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synced 2025-03-04 00:14:44 +01:00
IRC_meeting_2023 02 14
John Johansen edited this page 2023-02-14 19:10:19 +00:00
(10:00:57 AM) jjohansen: sbeattie, sarnold, cboltz, georgiag: meeting time
(10:01:03 AM) ***georgiag is here
(10:01:10 AM) ***cboltz hides
(10:01:53 AM) jjohansen: okay first up, the next release. We are going to roll a beta next week
(10:02:10 AM) jontourville [~jontourvi@] entered the room.
(10:02:46 AM) jjohansen: that will give us some more time to fix bugs that crop up and do a final release a few weeks later
(10:03:07 AM) cboltz: sounds good :-)
(10:03:13 AM) jjohansen: so if you want something in the next release, get it up asap
(10:03:58 AM) jjohansen: I don't have anything else on the agenda
(10:04:08 AM) jjohansen: so does anyone else have anything to discuss
(10:04:40 AM) cboltz: what about new maintenance releases?
(10:05:58 AM) jjohansen: we will need to get some maintenance releases out some time after the beta
(10:07:53 AM) cboltz: I had hoped for "together with the beta" (and another round together with the final release) ;-)
(10:08:23 AM) jjohansen: if we work on maintenance now that is work not going into the beta
(10:08:48 AM) cboltz: yeah, the usual tradeoff :-/
(10:10:13 AM) pfak: (your meetings are awesome.)
(10:10:17 AM) jjohansen: I might be able to swing some maintenance releases the week after
(10:10:48 AM) jjohansen: haha
(10:10:49 AM) cboltz: that would be nice - otherwise I'll have to pick a few individual patches into the openSUSE package (not really hard, but...)
(10:11:22 AM) jjohansen: cboltz: when do you need them by? So I give myself a hard deadline reminder
(10:12:13 AM) cboltz: for one case/patch, I got a request over IRC 10 minutes ago ;-) so - "now"?
(10:12:53 AM) jjohansen: sigh, not going to happen
(10:13:19 AM) cboltz: hey, you wanted a deadline ;-)
(10:13:58 AM) pfak: cboltz: not like he follows his deadlines
(10:14:03 AM) jjohansen: but I do hear you, I might. Very heavy on the might be able roll something end of next week
(10:14:04 AM) ***pfak thinks back to all the promises made over the past eight years
(10:16:22 AM) cboltz: pfak: maybe you misinterpreted some promises? If someone says "in February", that does not necessarily mean _this_ February ;-)
(10:16:36 AM) ***pfak laughs
(10:16:37 AM) jjohansen: sigh, no argument there
(10:16:44 AM) pfak: but i understand.
(10:16:57 AM) pfak: You are 1 person, and you have a finite amount of time.
(10:18:19 AM) cboltz: indeed
(10:20:10 AM) jjohansen: Anyways, next week is the beta for our next release
(10:20:43 AM) jjohansen: there is a whole bunch of stuff I would like to land but, I know its going to be a small subset of it, so it will just be what it has to be
(10:21:46 AM) jjohansen: then I will look at maintenance releases towards the end of the week. Is there any release in particular that is critical
(10:21:52 AM) jjohansen: I am assuming 3.1?
(10:22:03 AM) cboltz: right
(10:22:44 AM) cboltz: but I've also seen MR comments that ask for backporting profile patches to 3.0 for Debian
(10:23:31 AM) jjohansen: cboltz: which ones in particular?
(10:24:06 AM) jjohansen: I thought we have already picked most, or is this more of a please get the 3.0.9 release out too please
(10:24:21 AM) cboltz: the two open MRs around nvidia
(10:24:48 AM) cboltz: (speaking about them - if nobody has objections, I'll approve, merge and backport them after the meeting)
(10:25:05 AM) jjohansen: ah, I do plan to look at the open MRs and when we land them we can pick back to previous releases
(10:25:18 AM) jjohansen: no objections from me
(10:26:04 AM) cboltz: ok, then I'll save you the time to merge and pick them
(10:27:24 AM) cboltz: speaking about backporting: you asked about backporting translation updates in a MR
(10:27:39 AM) jjohansen: yeah
(10:28:04 AM) cboltz: IMHO that's mostly a good idea, however there is a small problem: hotkeys in the tools could change - and I'm not sure if we want that in a maintenance release
(10:28:34 AM) jjohansen: that was partly why I asked
(10:29:14 AM) cboltz: backporting everything that does not touch hotkeys would be perfect, but is additional work - I'm not sure if that is worth the effort
(10:29:18 AM) jjohansen: so if hotkeys are going to change, I would say, the answer is no unless the hotkey change is fixing a bug
(10:29:45 AM) jjohansen: right, I really don't have the time to do that work atm
(10:30:07 AM) gast0n [~g4570n@0002ab3a.user.oftc.net] entered the room.
(10:31:15 AM) cboltz: speaking about translations: https://gitlab.com/apparmor/apparmor/-/merge_requests/972 would be nice, but requires translation changes in languages I don't speak/understand ;-)
(10:31:17 AM) jjohansen: is there anything else to discuss?
(10:32:08 AM) cboltz: nothing from me
(10:44:38 AM) jjohansen: well the silence is deafening, so thanks everyone
(10:45:24 AM) jjohansen: next meeting is Tuesday March 14, lets plan on that as we are planning releases between now and then
(10:45:37 AM) jjohansen: meeting adjourned
(10:45:39 AM) cboltz: thanks jjohansen