"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Mostrar ayuda"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Abrir documento"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Salir de zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Imprimir documento"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Guardar documento"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Guardar documento (y sobreescribir)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Guardar ficheros adjuntos"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Establecer el desplazamiento de página"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Marcar la posición actual en el documento"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Borrar las marcas especificadas"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "No resaltar los resultados de la búsqueda actual"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Resaltar los resultados de la búsqueda actual"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Mostrar versión"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr "Archivo de configuración fuente"
@ -692,77 +727,106 @@ msgstr "Marcador al que ir"
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr "Buscar la frase proporcionada y mostrar los resultados"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Cargando ..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Copiar imagen"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Guardar imagen como"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "Imprimiendo página %d ..."
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Impresión fallida: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "Modo de ajuste incorrecto: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Patrón no encontrado: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Este documento no contiene ningún índice"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Sin nombre]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"No se pudo leer el archivo desde stdin y escribirlo en un archivo temporal."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr "No se pudo leer el archivo desde GIO y copiarlo a un archivo temporal."
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "Introducir contraseña:"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Tipo de archivo no soportado. Por favor, instale el plugin adecuado."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "El documento no contiene páginas"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr "El archivo ya existe: %s. Utilice :write! para sobrescribirlo."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Error al guardar el documento."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Documento guardado."

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: watsh1ken <>, 2012\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish (Chile) ("
"Language-Team: Spanish (Chile) ("
"Language: es_CL\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -59,78 +59,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Entrada inválida: '%s'."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Índice invalido: '%s'."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Ningún documento abierto."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Número de argumentos inválido."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "No se pudo crear marcador: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "No se pudo crear marcador: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Marcador actualizado exitosamente: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Marcador creado exitosamente: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Marcador eliminado: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Error al eliminar marcador: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "No existe marcador: %s"
@ -175,31 +175,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "No hay información disponible."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Demasiados argumentos."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Ningún argumento recibido."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Número de argumentos inválido."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -233,356 +233,390 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "El argumento debe ser un número."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Guardar archivos adjuntos"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Fin de la base de datos."
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Unidad de zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Separación entre páginas"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Numero de páginas por fila"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Unidad de desplazamiento"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Zoom mínimo"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Zoom máximo"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Recolorando (color oscuro)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Recolorando (color claro)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Color para destacar"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Color para destacar (activo)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Color para destacar (activo)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Color para destacar (activo)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Recolorar páginas"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Scroll cíclico"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Transparencia para lo destacado"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Renderizando 'Cargando...'"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Ajustar al abrirse un archivo"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Mostrar archivos ocultos y directorios"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Mostrar directorios"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Siempre abrir en primera página"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Agregar un marcador"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Eliminar un marcador"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Listar todos los marcadores"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Cerrar archivo actual"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Mostrar información del archivo"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr ""
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Mostrar ayuda"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Abrir documento"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Cerrar zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Imprimir documento"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Guardar documento"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Guardar documento (y forzar sobreescritura)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Guardar archivos adjuntos"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Asignar desplazamiento de la página"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -682,76 +716,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Cargando..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Copiar imagen"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr ""
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Este document no contiene índice"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Sin nombre]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Error al guardar el documento."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Documento guardado."

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Rivo Zängov <>, 2012\n"
"Language-Team: Estonian ("
"Language-Team: Estonian ("
"Language: et\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -58,78 +58,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
@ -174,31 +174,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -232,356 +232,390 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Salvesta manused"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Esiletõstmise värv"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Esiletõstmise värv (aktiivne)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Esiletõstmise värv (aktiivne)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Esiletõstmise värv (aktiivne)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Näita kaustasid"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Ava alati esimene leht"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Lisa järjehoidja"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Kustuta järjehoidja"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Näita kõiki järjehoidjaid"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Sulge praegune fail"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Näita faili infot"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr ""
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Näita abiinfot"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Ava dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Sule zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Prindi dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Salvesta dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Salvesta manused"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -681,76 +715,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Kopeeri pilt"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr ""
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Nime pole]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Stéphane Aulery <>, 2012\n"
"Language-Team: French (\n"
"Language-Team: French (\n"
"Language: fr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -69,78 +69,78 @@ msgstr "Rafraîchissement automatique des documents."
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;présentation;visionneur;"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "'%s' ne peut valoir 0. Réglé sur 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Entrée invalide : '%s'"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Index invalide : '%s'"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "Texte sélectionné copié dans la sélection %s:%s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "Image sélectionnée copiée dans la sélection %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Aucun document ouvert."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Nombre d'arguments invalide."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de mettre à jour le favori : %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Impossible de créer le favori : %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Favori mis à jour avec succès : %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Favori créé avec succès : %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Favori supprimé : %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Échec lors de la suppression du favori : %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "Aucun favori disponible."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Aucun favori correspondant : %s"
@ -185,31 +185,31 @@ msgstr "Format"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Autres"
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Aucune information disponible."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Trop d'arguments."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Aucun argument passé."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "L'impression n'est pas autorisée en mode d'isolation stricte"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Nombre d'arguments invalide."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -243,361 +243,396 @@ msgstr "Image '%s' inconnue."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Pièce jointe ou image '%s' inconnue."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Exec n'est pas autorisé en mode d'isolation stricte"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "L'argument doit être un nombre."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Page %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Pièces jointes"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Images"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Gestionnaire de base de données"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "Service de surveillance des fichiers"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Incrément de zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Espacement entre les pages"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Nombre de page par rangée"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Colonne de la première page"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "Générer les pages de droite à gauche"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Incrément de défilement"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Incrément de défilement horizontal"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Recouvrement lors du défilement par page entière"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Zoom minimum"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Zoom maximum"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Nombre maximum de pages à garder en cache"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Taille maximale en pixels des miniatures à conserver en cache"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Nombre de positions à mémoriser dans la liste de sauts"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Recoloration (couleur sombre)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Recoloration (couleur claire)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Couleur de surbrillance"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Couleur de surbrillance (active)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "Couleur d'arrière-plan de 'Chargement...'"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "Couleur de 'Chargement...'"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Couleur de premier plan du mode index"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Couleur d'arrière plan du mode index"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Couleur de premier plan du mode index (élément actif)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Couleur d'arrière plan du mode index (élément actif)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Couleur de surbrillance (active)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Couleur de surbrillance (active)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Recoloriser les pages"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
"Lors de la recoloration garder la teinte d'origine et ajuster seulement la "
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "Lors de la recoloration, garder les couleurs de l'image originale"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Défiler en boucle"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Défilement tenant compte des limites de page"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Augmenter le nombre de pages par rangée"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Zoom centré horizontalement"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "Centrer verticalement les pages"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Aligner la cible du lien à gauche"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Autoriser la modification du zoom quand on suit un lien"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Centrer le résultat horizontalement"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Transparence de la surbrillance"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Afficher 'Chargement...'"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Ajuster à l'ouverture du fichier"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Montrer les fichiers et dossiers cachés"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Montrer les dossiers"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "Afficher les fichiers récents"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Toujours ouvrir à la première page"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Surligner les résultats de la recherche"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Activer la recherche incrémentale"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Effacer les résultats de recherche en cas d'annulation"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Utiliser le nom de base du fichier dans le titre de la fenêtre"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
"Utiliser ~ au lieu de $HOME dans le nom du fichier dans le titre de la "
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Afficher le numéro de page dans le titre de la fenêtre"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "Utiliser la première page d'un document comme icône pour la fenêtre"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Utiliser le nom de base du fichier dans la barre d'état"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
"Utiliser ~ au lieu de $HOME dans le nom du fichier dans la barre d'état"
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Activer la prise en charge de synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Commande pour l'éditeur Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Commande pour l'éditeur Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Activer le service D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "Enregistrer l'historique à chaque changement de page"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "Le presse-papiers qui recevra les données sélectionnées avec la souris"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Activer une notification après avoir sélectionné du texte"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "Niveau d'isolation"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Ajouter un favori"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Supprimer un favori"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Lister tous les favoris"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Fermer le fichier actuel"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Montrer les informations sur le fichier"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Exécuter une commande"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Afficher l'aide"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Ouvrir un document"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Quitter zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Imprimer le document"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Sauver le document"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Sauver le document (et forcer l'écrasement)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Enregistrer les pièces jointes"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Définir le décalage de page"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Marquer l'emplacement actuel dans le document"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Supprimer les marques indiquées"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Ne pas surligner les résultats de la recherche en cours"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Surligner les résultats de la recherche en cours"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Afficher les informations de version"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -699,81 +734,110 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr "Rechercher la phrase donnée et afficher les résultats"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Chargement..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Copier l'image"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Enregistrer l'image sous"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "Impression de la page %d ..."
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Echec d'impression : %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "Mode d'ajustement invalide: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Motif introuvable: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Ce document ne contient pas d'index"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Sans nom]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de lire le fichier depuis stdin et de le sauvegarder dans un "
"fichier temporaire."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Impossible de lire le fichier depuis GIO et de le copier dans un fichier "
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "Saisissez le mot de passe:"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
"Type de fichier non supporté. Veuillez installer l'extension nécessaire."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Ce document ne contient aucune page"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Échec lors de l'enregistrement du document."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Document enregistré."

View file

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sebastian Ramacher <>\n"
"Language-Team: Hebrew (\n"
"Language-Team: Hebrew (\n"
"Language: he\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -57,78 +57,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
@ -173,31 +173,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -231,356 +231,388 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr ""
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr ""
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -680,76 +712,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr ""
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sebastian Ramacher <>\n"
"Language-Team: Croatian ("
"Language-Team: Croatian ("
"Language: hr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -58,78 +58,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr ""
@ -174,31 +174,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -232,356 +232,388 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr ""
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr ""
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -681,76 +713,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr ""
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr ""

View file

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Ibnu Daru Aji, 2013\n"
"Language-Team: Indonesian (Indonesia) ("
"Language-Team: Indonesian (Indonesia) ("
"Language: id_ID\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -59,78 +59,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "'%s' tidak boleh 0. Diatur ke 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Masukan '%s' tidak valid"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Index '%s' tidak valid"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Tidak ada dokumen yang terbuka."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "jumlah argumen yang diberikan tidak valid"
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat bookmark: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Tidak dapat membuat bookmark: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "bookmark yang sukses terupdate : %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Bookmark yang sukses dibuat: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Bookmark %s telah sukses dihapus"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Gagal menghapus bookmark: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Tidak ada bookmark: %s"
@ -175,31 +175,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Tidak ada informasi tersedia"
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Argumen terlalu banyak"
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Tidak ada argumen yang diberikan"
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Jumlah argumen tidak valid"
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -233,357 +233,392 @@ msgstr "Citra tidak diketahui '%s'"
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Lampiran atau gambar tidak diketahui '%s'"
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Argumen harus berupa angka."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Halaman %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Lampiran"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Citra"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "backend database"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Tingkat pembesaran"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Selisih antar halaman"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Jumlah halaman tiap kolom"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Kolom pada halaman pertama"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Tingkat menggulung"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Tingkat penggulungan horisontal"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Geser laman utuh"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Pembesaran minimum"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Pembesaran maksimal"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Jumlah laman yang disimpan pada cache"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
"Ukuran maksimal gambar thumbnail dalam piksel yang disimpan di tembolok"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Jumlah posisi yang diingat pada jumplist"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Mewarnai ulang (warna gelap)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Mewarnai ulang (warna cerah)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Warna sorotan"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Warna sorotan (aktif)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "'Memuat ...; warna latar"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "'Memuat ...' warna depan"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Warna depan mode indeks"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Warna latar mode indeks"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Warna depan mode indeks (elemen aktif)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Warna latar mode indeks (elemen aktif)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Warna sorotan (aktif)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Warna sorotan (aktif)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Mewarnai ulang halaman"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr "Ketika mewarnai ulang, jaga hue dan sesuaikan kecerahan saja"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "Warna citra tetap sama saat mewarnai ulang"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Lipat gulung"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Penggulungan sadar halaman"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Jumlah halaman per baris \"lanjutan\""
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Pembesaran horisontal tengah"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Ratakan tautan ke kiri"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Biarkan pembesaran berubah saat mengikuti pranala"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Tengah-horisontalkan hasil"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Transparansi sorotan"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Memuat Render..."
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Menyesuaikan ketika membuka file"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Perlihatkan file dan direktori tersembunyi"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Perlihatkan direktori"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Selalu buka halaman pertama"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Sorot hasil pencarian"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Fungsikan pencarian berkelanjutan"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Hapus hasil pencarian ketika batal mencari"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Gunakan nama dasar file pada judul jendela"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Tampilkan nomor laman pada jendela judul"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Gunakan nama dasar berkas pada statusbar"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Support synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Penyunting perintah Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Penyunting perintah Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Aktifkan layanan D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "Data yang dipilih tetikus akan ditulis ke clipboard"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Aktifkan pemberitahuan setelah menyeleksi teks"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Tambahkan pada bookmark"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Hapus bookmark"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Perlihatkan semua bookmark"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Tutup file ini"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Informasi file"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Jalankan perintah"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Bantuan"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Buka dokumen"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Tutup zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Cetak dokumen"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Simpan dokumen"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Simpan dokumen (dan menimpa berkas)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Simpan lampiran"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Set offset halaman"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Tandai lokasi sekarang dalam dokumen"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Hapus tanda terpilih"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Jangan menyorot hasil cari sekarang"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Sorot hasil pencarian sekarang"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Tunjukan informasi versi"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -683,77 +718,106 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Memuat....."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Salin gambar"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Simpan gambar sebagai"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Gagal mencetak: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Dokumen ini tidak mempunyai indeks"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Tidak berjudul]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Tidak dapat membaca berkas dari stdin dan menulisnya ke berkas sementar"
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Tipe berkas tidak didukung. Silakan memasang plugin yang dibutuhkan."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Dokumen tidak mempunyai laman apapun"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Gagal menyimpan dokumen"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Dokumen telah disimpan"

View file

@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Simone Dotto <>, 2019-2020,2022\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (\n"
"Language-Team: Italian (\n"
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -69,78 +69,78 @@ msgstr "Ricarica automatica del documento."
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;documenti;presentazioni;lettore;"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "'%s' non può essere 0. Imposta ad 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Input inserito '%s' non valido."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Indice inserito '%s' non valido."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "Copiato il testo selezionato alla selezione %s: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "Copiata l'immagine selezionata alla selezione %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Nessun documento aperto."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Numero di argomenti errato."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Impossibile creare il segnalibro: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Impossibile creare il segnalibro: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Segnalibro aggiornato con successo: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Segnalibro creato con successo: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Segnalibro rimosso: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere il segnalibro: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "Nessun bookmark disponibile."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nessun segnalibro corrispondente: %s"
@ -185,31 +185,31 @@ msgstr "Formato"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Altro"
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Nessun' informazione disponibile."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Numero di argomenti eccessivo."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Nessun argomento specificato."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "La stampa non è consentita in modalità sandbox restrittiva"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Numero di argomenti non valido."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -243,359 +243,394 @@ msgstr "Immagine sconosciuta '%s'"
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Immagine o allegato sconosciuti '%s"
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "L'esecuzione non è consentita in modalità sandbox restrittiva"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "L' argomento dev' essere un numero."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Pagina %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Allegati"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Immagini"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Backend del database"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "Backend di controllo file"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Passo di zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Spaziatura tra le pagine"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Numero di pagine per riga"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Colonna della prima pagina"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "Renderizza pagine da destra a sinistra"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Passo di scorrimento"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Passo di scorrimento orizzontale"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Sovrapposizione di scorrimento pagina intera"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Zoom minimo"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Zoom massimo"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Numero massimo di pagine da mantenere nella cache"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Dimensione massima in pixel delle miniature da tenere in cache"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Numero di posizioni da mantenere nella jumplist"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Ricolorazione (colore scuro)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Ricolorazione (colore chiaro)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Colore per evidenziare"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr "Colore di primo piano per l'evidenziazione"
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Colore per evidenziare (attivo)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "'Caricamento ...' colore di sfondo "
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "'Caricamento ...' colore primo piano"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Modalità indice colore primo piano"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Modalità indice colore di sfondo"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Modalità indice colore primo piano (elemento attivo)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Modalità indice colore sfondo (elemento attivo)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Colore per evidenziare (attivo)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Colore per evidenziare (attivo)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Ricolora le pagine"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
"Quando si ricolora mantenere la tonalità originale e regolare solo la "
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "Quando si ricolora mantieni colori dell'immagine originale"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Scrolling continuo"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Scorrimento pagina per pagina"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Avanza di un numero di pagine per riga"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Zoom centrato orizzontalmente"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "Zoom centrato verticalmente"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Allinea link target a sinistra"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Cambia lo zoom quando segui i link"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Centra orizzontalmente i risultati"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Trasparenza per evidenziare"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Renderizza 'Caricamento ...'"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Adatta a mentre apri il file"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Mostra file e cartelle nascosti"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Mostra cartelle"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "Mostra file recenti"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Apri sempre alla prima pagina"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Evidenzia i risultati della ricerca"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Abilita la ricerca incrementale"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Elimina risultati di ricerca alla chiusura"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Usa estensione del file nel titolo della finestra"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr "Usa ~ al posto di $HOME nel nome del file nel titolo della finestra"
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Mostra il numero di pagina nel titolo della finestra"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "Usa la prima pagina del documento come icona della finestra"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Usa estensione del file nella barra di stato"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr "Usa ~ al posto di $HOME nel nome del file nella barra di stato"
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
"Mostra (pagina attuale / pagine totali) in percentuale nella barra di stato"
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Abilita il supporto per synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Comando dell'editor synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Comando dell'editor synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Abilita il servizio D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr "Solleva la finestra in corrispondenza di certi comandi di D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "Salva cronologia ad ogni cambiamento di pagina"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "Gli appunti in cui verranno scritti i dati selezionati dal mouse"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Attiva la notifica dopo aver selezionato del testo"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "Livello di sandbox"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Aggiungi un segnalibro"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Elimina un segnalibro"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Mostra i segnalibri"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Chiudi il file corrente"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Mostra le informazioni sul file"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Esegui un comando"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Mostra l' aiuto"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Apri un documento"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Chiudi zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Stampa il documento"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Salva il documento"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Salva il documento (e sovrascrivi)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Salva allegati"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Imposta l' offset della pagina"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Segna la posizione attuale all'interno del documento"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Elimina i segni specificati"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Non evidenziare i risultati della ricerca in corso"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Evidenzia i risultati della ricerca in corso"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Mostra informazioni sulla versione"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr "File di configurazione sorgente"
@ -697,78 +732,107 @@ msgstr "Segnalibro a cui andare"
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr "Ricerca la chiave data e mostra i risultati"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Caricamento..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Copia immagine"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Salva immagine come"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "Stampa pagina %d ..."
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Impossibile stampare: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "Modalità di regolazione non valida: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Pattern non trovato: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Questo documento non contiene l' indice"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Nessun nome]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile leggere il file dall' stdin e scriverlo in un file temporaneo."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr "Impossibile leggere file da GIO e copiarlo su un file temporaneo"
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "Inserisci password"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
"Tipo di file non supportato. Per favore, installa il plugin necessario."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Il documento non contiene alcuna pagina"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr "Il file esiste già: %s. Usa :write! per sovrascriverlo."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Impossibile salvare il documento."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Documento salvato."

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: gns_ank <>, 2013\n"
"Language-Team: Lithuanian ("
"Language-Team: Lithuanian ("
"Language: lt\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -60,78 +60,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Netinkama įvestis: „%s“."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Duotas netinkamas indeksas: „%s“."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Nėra atidarytų dokumentų."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Duotų parametrų skaičius yra neteisingas."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Žymė negalėjo būti atnaujinta: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Žymė negalėjo būti sukurta: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Žymė sėkmingai atnaujinta: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Žymė sėkmingai sukurta: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Žymė ištrinta: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Žymė negalėjo būti panaikinta: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nėra tokios žymės: %s"
@ -176,31 +176,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Nėra informacijos."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Per daug parametrų."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Parametrai neduoti."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Neteisingas parametrų skaičius."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -234,356 +234,390 @@ msgstr "Nežinomas atvaizdas „%s“."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Nežinomas priedas ar atvaizdas „%s“."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Parametras turi būti skaičius."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "%d puslapis"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Priedai"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Atvaizdai"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Duomenų bazės posistemė"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Priartinimo žingsnis"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Užpildymas tarp puslapių"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Puslapių skaičius eilutėje"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Pirmo puslapio stulpelis"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Slinkties žingsnis"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Horizontalios slinksties žingsnis"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Mažiausias priartinimas"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Didžiausias priartinimas"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Puslapių limitas spartinančioje atmintinėje"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Spalvų keitimas (tamsi spalva)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Spalvų keitimas (šviesi spalva)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Žymos spalva"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Žymos spalva (aktyvi)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "„Kraunama ...“ fono spalva"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "„Kraunama ...“ pagrindinė spalva"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Žymos spalva (aktyvi)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Žymos spalva (aktyvi)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Pakeisti spalvas"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Puslapių ribas atpažįstanti slinktis"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Padidinti puslapių skaičių eilutėje"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Žymų skaidrumas"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Atvaizduoti „Kraunama ...“"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Prisitaikyti atidarant bylą"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Rodyti paslėptus failus ir katalogus"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Rodyti katalogų sąrašą"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Visada atverti pirmą puslapį"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Pažymėti paieškos rezultatus"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Įjungti prieauginę paiešką"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Išvalyti paieškos rezultatus nutraukiant"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Rodyti puslapio skaičių lango pavadinime"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Naudoti bylos vardą būsenos juostoje"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Įjungti synctex palaikymą"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Pridėti žymę"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Ištrinti žymę"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Žymių sąrašas"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Uždaryti dabartinę bylą"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Rodyti bylos informaciją"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr ""
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Rodyti pagalbą"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Atidryti dokumentą"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Uždaryti zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Atspausdinti dokumentą"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Išsaugoti dokumentą"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Išsaugoti dokumentą (ir priverstinai perašyti)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Išsaugoti priedus"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Nustatyti puslapio poslinkį"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Pažymėti dabartinę dokumento vietą"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Ištrinti šias žymes"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Nežymėti dabartinės paieškos rezultatų"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Pažymėti dabartinės paieškos rezultatus"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Rodyti versijos informaciją"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -683,76 +717,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Kraunama..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Kopijuoti atvaizdą"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Irašyti atvaizdą kaip"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Šit dokumentas neturi turinio"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Bevardis]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Bylos tipas nepalaikomas. Įdiekite tam skirtus įskiepius."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Dokumente puslapių nėra"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Dokumento išsaugoti nepavyko."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Dokumentas išsaugotas."

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Heimen Stoffels <>\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (\n"
"Language-Team: Dutch (\n"
"Language: nl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -63,78 +63,78 @@ msgstr "Automatisch documenten herladen."
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentatie;weergave;"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "%s mag niet op 0 worden ingesteld. Stel in op 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Ongeldige invoer %s opgegeven."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Ongeldige index %s opgegeven."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "De tekst is gekopieerd naar de selectie %s: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "De afbeelding is gekopieerd naar de selectie %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Geen document geopend."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Ongeldig aantal argumenten opgegeven."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "De bladwijzer kan niet worden bijgewerkt: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "De bladwijzer kan niet worden toegevoegd: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "De bladwijzer is bijgewerkt: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "De bladwijzer is toegevoegd: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "De bladwijzer is verwijderd: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "De bladwijzer kan niet worden verwijderd: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "Geen bladwijzers beschikbaar."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Bladwijzer bestaat niet: %s"
@ -179,33 +179,33 @@ msgstr "Formaat"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Overig"
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Geen informatie beschikbaar."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Te veel argumenten."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Geen argumenten opgegeven."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Afdrukken is niet toegestaan in de strenge sandboxmodus"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Opslaan is niet toegestaan in de strenge sandboxmodus"
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Ongeldig aantal argumenten."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Exporteren is niet toegestaan in de strenge sandboxmodus"
#: zathura/commands.c:470
#, c-format
@ -237,361 +237,396 @@ msgstr "Onbekende afbeelding: %s."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Onbekende bijlage of afbeelding: %s."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Uitvoeren is niet toegestaan in de strenge sandboxmodus"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Het argument moet een getal zijn."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Pagina %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Bijlagen"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Afbeeldingen"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Databankback-end"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "Bestandsmonitorback-end"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Zoomschaal"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Opvulling tussen pagina's"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Aantal pagina's per rij"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Kolom van de eerste pagina"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "Pagina's van rechts naar links tonen"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Scrollsnelheid"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Horizontale scrollsnelheid"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Scrolloverlapping op volledige pagina"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Minimaal zoomniveau"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Maximaal zoomniveau"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Het maximumaantal pagina's dat moet worden bewaard in de cache"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
"Het maximumaantal miniaturen dat moet worden bewaard in de cache (in pixels)"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Het aantal posities dat moet worden onthouden in de jumplist"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Herinkleuren (donkere kleur)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Herinkleuren (lichte kleur)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Markeerkleur"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr "Voorgrond-markeerkleur"
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Markeerkleur (actief)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "Bezig met laden …’-achtergrondkleur"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "Bezig met laden…-voorgrondkleur"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Indexmodus-voorgrondkleur"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Indexmodus-achtergrondkleur"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Indexmodus-voorgrondkleur (actief element)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Indexmodus-achtergrondkleur (actief element)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Markeerkleur (actief)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Markeerkleur (actief)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Pagina's herinkleuren"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
"Behoudt tijdens het herinkleuren de oorspronkelijke tint en pas alleen de "
"belichting aan"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "Behoudt tijdens het herkleuren de originele afbeeldingskleuren"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Scrollen omslaan"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Paginabewust scrollen"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Aantal vooruit-pagina's per rij"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Horizontaal-gecentreerde zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "Pagina's verticaal centreren"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Linkdoel uitlijnen naar links"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Zoom aanpassen bij volgen van links"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Resultaat horizontaal centreren"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Markeerdoorzichtigheid"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Bezig met laden… tonen"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Aanpassen aan bij openen van bestand"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Verborgen bestanden en mappen tonen"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Mappen tonen"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "Onlangs geopende bestanden tonen"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Altijd de eerste pagina openen"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Zoekresultaten markeren"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Stapsgewijs zoeken inschakelen"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Zoekresultaten wissen na afbreken"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Basisnaam van bestand gebruiken in de venstertitel"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr "~ gebruiken i.p.v. $HOME in de bestandsnaam in de venstertitel"
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Paginanummer tonen in de venstertitel"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "Eerste documentpagina gebruiken als vensterpictogram"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Basisnaam van bestand gebruiken in de statusbalk"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr "~ gebruiken i.p.v. $HOME in de bestandsnaam in de statusbalk"
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr "Huidige pagina/Totaalaantal in procenten tonen op statusbalk"
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Synctex-ondersteuning inschakelen"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Synctex-bewerkeropdracht"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Synctex-bewerkeropdracht"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "D-Bus-dienst inschakelen"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr "Venster focussen na bepaalde D-Bus-opdrachten"
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "Geschiedenis opslaan na elke pagina-omslag"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
"Het klembord waarnaar met de muis geselecteerde gegevens moeten worden "
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Melding tonen na selecteren van tekst"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "Sandboxniveau"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Bladwijzer toevoegen"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Bladwijzer verwijderen"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Alle bladwijzers tonen"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Huidig bestand sluiten"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Bestandsinformatie tonen"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Opdracht uitvoeren"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Hulp tonen"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Document openen"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Zathura sluiten"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Document afdrukken"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Document opslaan"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Document opslaan (en overschrijven afdwingen)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Bijlagen opslaan"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Pagina-afwijking instellen"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Huidige locatie in document markeren"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Opgegeven markeringen verwijderen"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Huidige zoekresultaten niet markeren"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Huidige zoekresultaten markeren"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Versie-informatie tonen"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr "Bron-configuratiebestand"
@ -693,80 +728,109 @@ msgstr "De te openen bladwijzer"
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr "Zoeken naar zoekterm en resultaten tonen"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Bezig met laden…"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Afbeelding kopiëren"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Afbeelding opslaan als"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "Bezig met afdrukken van pagina %d…"
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Het afdrukken is mislukt: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "Ongeldige aanpassingsmodus: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Het patroon is niet gevonden: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Dit document bevat geen index"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Naamloos]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Het bestand kan niet worden gelezen uit stdin en weggeschreven naar een "
"tijdelijk bestand."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Het bestand kan niet worden gelezen uit GIO en gekopieerd naar een tijdelijk "
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "Wachtwoord invoeren:"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Niet-ondersteund bestandstype. Installeer de benodigde plug-in."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Dit document bevat geen pagina's"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr "Dit bestand bestaat al: %s. Ken :write! toe om het te overschrijven."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Het document kan niet worden opgeslagen."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Het document is opgeslagen."

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jonas <>, 2014\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian ("
"Language-Team: Norwegian ("
"Language: no\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -58,78 +58,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Ugyldig inndata '%s' gitt."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Ugyldig index '%s' gitt."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Ingen dokumenter åpnet."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Ugyldig nummer av argumenter gitt."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Kunne ikke oppdatere bokmerke: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Kunne ikke lage bokmerke: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Bokmerke er oppdatert: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Bokmerket er laget: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Fjernet bokmerke: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Kunne ikke fjerne bokmerke: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Bokmerke eksisterer ikke: %s"
@ -174,31 +174,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Ingen informasjon tilgjengelig."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "For mange argumenter."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Ingen argumenter gitt."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Ugyldig nummer av argumenter."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -232,356 +232,390 @@ msgstr "Ukjent bilde '%s'."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Ukjent vedlegg eller bilde '%s'."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Argumentet må være et tall."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Side %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Vedlegg"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Bilder"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Database backend"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Zoom nivå"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Avstand mellom sider"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Nummer av sider per rad"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Skrolle nivå"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Zoom minimum"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Zoom maximum"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Maksimum antall sider å holde i mellomlagringen"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Antall posisjoner å huske i hopp-til-listen"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Om-farger (mørk farge)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Om-farge (lys farge)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Farge for utheving"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Farge for utheving (aktiv)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "'Laster ...' bakgrunnsfarge"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "'Laster ...' forgrunnsfarge"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Farge for utheving (aktiv)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Farge for utheving (aktiv)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Om-farge sider"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Horisontalsentrert zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "La zoom bli endret når følgende linker"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Sentrer resultatene horisontalt"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Klarhet for utheving"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Render 'Laster ...'"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Juster til når du åpner filen"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Vis skjulte filer og mapper"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Vis mapper"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Alltid åpne på første side"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Uthev søkeresultater"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Stryk ut søkeresulteter ved avbrytelse"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Vis nummer av sider i vinduestittelen"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Aktiv D-Bus servicen"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Legg til bokmerke"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Slett bokmerke"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "List alle bokmerker"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Lukk den gjeldende filen"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Vis filinformasjon"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Kjør en kommando"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Vis hjelp"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Åpne dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Lukk zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Skriv ut dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Lagre dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Lagre dokument (og tving til å skrive over)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Lagre vedlegg"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Marker nåværende lokalasjon i dokumentet"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Slett spesifiserte merker"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Ikke uthev gjeldende søkeresultater"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Uthev følgende søkeresultater"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Vis versjonsinformasjon"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -681,76 +715,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Laster..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Kopier bilde"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Lagre bilde som"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Utskrift feilet: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Dette dokumenetet inneholder ikke noen index"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Inget navn]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr "Kunne ikke lese fil fra stdin og skrive til temporærfil."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Usupportert filtype. Vennligst innstaller den nødvendige pluginen."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Dokumentet inneholder ingen sider"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Kunne ikke lagre dokumentet."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Dokumentet er lagret."

View file

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: p <>, 2012,2014\n"
"Language-Team: Polish (\n"
"Language-Team: Polish (\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -60,78 +60,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy argument: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Nieprawidłowy indeks: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Nie otwarto żadnego pliku"
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Nieprawidłowa liczba parametrów polecenia"
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nie można stworzyć zakładki: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nie można stworzyć zakładki: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Zaktualizowano zakładkę: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Utworzono zakładkę: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Usunięto zakładkę: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nie można usunąć zakładki: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Nie znaleziono zakładki: %s"
@ -176,31 +176,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Brak informacji o pliku"
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Za dużo parametrów polecenia"
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Nie podano parametrów polecenia"
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Niewłaściwa liczba parametrów polecenia"
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -234,356 +234,390 @@ msgstr "Nieznany obrazek '%s'."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Nieznany załącznik lub obrazek '%s'."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Parametr polecenia musi być liczbą"
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Strona %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Załączniki"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Obrazki"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Baza danych"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Skok powiększenia"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Odstęp pomiędzy stronami"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Liczba stron w wierszu"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Skok przewijania"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Skok przewijania poziomego"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Minimalne powiększenie"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Maksymalne powiększenie"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Maksymalna liczba stron w pamięci podręcznej"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Ciemny kolor negatywu"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Jasny kolor negatywu"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Kolor wyróżnienia"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Kolor wyróżnienia bieżącego elementu"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "Kolor tła komunikatu „Wczytywanie pliku...”"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "Kolor komunikatu „Wczytywanie pliku...”"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Kolor wyróżnienia bieżącego elementu"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Kolor wyróżnienia bieżącego elementu"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Negatyw"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr "Dla negatywu zachowaj oryginalny odcień i zmień tylko jasność"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Zawijanie dokumentu"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Zwiększ liczbę stron w wierszu"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Powiększenie względem środka"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Poziome wyśrodkowanie wyniku"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Przezroczystość wyróżnienia"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Wyświetlaj: „Wczytywanie pliku...”"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Dopasowanie widoku pliku"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Wyświetl ukryte pliki i katalogi"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Wyświetl katalogi"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Zawsze otwieraj na pierwszej stronie"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Podświetl wyniki wyszukiwania"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Włącz wyszukiwanie przyrostowe"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Wyczyść wyniki wyszukiwania po przerwaniu"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Pokaż nazwę pliku w pasku tytułu"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Wyświetl numer strony w pasku tytułu"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Nazwa pliku w pasku stanu"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Włącz synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Uruchom serwis D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Dodaj zakładkę"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Usuń zakładkę"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Wyświetl zakładki"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Zamknij plik"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Wyświetl informacje o pliku"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Wykonaj polecenie"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Wyświetl pomoc"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Otwórz plik"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Zakończ"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Wydrukuj"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Zapisz"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Zapisz (nadpisując istniejący plik)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Zapisz załączniki"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Ustaw przesunięcie numerów stron"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Zaznacz aktualną pozycję w dokumencie"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Skasuj określone zakładki"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Nie podświetlaj aktualnych wyników wyszukiwania "
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Podświetl aktualne wyniki wyszukiwania"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Wyświetl informacje o wersji"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -683,76 +717,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Wczytywanie pliku..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Skopiuj obrazek"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Zapisz obrazek jako"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Nie można wydrukować: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Dokument nie zawiera indeksu"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[bez nazwy]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Niewspierany rodzaj pliku. Zainstaluj wymagane wtyczki"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Dokument nie zawiera żadnej strony"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Błąd zapisu"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Zapisano dokument"

View file

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Fernando Henrique <>, 2020\n"
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) ("
"Language-Team: Portuguese (Brazil) ("
"Language: pt_BR\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -66,78 +66,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "'%s' não deve ser 0. Defina para 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Dados de entrada inválida '%s' ."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Dados de índice invalido '%s'."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Nenhum documento aberto."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Número de argumentos dados inválidos."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Não foi possível criar favorito: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Não foi possível criar favorito: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Favorito atualizado com sucesso: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Favorito criado com sucesso: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Favorito removido: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Falha ao remover favorito: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Não há favoritos: %s"
@ -182,31 +182,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Nenhuma informação disponível."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Muitos argumentos."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Nenhum argumento dado."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Número de argumento invalido."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -240,359 +240,394 @@ msgstr "Imagem desconhecida '%s'."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Anexo desconhecido ou imagem '%s'."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "O argumento deve ser um número."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Página %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Anexos"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Imagens"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Fim da base de dados"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Grau de Zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Preenchimento entre páginas"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Número de paginas por linha"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Coluna da primeira página"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Fase de Rolagem"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Etapa de rolagem horizontal"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Sobreposição de rolagem de página inteira"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Zoom minimo"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Zoom máximo"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Número máximo de páginas para manter no cache"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Tamanho máximo em pixels de miniaturas para manter no cache"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Numero de posições para lembrar na lista de salto"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Recolorindo (cor escura)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Recolorindo (cor clara)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Cor para destacar"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Cor para destacar (ativo)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "'Carregando ...' cor de fundo"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "'Carregando ...' cor de primeiro plano"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Cor modo de índice no primeiro plano"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Cor modo de índice, fundo"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Cor modo de índice no primeiro plano (elemento ativo)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Cor modo de índice, fundo (elemento ativo)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Cor para destacar (ativo)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Cor para destacar (ativo)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Recolorir páginas"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
"Quando recolorir, manter tonalidade original e ajustar somente a luminosidade"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "Quando recolorir, manter cores de imagens originais"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Rolagem envoltório"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Rolagem de página consciente"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Numero de avanço de paginas por linha"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Zoom centrado horizontalmente"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Alinhe destino do link à esquerda"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Zoom será mudado quando seguir os links"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Resultado centrado horizontalmente"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Transparência para destacar"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Renderizando 'Carregando...'"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Ajuste para quando abrir o arquivo"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Mostrar arquivos ocultos e diretórios"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Mostrar diretórios"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Sempre abrir na primeira página"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Destaque resultados de busca"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Ativar pesquisa incremental"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Limpar resultados de busca ou abortar"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Usar nome do arquivo na barra de titulo"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Exibir o número da página no título da janela."
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Use o nome do arquivo na barra de status"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Ativar suporte synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Comando editor Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Comando editor Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Habilitar serviço D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
"A área de transferência em que o dados selecionados com o mouse vão ser "
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Habilitar notificação após a seleção de texto"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Adicionar um favorito"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Deletar um favorito"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Listar todos favoritos"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Fechar arquivo atual"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Mostrar informações do arquivo"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Executar um comando"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Mostrar ajuda"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Abrir documento"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Fechar zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Imprimir documento"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Salvar documento"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Salvar documento (e forçar sobrescrever)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Salvar anexos"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Definir deslocamento da página"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Marcar localização atual no documento"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Apagar as marcas especificadas"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Não destacar resultados de busca atual"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Destacar resultado de busca atual"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Mostrar informações sobre a versão"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -692,79 +727,108 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Carregando..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Copiar imagem"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Salvar imagem para"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Impressão falhou: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Este documento não contem qualquer índice"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Sem nome]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Não foi possível ler o arquivo a partir de stdin e gravá-lo em um arquivo "
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
"Formato de arquivo não suportado. Por favor, instale o plugin necessário."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Documento não contém quaisquer páginas"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Falha ao salvar o documento."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Documento salvo."

View file

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Mikhail Krutov <>, 2012\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (\n"
"Language-Team: Russian (\n"
"Language: ru\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -71,78 +71,78 @@ msgstr "Автоматическая перезагрузка документо
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr "PDF,PS,PostScript,DjVU,документ,презентация,просмотрщик;"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "«%s» не может быть 0, установлен как 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Неправильный ввод: %s."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Получен неверный индекс: %s."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "Выделенный текст скопирован в выделение %s: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "Скопировано выбранное изображение в выделение %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Нет открытых документов."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Указано неверное число аргументов."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Не могу создать закладку %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Не удалось создать закладку %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Закладка %s успешно обновлена"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Закладка %s успешно создана"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Закладка %s удалена"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Не удалось удалить закладку %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "Нет доступных закладок."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Закладки %s не существует"
@ -187,31 +187,31 @@ msgstr "Формат"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Прочее"
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Нет доступной информации."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Слишком много аргументов."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Отсутствуют аргументы."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Печать не разрешена в строгом режиме песочницы"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Неверное количество аргументов."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -245,356 +245,391 @@ msgstr "Неизвестное изображение «%s»."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Неизвестное вложение или изображение «%s»."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Exec не разрешен в строгом режиме песочницы"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Аргумент должен быть числом."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Страница %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Прикреплённые файлы"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Изображения"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Бэкэнд базы данных"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "Бэкэнд файлового монитора"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Шаг увеличения"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Разрыв между страницами"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Количество страниц в ряд"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Столбец первой страницы"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "Рендеринг страниц справа налево"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Шаг прокрутки"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Шаг горизонтальной прокрутки"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Перекрытие страниц при прокрутке"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Минимальное увеличение"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Максимальное увеличение"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Максимальное количество страниц хранимых в кэше"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Максимальный размер в пикселях для миниатюр хранимых в кэше"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Длина истории переходов"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Перекрашивание (тёмные тона)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Перекрашивание (светлые тона)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Цвет для подсветки"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Цвет для подсветки (активной)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "Цвет фона загрузочной заставки"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "Цвет загрузочной заставки"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Основной цвет в режиме указателя"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Фоновый цвет в режиме указателя"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Основной цвет в режиме указателя (активный элемент)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Фоновый цвет в режиме указателя (активный элемент)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Цвет для подсветки (активной)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Цвет для подсветки (активной)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Перекрасить страницы"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr "При перекраске сохранять оттенок и изменять только осветление"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "При перекраске сохранять исходные цвета изображения"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Плавная прокрутка"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Постраничная прокрутка"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Увеличить количество страниц в ряду"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Центрировать увеличение по горизонтали"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "Вертикально по центру страницы"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Выровнять цель ссылки по левому краю"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Разрешить изменять размер при следовании по ссылкам"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Центрировать результат по горизонтали"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Прозрачность подсветки"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Рендер «Загружается ...»"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Подогнать размеры при открытии документа"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Показывать скрытые файлы и каталоги"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Показывать каталоги"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "Показывать последние файлы"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Всегда открывать на первой странице"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Подсветить результаты поиска"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Включить инкрементальный поиск"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Сбросить результаты при отмене поиска"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Использовать базовое имя файла в заголовке"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr "Использовать ~ вместо $HOME в имени файла в заголовке"
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Показывать номер страницы в заголовке"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "Использовать первую страницу документа в качестве значка окна"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Использовать базовое имя файла в строке состояния"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr "Использовать ~ вместо $HOME в имени файла в строке состояния"
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Включить поддержку synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Команда редактору от synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Команда редактору от synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Включить сервис D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "Сохранить историю при каждом изменении страницы"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "Буфер для записи данных из области выделенных мышкой"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Включить уведомления после выделения текста"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "Уровень песочницы"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Добавить закладку"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Удалить закладку"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Показать все закладки"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Закрыть текущий файл"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Показать информацию о файле"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Выполнить команду"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Помощь"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Открыть документ"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Выход"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Печать"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Сохранить документ"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Сохранить документ (с перезаписью)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Сохранить прикреплённые файлы"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Сохранить смещение страницы"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Пометить текущую позицию в документе"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Удалить указанные пометки"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Не подсвечивать результаты текущего поиска"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Подсветить результаты текущего поиска"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Показать информацию о версии файла"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -694,79 +729,108 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr "Поиск данной фразы и отображение результатов"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Загрузка..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Скопировать изображение"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Сохранить изображение как"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "Печать страницы %d ..."
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Не удалось напечатать %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "Неверный режим настройки: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Шаблон не найден: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "В документе нет индекса"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Без названия]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Не удалось прочитать файл со стандартного входа и записать его во временный "
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
"Не удалось прочитать файл через GIO и скопировать его во временный файл."
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "Введите пароль:"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Тип файла не поддерживается. Установите соответствующий плагин."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "В документе нет страниц"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Не удалось сохранить документ."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Документ сохранён."

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Sebastian Rasmussen <>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish (\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish (\n"
"Language: sv\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -62,78 +62,78 @@ msgstr "Läs automatisk om dokument."
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;dokument;presentation;visare;"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "”%s” får inte vara 0. Satt till 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Ogiltig indata ”%s” angiven."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Ogiltigt index ”%s” angivet."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "Kopiera markerad text till marking %s: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "Kopiera markerad bild till markering %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Inget dokument öppnat."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Ogiltigt antal argument angivna."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Kunde inte uppdatera bokmärke: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Kunde inte skapa bokmärke: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Bokmärke uppdateraderades framgångsrikt: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Bokmärke skapades framgångsrikt: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Tog bort bokmärke: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Misslyckades med att ta bort bokmärke: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "Inga bokmärken tillgängliga."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Inget sådant bokmärke: %s"
@ -178,31 +178,31 @@ msgstr "Format"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Annat"
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Ingen information tillgänglig."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Allt för många argument."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Inga argument angivna."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Utskrift stöds inte i strikt sandlådeläge"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Ogiltigt antal argument."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -236,356 +236,391 @@ msgstr "Okänd bild ”%s”."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Okänd bilaga eller bild ”%s”."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Exec tillåts inte i strikt sandlådeläge"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Argument måste vara ett nummer."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Sida %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Bilagor"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Bilder"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Databasbakände"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "Filövervakningsbakände"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Zoomsteg"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Utrymme mellan sidor"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Antal sidor per rad"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Kolumn för den första sidan"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "Rendera sidor från höger till vänster"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Rullningssteg"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Horisontellt rullningssteg"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Överlappning vid helsiddesrullning"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Minsta zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Största zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Maximalt antal sidor att hålla i cachen"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Maximal storlek i pixla för miniatyrbilder att hålla i cachen"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Antal position att komma ihåg i hopplistan"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Omfärgning (mörk färg)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Omfärgning (ljus färg)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Färg för färgmarkering"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Färg för färgmarkering (aktiv)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "Bakgrundsfärg för ”Läser in…”"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "Förgrundsfärg för ”Läser in…”"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Förgrundsfärg för indexläge"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Bakgrundsfärg för indexläge"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Förgrundsfärg för indexläge (aktivt element)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Bakgrundsfärg för indexläge (aktivt element)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Färg för färgmarkering (aktiv)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Färg för färgmarkering (aktiv)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Omfärga sidor"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr "Vid omfärgning behåll originalnyans och justera endast ljushet"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "Vid omfärgning behåll originalfärger för bilder"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Omslagsrullning"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Sidmedveten rullning"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Antal sidor per rad att avancera"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Horisontellt centrerad zoom"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "Centrera sidor vertikalt"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Justera länkmål till vänster"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Låt zoom ändras när länkar följs"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Centrerar resultat horisontellt"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Tansparens för färgmarkering"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Rendera ”Läser in …”"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Justera till vid öppning av fil"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Visa gömda filer och kataloger"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Visa kataloger"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "Visa senaste filer"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Öppna alltid på första sidan"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Färgmarkera sökresultat"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Aktivera inkrementell sökning"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Rensa sökresultat vid avbrott"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Använd basnman för filen i fönstertiteln"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr "Använd ~ istället för $HOME i filnamnet i fönstertiteln"
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Visa sidnummer i fönstertiteln"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "Använd den första sidan från ett dokument som fönsterikon"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Använd basnamnet för filen in statusraden"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr "Använd ~ istället för $HOME i filnamnet i statsraden"
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Aktivera synctex-stöd"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Synctex-redigerarkommando"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Synctex-redigerarkommando"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Aktivera D-Bus-tjänst"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "Spara historik vid varje sidbyte"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "Urklipp till vilket musmarkerad data kommer att skrivas"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Aktivera avisering efter att ha markerat text"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "Sandlådenivå"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Lägg till ett bokmärke"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Ta bort ett bokmärke"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Lista alla bokmärken"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Stäng aktuell fil"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Visa filinformation"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Exekvera ett kommando"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Visa hjälp"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Öppna dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Stäng zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Skriv ut dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Spara dokument"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Spara dokument (och tvinga överskrivning)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Spara bilagor"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Sätt sidposition"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Markera aktuell position inom dokumentet"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Ta bort angivna märken"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Färgmarkera inte sökresultat"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Färgmarkera aktuella sökresultat"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Visa versionsinformation"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -685,76 +720,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Läser in…"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Kopiera bild"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Spara bild som"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "Skriver ut sida %d …"
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Utskrift misslyckades: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "Ogiltigt justeringsläge: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Mönster hittades inte: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Detta dokument innehåller inget index"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Namnlös]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr "Kunde inte läsa fil från stdin och skriva den till en temporärfil."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr "Kunde inte läsa fil från GIO och kopiera den till en temporärfil."
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "Ange lösenord:"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Filtyp stöds ej. Installera det nödvändiga insticket."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Dokument innehåller inga sidor"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Misslyckades med att spara dokument."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Dokument sparat."

View file

@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: mankand007 <>, 2012\n"
"Language-Team: Tamil (India) ("
"Language-Team: Tamil (India) ("
"Language: ta_IN\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -58,78 +58,78 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "கொடுக்கப்பட்ட உள்ளீடு(input) '%s' தவறு"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "கொடுக்கப்பட்ட index '%s' தவறு"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "எந்தக் ஆவணமும் திறக்கப்படவில்லை"
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "கொடுக்கப்பட்ட arguments-களின் எண்ணிக்கை தவறு"
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Bookmark-ஐ உருவாக்க முடியவில்லை: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Bookmark-ஐ உருவாக்க முடியவில்லை: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Bookmark வெற்றிகரமாக நிகழ்நிலை(update) படுத்தப்பட்டது: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Bookmark வெற்றிகரமாக உருவாக்கப்பட்டது: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Bookmark அழிக்கப்பட்டது: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Bookmark-ஐ அழிக்க இயலவில்லை: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "அந்தப் பெயரில் எந்த bookmark-ம் இல்லை: %s"
@ -174,31 +174,31 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Other"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "எந்தத் தகவலும் இல்லை"
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Argumentகளின் எண்ணிக்கை மிகவும் அதிகம்"
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "எந்த argument-ம் தரப்படவில்லை"
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "கொடுக்கப்பட்ட argument-களின் எண்ணிக்கை தவறு"
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -232,356 +232,388 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Argument ஒரு எண்ணாக இருக்க வேண்டும்"
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "இணைப்புகளைச் சேமிக்கவும்"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr ""
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Zoom அமைப்பு"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "இரு பக்கங்களுக்கிடையில் உள்ள நிரப்பல்(padding)"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "ஒரு வரிசையில் எத்தனை பக்கங்களைக் காட்ட வேண்டும்"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "திரை உருளல்(scroll) அளவு"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "முடிந்தவரை சிறியதாகக் காட்டு"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "முடிந்தவரை பெரிதாகக் காட்டு"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "புதிய bookmark உருவாக்கு"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Bookmark-ஐ அழித்துவிடு"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "அனைத்து bookmark-களையும் பட்டியலிடு"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "ஆவணம் பற்றிய தகவல்களைக் காட்டு"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr ""
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "உதவியைக் காட்டு"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "ஒரு ஆவணத்தைத் திற"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "zathura-வை விட்டு வெளியேறு"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "ஆவணத்தை அச்சிடு"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "ஆவணத்தை சேமிக்கவும்"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "இணைப்புகளைச் சேமிக்கவும்"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -681,76 +713,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "படத்தை ஒரு பிரதியெடு"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr ""
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "இந்த ஆவணத்தில் எந்த index-ம் இல்லை"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "பெயரற்ற ஆவணம்"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "ஆவணத்தை சேமிக்க இயலவில்லை"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "கோப்பு சேமிக்கப்பட்டது"

View file

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: spero, 2019\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish (\n"
"Language-Team: Turkish (\n"
"Language: tr\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
@ -69,78 +69,78 @@ msgstr "Otomatik belge yeniden yükleme."
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;dosya;sunum;görüntüleyici"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "'%s' 0 olamaz. 1'e ayarlandı."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Hatalı girdi '%s'"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Hatalı dizin '%s'"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "%s metni %s olarak kopyalandı."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "%s seçili görüntü kopyalandı."
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Açık belge yok."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Yanlış sayıda argüman"
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Yer imi yaratılamadı: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Yer imi yaratılamadı: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Yer imi başarıyla güncellendi: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Yer imi yaratıldı: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Yer imi silindi: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Yer imi silinemedi: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "Yer imleri bulunamadı."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Böyle bir yer imi yok: %s"
@ -185,31 +185,31 @@ msgstr "Biçim"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Diğer"
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Bilgi mevcut değil."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Çok fazla sayıda argüman."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Argüman verilmedi."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Katı sanal-ortam kipinde yazdırma kullanılamaz"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Yanlış sayıda argüman."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -243,356 +243,391 @@ msgstr "Tanınmayan resim dosyası '%s'"
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Tanınmayan eklenti veya resim dosyası '%s'"
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Katı sanal-ortam kipinde yürütme yapılamaz"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Argüman bir sayı olmalı."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Sayfa %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Ekleri kaydet"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Resimler"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Veritabanı arkayüzü"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "Dosya gözlemi arka-ucu"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Yakınlaşma/uzaklaşma aralığı"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Sayfalar arasındaki boşluk"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Satır başına sayfa sayısı"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "İlk sayfanın sütunu"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "Sayfaları sağdan sola işleyin"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Kaydırma aralığı"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Yatay kaydırma adımı"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Tam ekran kaydırma kaplaması"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "En fazla uzaklaşma"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "En fazla yakınlaşma"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Önbellekte tutulacak maksimum sayfa sayısı"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Önbellekte tutulacak küçük resimlerin piksel cinsinden maksimum boyutu"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Atlama listesinde hatırlanacak pozisyon sayısı"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Renk değişimi (koyu renk)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Renk değişimi (açık renk)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "İşaretleme rengi"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr "Vurgu için önplan rengi"
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "İşaretleme rengi (etkin)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "'Yükleniyor...' arka plan rengi"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "Ön plan rengi yükleniyor."
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "İndex kipi önplan rengi"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "İndex kipi arkaplan rengi"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "İndex kipi önplan rengi (etkin öge)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "İndex kipi arkaplan rengi (etkin öge)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "İşaretleme rengi (etkin)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "İşaretleme rengi (etkin)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Sayga rengini değiştir"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr "Yeniden renklendirirken renk değerini tut ve sadece parlaklığı ayarla"
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "Yeniden renklendirme yaparken orijinal görüntü renklerini koru"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Kaydırmayı sarmala"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Sayfaya duyarlı kaydırma"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Satır başına sayfa sayısı"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Yatay olarak ortalanmış büyütme"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "Sayfaları dikey olarak ortala"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Bağlantı hedefini sola hizala"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Linkleri takip ederken yakınlaştırma değişebilsin."
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Sonucu yatay olarak ortala"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Ön plana çıkarmak için saydamlaştır"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "'Yüklüyor ...' yazısını göster"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Dosya açarken ayarla"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Gizli dosyaları ve dizinleri göster"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Dizinleri göster"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "Son dosyaları göster"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Her zaman ilk sayfayı aç"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Arama sonuçlarını vurgula"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Artımlı aramayı etkinleştir"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Kapatınca arama sonuçlarını temizle"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Pencere başlığı olarak dosyanın adını kullan"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr "Pencere başlığında dosya adı olarak $HOME yerine ~ kullan "
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Sayfa numarasını pencere başlığında göster"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "Pencere ikonu olarak belgenin ilk sayfasını kullan"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Durum çubuğunda dosyanın asıl adını kullan"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr "Durum çubuğunda dosya adı olarak $HOME yerine ~ kullan "
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Synctex desteğini etkinleştir"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Synctex düzenleyici komutu"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Synctex düzenleyici komutu"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "D-Bus servisini etkinleştir"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr "Belirli D-Bus komutlarında pencereyi kaldır"
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "Her sayfa değişiminde geçmişi kaydet"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "Fareyle seçilen verilerin yazılacağı pano"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Metni seçtikten sonra bildirimi etkinleştir"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "Sanal-ortam seviyesi"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Yer imi ekle"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Yer imi sil"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Yer imlerini listele"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Geçerli dosyayı kapat"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Dosya bilgisi göster"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Bir komut çalıştır"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Yardım bilgisi göster"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Belge aç"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Zathura'yı kapat"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Belge yazdır"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Belgeyi kaydet"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Belgeyi kaydet (ve sormadan üzerine yaz)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Ekleri kaydet"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Sayfa derinliğini ayarla"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Bu belgede bu konumu işaretle"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Seçilen işaretlemeleri sil"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Şuanki arama sonuçlarını vurgulama"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Şuanki arama sonuçlarını vurgula"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Versiyon bilgisi göster"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr "Kaynak yapılandırma dosyası"
@ -692,76 +727,105 @@ msgstr "Gidilecek yer imi"
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr "Verilen kalıbı araştır ve sonuçları görüntüle"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Yüklüyor ..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Resim kopyala"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Resmi farklı kaydet"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "Yazdırılan sayfa %d..."
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Yazdırma başarısız oldu: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "Geçersiz ayar modu: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Şekil bulunamadı: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Bu belge fihrist içermiyor"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[İsimsiz]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr "stdin'den dosya okunamadı ve geçici dosyaya yazılamadı."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr "GIO'dan dosya okunamadı ve geçici dosyaya yazılamadı."
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "Şifre girin:"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Desteklenmeyen dosya türü. Lütfen gerekli eklentileri yükleyin."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Dosya herhangi bir sayfa içermiyor"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr "Dosya zaten mevcut:%s. Üzerine yazmak için :write! komutunu kullanın."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Belge kaydedilemedi."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Belge kaydedildi."

View file

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: zathura\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-27 16:22+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-12-08 18:06+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-26 16:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: sevenfourk <>, 2012\n"
"Language-Team: Ukrainian (Ukraine) ("
"Language-Team: Ukrainian (Ukraine) ("
"Language: uk_UA\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
@ -68,78 +68,78 @@ msgstr "Автоматичне перезавантаження документ
msgid "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;document;presentation;viewer;"
msgstr "PDF;PS;PostScript;DjVU;документ;презентація;переглядач;"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:310
#: zathura/callbacks.c:319
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' must not be 0. Set to 1."
msgstr "'%s' не має дорівнювати 0. Встановити значення 1."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:396
#: zathura/callbacks.c:405
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid input '%s' given."
msgstr "Введено неправильні дані '%s'."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:444
#: zathura/callbacks.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid index '%s' given."
msgstr "Вказано невірний покажчик %s."
#: zathura/callbacks.c:692
#: zathura/callbacks.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected text to selection %s: %s"
msgstr "Скопійовано вибраний текст у вибірку %s: %s"
#: zathura/callbacks.c:724
#: zathura/callbacks.c:726
#, c-format
msgid "Copied selected image to selection %s"
msgstr "Скопійовано вибране зображення у вибірку %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:77 zathura/commands.c:104
#: zathura/commands.c:166 zathura/commands.c:282 zathura/commands.c:317
#: zathura/commands.c:344 zathura/commands.c:446 zathura/commands.c:582
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:463 zathura/shortcuts.c:1283 zathura/shortcuts.c:1318
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1345
#: zathura/commands.c:37 zathura/commands.c:78 zathura/commands.c:105
#: zathura/commands.c:167 zathura/commands.c:280 zathura/commands.c:315
#: zathura/commands.c:342 zathura/commands.c:445 zathura/commands.c:588
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:448 zathura/shortcuts.c:1268 zathura/shortcuts.c:1303
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1330
msgid "No document opened."
msgstr "Жодного документа не відкрито."
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:83 zathura/commands.c:451
#: zathura/commands.c:43 zathura/commands.c:84 zathura/commands.c:450
msgid "Invalid number of arguments given."
msgstr "Неправильна кількість наведених аргументів."
#: zathura/commands.c:54
#: zathura/commands.c:55
#, c-format
msgid "Could not update bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Не вдалося оновити закладку: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:56
#: zathura/commands.c:57
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Не вдалося створити закладку: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:61
#: zathura/commands.c:62
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully updated: %s"
msgstr "Закладка успішно оновлена: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:63
#: zathura/commands.c:64
#, c-format
msgid "Bookmark successfully created: %s"
msgstr "Закладка успішно створена: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:89
#: zathura/commands.c:90
#, c-format
msgid "Removed bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Закладку вилучено: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:91
#: zathura/commands.c:92
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Не вдалося вилучити закладку: %s"
#: zathura/commands.c:120
#: zathura/commands.c:121
msgid "No bookmarks available."
msgstr "Закладки не доступні."
#: zathura/commands.c:130
#: zathura/commands.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "No such bookmark: %s"
msgstr "Такої закладки немає: %s"
@ -184,31 +184,31 @@ msgstr "Формат"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Інше"
#: zathura/commands.c:190 zathura/commands.c:210
#: zathura/commands.c:189 zathura/commands.c:210
msgid "No information available."
msgstr "Інформація відсутня."
#: zathura/commands.c:248 zathura/commands.c:635
#: zathura/commands.c:246 zathura/commands.c:641
msgid "Too many arguments."
msgstr "Занадто багато аргументів."
#: zathura/commands.c:259
#: zathura/commands.c:257
msgid "No arguments given."
msgstr "Жодного аргументу не наведено."
#: zathura/commands.c:287
#: zathura/commands.c:285
msgid "Printing is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Друк заборонено в режимі суворої пісочниці"
#: zathura/commands.c:312 zathura/commands.c:339
#: zathura/commands.c:310 zathura/commands.c:337
msgid "Saving is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/commands.c:324 zathura/commands.c:351
#: zathura/commands.c:322 zathura/commands.c:349
msgid "Invalid number of arguments."
msgstr "Неправильна кількість аргументів."
#: zathura/commands.c:441
#: zathura/commands.c:440
msgid "Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr ""
@ -242,358 +242,393 @@ msgstr "Невідоме зображення '%s'."
msgid "Unknown attachment or image '%s'."
msgstr "Невідоме вкладення або зображення \"%s\"."
#: zathura/commands.c:548
#: zathura/commands.c:545
msgid "Exec is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"
msgstr "Запуск у суворому режимі пісочниці заборонено"
#: zathura/commands.c:595
#: zathura/commands.c:601
msgid "Argument must be a number."
msgstr "Аргумент повинен бути числом."
#: zathura/completion.c:287
#: zathura/completion.c:286
#, c-format
msgid "Page %d"
msgstr "Сторінка %d"
#: zathura/completion.c:330
#: zathura/completion.c:327
msgid "Attachments"
msgstr "Вкладення"
#. add images
#: zathura/completion.c:361
#: zathura/completion.c:359
msgid "Images"
msgstr "Зображення"
#. zathura settings
#: zathura/config.c:185
#: zathura/config.c:247
msgid "Database backend"
msgstr "Бекенд бази даних"
#: zathura/config.c:186
#: zathura/config.c:248
msgid "File monitor backend"
msgstr "Бекенд файлового монітора"
#: zathura/config.c:188
#: zathura/config.c:250
msgid "Zoom step"
msgstr "Крок масштабування"
#: zathura/config.c:190
#: zathura/config.c:252
msgid "Padding between pages"
msgstr "Заповнення між сторінками"
#: zathura/config.c:192
#: zathura/config.c:254
msgid "Number of pages per row"
msgstr "Кількість сторінок у рядку"
#: zathura/config.c:194
#: zathura/config.c:256
msgid "Column of the first page"
msgstr "Колонка першої сторінки"
#: zathura/config.c:196
#: zathura/config.c:258
msgid "Render pages from right to left"
msgstr "Відображати сторінки справа наліво"
#: zathura/config.c:198
#: zathura/config.c:260
msgid "Scroll step"
msgstr "Крок прокрутки"
#: zathura/config.c:200
#: zathura/config.c:262
msgid "Horizontal scroll step"
msgstr "Крок горизонтальної прокрутки"
#: zathura/config.c:202
#: zathura/config.c:264
msgid "Full page scroll overlap"
msgstr "Перекривання сторінки при прокрутці"
#: zathura/config.c:204
#: zathura/config.c:266
msgid "Zoom minimum"
msgstr "Мінімальний масштаб"
#: zathura/config.c:206
#: zathura/config.c:268
msgid "Zoom maximum"
msgstr "Максимальний масштаб"
#: zathura/config.c:208
#: zathura/config.c:270
msgid "Maximum number of pages to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Максимальна кількість сторінок, що зберігаються в кеші"
#: zathura/config.c:210
#: zathura/config.c:272
msgid "Maximum size in pixels of thumbnails to keep in the cache"
msgstr "Максимальний розмір у пікселях ескізів, що зберігаються в кеші"
#: zathura/config.c:212
#: zathura/config.c:274
msgid "Number of positions to remember in the jumplist"
msgstr "Довжина історії переходів"
#: zathura/config.c:214
#: zathura/config.c:276
msgid "Recoloring (dark color)"
msgstr "Перефарбування (темний колір)"
#: zathura/config.c:215
#: zathura/config.c:277
msgid "Recoloring (light color)"
msgstr "Перефарбування (світлий колір)"
#: zathura/config.c:216
#: zathura/config.c:278
msgid "Color for highlighting"
msgstr "Колір для виділення"
#: zathura/config.c:218
#: zathura/config.c:280
msgid "Foreground color for highlighting"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:220
#: zathura/config.c:282
msgid "Color for highlighting (active)"
msgstr "Колір для виділення (активний)"
#: zathura/config.c:222
#: zathura/config.c:284
msgid "'Loading ...' background color"
msgstr "'Завантаження ...' колір тла"
#: zathura/config.c:224
#: zathura/config.c:286
msgid "'Loading ...' foreground color"
msgstr "'Завантаження ...' колір переднього плану"
#: zathura/config.c:227
#: zathura/config.c:289
msgid "Index mode foreground color"
msgstr "Колір переднього плану в режимі покажчика"
#: zathura/config.c:228
#: zathura/config.c:290
msgid "Index mode background color"
msgstr "Колір тла у режимі покажчика"
#: zathura/config.c:229
#: zathura/config.c:291
msgid "Index mode foreground color (active element)"
msgstr "Колір переднього плану в режимі покажчика (активний елемент)"
#: zathura/config.c:230
#: zathura/config.c:292
msgid "Index mode background color (active element)"
msgstr "Колір тла у режимі покажчика (активний елемент)"
#: zathura/config.c:233
#: zathura/config.c:294
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight valid signatures"
msgstr "Колір для виділення (активний)"
#: zathura/config.c:297
msgid "Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:300
#, fuzzy
msgid "Color used to highlight invalid signatures"
msgstr "Колір для виділення (активний)"
#: zathura/config.c:304
msgid "Recolor pages"
msgstr "Перефарбувати сторінки"
#: zathura/config.c:235
#: zathura/config.c:306
msgid "When recoloring keep original hue and adjust lightness only"
msgstr ""
"Під час перефарбовування зберігати початковий відтінок і регулювати лише "
#: zathura/config.c:237
#: zathura/config.c:308
msgid "When recoloring keep original image colors"
msgstr "Під час перефарбовування зберігати початкові кольори зображення"
#: zathura/config.c:239
#: zathura/config.c:310
msgid "Wrap scrolling"
msgstr "Плавна прокрутка"
#: zathura/config.c:241
#: zathura/config.c:312
msgid "Page aware scrolling"
msgstr "Прокрутка по сторінкам"
#: zathura/config.c:243
#: zathura/config.c:314
msgid "Advance number of pages per row"
msgstr "Збільшити кількість сторінок на рядок"
#: zathura/config.c:245
#: zathura/config.c:316
msgid "Horizontally centered zoom"
msgstr "Горизонтально вирівняний масштаб"
#: zathura/config.c:247
#: zathura/config.c:318
msgid "Vertically center pages"
msgstr "Вертикально вирівнювати сторінки"
#: zathura/config.c:249
#: zathura/config.c:320
msgid "Align link target to the left"
msgstr "Вирівнювати ціль посилання ліворуч"
#: zathura/config.c:251
#: zathura/config.c:322
msgid "Let zoom be changed when following links"
msgstr "Нехай масштабується при переході за посиланнями"
#: zathura/config.c:253
#: zathura/config.c:324
msgid "Center result horizontally"
msgstr "Вирівнювати результат по горизонталі"
#: zathura/config.c:255
#: zathura/config.c:326
msgid "Transparency for highlighting"
msgstr "Прозорість для виділення"
#: zathura/config.c:257
#: zathura/config.c:328
msgid "Render 'Loading ...'"
msgstr "Візуалізація 'Завантаження ...'"
#: zathura/config.c:258
#: zathura/config.c:330
msgid "Smooth over flicker when reloading file"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:331
msgid "Adjust to when opening file"
msgstr "Підлаштовуватись при відкритті файлу"
#: zathura/config.c:260
#: zathura/config.c:333
msgid "Show hidden files and directories"
msgstr "Показати приховані файли та каталоги"
#: zathura/config.c:262
#: zathura/config.c:335
msgid "Show directories"
msgstr "Показати каталоги"
#: zathura/config.c:264
#: zathura/config.c:337
msgid "Show recent files"
msgstr "Показати нещодавні файли"
#: zathura/config.c:266
#: zathura/config.c:339
msgid "Always open on first page"
msgstr "Завжди відкривати на першій сторінці"
#: zathura/config.c:268
#: zathura/config.c:341
msgid "Highlight search results"
msgstr "Виділяти результати пошуку"
#: zathura/config.c:271
#: zathura/config.c:343
msgid "Double click to follow links"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:346
msgid "Enable incremental search"
msgstr "Увімкнути поступовий пошук"
#: zathura/config.c:273
#: zathura/config.c:348
msgid "Clear search results on abort"
msgstr "Очистити результати пошуку при скасуванні"
#: zathura/config.c:275
#: zathura/config.c:350
msgid "Use basename of the file in the window title"
msgstr "Використовувати базове ім'я файлу у заголовку вікна"
#: zathura/config.c:277
#: zathura/config.c:352
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the window title"
msgstr "Використовати ~ замість $HOME у назві файла у заголовку вікна"
#: zathura/config.c:279
#: zathura/config.c:354
msgid "Display the page number in the window title"
msgstr "Відображати номер сторінки у назві вікна"
#: zathura/config.c:281
#: zathura/config.c:356
msgid "Use first page of a document as window icon"
msgstr "Використовувати першу сторінку документа як піктограму вікна"
#: zathura/config.c:283
#: zathura/config.c:358
msgid "Use basename of the file in the statusbar"
msgstr "Використовувати базове ім'я файлу на панелі стану"
#: zathura/config.c:285
#: zathura/config.c:360
msgid "Use ~ instead of $HOME in the filename in the statusbar"
msgstr "Використовувати ~ замість $HOME у назві файлу на панелі стану"
#: zathura/config.c:287
#: zathura/config.c:362
msgid "Display (current page / total pages) as a percent in the statusbar"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:289
#: zathura/config.c:364
msgid "Enable synctex support"
msgstr "Увімкнути підтримку Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:290
#: zathura/config.c:365
msgid "Synctex editor command"
msgstr "Команда редактора Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:292
#: zathura/config.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Synctex edit modifier"
msgstr "Команда редактора Synctex"
#: zathura/config.c:367
msgid "Highlighter modifier"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:369
msgid "Enable D-Bus service"
msgstr "Увімкнути службу D-Bus"
#: zathura/config.c:293
#: zathura/config.c:370
msgid "Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/config.c:295
#: zathura/config.c:372
msgid "Save history at each page change"
msgstr "Зберігати історію при кожній зміні сторінки"
#: zathura/config.c:296
#: zathura/config.c:373
msgid "The clipboard into which mouse-selected data will be written"
msgstr "Буфер обміну, в який будуть записані дані, вибрані мишею"
#: zathura/config.c:298
#: zathura/config.c:375
msgid "Enable notification after selecting text"
msgstr "Увімкніть сповіщення після вибору тексту"
#: zathura/config.c:301
#: zathura/config.c:378
msgid "Sandbox level"
msgstr "Рівень пісочниці"
#: zathura/config.c:381
msgid "Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."
msgstr ""
#. define default inputbar commands
#: zathura/config.c:494
#: zathura/config.c:579
msgid "Add a bookmark"
msgstr "Додати закладку"
#: zathura/config.c:495
#: zathura/config.c:580
msgid "Delete a bookmark"
msgstr "Вилучити закладку"
#: zathura/config.c:496
#: zathura/config.c:581
msgid "List all bookmarks"
msgstr "Список усіх закладок"
#: zathura/config.c:497
#: zathura/config.c:582
msgid "Close current file"
msgstr "Закрити поточний файл"
#: zathura/config.c:498
#: zathura/config.c:583
msgid "Show file information"
msgstr "Показати інформацію про файл"
#: zathura/config.c:499 zathura/config.c:500
#: zathura/config.c:584 zathura/config.c:585
msgid "Execute a command"
msgstr "Виконати команду"
#. like vim
#: zathura/config.c:501
#: zathura/config.c:586
msgid "Show help"
msgstr "Покажіть довідку"
#: zathura/config.c:502
#: zathura/config.c:587
msgid "Open document"
msgstr "Відкрити документ"
#: zathura/config.c:503
#: zathura/config.c:588
msgid "Close zathura"
msgstr "Закрити zathura"
#: zathura/config.c:504
#: zathura/config.c:589
msgid "Print document"
msgstr "Надрукувати документ"
#: zathura/config.c:505 zathura/config.c:507
#: zathura/config.c:590 zathura/config.c:592
msgid "Save document"
msgstr "Зберегти документ"
#: zathura/config.c:506 zathura/config.c:508
#: zathura/config.c:591 zathura/config.c:593
msgid "Save document (and force overwriting)"
msgstr "Зберегти документ (і примусово перезаписати)"
#: zathura/config.c:509
#: zathura/config.c:594
msgid "Save attachments"
msgstr "Зберегти вкладення"
#: zathura/config.c:510
#: zathura/config.c:595
msgid "Set page offset"
msgstr "Встановити зміщення сторінки"
#: zathura/config.c:511
#: zathura/config.c:596
msgid "Mark current location within the document"
msgstr "Позначити поточне розташування в документі"
#: zathura/config.c:512
#: zathura/config.c:597
msgid "Delete the specified marks"
msgstr "Вилучити зазначені позначки"
#: zathura/config.c:513
#: zathura/config.c:598
msgid "Don't highlight current search results"
msgstr "Не виділяти поточні результати пошуку"
#: zathura/config.c:514
#: zathura/config.c:599
msgid "Highlight current search results"
msgstr "Виділити поточні результати пошуку"
#: zathura/config.c:515
#: zathura/config.c:600
msgid "Show version information"
msgstr "Показати інформацію про версію"
#: zathura/config.c:516
#: zathura/config.c:601
msgid "Source config file"
msgstr ""
@ -693,76 +728,105 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search for the given phrase and display results"
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:662
#: zathura/page-widget.c:688
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Signature is valid.\n"
"This document is signed by\n"
" %s\n"
"on %s."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:696
msgid "Signature certificate is expired."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:700
msgid "Signature certificate is revoked."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:704
msgid "Signature certificate is not trusted."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:708
msgid "Signature certificate is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:712
msgid "Signature is invalid."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/page-widget.c:808
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Завантаження..."
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1159
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1359
msgid "Copy image"
msgstr "Скопіювати зображення"
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1160
#: zathura/page-widget.c:1360
msgid "Save image as"
msgstr "Зберегти зображення як"
#. Update statusbar.
#: zathura/print.c:110
#: zathura/print.c:106
#, c-format
msgid "Printing page %d ..."
msgstr "Друк сторінки %d..."
#: zathura/print.c:192
#: zathura/print.c:188
#, c-format
msgid "Printing failed: %s"
msgstr "Не вдалося надрукувати: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:105
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:130
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid adjust mode: %d"
msgstr "Недійсний режим коригування: %d"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1025
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1010
#, c-format
msgid "Pattern not found: %s"
msgstr "Шаблон не знайдено: %s"
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1185
#: zathura/shortcuts.c:1170
msgid "This document does not contain any index"
msgstr "Цей документ не містить покажчика"
#: zathura/zathura.c:307 zathura/zathura.c:1504
#: zathura/zathura.c:317 zathura/zathura.c:1630
msgid "[No name]"
msgstr "[Без імені]"
#: zathura/zathura.c:841
#: zathura/zathura.c:851
msgid "Could not read file from stdin and write it to a temporary file."
msgstr "Не вдалося прочитати файл із stdin та записати його у тимчасовий файл."
#: zathura/zathura.c:861
#: zathura/zathura.c:871
msgid "Could not read file from GIO and copy it to a temporary file."
msgstr "Не вдалося прочитати файл із GIO та скопіювати його у тимчасовий файл."
#: zathura/zathura.c:965
#: zathura/zathura.c:975
msgid "Enter password:"
msgstr "Введіть пароль:"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1004
#: zathura/zathura.c:1062
msgid "Unsupported file type. Please install the necessary plugin."
msgstr "Непідтримуваний тип файлу. Установіть необхідне розширення."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1014
#: zathura/zathura.c:1072
msgid "Document does not contain any pages"
msgstr "Документ не містить жодної сторінки"
#: zathura/zathura.c:1375
#: zathura/zathura.c:1446
#, c-format
msgid "File already exists: %s. Use :write! to overwrite it."
msgstr ""
#: zathura/zathura.c:1384
#: zathura/zathura.c:1455
msgid "Failed to save document."
msgstr "Не вдалося зберегти документ."
#: zathura/zathura.c:1388
#: zathura/zathura.c:1459
msgid "Document saved."
msgstr "Документ збережено."

View file

@ -16,26 +16,15 @@ if check.found()
timeout: 60*60
session = executable('test_session', ['test_session.c', 'tests.c'],
types = executable('test_types', ['test_types.c', 'tests.c'],
dependencies: build_dependencies + test_dependencies,
include_directories: include_directories,
c_args: defines + flags
test('session', session,
test('types', types,
timeout: 60*60
if seccomp.found()
sandbox = executable('test_sandbox', ['test_sandbox.c', 'tests.c'],
dependencies: build_dependencies + test_dependencies,
include_directories: include_directories,
c_args: defines + flags
test('sandbox', sandbox,
timeout: 60*60
utils = executable('test_utils', ['test_utils.c', 'tests.c'],
dependencies: build_dependencies + test_dependencies,
include_directories: include_directories,
@ -45,12 +34,28 @@ if check.found()
timeout: 60*60
types = executable('test_types', ['test_types.c', 'tests.c'],
dependencies: build_dependencies + test_dependencies,
include_directories: include_directories,
c_args: defines + flags
test('types', types,
timeout: 60*60
xvfb = find_program('xvfb-run', required: get_option('tests'))
if xvfb.found()
session = executable('test_session', ['test_session.c', 'tests.c'],
dependencies: build_dependencies + test_dependencies,
include_directories: include_directories,
c_args: defines + flags
test('session', xvfb,
args: ['-a', '-s', '-screen 0 1400x900x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset', session],
timeout: 60*60
if seccomp.found()
sandbox = executable('test_sandbox', ['test_sandbox.c', 'tests.c'],
dependencies: build_dependencies + test_dependencies,
include_directories: include_directories,
c_args: defines + flags
test('sandbox', xvfb,
args: ['-a', '-s', '-screen 0 1400x900x24 -ac +extension GLX +render -noreset', sandbox],
timeout: 60*60

View file

@ -2,32 +2,48 @@
#include <check.h>
#include "zathura.h"
#include "tests.h"
#include "zathura.h"
START_TEST(test_create) {
zathura_t* zathura = zathura_create();
zathura_t* zathura = zathura_create();
zathura->global.sandbox = ZATHURA_SANDBOX_STRICT;
static Suite* suite_sandbox(void)
static void
GdkDisplay* display = gdk_display_get_default();
ck_assert_msg(!GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY(display), "Running under X11.");
static Suite*
TCase* tcase = NULL;
Suite* suite = suite_create("Sandbox");
/* basic */
tcase = tcase_create("basic");
tcase_add_checked_fixture(tcase, setup, NULL);
tcase_add_checked_fixture(tcase, sandbox_setup, NULL);
tcase_add_test(tcase, test_create);
suite_add_tcase(suite, tcase);
return suite;
int main()
return run_suite(suite_sandbox());

View file

@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ page_calc_height_width(zathura_document_t* document, double height,
double scale = zathura_document_get_scale(document);
// TODO this just set all pages to the maximum.
// needs to adjust cell size based on the page size itself.
if (rotate == true && zathura_document_get_rotation(document) % 180 != 0) {
*page_width = round(height * scale);
*page_height = round(width * scale);

View file

@ -204,6 +204,15 @@ cb_refresh_view(GtkWidget* GIRARA_UNUSED(view), gpointer data)
if (zathura->pages != NULL && zathura->pages[page_id] != NULL) {
ZathuraPage* page_widget = ZATHURA_PAGE(zathura->pages[page_id]);
if (page_widget != NULL) {
if (zathura_page_widget_have_surface(page_widget)) {
GtkAdjustment* vadj = gtk_scrolled_window_get_vadjustment(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(zathura->ui.session->gtk.view));
GtkAdjustment* hadj = gtk_scrolled_window_get_hadjustment(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(zathura->ui.session->gtk.view));
@ -399,49 +408,42 @@ handle_link(GtkEntry* entry, girara_session_t* session,
index = index - 1;
/* set pages to draw links */
bool invalid_index = true;
/* find the link*/
zathura_link_t* link = NULL;
unsigned int number_of_pages = zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document);
for (unsigned int page_id = 0; page_id < number_of_pages; page_id++) {
zathura_page_t* page = zathura_document_get_page(zathura->document, page_id);
if (page == NULL || zathura_page_get_visibility(page) == false) {
if (page == NULL || zathura_page_get_visibility(page) == false || eval == false) {
GtkWidget* page_widget = zathura_page_get_widget(zathura, page);
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(page_widget), "draw-links", FALSE, NULL);
if (eval == FALSE) {
/* nothing to evaluate */
zathura_link_t* link = zathura_page_widget_link_get(ZATHURA_PAGE(page_widget), index);
link = zathura_page_widget_link_get(ZATHURA_PAGE(page_widget), index);
if (link != NULL) {
invalid_index = false;
switch (action) {
zathura_link_evaluate(zathura, link);
zathura_link_display(zathura, link);
GdkAtom* selection = get_selection(zathura);
if (selection == NULL) {
zathura_link_copy(zathura, link, selection);
if (eval == TRUE && invalid_index == true) {
if (eval == TRUE && link == NULL) {
girara_notify(session, GIRARA_WARNING, _("Invalid index '%s' given."), input);
} else {
switch (action) {
zathura_link_evaluate(zathura, link);
zathura_link_display(zathura, link);
GdkAtom* selection = get_selection(zathura);
if (selection == NULL) {
zathura_link_copy(zathura, link, selection);
@ -747,41 +749,41 @@ cb_page_widget_link(ZathuraPage* page, void* data)
cb_page_widget_scaled_button_release(ZathuraPage* page_widget, GdkEventButton* event,
void* data)
void* data)
zathura_t* zathura = data;
zathura_page_t* page = zathura_page_widget_get_page(page_widget);
if (event->button != GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY) {
/* set page number (but don't scroll there. it was clicked on, so it's visible) */
if (event->button == GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY) {
zathura_document_set_current_page_number(zathura->document, zathura_page_get_index(page));
zathura_document_set_current_page_number(zathura->document, zathura_page_get_index(page));
if (event->button != GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY || !(event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK)) {
if (event->state & zathura->global.synctex_edit_modmask) {
bool synctex = false;
girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "synctex", &synctex);
if (synctex == false) {
bool synctex = false;
girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "synctex", &synctex);
if (synctex == false) {
if (zathura->dbus != NULL) {
zathura_dbus_edit(zathura->dbus, zathura_page_get_index(page), event->x, event->y);
if (zathura->dbus != NULL) {
zathura_dbus_edit(zathura->dbus, zathura_page_get_index(page), event->x, event->y);
char* editor = NULL;
girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "synctex-editor-command", &editor);
if (editor == NULL || *editor == '\0') {
girara_debug("No SyncTeX editor specified.");
char* editor = NULL;
girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "synctex-editor-command", &editor);
if (editor == NULL || *editor == '\0') {
girara_debug("No SyncTeX editor specified.");
synctex_edit(editor, page, event->x, event->y);
synctex_edit(editor, page, event->x, event->y);
@ -799,3 +801,50 @@ cb_window_update_icon(ZathuraRenderRequest* GIRARA_UNUSED(request), cairo_surfac
gtk_window_set_icon(GTK_WINDOW(zathura->ui.session->gtk.window), pixbuf);
cb_gesture_zoom_begin(GtkGesture* UNUSED(self), GdkEventSequence* UNUSED(sequence), void* data)
zathura_t* zathura = data;
if (zathura == NULL || zathura->document == NULL) {
const double current_zoom = zathura_document_get_zoom(zathura->document);
zathura->gesture.initial_zoom = current_zoom;
cb_gesture_zoom_scale_changed(GtkGestureZoom* UNUSED(self), gdouble scale, void* data)
zathura_t* zathura = data;
if (zathura == NULL || zathura->document == NULL) {
const double next_zoom = zathura->gesture.initial_zoom * scale;
const double corrected_zoom = zathura_correct_zoom_value(zathura->ui.session, next_zoom);
zathura_document_set_zoom(zathura->document, corrected_zoom);
void cb_hide_links(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data) {
g_return_if_fail(widget != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(data != NULL);
/* disconnect from signal */
gulong handler_id = GPOINTER_TO_UINT(g_object_steal_data(G_OBJECT(widget), "handler_id"));
g_signal_handler_disconnect(G_OBJECT(widget), handler_id);
zathura_t* zathura = data;
unsigned int number_of_pages = zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document);
for (unsigned int page_id = 0; page_id < number_of_pages; page_id++) {
zathura_page_t* page = zathura_document_get_page(zathura->document, page_id);
if (page == NULL) {
GtkWidget* page_widget = zathura_page_get_widget(zathura, page);
g_object_set(G_OBJECT(page_widget), "draw-links", FALSE, NULL);

View file

@ -281,5 +281,16 @@ void update_visible_pages(zathura_t* zathura);
void cb_window_update_icon(ZathuraRenderRequest* request, cairo_surface_t* surface, void* data);
void cb_gesture_zoom_begin(GtkGesture* self, GdkEventSequence* sequence, void* data);
void cb_gesture_zoom_scale_changed(GtkGestureZoom* self, gdouble scale, void* data);
* Clears all highlighted links when the inputbar gets closed
* @param GtkWidget* Inputbar widget
* @param data The zathura instance
void cb_hide_links(GtkWidget* widget, gpointer data);
#endif // CALLBACKS_H

View file

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "commands.h"
#include "shortcuts.h"
#include "adjustment.h"
#include "bookmarks.h"
#include "commands.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "database.h"
#include "dbus-interface.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "zathura.h"
#include "print.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "page-widget.h"
#include "page.h"
#include "plugin.h"
#include "internal.h"
#include "print.h"
#include "render.h"
#include "adjustment.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "shortcuts.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "zathura.h"
#include <girara/session.h>
#include <girara/settings.h>
#include <girara/commands.h>
#include <girara/datastructures.h>
#include <girara/session.h>
#include <girara/settings.h>
#include <girara/utils.h>
@ -44,11 +44,12 @@ cmd_bookmark_create(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
return false;
const char* bookmark_name = girara_list_nth(argument_list, 0);
zathura_bookmark_t* bookmark = zathura_bookmark_get(zathura, bookmark_name);
bool update = bookmark != NULL ? true : false;
const char* bookmark_name = girara_list_nth(argument_list, 0);
zathura_bookmark_t* bookmark = zathura_bookmark_get(zathura, bookmark_name);
bool update = bookmark != NULL ? true : false;
bookmark = zathura_bookmark_add(zathura, bookmark_name, zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document) + 1);
bookmark =
zathura_bookmark_add(zathura, bookmark_name, zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document) + 1);
if (bookmark == NULL) {
if (update == true) {
girara_notify(session, GIRARA_ERROR, _("Could not update bookmark: %s"), bookmark_name);
@ -108,10 +109,10 @@ cmd_bookmark_open(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
const unsigned int argc = girara_list_size(argument_list);
if (argc != 1) {
GString* string = g_string_new(NULL);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(zathura->bookmarks.bookmarks, zathura_bookmark_t*, bookmark,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(zathura->bookmarks.bookmarks); ++idx) {
zathura_bookmark_t* bookmark = girara_list_nth(zathura->bookmarks.bookmarks, idx);
g_string_append_printf(string, "<b>%s</b>: %u\n", bookmark->id, bookmark->page);
if (strlen(string->str) > 0) {
g_string_erase(string, strlen(string->str) - 1, 1);
@ -124,8 +125,8 @@ cmd_bookmark_open(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
return false;
const char* bookmark_name = girara_list_nth(argument_list, 0);
zathura_bookmark_t* bookmark = zathura_bookmark_get(zathura, bookmark_name);
const char* bookmark_name = girara_list_nth(argument_list, 0);
zathura_bookmark_t* bookmark = zathura_bookmark_get(zathura, bookmark_name);
if (bookmark == NULL) {
girara_notify(session, GIRARA_ERROR, _("No such bookmark: %s"), bookmark_name);
return false;
@ -168,22 +169,20 @@ cmd_info(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* UNUSED(argument_list))
struct meta_field {
const char* name;
const char* name;
zathura_document_information_type_t field;
const struct meta_field meta_fields[] = {
const struct meta_field meta_fields[] = {{_("Title"), ZATHURA_DOCUMENT_INFORMATION_TITLE},
girara_list_t* information = zathura_document_get_information(zathura->document, NULL);
if (information == NULL) {
@ -194,13 +193,14 @@ cmd_info(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* UNUSED(argument_list))
GString* string = g_string_new(NULL);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < LENGTH(meta_fields); i++) {
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(information, zathura_document_information_entry_t*, entry,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(information); ++idx) {
zathura_document_information_entry_t* entry = girara_list_nth(information, idx);
if (entry != NULL) {
if (meta_fields[i].field == entry->type) {
g_string_append_printf(string, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", meta_fields[i].name, entry->value);
if (string->len > 0) {
@ -216,8 +216,7 @@ cmd_info(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* UNUSED(argument_list))
cmd_help(girara_session_t* UNUSED(session), girara_list_t*
cmd_help(girara_session_t* UNUSED(session), girara_list_t* UNUSED(argument_list))
return true;
@ -235,7 +234,6 @@ cmd_hlsearch(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* UNUSED(argument_list))
return true;
cmd_open(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
@ -253,8 +251,8 @@ cmd_open(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
document_open_idle(zathura, girara_list_nth(argument_list, 0),
(argc == 2) ? girara_list_nth(argument_list, 1) : NULL,
(argc == 2) ? girara_list_nth(argument_list, 1) : NULL, ZATHURA_PAGE_NUMBER_UNSPECIFIED, NULL,
} else {
girara_notify(session, GIRARA_ERROR, _("No arguments given."));
return false;
@ -382,14 +380,14 @@ cmd_search(girara_session_t* session, const char* input, girara_argument_t* argu
/* search pages */
for (unsigned int page_id = 0; page_id < number_of_pages; ++page_id) {
unsigned int index = (page_id + current_page_number) % number_of_pages;
zathura_page_t* page = zathura_document_get_page(zathura->document, index);
unsigned int index = (page_id + current_page_number) % number_of_pages;
zathura_page_t* page = zathura_document_get_page(zathura->document, index);
if (page == NULL) {
GtkWidget* page_widget = zathura_page_get_widget(zathura, page);
GObject* obj_page_widget = G_OBJECT(page_widget);
GtkWidget* page_widget = zathura_page_get_widget(zathura, page);
GObject* obj_page_widget = G_OBJECT(page_widget);
g_object_set(obj_page_widget, "draw-links", FALSE, NULL);
@ -422,8 +420,8 @@ cmd_search(girara_session_t* session, const char* input, girara_argument_t* argu
return false;
arg->n = FORWARD;
arg->data = (void*) input;
arg->n = FORWARD;
arg->data = (void*)input;
sc_search(session, arg, NULL, 0);
@ -438,7 +436,8 @@ cmd_export(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
zathura_t* zathura = session->;
if (zathura->global.sandbox == ZATHURA_SANDBOX_STRICT) {
girara_notify(zathura->ui.session, GIRARA_ERROR, _("Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"));
girara_notify(zathura->ui.session, GIRARA_ERROR,
_("Exporting attachments is not permitted in strict sandbox mode"));
return false;
@ -466,7 +465,8 @@ cmd_export(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
/* attachment */
if (strncmp(file_identifier, "attachment-", strlen("attachment-")) == 0) {
if (zathura_document_attachment_save(zathura->document, file_identifier + strlen("attachment-"), export_path) == false) {
if (zathura_document_attachment_save(zathura->document, file_identifier + strlen("attachment-"), export_path) ==
false) {
girara_notify(session, GIRARA_ERROR, _("Couldn't write attachment '%s' to '%s'."), file_identifier, file_name);
} else {
girara_notify(session, GIRARA_INFO, _("Wrote attachment '%s' to '%s'."), file_identifier, export_path);
@ -474,8 +474,8 @@ cmd_export(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
/* image */
} else if (strncmp(file_identifier, "image-p", strlen("image-p")) == 0 && strlen(file_identifier) >= 10) {
/* parse page id */
const char* input = file_identifier + strlen("image-p");
int page_id = atoi(input);
const char* input = file_identifier + strlen("image-p");
int page_id = atoi(input);
if (page_id == 0) {
goto image_error;
@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ cmd_export(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
goto error_ret;
girara_notify(session, GIRARA_ERROR, _("Unknown image '%s'."), file_identifier);
goto error_ret;
@ -536,10 +536,7 @@ error_ret:
return true;
cmd_exec(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
bool cmd_exec(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list) {
g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false);
g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false);
zathura_t* zathura = session->;
@ -549,24 +546,33 @@ cmd_exec(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
return false;
const char* bus_name = zathura_dbus_get_name(zathura);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(argument_list); ++idx) {
char* value = girara_list_nth(argument_list, idx);
char* s = girara_replace_substring(value, "$DBUS", bus_name);
if (s != NULL) {
girara_list_set_nth(argument_list, idx, s);
if (zathura->document != NULL) {
const char* path = zathura_document_get_path(zathura->document);
const char* path = zathura_document_get_path(zathura->document);
unsigned int page = zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document);
char page_buf[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE];
g_ascii_dtostr(page_buf, G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE, page+1);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY_WITH_ITER(argument_list, char*, iter, value,
char* r = girara_replace_substring(value, "$FILE", path);
g_ascii_dtostr(page_buf, G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE, page + 1);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(argument_list); ++idx) {
char* value = girara_list_nth(argument_list, idx);
char* r = girara_replace_substring(value, "$PAGE", page_buf);
if (r != NULL) {
char* s = girara_replace_substring(r, "$PAGE", page_buf);
char* s = girara_replace_substring(r, "$FILE", path);
if (s != NULL) {
girara_list_iterator_set(iter, s);
girara_list_set_nth(argument_list, idx, s);
return girara_exec_with_argument_list(session, argument_list);
@ -636,10 +642,8 @@ cmd_source(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
return false;
} else if (argc == 1) {
zathura_set_config_dir(zathura, girara_list_nth(argument_list, 0));
} else {
return true;

View file

@ -263,9 +263,7 @@ cc_write(girara_session_t* session, const char* input)
return list_files_for_cc(zathura, input, false, false);
cc_bookmarks(girara_session_t* session, const char* input)
girara_completion_t* cc_bookmarks(girara_session_t* session, const char* input) {
if (input == NULL) {
return NULL;
@ -282,13 +280,14 @@ cc_bookmarks(girara_session_t* session, const char* input)
const size_t input_length = strlen(input);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(zathura->bookmarks.bookmarks, zathura_bookmark_t*, bookmark,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(zathura->bookmarks.bookmarks); ++idx) {
zathura_bookmark_t* bookmark = girara_list_nth(zathura->bookmarks.bookmarks, idx);
if (input_length <= strlen(bookmark->id) && !strncmp(input, bookmark->id, input_length)) {
gchar* paged = g_strdup_printf(_("Page %d"), bookmark->page);
girara_completion_group_add_element(group, bookmark->id, paged);
girara_completion_add_group(completion, group);
@ -307,9 +306,7 @@ error_free:
return NULL;
cc_export(girara_session_t* session, const char* input)
girara_completion_t* cc_export(girara_session_t* session, const char* input) {
g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, NULL);
g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, NULL);
zathura_t* zathura = session->;
@ -333,19 +330,20 @@ cc_export(girara_session_t* session, const char* input)
/* add attachments */
const size_t input_length = strlen(input);
const size_t input_length = strlen(input);
girara_list_t* attachments = zathura_document_attachments_get(zathura->document, NULL);
if (attachments != NULL) {
bool added = false;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(attachments, const char*, attachment,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(attachments); ++idx) {
const char* attachment = girara_list_nth(attachments, idx);
if (input_length <= strlen(attachment) && !strncmp(input, attachment, input_length)) {
char* attachment_string = g_strdup_printf("attachment-%s", attachment);
girara_completion_group_add_element(attachment_group, attachment_string, NULL);
added = true;
if (added == true) {
girara_completion_add_group(completion, attachment_group);
@ -375,14 +373,14 @@ cc_export(girara_session_t* session, const char* input)
girara_list_t* images = zathura_page_images_get(page, NULL);
if (images != NULL) {
unsigned int image_number = 1;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(images, zathura_image_t*, UNUSED(image),
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(images); ++idx) {
char* image_string = g_strdup_printf("image-p%d-%d", page_id + 1, image_number);
girara_completion_group_add_element(image_group, image_string, NULL);
added = true;

View file

@ -22,13 +22,12 @@
#define ZATHURA_RC "zathurarc"
static void
cb_jumplist_change(girara_session_t* session, const char* name,
cb_jumplist_change(girara_session_t* session, const char* UNUSED(name),
girara_setting_type_t UNUSED(type), const void* value, void* UNUSED(data))
g_return_if_fail(value != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(session != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(session-> != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(name != NULL);
zathura_t* zathura = session->;
const int* ivalue = value;
@ -73,6 +72,12 @@ cb_color_change(girara_session_t* session, const char* name,
parse_color(&zathura->ui.colors.render_loading_bg, string_value);
} else if (g_strcmp0(name, "render-loading-fg") == 0) {
parse_color(&zathura->ui.colors.render_loading_fg, string_value);
} else if (g_strcmp0(name, "signature-success-color") == 0) {
parse_color(&zathura->ui.colors.signature_success, string_value);
} else if (g_strcmp0(name, "signature-warning-color") == 0) {
parse_color(&zathura->ui.colors.signature_warning, string_value);
} else if (g_strcmp0(name, "signature-error-color") == 0) {
parse_color(&zathura->ui.colors.signature_error, string_value);
@ -92,6 +97,50 @@ cb_nohlsearch_changed(girara_session_t* session, const char* UNUSED(name),
static void
cb_doubleclick_changed(girara_session_t* session, const char* UNUSED(name),
girara_setting_type_t UNUSED(type), const void* value, void* UNUSED(data))
g_return_if_fail(value != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(session != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(session-> != NULL);
zathura_t* zathura = session->;
zathura->global.double_click_follow = *(const bool*) value;
static void
cb_global_modifiers_changed(girara_session_t* session, const char* name,
girara_setting_type_t UNUSED(type), const void* value,
void* UNUSED(data))
g_return_if_fail(value != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(session != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(session-> != NULL);
zathura_t* zathura = session->;
GdkModifierType* p;
if (g_strcmp0(name, "synctex-edit-modifier") == 0) {
p = &(zathura->global.synctex_edit_modmask);
} else if (g_strcmp0(name, "highlighter-modifier") == 0) {
p = &(zathura->global.highlighter_modmask);
} else {
const char* modifier = value;
if (g_strcmp0(modifier, "shift") == 0) {
} else if (g_strcmp0(modifier, "ctrl") == 0) {
} else if (g_strcmp0(modifier, "alt") == 0) {
} else {
girara_error("Invalid %s option: '%s'", name, modifier);
static void
cb_incsearch_changed(girara_session_t* session, const char* UNUSED(name),
girara_setting_type_t UNUSED(type), const void* value, void* UNUSED(data))
@ -106,7 +155,7 @@ cb_incsearch_changed(girara_session_t* session, const char* UNUSED(name),
static void
cb_sandbox_changed(girara_session_t* session, const char* UNUSED(name),
cb_sandbox_changed(girara_session_t* session, const char* name,
girara_setting_type_t UNUSED(type), const void* value, void* UNUSED(data))
g_return_if_fail(value != NULL);
@ -122,7 +171,7 @@ cb_sandbox_changed(girara_session_t* session, const char* UNUSED(name),
} else if (g_strcmp0(sandbox, "strict") == 0) {
zathura->global.sandbox = ZATHURA_SANDBOX_STRICT;
} else {
girara_error("Invalid sandbox option");
girara_error("Invalid %s option: '%s'", name, sandbox);
@ -145,9 +194,22 @@ cb_window_statbusbar_changed(girara_session_t* session, const char* name,
config_load_default(zathura_t* zathura)
static void cb_show_signature_info(girara_session_t* session, const char* UNUSED(name),
girara_setting_type_t UNUSED(type), const void* value, void* UNUSED(data)) {
g_return_if_fail(value != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(session != NULL);
g_return_if_fail(session-> != NULL);
zathura_t* zathura = session->;
if (zathura->document == NULL) {
zathura_show_signature_information(zathura, *(const bool*)value);
void config_load_default(zathura_t* zathura) {
if (zathura == NULL || zathura->ui.session == NULL) {
@ -228,6 +290,15 @@ config_load_default(zathura_t* zathura)
girara_setting_add(gsession, "index-bg", "#232323", STRING, true, _("Index mode background color"), NULL, NULL);
girara_setting_add(gsession, "index-active-fg", "#232323", STRING, true, _("Index mode foreground color (active element)"), NULL, NULL);
girara_setting_add(gsession, "index-active-bg", "#9FBC00", STRING, true, _("Index mode background color (active element)"), NULL, NULL);
girara_setting_add(gsession, "signature-success-color", NULL, STRING, false,
_("Color used to highlight valid signatures"), cb_color_change, NULL);
girara_setting_set(gsession, "signature-success-color", "rgba(18%,80%,33%,0.9)");
girara_setting_add(gsession, "signature-warning-color", NULL, STRING, false,
_("Color used to highlight signatures with warnings"), cb_color_change, NULL);
girara_setting_set(gsession, "signature-warning-color", "rgba(100%,%84,0%,0.9)");
girara_setting_add(gsession, "signature-error-color", NULL, STRING, false,
_("Color used to highlight invalid signatures"), cb_color_change, NULL);
girara_setting_set(gsession, "signature-error-color", "rgba(92%,11%,14%,0.9)");
bool_value = false;
girara_setting_add(gsession, "recolor", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Recolor pages"), cb_setting_recolor_change, NULL);
@ -255,6 +326,8 @@ config_load_default(zathura_t* zathura)
girara_setting_add(gsession, "highlight-transparency", &float_value, FLOAT, false, _("Transparency for highlighting"), NULL, NULL);
bool_value = true;
girara_setting_add(gsession, "render-loading", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Render 'Loading ...'"), NULL, NULL);
bool_value = true;
girara_setting_add(gsession, "smooth-reload", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Smooth over flicker when reloading file"), NULL, NULL);
girara_setting_add(gsession, "adjust-open", "best-fit", STRING, false, _("Adjust to when opening file"), NULL, NULL);
bool_value = false;
girara_setting_add(gsession, "show-hidden", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Show hidden files and directories"), NULL, NULL);
@ -266,6 +339,8 @@ config_load_default(zathura_t* zathura)
girara_setting_add(gsession, "open-first-page", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Always open on first page"), NULL, NULL);
bool_value = false;
girara_setting_add(gsession, "nohlsearch", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Highlight search results"), cb_nohlsearch_changed, NULL);
bool_value = true;
girara_setting_add(gsession, "double-click-follow", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Double click to follow links"), cb_doubleclick_changed, NULL);
girara_setting_add(gsession, "incremental-search", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Enable incremental search"), cb_incsearch_changed, NULL);
@ -288,6 +363,8 @@ config_load_default(zathura_t* zathura)
bool_value = true;
girara_setting_add(gsession, "synctex", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Enable synctex support"), NULL, NULL);
girara_setting_add(gsession, "synctex-editor-command", "", STRING, false, _("Synctex editor command"), NULL, NULL);
girara_setting_add(gsession, "synctex-edit-modifier", "ctrl", STRING, false, _("Synctex edit modifier"), cb_global_modifiers_changed, NULL);
girara_setting_add(gsession, "highlighter-modifier", "shift", STRING, false, _("Highlighter modifier"), cb_global_modifiers_changed, NULL);
bool_value = true;
girara_setting_add(gsession, "dbus-service", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Enable D-Bus service"), NULL, NULL);
girara_setting_add(gsession, "dbus-raise-window", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false, _("Raise window on certain D-Bus commands"), NULL, NULL);
@ -299,113 +376,121 @@ config_load_default(zathura_t* zathura)
/* default to no sandbox when running in WSL */
const char* string_value = running_under_wsl() ? "none" : "normal";
girara_setting_add(gsession, "sandbox", string_value, STRING, true, _("Sandbox level"), cb_sandbox_changed, NULL);
bool_value = false;
girara_setting_add(gsession, "show-signature-information", &bool_value, BOOLEAN, false,
_("Disable additional information for signatures embedded in the document."),
cb_show_signature_info, NULL);
#define DEFAULT_SHORTCUTS(mode) \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_a, NULL, sc_adjust_window, (mode), ZATHURA_ADJUST_BESTFIT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_s, NULL, sc_adjust_window, (mode), ZATHURA_ADJUST_WIDTH, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_F, NULL, sc_display_link, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_c, NULL, sc_copy_link, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_slash, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), 0, &("/")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_slash, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), 0, &("/")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_question, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), 0, &("?")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_colon, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), 0, &(":")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_o, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), 0, &(":open ")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_O, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), APPEND_FILEPATH, &(":open ")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_f, NULL, sc_follow, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "gg", sc_goto, (mode), TOP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "G", sc_goto, (mode), BOTTOM, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_m, NULL, sc_mark_add, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_apostrophe, NULL, sc_mark_evaluate, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_J, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), NEXT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_K, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), PREVIOUS, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_MOD1_MASK, GDK_KEY_Right, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), NEXT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_MOD1_MASK, GDK_KEY_Left, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), PREVIOUS, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Page_Down, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), NEXT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Page_Up, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), PREVIOUS, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_p, NULL, sc_print, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_r, NULL, sc_recolor, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_R, NULL, sc_reload, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_r, NULL, sc_rotate, (mode), ROTATE_CW, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_h, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), LEFT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_j, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), DOWN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_k, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), UP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_l, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Left, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), LEFT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Up, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), UP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Down, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), DOWN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_H, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), PAGE_TOP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_L, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), PAGE_BOTTOM, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Right, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_t, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), HALF_LEFT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_d, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), HALF_DOWN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_u, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), HALF_UP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_y, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), HALF_RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_t, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_LEFT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_f, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_DOWN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_b, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_UP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_y, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_space, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_DOWN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_space, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_UP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Y, NULL, sc_copy_filepath, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_o, NULL, sc_jumplist, (mode), BACKWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_i, NULL, sc_jumplist, (mode), FORWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_j, NULL, sc_bisect, (mode), FORWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_k, NULL, sc_bisect, (mode), BACKWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_n, NULL, sc_search, (mode), FORWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_N, NULL, sc_search, (mode), BACKWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_P, NULL, sc_snap_to_page, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Tab, NULL, sc_toggle_index, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_n, NULL, girara_sc_toggle_statusbar, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_m, NULL, girara_sc_toggle_inputbar, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_d, NULL, sc_toggle_page_mode, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_q, NULL, sc_quit, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_plus, NULL, sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_IN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_KP_Add, NULL, sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_IN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_minus, NULL, sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_OUT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_KP_Subtract,NULL, sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_OUT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_equal, NULL, sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_SPECIFIC, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zi", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_IN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zI", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_IN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zo", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_OUT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zO", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_OUT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "z0", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_ORIGINAL, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zz", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_SPECIFIC, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zZ", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_SPECIFIC, NULL);
#define DEFAULT_SHORTCUTS(mode) \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_a, NULL, sc_adjust_window, (mode), ZATHURA_ADJUST_BESTFIT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_s, NULL, sc_adjust_window, (mode), ZATHURA_ADJUST_WIDTH, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_F, NULL, sc_display_link, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_c, NULL, sc_copy_link, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_slash, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), 0, &("/")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_slash, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), 0, &("/")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_question, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), 0, &("?")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_colon, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), 0, &(":")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_o, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), 0, &(":open ")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_O, NULL, sc_focus_inputbar, (mode), APPEND_FILEPATH, &(":open ")); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_f, NULL, sc_follow, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "gg", sc_goto, (mode), TOP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "G", sc_goto, (mode), BOTTOM, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_m, NULL, sc_mark_add, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_apostrophe, NULL, sc_mark_evaluate, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_J, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), NEXT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_K, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), PREVIOUS, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_MOD1_MASK, GDK_KEY_Right, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), NEXT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_MOD1_MASK, GDK_KEY_Left, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), PREVIOUS, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Page_Down, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), NEXT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Page_Up, NULL, sc_navigate, (mode), PREVIOUS, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_p, NULL, sc_print, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_r, NULL, sc_recolor, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_R, NULL, sc_reload, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_r, NULL, sc_rotate, (mode), ROTATE_CW, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_h, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), LEFT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_j, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), DOWN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_k, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), UP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_l, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Left, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), LEFT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Up, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), UP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Down, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), DOWN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_H, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), PAGE_TOP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_L, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), PAGE_BOTTOM, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Right, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_t, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), HALF_LEFT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_d, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), HALF_DOWN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_u, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), HALF_UP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_y, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), HALF_RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_t, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_LEFT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_f, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_DOWN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_b, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_UP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_y, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_space, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_DOWN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_SHIFT_MASK, GDK_KEY_space, NULL, sc_scroll, (mode), FULL_UP, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Y, NULL, sc_copy_filepath, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_o, NULL, sc_jumplist, (mode), BACKWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_i, NULL, sc_jumplist, (mode), FORWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_j, NULL, sc_bisect, (mode), FORWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_k, NULL, sc_bisect, (mode), BACKWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_n, NULL, sc_search, (mode), FORWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_N, NULL, sc_search, (mode), BACKWARD, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_P, NULL, sc_snap_to_page, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_Tab, NULL, sc_toggle_index, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_n, NULL, girara_sc_toggle_statusbar, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, GDK_KEY_m, NULL, girara_sc_toggle_inputbar, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_d, NULL, sc_toggle_page_mode, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_q, NULL, sc_quit, (mode), 0, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_plus, NULL, sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_IN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_KP_Add, NULL, sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_IN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_minus, NULL, sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_OUT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_KP_Subtract, NULL, sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_OUT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, GDK_KEY_equal, NULL, sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_SPECIFIC, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zi", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_IN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zI", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_IN, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zo", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_OUT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zO", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_OUT, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "z0", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_ORIGINAL, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zz", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_SPECIFIC, NULL); \
girara_shortcut_add(gsession, 0, 0, "zZ", sc_zoom, (mode), ZOOM_SPECIFIC, NULL);
#define DEFAULT_MOUSE_EVENTS(mode) \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_UP, UP, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN, DOWN, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT, LEFT, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT, RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_BIDIRECTIONAL, BIDIRECTIONAL, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_SHIFT_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_UP, LEFT, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_SHIFT_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN, RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_zoom, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_UP, UP, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_zoom, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN, DOWN, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_zoom, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_BIDIRECTIONAL, BIDIRECTIONAL, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, GIRARA_MOUSE_BUTTON2, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_BUTTON_PRESS, 0, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_BUTTON2_MASK, GIRARA_MOUSE_BUTTON2, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_BUTTON_RELEASE, 0, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_BUTTON2_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_MOTION_NOTIFY, 0, NULL); \
#define DEFAULT_MOUSE_EVENTS(mode) \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_UP, UP, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN, DOWN, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_LEFT, LEFT, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_RIGHT, RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_BIDIRECTIONAL, BIDIRECTIONAL, \
NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_SHIFT_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_UP, LEFT, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_SHIFT_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN, RIGHT, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_zoom, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_UP, UP, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_zoom, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_DOWN, DOWN, NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_CONTROL_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_zoom, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_SCROLL_BIDIRECTIONAL, \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, 0, GIRARA_MOUSE_BUTTON2, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_BUTTON_PRESS, 0, \
NULL); \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_BUTTON2_MASK, GIRARA_MOUSE_BUTTON2, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), \
girara_mouse_event_add(gsession, GDK_BUTTON2_MASK, 0, sc_mouse_scroll, (mode), GIRARA_EVENT_MOTION_NOTIFY, 0, NULL);
/* Define mode-less shortcuts
* girara adds them only for normal mode, so passing 0 as mode is currently

View file

@ -574,17 +574,16 @@ sqlite_save_jumplist(zathura_database_t* db, const char* file, girara_list_t* ju
bool status = true;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(jumplist, zathura_jump_t*, jump,
stmt = prepare_statement(priv->session, SQL_INSERT_JUMP);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(jumplist) && status; ++idx) {
zathura_jump_t* jump = girara_list_nth(jumplist, idx);
stmt = prepare_statement(priv->session, SQL_INSERT_JUMP);
if (stmt == NULL) {
status = false;
if (sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, file, -1, NULL) != SQLITE_OK ||
sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 2, jump->page) != SQLITE_OK ||
sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 3, jump->x) != SQLITE_OK ||
sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 4, jump->y) != SQLITE_OK) {
if (sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, file, -1, NULL) != SQLITE_OK || sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, 2, jump->page) != SQLITE_OK ||
sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 3, jump->x) != SQLITE_OK || sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, 4, jump->y) != SQLITE_OK) {
girara_error("Failed to bind arguments.");
status = false;
@ -596,9 +595,8 @@ sqlite_save_jumplist(zathura_database_t* db, const char* file, girara_list_t* ju
if (res != SQLITE_DONE) {
status = false;
if (status == false) {
sqlite3_exec(priv->session, "ROLLBACK;", NULL, 0, NULL);

View file

@ -1,42 +1,46 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib */
#include "dbus-interface.h"
#include "synctex.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "zathura.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "adjustment.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "links.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "resources.h"
#include "synctex.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "zathura.h"
#include <girara/session.h>
#include <girara/utils.h>
#include <girara/settings.h>
#include <girara/commands.h>
#include <gio/gio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <girara/commands.h>
#include <girara/session.h>
#include <girara/settings.h>
#include <girara/utils.h>
#include <json-glib/json-glib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static const char DBUS_XML_FILENAME[] = "/org/pwmt/zathura/DBus/org.pwmt.zathura.xml";
static GBytes* load_xml_data(void)
static GBytes*
GResource* resource = zathura_resources_get_resource();
if (resource != NULL) {
return g_resource_lookup_data(resource, DBUS_XML_FILENAME,
return g_resource_lookup_data(resource, DBUS_XML_FILENAME, G_RESOURCE_LOOKUP_FLAGS_NONE, NULL);
return NULL;
typedef struct private_s {
zathura_t* zathura;
GDBusNodeInfo* introspection_data;
zathura_t* zathura;
GDBusNodeInfo* introspection_data;
GDBusConnection* connection;
guint owner_id;
guint registration_id;
guint owner_id;
guint registration_id;
char* bus_name;
} ZathuraDbusPrivate;
G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE(ZathuraDbus, zathura_dbus, G_TYPE_OBJECT, G_ADD_PRIVATE(ZathuraDbus))
@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ static const GDBusInterfaceVTable interface_vtable;
static void
finalize(GObject* object)
ZathuraDbus* dbus = ZATHURA_DBUS(object);
ZathuraDbus* dbus = ZATHURA_DBUS(object);
ZathuraDbusPrivate* priv = zathura_dbus_get_instance_private(dbus);
if (priv->connection != NULL && priv->registration_id > 0) {
@ -68,6 +72,8 @@ finalize(GObject* object)
@ -88,11 +94,12 @@ zathura_dbus_init(ZathuraDbus* dbus)
priv->connection = NULL;
priv->owner_id = 0;
priv->registration_id = 0;
priv->bus_name = NULL;
static void
gdbus_connection_closed(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection),
gboolean UNUSED(remote_peer_vanished), GError* error, void* UNUSED(data))
gdbus_connection_closed(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection), gboolean UNUSED(remote_peer_vanished), GError* error,
void* UNUSED(data))
if (error != NULL) {
girara_debug("D-Bus connection closed: %s", error->message);
@ -105,19 +112,16 @@ bus_acquired(GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* name, void* data)
girara_debug("Bus acquired at '%s'.", name);
/* register callback for GDBusConnection's closed signal */
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(connection), "closed",
G_CALLBACK(gdbus_connection_closed), NULL);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(connection), "closed", G_CALLBACK(gdbus_connection_closed), NULL);
ZathuraDbus* dbus = data;
ZathuraDbus* dbus = data;
ZathuraDbusPrivate* priv = zathura_dbus_get_instance_private(dbus);
GError* error = NULL;
GError* error = NULL;
priv->registration_id = g_dbus_connection_register_object(
connection, DBUS_OBJPATH, priv->introspection_data->interfaces[0],
&interface_vtable, dbus, NULL, &error);
connection, DBUS_OBJPATH, priv->introspection_data->interfaces[0], &interface_vtable, dbus, NULL, &error);
if (priv->registration_id == 0) {
girara_warning("Failed to register object on D-Bus connection: %s",
girara_warning("Failed to register object on D-Bus connection: %s", error->message);
@ -126,18 +130,15 @@ bus_acquired(GDBusConnection* connection, const gchar* name, void* data)
static void
name_acquired(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection), const gchar* name,
void* UNUSED(data))
name_acquired(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection), const gchar* name, void* UNUSED(data))
girara_debug("Acquired '%s' on session bus.", name);
static void
name_lost(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection), const gchar* name,
void* UNUSED(data))
name_lost(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection), const gchar* name, void* UNUSED(data))
girara_debug("Lost connection or failed to acquire '%s' on session bus.",
girara_debug("Lost connection or failed to acquire '%s' on session bus.", name);
@ -148,20 +149,19 @@ zathura_dbus_new(zathura_t* zathura)
return NULL;
ZathuraDbus* dbus = ZATHURA_DBUS(obj);
ZathuraDbusPrivate* priv = zathura_dbus_get_instance_private(dbus);
priv->zathura = zathura;
ZathuraDbus* dbus = ZATHURA_DBUS(obj);
ZathuraDbusPrivate* priv = zathura_dbus_get_instance_private(dbus);
priv->zathura = zathura;
GBytes* xml_data = load_xml_data();
if (xml_data == NULL)
if (xml_data == NULL) {
girara_warning("Failed to load introspection data.");
return NULL;
GError* error = NULL;
priv->introspection_data = g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml((const char*) g_bytes_get_data(xml_data, NULL), &error);
GError* error = NULL;
priv->introspection_data = g_dbus_node_info_new_for_xml((const char*)g_bytes_get_data(xml_data, NULL), &error);
if (priv->introspection_data == NULL) {
@ -172,32 +172,39 @@ zathura_dbus_new(zathura_t* zathura)
char* well_known_name = g_strdup_printf(DBUS_NAME_TEMPLATE, getpid());
priv->owner_id = g_bus_own_name(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, well_known_name,
name_acquired, name_lost, dbus, NULL);
priv->bus_name = well_known_name;
priv->owner_id = g_bus_own_name(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, well_known_name, G_BUS_NAME_OWNER_FLAGS_NONE, bus_acquired,
name_acquired, name_lost, dbus, NULL);
return dbus;
const char*
zathura_dbus_get_name(zathura_t* zathura)
ZathuraDbusPrivate* priv = zathura_dbus_get_instance_private(zathura->dbus);
return priv->bus_name;
zathura_dbus_edit(ZathuraDbus* edit, unsigned int page, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
zathura_dbus_edit(ZathuraDbus* edit, unsigned int page, unsigned int x, unsigned int y)
ZathuraDbusPrivate* priv = zathura_dbus_get_instance_private(edit);
const char* filename = zathura_document_get_path(priv->zathura->document);
char* input_file = NULL;
unsigned int line = 0;
unsigned int column = 0;
char* input_file = NULL;
unsigned int line = 0;
unsigned int column = 0;
if (synctex_get_input_line_column(filename, page, x, y, &input_file, &line,
&column) == false) {
if (synctex_get_input_line_column(filename, page, x, y, &input_file, &line, &column) == false) {
GError* error = NULL;
g_dbus_connection_emit_signal(priv->connection, NULL, DBUS_OBJPATH,
DBUS_INTERFACE, "Edit", g_variant_new("(suu)", input_file, line, column), &error);
g_dbus_connection_emit_signal(priv->connection, NULL, DBUS_OBJPATH, DBUS_INTERFACE, "Edit",
g_variant_new("(suu)", input_file, line, column), &error);
@ -210,19 +217,15 @@ zathura_dbus_edit(ZathuraDbus* edit, unsigned int page, unsigned int x, unsigned
/* D-Bus handler */
static void
handle_open_document(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters,
GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
handle_open_document(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
gchar* filename = NULL;
gchar* password = NULL;
g_variant_get(parameters, "(ssi)", &filename, &password, &page);
document_close(zathura, false);
document_open_idle(zathura, filename,
strlen(password) > 0 ? password : NULL,
document_open_idle(zathura, filename, strlen(password) > 0 ? password : NULL, page, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
@ -231,8 +234,7 @@ handle_open_document(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters,
static void
handle_close_document(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* UNUSED(parameters),
GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
handle_close_document(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* UNUSED(parameters), GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
const bool ret = document_close(zathura, false);
@ -241,8 +243,7 @@ handle_close_document(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* UNUSED(parameters),
static void
handle_goto_page(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters,
GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
handle_goto_page(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
const unsigned int number_of_pages = zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document);
@ -282,8 +283,8 @@ synctex_highlight_rects_impl(gpointer ptr)
static void
synctex_highlight_rects_idle(zathura_t* zathura, girara_list_t** rectangles,
unsigned int page, unsigned number_of_pages)
synctex_highlight_rects_idle(zathura_t* zathura, girara_list_t** rectangles, unsigned int page,
unsigned number_of_pages)
highlights_rect_data_t* data = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(highlights_rect_data_t));
data->zathura = zathura;
@ -295,16 +296,14 @@ synctex_highlight_rects_idle(zathura_t* zathura, girara_list_t** rectangles,
static void
handle_highlight_rects(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters,
GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
handle_highlight_rects(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
const unsigned int number_of_pages = zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document);
guint page = 0;
GVariantIter* iter = NULL;
guint page = 0;
GVariantIter* iter = NULL;
GVariantIter* secondary_iter = NULL;
g_variant_get(parameters, "(ua(dddd)a(udddd))", &page, &iter,
g_variant_get(parameters, "(ua(dddd)a(udddd))", &page, &iter, &secondary_iter);
if (page >= number_of_pages) {
girara_debug("Got invalid page number.");
@ -320,8 +319,7 @@ handle_highlight_rects(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters,
if (rectangles == NULL) {
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error(invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error(invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY,
"Failed to allocate memory.");
@ -331,23 +329,20 @@ handle_highlight_rects(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters,
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error(invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error(invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY,
"Failed to allocate memory.");
zathura_rectangle_t temp_rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
while (g_variant_iter_loop(iter, "(dddd)", &temp_rect.x1, &temp_rect.x2,
&temp_rect.y1, &temp_rect.y2)) {
zathura_rectangle_t temp_rect = {0, 0, 0, 0};
while (g_variant_iter_loop(iter, "(dddd)", &temp_rect.x1, &temp_rect.x2, &temp_rect.y1, &temp_rect.y2)) {
zathura_rectangle_t* rect = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(zathura_rectangle_t));
if (rect == NULL) {
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error(invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error(invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY,
"Failed to allocate memory.");
@ -359,8 +354,7 @@ handle_highlight_rects(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters,
/* get secondary rectangles */
guint temp_page = 0;
while (g_variant_iter_loop(secondary_iter, "(udddd)", &temp_page,
&temp_rect.x1, &temp_rect.x2, &temp_rect.y1,
while (g_variant_iter_loop(secondary_iter, "(udddd)", &temp_page, &temp_rect.x1, &temp_rect.x2, &temp_rect.y1,
&temp_rect.y2)) {
if (temp_page >= number_of_pages) {
/* error out here? */
@ -380,8 +374,7 @@ handle_highlight_rects(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters,
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error(invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR,
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_error(invocation, G_DBUS_ERROR, G_DBUS_ERROR_NO_MEMORY,
"Failed to allocate memory.");
@ -444,8 +437,7 @@ handle_synctex_view(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters, GDBusMethodInvocat
static void
handle_execute_command(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters,
GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
handle_execute_command(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
gchar* input = NULL;
g_variant_get(parameters, "(s)", &input);
@ -458,17 +450,37 @@ handle_execute_command(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters,
static void
handle_method_call(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection),
const gchar* UNUSED(sender), const gchar* object_path,
const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* method_name,
GVariant* parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation,
void* data)
handle_source_config(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* GIRARA_UNUSED(parameters), GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
ZathuraDbus* dbus = data;
ZathuraDbusPrivate* priv = zathura_dbus_get_instance_private(dbus);
girara_debug("Handling call '%s.%s' on '%s'.", interface_name, method_name,
GVariant* result = g_variant_new("(b)", true);
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value(invocation, result);
static void
handle_source_config_from_dir(zathura_t* zathura, GVariant* parameters, GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation)
gchar* input = NULL;
g_variant_get(parameters, "(s)", &input);
zathura_set_config_dir(zathura, input);
GVariant* result = g_variant_new("(b)", true);
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_value(invocation, result);
static void
handle_method_call(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection), const gchar* UNUSED(sender), const gchar* object_path,
const gchar* interface_name, const gchar* method_name, GVariant* parameters,
GDBusMethodInvocation* invocation, void* data)
ZathuraDbus* dbus = data;
ZathuraDbusPrivate* priv = zathura_dbus_get_instance_private(dbus);
girara_debug("Handling call '%s.%s' on '%s'.", interface_name, method_name, object_path);
static const struct {
const char* method;
@ -476,12 +488,14 @@ handle_method_call(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection),
bool needs_document;
bool present_window;
} handlers[] = {
{ "OpenDocument", handle_open_document, false, true },
{ "CloseDocument", handle_close_document, false, false },
{ "GotoPage", handle_goto_page, true, true },
{ "HighlightRects", handle_highlight_rects, true, true },
{ "SynctexView", handle_synctex_view, true, true },
{ "ExecuteCommand", handle_execute_command, false, false }
{"OpenDocument", handle_open_document, false, true},
{"CloseDocument", handle_close_document, false, false},
{"GotoPage", handle_goto_page, true, true},
{"HighlightRects", handle_highlight_rects, true, true},
{"SynctexView", handle_synctex_view, true, true},
{"ExecuteCommand", handle_execute_command, false, false},
{"SourceConfig", handle_source_config, false, false},
{"SourceConfigFromDirectory", handle_source_config_from_dir, false, false},
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != sizeof(handlers) / sizeof(handlers[0]); ++idx) {
@ -490,9 +504,8 @@ handle_method_call(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection),
if (handlers[idx].needs_document == true && priv->zathura->document == NULL) {
invocation, "org.pwmt.zathura.NoOpenDocument",
"No document has been opened.");
g_dbus_method_invocation_return_dbus_error(invocation, "org.pwmt.zathura.NoOpenDocument",
"No document has been opened.");
@ -510,14 +523,70 @@ handle_method_call(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection),
static void json_document_info_add_node(JsonBuilder* builder, girara_tree_node_t* index) {
girara_list_t* list = girara_node_get_children(index);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(list); ++idx) {
girara_tree_node_t* node = girara_list_nth(list, idx);
zathura_index_element_t* index_element = girara_node_get_data(node);
json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "title");
json_builder_add_string_value(builder, index_element->title);
zathura_link_type_t type = zathura_link_get_type(index_element->link);
zathura_link_target_t target = zathura_link_get_target(index_element->link);
json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "page");
json_builder_add_int_value(builder, target.page_number + 1);
} else {
json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "target");
json_builder_add_string_value(builder, target.value);
if (girara_node_get_num_children(node) > 0) {
json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "sub-index");
json_document_info_add_node(builder, node);
static GVariant*
handle_get_property(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection),
const gchar* UNUSED(sender),
const gchar* UNUSED(object_path),
const gchar* UNUSED(interface_name),
const gchar* property_name, GError** error, void* data)
json_document_info(zathura_t* zathura)
ZathuraDbus* dbus = data;
JsonBuilder* builder = json_builder_new();
json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "filename");
json_builder_add_string_value(builder, zathura_document_get_path(zathura->document));
json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "number-of-pages");
json_builder_add_int_value(builder, zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document));
json_builder_set_member_name(builder, "index");
girara_tree_node_t* index = zathura_document_index_generate(zathura->document, NULL);
if (index != NULL) {
json_document_info_add_node(builder, index);
JsonNode* root = json_builder_get_root(builder);
char* serialized_root = json_to_string(root, true);
return g_variant_new_take_string(serialized_root);
static GVariant*
handle_get_property(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection), const gchar* UNUSED(sender), const gchar* UNUSED(object_path),
const gchar* UNUSED(interface_name), const gchar* property_name, GError** error, void* data)
ZathuraDbus* dbus = data;
ZathuraDbusPrivate* priv = zathura_dbus_get_instance_private(dbus);
if (priv->zathura->document == NULL) {
@ -531,33 +600,32 @@ handle_get_property(GDBusConnection* UNUSED(connection),
return g_variant_new_uint32(zathura_document_get_current_page_number(priv->zathura->document));
} else if (g_strcmp0(property_name, "numberofpages") == 0) {
return g_variant_new_uint32(zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(priv->zathura->document));
} else if (g_strcmp0(property_name, "documentinfo") == 0) {
return json_document_info(priv->zathura);
return NULL;
static const GDBusInterfaceVTable interface_vtable =
static const GDBusInterfaceVTable interface_vtable = {
.method_call = handle_method_call,
.get_property = handle_get_property,
.set_property = NULL
.set_property = NULL,
static const unsigned int TIMEOUT = 3000;
static bool
call_synctex_view(GDBusConnection* connection, const char* filename,
const char* name, const char* input_file, unsigned int line,
unsigned int column)
call_synctex_view(GDBusConnection* connection, const char* filename, const char* name, const char* input_file,
unsigned int line, unsigned int column)
GError* error = NULL;
GVariant* vfilename = g_dbus_connection_call_sync(
connection, name, DBUS_OBJPATH, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get",
g_variant_new("(ss)", DBUS_INTERFACE, "filename"), G_VARIANT_TYPE("(v)"),
GError* error = NULL;
GVariant* vfilename =
g_dbus_connection_call_sync(connection, name, DBUS_OBJPATH, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties", "Get",
g_variant_new("(ss)", DBUS_INTERFACE, "filename"), G_VARIANT_TYPE("(v)"),
if (vfilename == NULL) {
girara_error("Failed to query 'filename' property from '%s': %s",
name, error->message);
girara_error("Failed to query 'filename' property from '%s': %s", name, error->message);
return false;
@ -576,13 +644,11 @@ call_synctex_view(GDBusConnection* connection, const char* filename,
GVariant* ret = g_dbus_connection_call_sync(
connection, name, DBUS_OBJPATH, DBUS_INTERFACE, "SynctexView",
g_variant_new("(suu)", input_file, line, column),
GVariant* ret = g_dbus_connection_call_sync(connection, name, DBUS_OBJPATH, DBUS_INTERFACE, "SynctexView",
g_variant_new("(suu)", input_file, line, column), G_VARIANT_TYPE("(b)"),
if (ret == NULL) {
girara_error("Failed to run SynctexView on '%s': %s", name,
girara_error("Failed to run SynctexView on '%s': %s", name, error->message);
return false;
@ -592,17 +658,15 @@ call_synctex_view(GDBusConnection* connection, const char* filename,
static int
iterate_instances_call_synctex_view(const char* filename,
const char* input_file, unsigned int line,
iterate_instances_call_synctex_view(const char* filename, const char* input_file, unsigned int line,
unsigned int column, pid_t hint)
if (filename == NULL) {
return -1;
GError* error = NULL;
GDBusConnection* connection = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL,
GError* error = NULL;
GDBusConnection* connection = g_bus_get_sync(G_BUS_TYPE_SESSION, NULL, &error);
if (connection == NULL) {
girara_error("Could not connect to session bus: %s", error->message);
@ -610,17 +674,15 @@ iterate_instances_call_synctex_view(const char* filename,
if (hint != -1) {
char* well_known_name = g_strdup_printf(DBUS_NAME_TEMPLATE, hint);
const bool ret = call_synctex_view(connection, filename, well_known_name,
input_file, line, column);
char* well_known_name = g_strdup_printf(DBUS_NAME_TEMPLATE, hint);
const bool ret = call_synctex_view(connection, filename, well_known_name, input_file, line, column);
return ret ? 1 : -1;
GVariant* vnames = g_dbus_connection_call_sync(
connection, "org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus",
"org.freedesktop.DBus", "ListNames", NULL, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(as)"),
GVariant* vnames = g_dbus_connection_call_sync(connection, "org.freedesktop.DBus", "/org/freedesktop/DBus",
"org.freedesktop.DBus", "ListNames", NULL, G_VARIANT_TYPE("(as)"),
if (vnames == NULL) {
girara_error("Could not list available names: %s", error->message);
@ -631,8 +693,8 @@ iterate_instances_call_synctex_view(const char* filename,
GVariantIter* iter = NULL;
g_variant_get(vnames, "(as)", &iter);
gchar* name = NULL;
bool found_one = false;
gchar* name = NULL;
bool found_one = false;
while (found_one == false && g_variant_iter_loop(iter, "s", &name) == TRUE) {
if (g_str_has_prefix(name, "org.pwmt.zathura.PID") == FALSE) {

View file

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ struct zathura_dbus_class_s
GType zathura_dbus_get_type(void) G_GNUC_CONST;
ZathuraDbus* zathura_dbus_new(zathura_t* zathura);
const char* zathura_dbus_get_name(zathura_t* zathura);
* Emit the 'Edit' signal on the D-Bus connection.

View file

@ -648,6 +648,14 @@ zathura_document_get_document_size(zathura_document_t* document,
*height = nrow * cell_height + (nrow - 1) * pad;
zathura_document_set_cell_size(zathura_document_t* document, unsigned int cell_height,
unsigned int cell_width)
document->cell_width = cell_width;
document->cell_height = cell_height;
zathura_document_set_page_layout(zathura_document_t* document, unsigned int page_padding,
unsigned int pages_per_row, unsigned int first_page_column)

View file

@ -328,6 +328,17 @@ ZATHURA_PLUGIN_API void zathura_document_get_cell_size(zathura_document_t* docum
ZATHURA_PLUGIN_API void zathura_document_get_document_size(zathura_document_t* document,
unsigned int* height, unsigned int* width);
* Sets the cell height and width of the document
* @param[in] document The document instance
* @param[in] cell_height The desired cell height
* @param[in] cell_width The desired cell width
ZATHURA_PLUGIN_API void zathura_document_set_cell_size(zathura_document_t *document,
unsigned int cell_height,
unsigned int cell_width);
* Sets the layout of the pages in the document

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ start(ZathuraFileMonitor* file_monitor)
glib_file_monitor->monitor = g_file_monitor_file(
glib_file_monitor->file, G_FILE_MONITOR_NONE, NULL, NULL);
glib_file_monitor->file, G_FILE_MONITOR_WATCH_HARD_LINKS, NULL, NULL);
if (glib_file_monitor->monitor != NULL) {
g_signal_connect_object(G_OBJECT(glib_file_monitor->monitor), "changed",
G_CALLBACK(file_changed), glib_file_monitor, 0);

View file

@ -139,12 +139,10 @@ cmd_marks_add(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
return false;
cmd_marks_delete(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
bool cmd_marks_delete(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list) {
g_return_val_if_fail(session != NULL, false);
g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false);
zathura_t* zathura = (zathura_t*) session->;
zathura_t* zathura = (zathura_t*)session->;
if (girara_list_size(argument_list) < 1) {
return false;
@ -154,42 +152,36 @@ cmd_marks_delete(girara_session_t* session, girara_list_t* argument_list)
return false;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY_WITH_ITER(argument_list, char*, iter, key_string,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(argument_list); ++idx) {
char* key_string = girara_list_nth(argument_list, idx);
if (key_string == NULL) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < strlen(key_string); i++) {
char key = key_string[i];
if (((key >= 0x41 && key <= 0x5A) || (key >=
0x61 && key <= 0x7A)) == false) {
if (((key >= 0x41 && key <= 0x5A) || (key >= 0x61 && key <= 0x7A)) == false) {
/* search for existing mark */
girara_list_iterator_t* mark_iter = girara_list_iterator(zathura->global.marks);
do {
zathura_mark_t* mark = (zathura_mark_t*) girara_list_iterator_data(mark_iter);
for (size_t inner_idx = girara_list_size(zathura->global.marks); inner_idx; --inner_idx) {
zathura_mark_t* mark = girara_list_nth(zathura->global.marks, inner_idx - 1);
if (mark == NULL) {
if (mark->key == key) {
girara_list_remove(zathura->global.marks, mark);
} while (girara_list_iterator_next(mark_iter) != NULL);
return true;
static void
mark_add(zathura_t* zathura, int key)
static void mark_add(zathura_t* zathura, int key) {
if (zathura == NULL || zathura->document == NULL || zathura->global.marks == NULL) {
@ -198,19 +190,19 @@ mark_add(zathura_t* zathura, int key)
double position_x = zathura_document_get_position_x(zathura->document);
double position_y = zathura_document_get_position_y(zathura->document);
double zoom = zathura_document_get_zoom(zathura->document);
double zoom = zathura_document_get_zoom(zathura->document);
/* search for existing mark */
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY_WITH_ITER(zathura->global.marks, zathura_mark_t*, iter, mark,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(zathura->global.marks); ++idx) {
zathura_mark_t* mark = girara_list_nth(zathura->global.marks, idx);
if (mark->key == key) {
mark->page = page_id;
mark->position_x = position_x;
mark->position_y = position_y;
mark->zoom = zoom;
/* add new mark */
zathura_mark_t* mark = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(zathura_mark_t));
@ -227,18 +219,16 @@ mark_add(zathura_t* zathura, int key)
girara_list_append(zathura->global.marks, mark);
static void
mark_evaluate(zathura_t* zathura, int key)
static void mark_evaluate(zathura_t* zathura, int key) {
if (zathura == NULL || zathura->global.marks == NULL) {
/* search for existing mark */
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(zathura->global.marks, zathura_mark_t*, mark,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(zathura->global.marks); ++idx) {
zathura_mark_t* mark = girara_list_nth(zathura->global.marks, idx);
if (mark != NULL && mark->key == key) {
zathura_correct_zoom_value(zathura->ui.session, mark->zoom));
zathura_document_set_zoom(zathura->document, zathura_correct_zoom_value(zathura->ui.session, mark->zoom));
@ -246,9 +236,9 @@ mark_evaluate(zathura_t* zathura, int key)
position_set(zathura, mark->position_x, mark->position_y);

View file

@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ typedef struct zathura_page_widget_private_s {
struct {
girara_list_t *list; /**< List of selection rectangles that should be drawn */
zathura_rectangle_t bounds; /** Bounds of highlighted selection */
gboolean draw; /** Used to clear previous selection */
gboolean draw; /** Draw selection */
} selection;
struct {
@ -51,13 +50,20 @@ typedef struct zathura_page_widget_private_s {
} images;
struct {
zathura_rectangle_t selection; /**< Region selected with the mouse */
struct {
int x; /**< X coordinate */
int y; /**< Y coordinate */
} selection_basepoint;
zathura_rectangle_t selection; /**< x1 y1: click point, x2 y2: current position */
gboolean over_link;
} mouse;
struct {
zathura_rectangle_t bounds; /**< Highlight bounds */
gboolean draw; /**< Draw highlighted region */
} highlighter;
struct {
girara_list_t* list; /**< List of signatures on the page */
gboolean retrieved; /**< True if we already tried to retrieve the list of signatures */
gboolean draw; /**< True if links should be drawn */
} signatures;
} ZathuraPagePrivate;
G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE(ZathuraPage, zathura_page_widget, GTK_TYPE_DRAWING_AREA, G_ADD_PRIVATE(ZathuraPage))
@ -70,6 +76,7 @@ static void zathura_page_widget_get_property(GObject* object, guint prop_id, GVa
static void zathura_page_widget_size_allocate(GtkWidget* widget, GdkRectangle* allocation);
static void redraw_rect(ZathuraPage* widget, zathura_rectangle_t* rectangle);
static void redraw_all_rects(ZathuraPage* widget, girara_list_t* rectangles);
static void evaluate_link_at_mouse_position(ZathuraPage* widget, int oldx, int oldy);
static void zathura_page_widget_popup_menu(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* event);
static gboolean cb_zathura_page_widget_button_press_event(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* button);
static gboolean cb_zathura_page_widget_button_release_event(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* button);
@ -96,6 +103,7 @@ enum properties_e {
enum {
@ -147,6 +155,10 @@ zathura_page_widget_class_init(ZathuraPageClass* class)
g_param_spec_int("search-length", "search-length", "The number of search results", -1, INT_MAX, 0, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
g_object_class_install_property(object_class, PROP_DRAW_SEARCH_RESULTS,
g_param_spec_boolean("draw-search-results", "draw-search-results", "Set to true if search results should be drawn", FALSE, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS));
g_object_class_install_property(object_class, PROP_DRAW_SIGNATURES,
g_param_spec_boolean("draw-signatures", "draw-signatures",
"Set to true if signatures should be drawn", FALSE,
/* add signals */
signals[TEXT_SELECTED] = g_signal_new("text-selected",
@ -208,6 +220,7 @@ zathura_page_widget_init(ZathuraPage* widget)
ZathuraPagePrivate* priv = zathura_page_widget_get_instance_private(widget);
priv->page = NULL;
priv->zathura = NULL;
priv->surface = NULL;
priv->thumbnail = NULL;
priv->render_request = NULL;
@ -223,17 +236,31 @@ zathura_page_widget_init(ZathuraPage* widget)
priv->search.current = INT_MAX;
priv->search.draw = false;
priv->selection.list = NULL;
priv->selection.draw = false;
priv->images.list = NULL;
priv->images.retrieved = false;
priv->images.current = NULL;
priv->mouse.selection.x1 = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.y1 = -1;
priv->mouse.selection_basepoint.x = -1;
priv->mouse.selection_basepoint.y = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.x1 = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.y1 = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.x2 = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.y2 = -1;
priv->mouse.over_link = false;
const unsigned int event_mask = GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK |
priv->highlighter.bounds.x1 = -1;
priv->highlighter.bounds.y1 = -1;
priv->highlighter.bounds.x2 = -1;
priv->highlighter.bounds.y2 = -1;
priv->highlighter.draw = false;
priv->signatures.list = NULL;
priv->signatures.retrieved = false;
priv->signatures.draw = false;
const unsigned int event_mask =
gtk_widget_add_events(GTK_WIDGET(widget), event_mask);
@ -372,99 +399,118 @@ get_text_extents(const char* string, zathura_t* zathura, cairo_font_weight_t wei
return text;
static void
zathura_page_widget_set_property(GObject* object, guint prop_id, const GValue* value, GParamSpec* pspec)
ZathuraPage* pageview = ZATHURA_PAGE(object);
static void zathura_page_widget_set_property(GObject* object, guint prop_id, const GValue* value, GParamSpec* pspec) {
ZathuraPage* pageview = ZATHURA_PAGE(object);
ZathuraPagePrivate* priv = zathura_page_widget_get_instance_private(pageview);
cairo_text_extents_t text;
switch (prop_id) {
priv->page = g_value_get_pointer(value);
priv->zathura = g_value_get_pointer(value);
priv->links.draw = g_value_get_boolean(value);
/* get links */
if (priv->links.draw == TRUE && priv->links.retrieved == FALSE) {
priv->links.list = zathura_page_links_get(priv->page, NULL);
priv->links.retrieved = TRUE;
priv->links.n = (priv->links.list == NULL) ? 0 : girara_list_size(priv->links.list);
priv->page = g_value_get_pointer(value);
priv->zathura = g_value_get_pointer(value);
priv->links.draw = g_value_get_boolean(value);
/* get links */
if (priv->links.draw == TRUE && priv->links.retrieved == FALSE) {
priv->links.list = zathura_page_links_get(priv->page, NULL);
priv->links.retrieved = TRUE;
priv->links.n = (priv->links.list == NULL) ? 0 : girara_list_size(priv->links.list);
if (priv->links.retrieved == TRUE && priv->links.list != NULL) {
/* get size of text that should be large enough for every link hint */
text = get_text_extents("888", priv->zathura, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD);
if (priv->links.retrieved == TRUE && priv->links.list != NULL) {
/* get size of text that should be large enough for every link hint */
text = get_text_extents("888", priv->zathura, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(priv->links.list, zathura_link_t*, link,
if (link != NULL) {
/* redraw link area */
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, zathura_link_get_position(link));
redraw_rect(pageview, &rectangle);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(priv->links.list); ++idx) {
zathura_link_t* link = girara_list_nth(priv->links.list, idx);
if (link != NULL) {
/* redraw link area */
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, zathura_link_get_position(link));
redraw_rect(pageview, &rectangle);
/* also redraw area for link hint */
rectangle.x2 = rectangle.x1 + text.width;
rectangle.y1 = rectangle.y2 - text.height;
redraw_rect(pageview, &rectangle);
priv->links.offset = g_value_get_int(value);
if (priv->search.list != NULL && priv->search.draw) {
redraw_all_rects(pageview, priv->search.list);
priv->search.list = g_value_get_pointer(value);
if (priv->search.list != NULL && priv->search.draw) {
priv->links.draw = FALSE;
redraw_all_rects(pageview, priv->search.list);
priv->search.current = -1;
g_return_if_fail(priv->search.list != NULL);
if (priv->search.current >= 0 && priv->search.current < (signed) girara_list_size(priv->search.list)) {
zathura_rectangle_t* rect = girara_list_nth(priv->search.list, priv->search.current);
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, *rect);
redraw_rect(pageview, &rectangle);
int val = g_value_get_int(value);
if (val < 0) {
priv->search.current = girara_list_size(priv->search.list);
} else {
priv->search.current = val;
if (priv->search.draw == TRUE && val >= 0 && val < (signed) girara_list_size(priv->search.list)) {
zathura_rectangle_t* rect = girara_list_nth(priv->search.list, priv->search.current);
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, *rect);
/* also redraw area for link hint */
rectangle.x2 = rectangle.x1 + text.width;
rectangle.y1 = rectangle.y2 - text.height;
redraw_rect(pageview, &rectangle);
priv->search.draw = g_value_get_boolean(value);
* we do the following instead of only redrawing the rectangles of the
* search results in order to avoid the rectangular margins that appear
* around the search terms after their highlighted rectangular areas are
* redrawn without highlighting.
if (priv->search.list != NULL && zathura_page_get_visibility(priv->page)) {
priv->links.offset = g_value_get_int(value);
if (priv->search.list != NULL && priv->search.draw) {
redraw_all_rects(pageview, priv->search.list);
priv->search.list = g_value_get_pointer(value);
if (priv->search.list != NULL && priv->search.draw) {
priv->links.draw = FALSE;
redraw_all_rects(pageview, priv->search.list);
priv->search.current = -1;
g_return_if_fail(priv->search.list != NULL);
if (priv->search.current >= 0 && priv->search.current < (signed)girara_list_size(priv->search.list)) {
zathura_rectangle_t* rect = girara_list_nth(priv->search.list, priv->search.current);
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, *rect);
redraw_rect(pageview, &rectangle);
int val = g_value_get_int(value);
if (val < 0) {
priv->search.current = girara_list_size(priv->search.list);
} else {
priv->search.current = val;
if (priv->search.draw == TRUE && val >= 0 && val < (signed)girara_list_size(priv->search.list)) {
zathura_rectangle_t* rect = girara_list_nth(priv->search.list, priv->search.current);
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, *rect);
redraw_rect(pageview, &rectangle);
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec);
priv->search.draw = g_value_get_boolean(value);
* we do the following instead of only redrawing the rectangles of the
* search results in order to avoid the rectangular margins that appear
* around the search terms after their highlighted rectangular areas are
* redrawn without highlighting.
if (priv->search.list != NULL && zathura_page_get_visibility(priv->page)) {
priv->signatures.draw = g_value_get_boolean(value);
/* get links */
if (priv->signatures.draw == TRUE && priv->signatures.retrieved == FALSE) {
priv->signatures.list = zathura_page_get_signatures(priv->page, NULL);
priv->signatures.retrieved = TRUE;
if (priv->signatures.retrieved == TRUE && priv->signatures.list != NULL) {
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(priv->signatures.list); ++idx) {
zathura_signature_info_t* signature = girara_list_nth(priv->signatures.list, idx);
if (signature == NULL) {
/* redraw signature area */
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, signature->position);
redraw_rect(pageview, &rectangle);
G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec);
@ -511,17 +557,36 @@ get_safe_device_factors(cairo_surface_t* surface)
return factors;
static gboolean
zathura_page_widget_draw(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cairo)
static gboolean zathura_page_widget_draw(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cairo) {
ZathuraPage* page = ZATHURA_PAGE(widget);
ZathuraPagePrivate* priv = zathura_page_widget_get_instance_private(page);
zathura_t* zathura = priv->zathura;
zathura_document_t* document = zathura_page_get_document(priv->page);
const unsigned int page_height = gtk_widget_get_allocated_height(widget);
const unsigned int page_width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width(widget);
if (priv->surface != NULL || priv->thumbnail != NULL) {
bool smooth_reload = true;
girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "smooth-reload", &smooth_reload);
bool surface_exists = priv->surface != NULL || priv->thumbnail != NULL;
if (zathura->predecessor_document != NULL && zathura->predecessor_pages != NULL && smooth_reload && !surface_exists) {
unsigned int page_index = zathura_page_get_index(priv->page);
if (page_index < zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(priv->zathura->predecessor_document)) {
/* render real page */
zathura_render_request(priv->render_request, g_get_real_time());
girara_debug("using predecessor page for idx %d", page_index);
document = priv->zathura->predecessor_document;
page = ZATHURA_PAGE(priv->zathura->predecessor_pages[page_index]);
priv = zathura_page_widget_get_instance_private(page);
surface_exists = priv->surface != NULL || priv->thumbnail != NULL;
if (surface_exists) {
const unsigned int rotation = zathura_document_get_rotation(document);
@ -574,65 +639,146 @@ zathura_page_widget_draw(GtkWidget* widget, cairo_t* cairo)
/* draw links */
set_font_from_property(cairo, priv->zathura, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD);
set_font_from_property(cairo, zathura, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD);
float transparency = 0.5;
girara_setting_get(priv->zathura->ui.session, "highlight-transparency", &transparency);
girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "highlight-transparency", &transparency);
if (priv->links.draw == true && priv->links.n != 0) {
unsigned int link_counter = 0;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(priv->links.list, zathura_link_t*, link,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(priv->links.list); ++idx) {
zathura_link_t* link = girara_list_nth(priv->links.list, idx);
if (link != NULL) {
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, zathura_link_get_position(link));
/* draw position */
const GdkRGBA color = priv->zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color;
const GdkRGBA color = zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color;
cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo,,,, transparency);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, rectangle.x1, rectangle.y1,
(rectangle.x2 - rectangle.x1), (rectangle.y2 - rectangle.y1));
cairo_rectangle(cairo, rectangle.x1, rectangle.y1, (rectangle.x2 - rectangle.x1),
(rectangle.y2 - rectangle.y1));
/* draw text */
const GdkRGBA color_fg = priv->zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color_fg;
const GdkRGBA color_fg = zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color_fg;
cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo,,,, transparency);
cairo_move_to(cairo, rectangle.x1 + 1, rectangle.y2 - 1);
char* link_number = g_strdup_printf("%i", priv->links.offset + ++link_counter);
cairo_show_text(cairo, link_number);
/* draw signatures */
if (priv->signatures.draw == true && priv->signatures.list != NULL) {
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(priv->signatures.list); ++idx) {
zathura_signature_info_t* signature = girara_list_nth(priv->signatures.list, idx);
if (signature == NULL) {
GdkRGBA color;
char* text = NULL;
bool free_text = false;
switch (signature->state) {
color = zathura->ui.colors.signature_success;
char* sig_time = g_date_time_format(signature->time, "%F %T");
text = g_strdup_printf(_("Signature is valid.\nThis document is signed by\n %s\non %s."), signature->signer,
free_text = true;
color = zathura->ui.colors.signature_warning;
text = _("Signature certificate is expired.");
color = zathura->ui.colors.signature_error;
text = _("Signature certificate is revoked.");
color = zathura->ui.colors.signature_error;
text = _("Signature certificate is not trusted.");
color = zathura->ui.colors.signature_error;
text = _("Signature certificate is invalid.");
color = zathura->ui.colors.signature_error;
text = _("Signature is invalid.");
/* draw position */
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, signature->position);
cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo,,,, color.alpha);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, rectangle.x1, rectangle.y1, (rectangle.x2 - rectangle.x1),
(rectangle.y2 - rectangle.y1));
/* draw text */
const GdkRGBA color_fg = zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color_fg;
cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo,,,, transparency);
cairo_text_extents_t extents;
cairo_text_extents(cairo, text, &extents);
cairo_move_to(cairo, rectangle.x1 + 1, rectangle.y1 + extents.height + 1);
cairo_show_text(cairo, text);
if (free_text == true) {
/* draw search results */
if (priv->search.list != NULL && priv->search.draw == true) {
int idx = 0;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(priv->search.list, zathura_rectangle_t*, rect,
for (size_t inner_idx = 0; inner_idx != girara_list_size(priv->search.list); ++inner_idx) {
zathura_rectangle_t* rect = girara_list_nth(priv->search.list, inner_idx);
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, *rect);
/* draw position */
if (idx == priv->search.current) {
const GdkRGBA color = priv->zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color_active;
const GdkRGBA color = zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color_active;
cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo,,,, transparency);
} else {
const GdkRGBA color = priv->zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color;
const GdkRGBA color = zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color;
cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo,,,, transparency);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, rectangle.x1, rectangle.y1,
(rectangle.x2 - rectangle.x1), (rectangle.y2 - rectangle.y1));
cairo_rectangle(cairo, rectangle.x1, rectangle.y1, (rectangle.x2 - rectangle.x1),
(rectangle.y2 - rectangle.y1));
if (priv->selection.list != NULL && priv->selection.draw == true) {
const GdkRGBA color = priv->zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color;
cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo,,,, transparency);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(priv->selection.list, zathura_rectangle_t*, rect,
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, *rect);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, rectangle.x1, rectangle.y1, rectangle.x2 - rectangle.x1, rectangle.y2 - rectangle.y1);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, rectangle.x1, rectangle.y1,
rectangle.x2 - rectangle.x1, rectangle.y2 - rectangle.y1);
if (priv->highlighter.bounds.x1 != -1
&& priv->highlighter.bounds.y1 != -1
&& priv->highlighter.draw == true) {
const GdkRGBA color = priv->zathura->ui.colors.highlight_color;
cairo_set_source_rgba(cairo,,,, transparency);
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, priv->highlighter.bounds);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, rectangle.x1, rectangle.y1,
rectangle.x2 - rectangle.x1, rectangle.y2 - rectangle.y1);
} else {
if (smooth_reload) {
girara_debug("rendering loading screen, flicker might be happening");
/* set background color */
if (zathura_renderer_recolor_enabled(priv->zathura->sync.render_thread) == true) {
GdkRGBA color;
@ -732,23 +878,24 @@ draw_thumbnail_image(cairo_surface_t* surface, size_t max_size)
const unsigned int unscaled_height = height / device.y;
/* create thumbnail surface, taking width and height as _unscaled_ device units */
cairo_surface_t *thumbnail;
cairo_surface_t* thumbnail;
thumbnail = cairo_surface_create_similar(surface, CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR, unscaled_width, unscaled_height);
if (thumbnail == NULL) {
if (cairo_surface_status(thumbnail) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
return NULL;
cairo_t *cr = cairo_create(thumbnail);
if (cr == NULL) {
cairo_t* cairo = cairo_create(thumbnail);
if (cairo_status(cairo) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
return NULL;
cairo_scale(cr, scale, scale);
cairo_set_source_surface(cr, surface, 0, 0);
cairo_pattern_set_filter(cairo_get_source(cr), CAIRO_FILTER_BILINEAR);
cairo_set_operator(cr, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
cairo_scale(cairo, scale, scale);
cairo_set_source_surface(cairo, surface, 0, 0);
cairo_pattern_set_filter(cairo_get_source(cairo), CAIRO_FILTER_BILINEAR);
cairo_set_operator(cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
return thumbnail;
@ -849,15 +996,38 @@ redraw_rect(ZathuraPage* widget, zathura_rectangle_t* rectangle)
gtk_widget_queue_draw_area(GTK_WIDGET(widget), grect.x, grect.y, grect.width, grect.height);
static void
redraw_all_rects(ZathuraPage* widget, girara_list_t* rectangles)
static void redraw_all_rects(ZathuraPage* widget, girara_list_t* rectangles) {
ZathuraPagePrivate* priv = zathura_page_widget_get_instance_private(widget);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(rectangles, zathura_rectangle_t*, rect,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(rectangles); ++idx) {
zathura_rectangle_t* rect = girara_list_nth(rectangles, idx);
zathura_rectangle_t rectangle = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, *rect);
redraw_rect(widget, &rectangle);
static void
evaluate_link_at_mouse_position(ZathuraPage* page, int oldx, int oldy)
ZathuraPagePrivate* priv = zathura_page_widget_get_instance_private(page);
/* simple single click */
/* get links */
if (priv->links.retrieved == false) {
priv->links.list = zathura_page_links_get(priv->page, NULL);
priv->links.retrieved = true;
priv->links.n = (priv->links.list == NULL) ? 0 : girara_list_size(priv->links.list);
if (priv->links.list != NULL && priv->links.n > 0) {
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(priv->links.list); ++idx) {
zathura_link_t* link = girara_list_nth(priv->links.list, idx);
const zathura_rectangle_t rect = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, zathura_link_get_position(link));
if (rect.x1 <= oldx && rect.x2 >= oldx && rect.y1 <= oldy && rect.y2 >= oldy) {
zathura_link_evaluate(priv->zathura, link);
@ -875,40 +1045,71 @@ zathura_page_widget_link_get(ZathuraPage* widget, unsigned int index)
static void
rotate_point(zathura_document_t* document, double orig_x, double orig_y,
double* x, double* y)
const unsigned int rotation = zathura_document_get_rotation(document);
if (rotation == 0) {
*x = orig_x;
*y = orig_y;
unsigned int height, width;
zathura_document_get_cell_size(document, &height, &width);
switch (rotation) {
case 90:
*x = orig_y;
*y = width - orig_x;
case 180:
*x = width - orig_x;
*y = height - orig_y;
case 270:
*x = height - orig_y;
*y = orig_x;
*x = orig_x;
*y = orig_y;
static gboolean
cb_zathura_page_widget_button_press_event(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* button)
g_return_val_if_fail(widget != NULL, false);
g_return_val_if_fail(button != NULL, false);
ZathuraPage* page = ZATHURA_PAGE(widget);
ZathuraPagePrivate* priv = zathura_page_widget_get_instance_private(page);
ZathuraPage* page = ZATHURA_PAGE(widget);
ZathuraPagePrivate* priv = zathura_page_widget_get_instance_private(page);
zathura_document_t* document = zathura_page_get_document(priv->page);
if (girara_callback_view_button_press_event(widget, button, priv->zathura->ui.session) == true) {
return true;
if (priv->selection.list != NULL) {
if (priv->selection.list != NULL || priv->highlighter.draw == true) {
priv->selection.draw = false;
redraw_rect(page, &priv->selection.bounds);
priv->highlighter.draw = false;
if (button->button == GDK_BUTTON_PRIMARY) { /* left click */
if (button->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) {
/* start the selection */
priv->mouse.selection_basepoint.x = button->x;
priv->mouse.selection_basepoint.y = button->y;
double x, y;
rotate_point(document, button->x, button->y, &x, &y);
priv->mouse.selection.x1 = button->x;
priv->mouse.selection.y1 = button->y;
priv->mouse.selection.x2 = button->x;
priv->mouse.selection.y2 = button->y;
priv->mouse.selection.x1 = x;
priv->mouse.selection.y1 = y;
priv->mouse.selection.x2 = x;
priv->mouse.selection.y2 = y;
} else if (button->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || button->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS) {
/* abort the selection */
priv->mouse.selection_basepoint.x = -1;
priv->mouse.selection_basepoint.y = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.x1 = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.y1 = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.x2 = -1;
@ -934,15 +1135,15 @@ cb_zathura_page_widget_button_release_event(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* b
return false;
const int oldx = button->x;
const int oldy = button->y;
ZathuraPage* page = ZATHURA_PAGE(widget);
ZathuraPagePrivate* priv = zathura_page_widget_get_instance_private(page);
zathura_document_t* document = zathura_page_get_document(priv->page);
const double scale = zathura_document_get_scale(document);
const int oldx = button->x;
const int oldy = button->y;
button->x /= scale;
button->y /= scale;
@ -955,24 +1156,11 @@ cb_zathura_page_widget_button_release_event(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* b
return false;
if (priv->mouse.selection.y2 == -1 && priv->mouse.selection.x2 == -1 ) {
if (priv->mouse.selection.x2 == -1 && priv->mouse.selection.y2 == -1) {
/* simple single click */
/* get links */
if (priv->links.retrieved == false) {
priv->links.list = zathura_page_links_get(priv->page, NULL);
priv->links.retrieved = true;
priv->links.n = (priv->links.list == NULL) ? 0 : girara_list_size(priv->links.list);
if (priv->links.list != NULL && priv->links.n > 0) {
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(priv->links.list, zathura_link_t*, link,
const zathura_rectangle_t rect = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, zathura_link_get_position(link));
if (rect.x1 <= oldx && rect.x2 >= oldx
&& rect.y1 <= oldy && rect.y2 >= oldy) {
zathura_link_evaluate(priv->zathura, link);
if (priv->zathura->global.double_click_follow) {
evaluate_link_at_mouse_position(page, oldx, oldy);
} else {
zathura_rectangle_t tmp = priv->mouse.selection;
@ -985,14 +1173,13 @@ cb_zathura_page_widget_button_release_event(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* b
char* text = zathura_page_get_text(priv->page, tmp, NULL);
if (text != NULL && *text != '\0') {
/* emit text-selected signal */
g_signal_emit(ZATHURA_PAGE(widget), signals[TEXT_SELECTED], 0, text);
g_signal_emit(page, signals[TEXT_SELECTED], 0, text);
} else if (priv->zathura->global.double_click_follow == false) {
evaluate_link_at_mouse_position(page, oldx, oldy);
priv->mouse.selection_basepoint.x = -1;
priv->mouse.selection_basepoint.y = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.x1 = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.y1 = -1;
priv->mouse.selection.x2 = -1;
@ -1001,6 +1188,31 @@ cb_zathura_page_widget_button_release_event(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* b
return false;
static zathura_rectangle_t
next_selection_rectangle(double basepoint_x, double basepoint_y,
double next_x, double next_y)
zathura_rectangle_t rect;
/* make sure that x2 > x1 && y2 > y1 holds */
if (next_x > basepoint_x) {
rect.x1 = basepoint_x;
rect.x2 = next_x;
} else {
rect.x1 = next_x;
rect.x2 = basepoint_x;
if (next_y > basepoint_y) {
rect.y1 = basepoint_y;
rect.y2 = next_y;
} else {
rect.y1 = next_y;
rect.y2 = basepoint_y;
return rect;
static gboolean
cb_zathura_page_widget_motion_notify(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventMotion* event)
@ -1013,7 +1225,42 @@ cb_zathura_page_widget_motion_notify(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventMotion* event)
zathura_document_t* document = zathura_page_get_document(priv->page);
const double scale = zathura_document_get_scale(document);
if ((event->state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) == 0) {
if (event->state & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK) { /* holding left mouse button */
if (event->state & priv->zathura->global.highlighter_modmask) {
double x, y;
rotate_point(document, event->x, event->y, &x, &y);
priv->highlighter.bounds = next_selection_rectangle(priv->mouse.selection.x1,
x, y);
priv->highlighter.bounds.x1 /= scale;
priv->highlighter.bounds.y1 /= scale;
priv->highlighter.bounds.x2 /= scale;
priv->highlighter.bounds.y2 /= scale;
priv->highlighter.draw = true;
} else {
/* calculate next selection */
rotate_point(document, event->x, event->y,
&priv->mouse.selection.x2, &priv->mouse.selection.y2);
zathura_rectangle_t selection = priv->mouse.selection;
selection.x1 /= scale;
selection.y1 /= scale;
selection.x2 /= scale;
selection.y2 /= scale;
if (priv->selection.list != NULL) {
priv->selection.list = zathura_page_get_selection(priv->page, selection, NULL);
if (priv->selection.list != NULL && girara_list_size(priv->selection.list) != 0) {
priv->selection.draw = true;
} else {
if (priv->links.retrieved == false) {
priv->links.list = zathura_page_links_get(priv->page, NULL);
priv->links.retrieved = true;
@ -1022,74 +1269,26 @@ cb_zathura_page_widget_motion_notify(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventMotion* event)
if (priv->links.list != NULL && priv->links.n > 0) {
bool over_link = false;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(priv->links.list, zathura_link_t*, link,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(priv->links.list); ++idx) {
zathura_link_t* link = girara_list_nth(priv->links.list, idx);
zathura_rectangle_t rect = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, zathura_link_get_position(link));
if (rect.x1 <= event->x && rect.x2 >= event->x && rect.y1 <= event->y && rect.y2 >= event->y) {
over_link = true;
if (priv->mouse.over_link != over_link) {
if (over_link == true) {
g_signal_emit(ZATHURA_PAGE(widget), signals[ENTER_LINK], 0);
g_signal_emit(page, signals[ENTER_LINK], 0);
} else {
g_signal_emit(ZATHURA_PAGE(widget), signals[LEAVE_LINK], 0);
g_signal_emit(page, signals[LEAVE_LINK], 0);
priv->mouse.over_link = over_link;
return false;
const zathura_rectangle_t tmp = {
if (priv->selection.list != NULL) {
zathura_rectangle_t scaled_mouse_selection = tmp;
scaled_mouse_selection.x1 /= scale;
scaled_mouse_selection.x2 /= scale;
scaled_mouse_selection.y1 /= scale;
scaled_mouse_selection.y2 /= scale;
const unsigned int page_width = gtk_widget_get_allocated_width(widget);
float y1, y2;
if (tmp.y1 < tmp.y2) {
y1 = tmp.y1;
y2 = tmp.y2;
} else {
y1 = tmp.y2;
y2 = tmp.y1;
zathura_rectangle_t redraw_bounds = {0, y1, page_width, y2};
priv->selection.list = zathura_page_get_selection(priv->page, scaled_mouse_selection, NULL);
priv->selection.list = zathura_page_get_selection(priv->page, scaled_mouse_selection, NULL);
if (priv->selection.list != NULL && girara_list_size(priv->selection.list) != 0) {
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(priv->selection.list, zathura_rectangle_t*, rect,
redraw_bounds.y1 = fmin(rect->y1 * scale, redraw_bounds.y1);
redraw_bounds.y2 = fmax(rect->y2 * scale, redraw_bounds.y2);
priv->selection.draw = false;
redraw_rect(page, &priv->selection.bounds);
priv->selection.draw = true;
redraw_rect(page, &redraw_bounds);
priv->selection.bounds = redraw_bounds;
priv->mouse.selection = tmp;
return false;
@ -1101,11 +1300,11 @@ cb_zathura_page_widget_leave_notify(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventCrossing* UNUSED(
ZathuraPage* page = ZATHURA_PAGE(widget);
ZathuraPagePrivate* priv = zathura_page_widget_get_instance_private(page);
if (priv->selection.list != NULL) {
priv->selection.draw = false;
redraw_rect(page, &priv->selection.bounds);
priv->selection.draw = false;
if (priv->mouse.over_link == true) {
g_signal_emit(ZATHURA_PAGE(widget), signals[LEAVE_LINK], 0);
g_signal_emit(page, signals[LEAVE_LINK], 0);
priv->mouse.over_link = false;
return false;
@ -1134,12 +1333,13 @@ zathura_page_widget_popup_menu(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* event)
/* search for underlaying image */
zathura_image_t* image = NULL;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(priv->images.list, zathura_image_t*, image_it,
zathura_rectangle_t rect = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, image_it->position);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(priv->images.list); ++idx) {
zathura_image_t* image_it = girara_list_nth(priv->images.list, idx);
zathura_rectangle_t rect = recalc_rectangle(priv->page, image_it->position);
if (rect.x1 <= event->x && rect.x2 >= event->x && rect.y1 <= event->y && rect.y2 >= event->y) {
image = image_it;
if (image == NULL) {
@ -1164,7 +1364,7 @@ zathura_page_widget_popup_menu(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventButton* event)
GtkWidget* item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label(menu_items[i].text);
gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), item);
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(menu_items[i].callback), ZATHURA_PAGE(widget));
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(menu_items[i].callback), page);
/* attach and popup */
@ -1218,13 +1418,12 @@ cb_menu_image_save(GtkMenuItem* item, ZathuraPage* page)
unsigned int page_id = zathura_page_get_index(priv->page) + 1;
unsigned int image_id = 1;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(priv->images.list, zathura_image_t*, image_it,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(priv->images.list); ++idx, ++image_id) {
zathura_image_t* image_it = girara_list_nth(priv->images.list, idx);
if (image_it == priv->images.current) {
/* set command */
char* export_command = g_strdup_printf(":export image-p%d-%d ", page_id, image_id);

View file

@ -412,3 +412,33 @@ zathura_page_get_label(zathura_page_t* page, zathura_error_t* error)
return ret;
girara_list_t* zathura_page_get_signatures(zathura_page_t* page, zathura_error_t* error) {
if (page == NULL || page->document == NULL) {
if (error) {
return NULL;
zathura_plugin_t* plugin = zathura_document_get_plugin(page->document);
const zathura_plugin_functions_t* functions = zathura_plugin_get_functions(plugin);
if (functions->page_get_signatures == NULL) {
if (error) {
return NULL;
zathura_error_t e = ZATHURA_ERROR_OK;
girara_list_t* ret = functions->page_get_signatures(page, page->data, &e);
if (e != ZATHURA_ERROR_OK) {
if (error) {
*error = e;
return NULL;
return ret;

View file

@ -218,10 +218,20 @@ ZATHURA_PLUGIN_API zathura_error_t zathura_page_render(zathura_page_t* page, cai
* is returned.
* @param page Page
* @param error Set to an error value (see \ref zathura_Error_t) if an error
* @param error Set to an error value (see \ref zathura_error_t) if an error
* occurred.
* @return Page label
ZATHURA_PLUGIN_API char* zathura_page_get_label(zathura_page_t* page, zathura_error_t* error);
* Get signatures of a page
* @param page Page
* @param error Set to an error value (see \ref zathura_error_t) if an error
* occurred.
* @return List of signatures
ZATHURA_PLUGIN_API girara_list_t* zathura_page_get_signatures(zathura_page_t* page, zathura_error_t* error);
#endif // PAGE_H

View file

@ -108,6 +108,10 @@ typedef zathura_error_t (*zathura_plugin_page_render_cairo_t)(zathura_page_t* pa
typedef zathura_error_t (*zathura_plugin_page_get_label_t)(zathura_page_t* page, void* data, char** label);
* Get signatures
typedef girara_list_t* (*zathura_plugin_page_get_signatures)(zathura_page_t* page, void* data, zathura_error_t* error);
struct zathura_plugin_functions_s
@ -205,12 +209,17 @@ struct zathura_plugin_functions_s
* Get page label.
zathura_plugin_page_get_label_t page_get_label;
* Get signatures.
zathura_plugin_page_get_signatures page_get_signatures;
typedef struct zathura_plugin_version_s {
unsigned int major; /**< Major */
unsigned int minor; /**< Minor */
unsigned int rev; /**< Revision */
unsigned int rev; /**< Revision */
} zathura_plugin_version_t;
typedef struct zathura_plugin_definition_s {

View file

@ -207,22 +207,19 @@ zathura_plugin_manager_load(zathura_plugin_manager_t* plugin_manager)
return girara_list_size(plugin_manager->plugins) > 0;
zathura_plugin_manager_get_plugin(zathura_plugin_manager_t* plugin_manager, const char* type)
zathura_plugin_t* zathura_plugin_manager_get_plugin(zathura_plugin_manager_t* plugin_manager, const char* type) {
if (plugin_manager == NULL || plugin_manager->type_plugin_mapping == NULL || type == NULL) {
return NULL;
zathura_plugin_t* plugin = NULL;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(plugin_manager->type_plugin_mapping, zathura_type_plugin_mapping_t*, mapping,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(plugin_manager->type_plugin_mapping); ++idx) {
zathura_type_plugin_mapping_t* mapping = girara_list_nth(plugin_manager->type_plugin_mapping, idx);
if (g_content_type_equals(type, mapping->type)) {
plugin = mapping->plugin;
return mapping->plugin;
return plugin;
return NULL;
@ -260,26 +257,22 @@ zathura_plugin_manager_free(zathura_plugin_manager_t* plugin_manager)
static bool
register_plugin(zathura_plugin_manager_t* plugin_manager, zathura_plugin_t* plugin)
if (plugin == NULL
|| plugin->content_types == NULL
|| plugin_manager == NULL
|| plugin_manager->plugins == NULL) {
static bool register_plugin(zathura_plugin_manager_t* plugin_manager, zathura_plugin_t* plugin) {
if (plugin == NULL || plugin->content_types == NULL || plugin_manager == NULL || plugin_manager->plugins == NULL) {
girara_error("plugin: could not register");
return false;
bool at_least_one = false;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(plugin->content_types, gchar*, type,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(plugin->content_types); ++idx) {
gchar* type = girara_list_nth(plugin->content_types, idx);
if (plugin_mapping_new(plugin_manager, type, plugin) == false) {
girara_error("plugin: filetype already registered: %s", type);
} else {
girara_debug("plugin: filetype mapping added: %s", type);
at_least_one = true;
if (at_least_one == true) {
girara_list_append(plugin_manager->plugins, plugin);
@ -288,23 +281,16 @@ register_plugin(zathura_plugin_manager_t* plugin_manager, zathura_plugin_t* plug
return at_least_one;
static bool
plugin_mapping_new(zathura_plugin_manager_t* plugin_manager, const gchar* type, zathura_plugin_t* plugin)
static bool plugin_mapping_new(zathura_plugin_manager_t* plugin_manager, const gchar* type, zathura_plugin_t* plugin) {
g_return_val_if_fail(plugin_manager != NULL, false);
g_return_val_if_fail(type != NULL, false);
g_return_val_if_fail(plugin != NULL, false);
g_return_val_if_fail(type != NULL, false);
g_return_val_if_fail(plugin != NULL, false);
bool already_registered = false;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(plugin_manager->type_plugin_mapping, zathura_type_plugin_mapping_t*, mapping,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(plugin_manager->type_plugin_mapping); ++idx) {
zathura_type_plugin_mapping_t* mapping = girara_list_nth(plugin_manager->type_plugin_mapping, idx);
if (g_content_type_equals(type, mapping->type)) {
already_registered = true;
return false;
if (already_registered == true) {
return false;
zathura_type_plugin_mapping_t* mapping = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(zathura_type_plugin_mapping_t));

View file

@ -52,16 +52,12 @@ draw_page_image(cairo_t* cairo, GtkPrintContext* context, zathura_t* zathura,
const double page_height = zathura_page_get_height(page) * scale_height;
const double page_width = zathura_page_get_width(page) * scale_width;
cairo_surface_t* surface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, page_width, page_height);
if (surface == NULL) {
return false;
if (cairo_surface_status(surface) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
return false;
cairo_t* temp_cairo = cairo_create(surface);
if (cairo == NULL) {
if (cairo_status(temp_cairo) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
return false;
@ -113,9 +109,9 @@ cb_print_draw_page(GtkPrintOperation* print_operation, GtkPrintContext*
/* Get the page and cairo handle. */
cairo_t* cairo = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context(context);
zathura_page_t* page = zathura_document_get_page(zathura->document, page_number);
if (cairo == NULL || page == NULL) {
cairo_t* cairo = gtk_print_context_get_cairo_context(context);
if (cairo_status(cairo) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS || page == NULL) {

View file

@ -426,9 +426,7 @@ zathura_renderer_stop(ZathuraRenderer* renderer)
/* ZathuraRenderRequest methods */
zathura_render_request(ZathuraRenderRequest* request, gint64 last_view_time)
void zathura_render_request(ZathuraRenderRequest* request, gint64 last_view_time) {
ZathuraRenderRequestPrivate* request_priv = zathura_render_request_get_instance_private(request);
@ -436,12 +434,13 @@ zathura_render_request(ZathuraRenderRequest* request, gint64 last_view_time)
bool unfinished_jobs = false;
/* check if there are any active jobs left */
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(request_priv->active_jobs, render_job_t*, job,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(request_priv->active_jobs); ++idx) {
render_job_t* job = girara_list_nth(request_priv->active_jobs, idx);
if (job->aborted == false) {
unfinished_jobs = true;
/* only add a new job if there are no active ones left */
if (unfinished_jobs == false) {
@ -449,6 +448,7 @@ zathura_render_request(ZathuraRenderRequest* request, gint64 last_view_time)
render_job_t* job = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(render_job_t));
if (job == NULL) {
@ -463,16 +463,15 @@ zathura_render_request(ZathuraRenderRequest* request, gint64 last_view_time)
zathura_render_request_abort(ZathuraRenderRequest* request)
void zathura_render_request_abort(ZathuraRenderRequest* request) {
ZathuraRenderRequestPrivate* request_priv = zathura_render_request_get_instance_private(request);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(request_priv->active_jobs, render_job_t*, job,
job->aborted = true;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(request_priv->active_jobs); ++idx) {
render_job_t* job = girara_list_nth(request_priv->active_jobs, idx);
job->aborted = true;
@ -638,14 +637,15 @@ recolor(ZathuraRendererPrivate* priv, zathura_page_t* page, unsigned int page_wi
if (found_images == true) {
/* Get images bounding boxes */
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(images, zathura_image_t*, image_it,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(images); ++idx) {
zathura_image_t* image_it = girara_list_nth(images, idx);
zathura_rectangle_t* rect = g_try_malloc(sizeof(zathura_rectangle_t));
if (rect == NULL) {
*rect = recalc_rectangle(page, image_it->position);
girara_list_append(rectangles, rect);
@ -654,15 +654,15 @@ recolor(ZathuraRendererPrivate* priv, zathura_page_t* page, unsigned int page_wi
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < page_width; x++, data += 4) {
/* Check if the pixel belongs to an image when in reverse video mode*/
if (priv->recolor.reverse_video == true && found_images == true){
if (priv->recolor.reverse_video == true && found_images == true) {
bool inside_image = false;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(rectangles, zathura_rectangle_t*, rect_it,
if (rect_it->x1 <= x && rect_it->x2 >= x &&
rect_it->y1 <= y && rect_it->y2 >= y) {
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(rectangles); ++idx) {
zathura_rectangle_t* rect_it = girara_list_nth(rectangles, idx);
if (rect_it->x1 <= x && rect_it->x2 >= x && rect_it->y1 <= y && rect_it->y2 >= y) {
inside_image = true;
/* If it's inside and image don't recolor */
if (inside_image == true) {
/* It is not guaranteed that the pixel is already opaque. */
@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ static bool
render_to_cairo_surface(cairo_surface_t* surface, zathura_page_t* page, ZathuraRenderer* renderer, double real_scale)
cairo_t* cairo = cairo_create(surface);
if (cairo == NULL) {
if (cairo_status(cairo) != CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
return false;
@ -774,7 +774,6 @@ render_to_cairo_surface(cairo_surface_t* surface, zathura_page_t* page, ZathuraR
cairo_set_source_rgb(cairo, 1, 1, 1);
/* apply scale (used by e.g. Poppler as pixels per point) */
if (fabs(real_scale - 1.0f) > FLT_EPSILON) {
@ -784,7 +783,6 @@ render_to_cairo_surface(cairo_surface_t* surface, zathura_page_t* page, ZathuraR
const int err = zathura_page_render(page, cairo, false);
return err == ZATHURA_ERROR_OK;
@ -832,11 +830,6 @@ render(render_job_t* job, ZathuraRenderRequest* request, ZathuraRenderer* render
cairo_surface_t* surface = cairo_image_surface_create(format,
page_width, page_height);
if (surface == NULL) {
return false;
if (request_priv->render_plain == false) {
cairo_surface_set_device_scale(surface, device_factors.x, device_factors.y);

View file

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#define DENY_RULE(call) ADD_RULE("kill", SCMP_ACT_KILL, call, 0)
#define ALLOW_RULE(call) ADD_RULE("allow", SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, call, 0)
#define ERRNO_RULE(call) ADD_RULE("errno", SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(ENOSYS), call, 0)
@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ seccomp_enable_basic_filter(void)
/* DENY_RULE(chroot); used by firefox */
@ -85,6 +86,9 @@ seccomp_enable_basic_filter(void)
#ifdef __NR_mount_setattr
@ -102,9 +106,9 @@ seccomp_enable_basic_filter(void)
@ -159,34 +163,36 @@ seccomp_enable_strict_filter(zathura_t* zathura)
/* ALLOW_RULE(clock_getres); unused? */
/* ALLOW_RULE(clone); specified below, clone3 see comment below */
ALLOW_RULE(clock_gettime); /* used when vDSO function is unavailable */
/* ALLOW_RULE(epoll_create); outdated, to be removed */
/* ALLOW_RULE(fadvise64); */
ALLOW_RULE(fcntl); /* TODO: build detailed filter */
ALLOW_RULE(fstat); /* used by older libc, stat (below), lstat(below), fstatat, newfstatat(below) */
ALLOW_RULE(fstatfs); /* statfs (below) */
/* ALLOW_RULE(getdents); unused? */
/* ALLOW_RULE(getdents); 32 bit only */
ALLOW_RULE(getppid); /* required inside containers */
ALLOW_RULE(gettimeofday); /* used when vDSO function is unavailable */
ALLOW_RULE(getrandom); /* occasionally required */
/* ALLOW_RULE(getresgid); */
/* ALLOW_RULE(getresuid); */
/* ALLOW_RULE(getrlimit); unused? */
/* ALLOW_RULE(getpeername); not required if database is initializes properly */
ALLOW_RULE(inotify_add_watch); /* required by filemonitor feature */
ALLOW_RULE(inotify_init1); /* used by filemonitor, inotify_init (glib<2.9) */
ALLOW_RULE(inotify_rm_watch); /* used by filemonitor */
@ -197,40 +203,42 @@ seccomp_enable_strict_filter(zathura_t* zathura)
/* ALLOW_RULE(mremap); */
/* ALLOW_RULE (open); specified below */
/* ALLOW_RULE (openat); specified below */
/* ALLOW_RULE(pipe); unused? */
ALLOW_RULE(pipe2); /* used by dbus only - remove this after dbus isolation is fixed */
ALLOW_RULE(pwrite64); /* equals pwrite */
ALLOW_RULE(pread64); /* equals pread */
/* ALLOW_RULE (prctl); specified below */
ALLOW_RULE(pread64); /* equals pread */
/* ALLOW_RULE(pwrite64); equals pwrite */
ALLOW_RULE(readlink); /* readlinkat */
/* ALLOW_RULE(recvfrom); X11 only */
/* ALLOW_RULE(restart_syscall); unused? */
ALLOW_RULE(restart_syscall); /* required for wakeup from suspense */
ALLOW_RULE(sendmsg); /* ipc, investigate */
ALLOW_RULE(sendto); /* ipc, investigate */
ALLOW_RULE(select); /* pselect (equals pselect6), unused? */
/* ALLOW_RULE(sched_setattr); */
/* ALLOW_RULE(sched_getattr); */
ALLOW_RULE(sendmsg); /* ipc, used by wayland socket */
/* ALLOW_RULE(sendto); ipc, investigate */
/* ALLOW_RULE(select); pselect (equals pselect6) */
/* ALLOW_RULE(shmat); X11 only */
/* ALLOW_RULE(shmctl); X11 only */
/* ALLOW_RULE(shmdt); X11 only */
/* ALLOW_RULE(shmget); X11 only */
ALLOW_RULE(stat); /* used by older libc */
/* ALLOW_RULE(shutdown); */
ALLOW_RULE(stat); /* used by older libc - Debian 11 */
ALLOW_RULE(statfs); /* used by filemonitor, fstatfs above */
/* ALLOW_RULE(sysinfo); !!! */
/* ALLOW_RULE(tgkill); investigate - used when zathura is quickly restarted and dbus socket is closed */
/* ALLOW_RULE(umask); X11 only */
/* ALLOW_RULE(uname); X11 only */
/* ALLOW_RULE(unlink); unused?, unlinkat */
@ -242,13 +250,14 @@ seccomp_enable_strict_filter(zathura_t* zathura)
/* Permit X11 specific syscalls */
GdkDisplay* display = gtk_widget_get_display(zathura->ui.session->gtk.view);
if (GDK_IS_X11_DISPLAY (display)) {
girara_debug("On X11, supporting X11 syscalls");
girara_warning("Running strict sandbox mode on X11 provides only \
incomplete process isolation.");
/* permit the socket syscall for local UNIX domain sockets (required by X11) */
@ -264,6 +273,7 @@ seccomp_enable_strict_filter(zathura_t* zathura)
ALLOW_RULE(writev); /* pwritev, pwritev2 */
else {
@ -271,6 +281,8 @@ seccomp_enable_strict_filter(zathura_t* zathura)
/* block unsuccessful ipc attempt */
/* filter clone arguments */
ADD_RULE("allow", SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, clone, 1, SCMP_CMP(0, SCMP_CMP_EQ, \
@ -284,7 +296,7 @@ seccomp_enable_strict_filter(zathura_t* zathura)
/* trigger fallback to clone */
ADD_RULE("errno", SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(ENOSYS), clone3, 0);
/* fcntl filter - not yet working */
/*ADD_RULE("allow", SCMP_ACT_ALLOW, fcntl, 1, SCMP_CMP(0, SCMP_CMP_EQ, \
@ -318,6 +330,23 @@ seccomp_enable_strict_filter(zathura_t* zathura)
/* Gracefully fail syscalls that may be used by dependencies in the future
These rules will still block the syscalls but since there usually is fallback code
for new syscalls, it will not shut down zathura and give us more time to
analyse the newly required syscall before potentionally allowing it.
#ifdef __NR_readfile
#ifdef __NR_fchmodat2
/* Sandbox Status Notes:

View file

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "shortcuts.h"
#include "dbus-interface.h"
#include "document.h"
#include "zathura.h"
#include "render.h"
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
#include "adjustment.h"
#include <math.h>
/* Helper function; see sc_display_link and sc_follow. */
/* Helper function for highlighting the links */
static bool
draw_links(zathura_t* zathura)
@ -54,6 +55,30 @@ draw_links(zathura_t* zathura)
return show_links;
/* Common code for sc_follow, sc_display_link and sc_copy_link */
static bool
link_shortcuts(zathura_t* zathura, girara_callback_inputbar_activate_t callback,
const char* text)
if (zathura->document == NULL || zathura->ui.session == NULL) {
return false;
bool show_links = draw_links(zathura);
/* ask for input */
if (show_links == true) {
GtkWidget *inputbar = zathura->ui.session->gtk.inputbar;
gulong handler_id = g_signal_connect(inputbar, "hide", G_CALLBACK(cb_hide_links), zathura);
g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(inputbar), "handler_id", GUINT_TO_POINTER(handler_id));
zathura_document_set_adjust_mode(zathura->document, ZATHURA_ADJUST_INPUTBAR);
girara_dialog(zathura->ui.session, text, FALSE, NULL, callback, zathura->ui.session);
return false;
sc_abort(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* UNUSED(argument),
girara_event_t* UNUSED(event), unsigned int UNUSED(t))
@ -132,21 +157,7 @@ sc_display_link(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* UNUSED(argument),
g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false);
zathura_t* zathura = session->;
if (zathura->document == NULL || zathura->ui.session == NULL) {
return false;
bool show_links = draw_links(zathura);
/* ask for input */
if (show_links) {
zathura_document_set_adjust_mode(zathura->document, ZATHURA_ADJUST_INPUTBAR);
girara_dialog(zathura->ui.session, "Display link:", FALSE, NULL,
return false;
return link_shortcuts(zathura, cb_sc_display_link, "Display Link: ");
@ -157,21 +168,7 @@ sc_copy_link(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* UNUSED(argument),
g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false);
zathura_t* zathura = session->;
if (zathura->document == NULL || zathura->ui.session == NULL) {
return false;
bool show_links = draw_links(zathura);
/* ask for input */
if (show_links) {
zathura_document_set_adjust_mode(zathura->document, ZATHURA_ADJUST_INPUTBAR);
girara_dialog(zathura->ui.session, "Copy link:", FALSE, NULL,
return false;
return link_shortcuts(zathura, cb_sc_copy_link, "Copy Link: ");
@ -271,19 +268,7 @@ sc_follow(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* UNUSED(argument),
g_return_val_if_fail(session-> != NULL, false);
zathura_t* zathura = session->;
if (zathura->document == NULL || zathura->ui.session == NULL) {
return false;
bool show_links = draw_links(zathura);
/* ask for input */
if (show_links == true) {
zathura_document_set_adjust_mode(zathura->document, ZATHURA_ADJUST_INPUTBAR);
girara_dialog(zathura->ui.session, "Follow link:", FALSE, NULL, cb_sc_follow, zathura->ui.session);
return false;
return link_shortcuts(zathura, cb_sc_follow, "Follow Link: ");
@ -1492,33 +1477,40 @@ sc_exec(girara_session_t* session, girara_argument_t* argument, girara_event_t*
return false;
girara_argument_t new_argument = *argument;
const char* bus_name = zathura_dbus_get_name(zathura);
char* s = girara_replace_substring(, "$DBUS", bus_name);
if (s == NULL) {
return false;
} = s;
if (zathura->document != NULL) {
const char* path = zathura_document_get_path(zathura->document);
unsigned int page = zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document);
char page_buf[G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE];
g_ascii_dtostr(page_buf, G_ASCII_DTOSTR_BUF_SIZE, page+1);
girara_argument_t new_argument = *argument;
char* r = girara_replace_substring(argument->data, "$FILE", path);
if (r == NULL) {
return false;
char* s = girara_replace_substring(r, "$PAGE", page_buf);
s = girara_replace_substring(, "$FILE", path);
if (s == NULL) {
return false;
} = s;
s = girara_replace_substring(, "$PAGE", page_buf);
if (s == NULL) {
return false;
} = s;
const bool ret = girara_sc_exec(session, &new_argument, event, t);
return ret;
return girara_sc_exec(session, argument, event, t);
const bool ret = girara_sc_exec(session, &new_argument, event, t);
return ret;

View file

@ -120,3 +120,19 @@ zathura_document_information_entry_free(zathura_document_information_entry_t* en
zathura_signature_info_t* zathura_signature_info_new(void) {
return g_try_malloc0(sizeof(zathura_signature_info_t));
void zathura_signature_info_free(zathura_signature_info_t* signature) {
if (signature == NULL) {
if (signature->time) {

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#define TYPES_H
#include <girara/datastructures.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include "macros.h"
@ -286,4 +287,41 @@ typedef struct zathura_device_factors_s
double y;
} zathura_device_factors_t;
* Signature state
typedef enum zathura_signature_state_e {
} zathura_signature_state_t;
* Signature information
typedef struct zathura_signature_info_s {
char* signer;
GDateTime* time;
zathura_rectangle_t position;
zathura_signature_state_t state;
} zathura_signature_info_t;
* Creates a new siganture info.
* @return A new signature info or NULL if an error occurred
ZATHURA_PLUGIN_API zathura_signature_info_t* zathura_signature_info_new(void);
* Frees a signature info
* @param signature The signature info to be freed
ZATHURA_PLUGIN_API void zathura_signature_info_free(zathura_signature_info_t* signature);
#endif // TYPES_H

View file

@ -70,17 +70,14 @@ index_element_free(void* data, GObject* UNUSED(object))
document_index_build(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreeIter* parent,
girara_tree_node_t* tree)
void document_index_build(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreeIter* parent, girara_tree_node_t* tree) {
girara_list_t* list = girara_node_get_children(tree);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(list, girara_tree_node_t*, node,
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(list); ++idx) {
girara_tree_node_t* node = girara_list_nth(list, idx);
zathura_index_element_t* index_element = girara_node_get_data(node);
zathura_link_type_t type = zathura_link_get_type(index_element->link);
zathura_link_target_t target = zathura_link_get_target(index_element->link);
zathura_link_type_t type = zathura_link_get_type(index_element->link);
zathura_link_target_t target = zathura_link_get_target(index_element->link);
gchar* description = NULL;
@ -100,7 +97,7 @@ document_index_build(GtkTreeModel* model, GtkTreeIter* parent,
if (girara_node_get_num_children(node) > 0) {
document_index_build(model, &tree_iter, node);
@ -191,9 +188,7 @@ document_draw_search_results(zathura_t* zathura, bool value)
zathura_get_version_string(zathura_t* zathura, bool markup)
char* zathura_get_version_string(zathura_t* zathura, bool markup) {
if (zathura == NULL) {
return NULL;
@ -204,27 +199,22 @@ zathura_get_version_string(zathura_t* zathura, bool markup)
g_string_append(string, "zathura " ZATHURA_VERSION);
g_string_append_printf(string, "\ngirara " GIRARA_VERSION " (runtime: %s)", girara_version());
const char* format = (markup == true) ? "\n<i>(plugin)</i> %s (%d.%d.%d) <i>(%s)</i>" : "\n(plugin) %s (%d.%d.%d) (%s)";
const char* format =
(markup == true) ? "\n<i>(plugin)</i> %s (%d.%d.%d) <i>(%s)</i>" : "\n(plugin) %s (%d.%d.%d) (%s)";
/* plugin information */
girara_list_t* plugins = zathura_plugin_manager_get_plugins(zathura->plugins.manager);
if (plugins != NULL) {
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_BODY(plugins, zathura_plugin_t*, plugin,
const char* name = zathura_plugin_get_name(plugin);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(plugins); ++idx) {
zathura_plugin_t* plugin = girara_list_nth(plugins, idx);
const char* name = zathura_plugin_get_name(plugin);
zathura_plugin_version_t version = zathura_plugin_get_version(plugin);
g_string_append_printf(string, format,
(name == NULL) ? "-" : name,
g_string_append_printf(string, format, (name == NULL) ? "-" : name, version.major, version.minor, version.rev,
char* version = string->str;
g_string_free(string, FALSE);
return version;
return g_string_free(string, FALSE);
@ -414,8 +404,7 @@ append_unique_uint(girara_list_t* list, const unsigned int v) {
// transform a rectangle into multiple new ones according a grid of points
static void
cut_rectangle(const zathura_rectangle_t* rect, girara_list_t* points, girara_list_t* rectangles) {
static void cut_rectangle(const zathura_rectangle_t* rect, girara_list_t* points, girara_list_t* rectangles) {
// Lists of ordred relevant points
girara_list_t* xs = girara_sorted_list_new2(cmp_uint, g_free);
girara_list_t* ys = girara_sorted_list_new2(cmp_uint, g_free);
@ -423,40 +412,44 @@ cut_rectangle(const zathura_rectangle_t* rect, girara_list_t* points, girara_lis
append_unique_uint(xs, uceil(rect->x2));
append_unique_uint(ys, uceil(rect->y2));
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH(points, zathura_point_t*, i_pt, pt)
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(points); ++idx) {
const zathura_point_t* pt = girara_list_nth(points, idx);
if (pt->x > ufloor(rect->x1) && pt->x < uceil(rect->x2)) {
append_unique_uint(xs, pt->x);
if (pt->y > ufloor(rect->y1) && pt->y < uceil(rect->y2)) {
append_unique_uint(ys, pt->y);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_END(points, zathura_point_t*, i_pt, pt);
double x = ufloor(rect->x1);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH(xs, const unsigned int*, ix, cx)
double y = ufloor(rect->y1);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH(ys, const unsigned int*, iy, cy)
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(xs); ++idx) {
const unsigned int* cx = girara_list_nth(xs, idx);
double y = ufloor(rect->y1);
for (size_t inner_idx = 0; inner_idx != girara_list_size(ys); ++inner_idx) {
const unsigned int* cy = girara_list_nth(ys, inner_idx);
zathura_rectangle_t* r = g_try_malloc(sizeof(zathura_rectangle_t));
*r = (zathura_rectangle_t) {x, y, *cx, *cy};
y = *cy;
*r = (zathura_rectangle_t){x, y, *cx, *cy};
y = *cy;
girara_list_append_unique(rectangles, cmp_rectangle, r);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_END(ys, const unsigned int*, iy, cy);
x = *cx;
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_END(xs, const unsigned int*, ix, cx);
flatten_rectangles(girara_list_t* rectangles) {
girara_list_t* flatten_rectangles(girara_list_t* rectangles) {
girara_list_t* new_rectangles = girara_list_new2(g_free);
girara_list_t* points = girara_list_new2(g_free);
girara_list_t* points = girara_list_new2(g_free);
girara_list_foreach(rectangles, rectangle_to_points, points);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH(rectangles, const zathura_rectangle_t*, i, r)
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(rectangles); ++idx) {
const zathura_rectangle_t* r = girara_list_nth(rectangles, idx);
cut_rectangle(r, points, new_rectangles);
GIRARA_LIST_FOREACH_END(rectangles, const zathura_rectangle_t*, i, r);
return new_rectangles;

View file

@ -95,7 +95,10 @@ zathura_create(void)
/* global settings */
zathura->global.search_direction = FORWARD;
zathura->global.synctex_edit_modmask = GDK_CONTROL_MASK;
zathura->global.highlighter_modmask = GDK_SHIFT_MASK;
zathura->global.sandbox = ZATHURA_SANDBOX_NORMAL;
zathura->global.double_click_follow = true;
/* plugins */
zathura->plugins.manager = zathura_plugin_manager_new();
@ -220,6 +223,13 @@ init_ui(zathura_t* zathura)
zathura->ui.session->events.buffer_changed = cb_buffer_changed;
zathura->ui.session->events.unknown_command = cb_unknown_command;
/* gestures */
GtkGesture* zoom = gtk_gesture_zoom_new(GTK_WIDGET(zathura->ui.session->gtk.view));
g_signal_connect(zoom, "scale-changed", G_CALLBACK(cb_gesture_zoom_scale_changed), zathura);
g_signal_connect(zoom, "begin", G_CALLBACK(cb_gesture_zoom_begin), zathura);
gtk_event_controller_set_propagation_phase(GTK_EVENT_CONTROLLER(zathura->ui.session->gtk.view), GTK_PHASE_BUBBLE);
/* zathura signals */
zathura->signals.refresh_view = g_signal_new(
@ -967,6 +977,54 @@ document_open_password_dialog(gpointer data)
return FALSE;
typedef struct {
double h;
double w;
int freq;
} sample_t;
static int document_page_size_comp(const void* a, const void* b) {
const sample_t* lhs = a;
const sample_t* rhs = b;
return rhs->freq - lhs->freq;
static void document_open_page_most_frequent_size(zathura_document_t* document, unsigned int* width,
unsigned int* height) {
girara_list_t* samples = girara_list_new2(g_free);
const unsigned int number_of_pages = zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(document);
for (unsigned int page_id = 0; page_id < number_of_pages; ++page_id) {
zathura_page_t* page = zathura_document_get_page(document, page_id);
const double w = zathura_page_get_width(page);
const double h = zathura_page_get_height(page);
bool found = false;
for (size_t idx = 0; idx != girara_list_size(samples) && !found; ++idx) {
sample_t* sample = girara_list_nth(samples, idx);
if (fabs(sample->h - h) <= DBL_EPSILON && fabs(sample->w - w) <= DBL_EPSILON) {
if (found == false) {
sample_t* sample = g_try_malloc0(sizeof(sample_t));
sample->w = w;
sample->h = h;
sample->freq = 1;
girara_list_append(samples, sample);
girara_list_sort(samples, document_page_size_comp);
sample_t* max_sample = girara_list_nth(samples, 0);
*width = max_sample->w;
*height = max_sample->h;
document_open(zathura_t* zathura, const char* path, const char* uri, const char* password,
int page_number)
@ -1169,12 +1227,22 @@ document_open(zathura_t* zathura, const char* path, const char* uri, const char*
goto error_free;
unsigned int most_freq_width, most_freq_height;
document_open_page_most_frequent_size(document, &most_freq_width,
for (unsigned int page_id = 0; page_id < number_of_pages; page_id++) {
zathura_page_t* page = zathura_document_get_page(document, page_id);
if (page == NULL) {
goto error_free;
unsigned int cell_height = 0, cell_width = 0;
zathura_document_get_cell_size(document, &cell_height, &cell_width);
zathura_document_set_cell_size(document, most_freq_height, most_freq_width);
zathura_page_set_width(page, most_freq_width);
zathura_page_set_height(page, most_freq_height);
GtkWidget* page_widget = zathura_page_widget_new(zathura, page);
if (page_widget == NULL) {
goto error_free;
@ -1281,6 +1349,9 @@ document_open(zathura_t* zathura, const char* path, const char* uri, const char*
position_set(zathura, file_info.position_x, file_info.position_y);
bool show_signature_information = false;
girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "show-signature-information", &show_signature_information);
zathura_show_signature_information(zathura, show_signature_information);
return true;
@ -1428,6 +1499,32 @@ save_fileinfo_to_db(zathura_t* zathura)
document_predecessor_free(zathura_t* zathura) {
if (zathura == NULL
|| (zathura->predecessor_document == NULL
&& zathura->predecessor_pages == NULL)) {
return false;
if (zathura->predecessor_pages != NULL) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->predecessor_document); i++) {
zathura->predecessor_pages = NULL;
girara_debug("freed predecessor pages");
if (zathura->predecessor_document != NULL) {
/* remove document */
zathura->predecessor_document = NULL;
girara_debug("freed predecessor document");
return true;
document_close(zathura_t* zathura, bool keep_monitor)
@ -1443,6 +1540,9 @@ document_close(zathura_t* zathura, bool keep_monitor)
bool smooth_reload = true;
girara_setting_get(zathura->ui.session, "smooth-reload", &smooth_reload);
/* stop rendering */
@ -1478,17 +1578,43 @@ document_close(zathura_t* zathura, bool keep_monitor)
/* release render thread */
/* keep the current state to prevent flicker? */
bool override_predecessor = keep_monitor && smooth_reload;
if (override_predecessor) {
/* do not override predecessor buffer with empty pages */
unsigned int cur_page_num = zathura_document_get_current_page_number(zathura->document);
ZathuraPage* cur_page = ZATHURA_PAGE(zathura->pages[cur_page_num]);
if (!zathura_page_widget_have_surface(cur_page)) {
override_predecessor = false;
/* free predecessor buffer if we want to overwrite it or if we destroy the document for good */
if (override_predecessor || !keep_monitor || !smooth_reload) {
/* remove widgets */
gtk_container_foreach(GTK_CONTAINER(zathura->ui.page_widget), remove_page_from_table, NULL);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document); i++) {
zathura->pages = NULL;
/* remove document */
zathura->document = NULL;
if (!override_predecessor) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document); i++) {
zathura->pages = NULL;
/* remove document */
zathura->document = NULL;
} else {
girara_debug("preserving pages and document as predecessor");
zathura->predecessor_pages = zathura->pages;
zathura->pages = NULL;
zathura->predecessor_document = zathura->document;
zathura->document = NULL;
/* remove index */
if (zathura->ui.index != NULL) {
@ -1773,3 +1899,21 @@ zathura_signal_sigterm(gpointer data)
return TRUE;
void zathura_show_signature_information(zathura_t* zathura, bool show) {
if (zathura->document == NULL) {
GValue show_sig_info_value = {0};
g_value_init(&show_sig_info_value, G_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
g_value_set_boolean(&show_sig_info_value, show);
const unsigned int number_of_pages = zathura_document_get_number_of_pages(zathura->document);
for (unsigned int page = 0; page != number_of_pages; ++page) {
// draw signature info
g_object_set_property(G_OBJECT(zathura->pages[page]), "draw-signatures", &show_sig_info_value);

View file

@ -106,13 +106,15 @@ struct zathura_s
girara_statusbar_item_t* page_number; /**< page number statusbar entry */
} statusbar;
GdkRGBA highlight_color; /**< Color for highlighting */
GdkRGBA highlight_color_fg; /**< Color for highlighting (foreground) */
struct {
GdkRGBA highlight_color; /**< Color for highlighting */
GdkRGBA highlight_color_fg; /**< Color for highlighting (foreground) */
GdkRGBA highlight_color_active; /** Color for highlighting */
GdkRGBA render_loading_bg; /**< Background color for render "Loading..." */
GdkRGBA render_loading_fg; /**< Foreground color for render "Loading..." */
GdkRGBA render_loading_bg; /**< Background color for render "Loading..." */
GdkRGBA render_loading_fg; /**< Foreground color for render "Loading..." */
GdkRGBA signature_success; /**> Color for highlighing valid signatures */
GdkRGBA signature_warning; /**> Color for highlighing signatures with warnings */
GdkRGBA signature_error; /**> Color for highlighing invalid signatures */
} colors;
GtkWidget *page_widget; /**< Widget that contains all rendered pages */
@ -144,10 +146,13 @@ struct zathura_s
int search_direction; /**< Current search direction (FORWARD or BACKWARD) */
girara_list_t* marks; /**< Marker */
char** arguments; /**> Arguments that were passed at startup */
int search_direction; /**< Current search direction (FORWARD or BACKWARD) */
GdkModifierType synctex_edit_modmask; /**< Modifier to trigger synctex edit */
GdkModifierType highlighter_modmask; /**< Modifier to draw with a highlighter */
zathura_sandbox_t sandbox; /**< Sandbox mode */
bool double_click_follow; /**< Double/Single click to follow link */
} global;
@ -183,7 +188,9 @@ struct zathura_s
} stdin_support;
zathura_document_t* document; /**< The current document */
zathura_document_t* predecessor_document; /**< The document from before a reload */
GtkWidget** pages; /**< The page widgets */
GtkWidget** predecessor_pages; /**< The page widgets from before a reload */
zathura_database_t* database; /**< The database */
ZathuraDbus* dbus; /**< D-Bus service */
ZathuraRenderRequest* window_icon_render_request; /**< Render request for window icon */
@ -223,6 +230,14 @@ struct zathura_s
} toggle_presentation_mode;
} shortcut;
* Storage for gestures.
struct {
double initial_zoom;
} gesture;
* Context for MIME type detection
@ -359,6 +374,14 @@ void document_open_idle(zathura_t* zathura, const char* path,
bool document_save(zathura_t* zathura, const char* path, bool overwrite);
* Frees the "predecessor" buffers used for smooth-reload
* @param zathura The zathura session
* @return If no error occurred true, otherwise false, is returned.
bool document_predecessor_free(zathura_t* zathura);
* Closes the current opened document
@ -432,4 +455,12 @@ void statusbar_page_number_update(zathura_t* zathura);
char* get_formatted_filename(zathura_t* zathura, bool statusbar);
* Show additional signature information
* @param zathura The zathura session
* @param show Whether to show the signature information
void zathura_show_signature_information(zathura_t* zathura, bool show);
#endif // ZATHURA_H