1 AppArmorLabelsandTypes
Steve Beattie edited this page 2017-11-04 03:38:46 -07:00

Labels, type

In AppArmor the label is a name attached to a subject, proxy and some time an object. It can be used to identify an object and as part of the permission computation, and it may or may not be the type. Labels are often domain types, but object types can have a label (name associated with them).

The type can be broken down into two catagories

  • named type, an explicit name used directly in permission computations.
  • derived or implied type which is computed from the domain and its rules.

The type is an internal concept in AppArmor used to cache and uniquely different

 subject, object, permission set

tuples. So that given a subject and object type the permission set can be directly looked up in a cache with out having to do a full rules check. Generally the type can be seen a splitting of the label into a more fine grained set.

Specifically a profile can be split into different types based on its permissions.
